5.Perception and Interaction
5.Perception and Interaction
5.Perception and Interaction
1.5.1. Scope: Organisms interact and respond to the changes that occur in their environment in order to survive.
Central Nervous System (CNS) coordinates the responses shown by an organism. Receptors sense the changes in the
surrounding (stimuli) and generate electrical impulses (sensory) which are transmitted to the CNS. CNS modulates
and generates a new impulse (motor) which determines the nature of the response that an organism exhibits.
1.5.2 Scope: Neurons have electrolytes (Na+, K+, etc.) on the inner and outer sides of their membranes. The
distribution of electrolytes determines the potential difference of the membrane.
On being stimulated, the pattern of distribution keeps changing, allowing transmission of the impulse. During
rest, the membrane is in a polarised state having more positive charge outside the membrane and less inside.
During the generation of transmission of impulse, the potential difference is reversed (action potential) and
the membrane is depolarised. The transmission of impulses is a result of the movement of electrolytes in and
out of the nerve fibres. The electrical state of a neuron keeps changing during impulse conduction
1.5.3. Scope: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science, associated with enabling machines to
work in a similar manner as the human nervous system. These systems are designed to perform tasks that
require human intelligence. Through this, robots/ machines are employed to work in situations that are not
usually possible for humans. The working principle of AI-based systems is similar to that of the human
nervous system.
What is Coordination?
The ability to regulate various organs of body in an organism for their smooth, efficient and coordinated
Nervous system
Present highly specialized cells called neurons.
Neurons have two basic characters:
1. Irritability
2. Conductivity
Three basic functions:
• Receptor (Sense organs)—to gather information about body’s internal condition and the external environment.
Or receive sensory stimuli or inputs from external or internal environments.
• Interpret (CNS) –to process and integrate the input information.
• Effector—to issue commands to body’s muscles and glands. Or transmit orders from CNS to various cells or
body parts to act.
• The nervous and neural coordination is quick and localized coordination through nerve impulses.
Neuron as Structural and Functional Unit of Neural System
Neuron Structure
A neuron varies in shape and size depending on its function and location. All neurons have three different parts – dendrites,
cell body and axon.
A group of neurons is organized into bundles inside the nerves. This bundle is known as fascicles. Each
nerve is covered by the epineurium.
Nerve fibers-are axons covered with one or two sheaths- neurilemma and myelin sheath. Both the coverings are
formed of Schwann cells.
A reflex action, also known as a reflex, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to
a stimulus. When a person accidentally touches a hot object, they automatically jerk their hand away
without thinking. A reflex does not require any thought input.
The path taken by the nerve impulses in a reflex is called a reflex arc. In higher animals, most sensory
neurons do not pass directly into the brain, but synapse in the spinal cord. This characteristic allows reflex
actions to occur relatively quickly by activating spinal motor neurons without the delay of routing signals
through the brain, although the brain will receive sensory input while the reflex action occurs.
Most reflex arcs involve only three neurons. The stimulus, such as a needle stick, stimulates the pain
receptors of the skin, which initiate an impulse in a sensory neuron. This travels to the spinal cord where
it passes, by means of a synapse, to a connecting neuron called the relay neuron situated in the spinal cord.
The relay neuron in turn makes a synapse with one or more motor neurons that transmit the impulse to the
muscles of the limb causing them to contract and pull away from the sharp object. Reflexes do not require
involvement of the brain, although in some cases the brain can prevent reflex action.
The reflex pathway comprises at least one afferent neuron (receptor) and one efferent (effector) neuron
appropriately arranged in a series (Figure below). The afferent neuron receives signal from a sensory organ
and transmits the impulse via a dorsal nerve root into the CNS (at the level of spinal cord). The efferent neuron
then carries signals from CNS to the effector. The stimulus and response thus form a reflex arc as shown
Describe TWO ways that the reflex arc differs from typical stimulus-response transmission pathways.
Quicker response time/ Quicker response to a threat
No integration with brain / does not reach brain before response occurs
Fewer neurons / synapses involved in reflex arc / shorter distance for signal to travel
Involuntary / no conscious control / no processing by brain
Response is innate (automatic response) rather than learned / predetermined neuron pathway
Refractory period is the period of complete inexcitibility (restoration of nerve fibre) between depolarization
and repolarization, a period of time during which a cell is incapable of repeating an action potential (1-6 milli
seconds in mammals). During refractory period nerve fibre never transmits impulse.
Synaptic Fatigue- At a high rate of nerve impulse transmission, synthesis of chemical neurotransmitters can’t
meet the rate of their release at pre-synaptic terminals. This results in the gradual decrease and finally
disappearance of postsynaptic response, a phenomenon known as synaptic fatigue.
The synaptic delay is the time necessary for the conduction of a signal across a synapse; the interval between
the arrival of a nerve impulse at the ending of a presynaptic fiber and the start of the postsynaptic
Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence: What will the future hold?
Right now, AI is still developing and advancing. The time required to train AI systems is considerably high,
which isn’t possible without human intervention. Be it autonomous cars and robots, or sophisticated
technologies like natural language processing and image processing, they all rely on human intelligence.
Robots can work day and night. They don’t need breaks, vacations, or medical insurance. They don’t have
conflicts with their bosses or colleagues and take no personal time to deal with their problems.
What are some of the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics influence our daily lives?
Our society is undergoing numerous technological changes. In just a couple of decades, it will be quite different
from what it is today. One significant factor that impacts and transforms various aspects of everyday life is the
rapid expansion of the artificial intelligence and robotics industry.
Scientists, industry experts and ordinary people all express various viewpoints about the potential outcomes of
the active AI and robotics development. And if some believe that smart technologies have inexhaustible power
and vast benefits, others are scared of the possible “rise of the machines” and the destruction of the human race.
1. AI and Robotics Impact on the Workplace
Robots can work day and night. They don’t need breaks, vacations, or medical insurance. They don’t have
conflicts with their bosses or colleagues and take no personal time to deal with their problems.
Employers would be happy to have a staff consisting solely of smart machines, while employees have many
fears regarding the robotics-based workforce and its impact on employment.
As with any revolutionary technology, there are two sides to the coin in implementing the robotics-integrated
Negative Impact: Many Jobs Will Be Eliminated
The main fear of employees is the elimination of numerous jobs and, consequently, unemployment. And
this fear is not without reason. Business owners and manufacturers benefit from the implementation of
machine learning algorithms and various kinds of robots primarily for the sake of increased productivity.
That’s why they are eager to introduce new technologies, often to the detriment of employees.
Robots can effectively perform jobs that require repetitive tasks, such as working on the assembly line,
software testing, creating financial reports and compiling other documents based on data. Moreover, they
easily replace humans in performing hard manual tasks or working in hazardous conditions, such as in the
chemical industry or mining.
AI systems can supplement employees such as accountants, financial experts, or doctors in performing
cognitive tasks. Thus, in medicine and healthcare, artificial intelligence can greatly assist in branches such as
diagnostics, drug formulation, or clinical trials. Nevertheless, medical workers will mostly keep their jobs,
considering ethics issues and communicative skills that the machines lack.
The jobs where robots will have the least impact have to do with people management, social interactions
and creativity, such as education or natural science. As a rule, these jobs are difficult to automate, but even
if it were possible, it would be costly to implement, which is not attractive from the business point of view.
These also include specialized jobs in unpredictable conditions, e.g. plumbers and electricians.
Positive Impact: New Kinds of Jobs Will Appear
Artificial intelligence and robotics, like other new technologies, are not totally destructive for employment.
The main goal of emerging technologies is not to replace humans in their jobs, but to make all processes safer
and more efficient. It’s not a confrontation, but rather a beneficial collaboration between automated robotics
and humans.
Employment in the automated industries may not decline but rather increase, as new types of jobs will appear
and new skills will be required. It’s true because machines can’t work by themselves. Humans are needed to
develop software for machines, maintain and fix equipment, or make decisions based on data generated by
intelligent technologies.
2. AI and Robotics Impact on Industries
The first simple robots stepped onto the factory floor approximately half a century ago. Today, one can
hardly imagine a manufacturing business without automatic lines, steel robotic arms and CNC industrial
machines. Robots in the manufacturing industry have become the new normal, and they are making
significant strides in improving various production processes.
The industrial robotics market will exceed the $33 billion mark by 2025.
Current trends for robotics in manufacturing include hardware integration with smart technologies such as
IoT solutions, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, Big Data and cloud computing. Thus,
smart manufacturing is evolving. Such robotic systems are not only able to carry out basic repetitive
operations such as loading, assembling, or modifying parts. They can also perform cognitive tasks, making
instant decisions and improving processes without human intervention.
Robot Sensors
What do robot sensors do?
o Gather information from the surroundings and send it to the computer brick.
o Robot sensors can only be used if the robot’s program asks for information from them.
o Similarly, the robot can only act on information from the sensors if its program tells it to do so.
How do sensors send signals to the computer brick?
The sensors send information through the wires (similar to the nervous system in the human body) that
connect them to the computer brick, which uses the information if its program requires it.
How Do Robot Sensors Work?
Sound sensor
In a sound sensor, a thin piece of material called a diaphragm vibrates when hit by sound waves (similar to a
human eardrum). If the diaphragm vibrations are large enough to be detected, the sound sensor sends a
signal to the computer brick saying that it has heard a sound.
1. Electrolytes are the fundamental elements required for the transmission and processing of information in
animals. Evaluate the statement giving suitable reasons.
2. Response to a stimulus (e.g., change in environment) involves complex interactions amongst receptors,
neurons, brain or spinal cord, and the effectors. Explain the events involving the change in the
distribution of electrolytes during the transmission and processing of information.
3. The graph shows an action potential across an axon membrane following the application of a stimulus.