INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
Soil formation show us how soil is formed. Soil is formed when rocks break down into smaller particles. It
can also be called Weathering. These happens as a result of the following Agents.
1. Rain
2. Temperature
3. Wind
4. Man
5. Animals
6. Plants
When rain falls, it touches the rocks which tears out tiny pieces of rocks. The water from the rain will wash
these pieces of rock to form soil.
High temperature make rock to expand, crack and break down into small pieces. It is cause by hot sun or
When heavy wind blows, it will blow away small pieces of rocks from the large ones which creates more
room for loose rock to fall which later turn to soil.
Man help in soil formation when he/she make use of some farm tools like hoe on rocky areas, he try to
break the little rocks or stones which later turn to soil. Man splitting firewood on the rock or breaking
objects on the rock leads to soil formation.
When huge animal like cattle’s, elephant walk on a rocky place, it breaks the rock into smaller pieces
thereby forming soil. Also when animal dies their body decays and mixed with the soil.
As plant keeps growing, the root of the plants keep expanding and getting strong on the ground. Like the
root of trees breaks down rock particle during expansion and growth. Also when plants dies their body
decays and mixed with the soil.
The decomposition and dissolution of rocks through weathering and with the help of soil organisms like
earthworm. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa and the help of chemical substances in the soil bring about soil
Meaning of Rock
Rock is defined as any mineral material of the earth. Rock can also be defined as the aggregate of minerals made
up of hard and soft materials like stone, sand, etc. Rock constitutes a significant part of the earth's crust. The
earth's crust consists of rocks which are the combination of different mineral elements such as silica which contains
silicon and oxygen. Rocks are aggregates (mixtures) of minerals.
Rock Minerals
Rock contains primary and secondary minerals
A rock is a solid made up of a bunch of different minerals fused together. Rocks are generally not uniform
or exactly made of the same stuff or strength.
Scientists generally classify rocks by how they were made or formed. There are three types of rocks
Metamorphic rocks are formed by great heat and pressure. They are generally found inside the Earth
where there is enough heat and pressure to form the rocks. Metamorphic rocks are often made from other
types of rock.
Igneous rocks are formed by volcanoes. When a volcano explodes, it comes out hot and melted rock
formed from it is called lava and it is broken down into igneous rocks.
Sedimentary rocks are formed by years and years of grounds compacting together and becoming hard.
Generally, something like a stream or river will carry lots of small pieces of rocks and minerals to a larger
body of water.
There are so many benefits that rocks provide man. Some of these importance include the following:
Rocks are very important to man because we use them as fuel for power.
Many important minerals such as gold and diamond are gotten directly from rocks.
Salt can be extracted from rocks and can be used to preserve the food we eat.
Rocks also serve as a source of water supply because many springs and wells all over the world
get their water from rocks.
Some rocks contain plenty of clay. The clay derived from some rocks is used in producing ceramic
Rocks are used for many purposes but some of them that we can see in our daily life are used for:
Making Cement
Making Chalk
Building Material
ornamental stone
Making irons and metals.
Define rocks
Meaning of Rock
Types of rock
A rock is any mineral material of the earth. It may be a combination of different mineral elements such as
silica (silica contain silicon and oxygen).
Types of rock
Rocks can be classified into three major groups based on how they are formed and their appearances.
These include
1. Igneous rock
2. Sedimentary rock
3. Metamorphic rock
They are formed as a result of cooling and solidification of molten magma erupted from the earth crust.
Magma occurs from high temperature and pressure underneath the earth and forces itself towards the
earth surface through the cracks. As the magma approaches the earth surface, it cools as a result of the
lower temperature of the earth surface and solidifies to form igneous rocks.
Types of igneous rock
1. Plutonic [or intrusive] igneous rock: These are rocks formed when molten magma solidifies slowly before
it gets to the surface of the earth to form large crystals. Prolonged erosion makes the rock to be exposed
later to the surface. Examples include granite, gabbro, and diorite.
2. Volcanic [extrusive] igneous rock: These are formed when the molten magma cools and solidifies rapidly
when it gets to the surface to form crystals. Examples include basalt, pumice.
They are rocks formed from deposits of organic materials and existing weathering rocks which
accumulate and consolidate over time. They are cemented together after a long time to form sedimentary
rocks. The sediments are deposited by natural agents such as water, wind and ice and settle down in
layers one on top of another.
There are three types of sedimentary rocks based on the process of formation.
1. Mechanically formed sedimentary rocks: These are rocks formed from sediments of other rocks that are
accumulated and cemented over a long period. Examples include sandstones, shale, clay, breccia, and
2. Organically formed sedimentary rocks: These are rocks formed from the remains of living organisms.
When the rocks are formed from the remains of animals like coral or shellfish, they are called calcareous
rocks e.g. limestone and chalk. When the rocks are formed from vegetable matter such as swamps and
forest are called carbonaceous rocks e.g. coal, peak, and lignite.
3. Chemically formed sedimentary rocks: These are rocks formed from precipitated chemically from rock
solution. Examples include gypsum, potash, and dolomite.
These rocks result from igneous or sedimentary rocks due to the combined effect of pressure and heat.
The composition and texture of unstable parent rock minerals are changed under pressure and heat.
Examples are marble, quartzite, gneiss, schist, graphite and slate.
1. What is a rock?
2. State three types of rock
3. Describe the mode of formation of the two types of igneous rock
4. State four characteristics of sedimentary rocks.
5. Classify sedimentary rocks based on the mode of formation and give two examples in each case
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
Soil fertility is the capacity of the soil to supply soil mineral nutrient or elements to crop in adequate
amounts and in suitable proportions to enhance crop production.
A fertile soil is that which contains adequate nutrient elements required by crops .
Plant nutrients are classified into two, these include macronutrient and micronutrient.
These are mineral elements or nutrients required by crops in large quantities. Examples are nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sulphur.
These are mineral elements or nutrients required by crops in small quantities. Examples are Zinc, Copper,
boron, molybdenum, Iron, Chlorine and Manganese.
iii. Necessary for normal growth of root tips iii. Pale yellow colour of
iv. It controls toxicity of aluminium, manganese and
sodium ions
v. It improves soil PH
i. It is important in the synthesis of carbohydrate as it is a
constituent of chlorophyll
ii. It assists in the transportation of phosphate for fruit i. Chlorosis along leaf veins
seeds development
5 Magnesium
ii. Stunted growth Premature leaf
iii. It enhances plant growth
iv. It is required for normal cell division
1. Burning:
Burning In some places, big forests and vast grasslands are set on fire to burn. Some of these areas are
good farmlands. When this is done, dead and decaying leaves, grasses and living soil organisms are
burnt. Dead leaves, grasses and soil organisms add fertility to the soil. Soil, therefore, loses its fertility
when they are burnt.
Mention plants and animals that will be affected when farmlands are burnt.
2. Leaching:
Leaching is the downward movement of nutrients from the topsoil to the underground layers of the soil.
Some nutrients dissolve in water for plants to absorb as food. When rain falls, some water collects in low-
lying areas of the farm and stays there for some time. As this water sinks into the soil, it carries with it,
dissolved soil nutrients. These nutrients can no longer be available to the plants growing on the surface of
the soil. The nutrients are lost or leached away.
3. Erosion:
This is the gradual wearing away of the topsoil by water or wind. When rain falls, water flows on the
surface of the soil. The water carries the topsoil along with it. The topsoil contains nutrients dissolved in
water. These nutrients are carried away by the flowing water and are no longer available for plants to use.
Wind blows and carries some soil particles from one place to another. This soil contains some nutrients
which are also carried away by the wind.
4. Crop removal:
The crops that farmers plant in their farms absorb nutrients from the soil for their growth and
development. These nutrients, once taken up or absorbed, are no longer in the soil. Another crop planted
in the same soil the following year may not have sufficient nutrients for its own growth and development.
5. Clean clearing:
Leaves on forest trees drop on the soil. These leaves die and decay and add nutrients to the soil. When
these trees are removed and the forest undergrowth cut, the soil loses its regular supply of nutrients from
the forest.
6. Over grazing:
Cattle graze on open fields and farmland being led by cattle herdsmen. Sometimes these headsmen allow
the cattle to overgraze, leaving the soil bare, whereas these grasses serve as a cover for the soil. When it
becomes bare it will be heated by the sun and then becomes dry, having lost most of the soil nutrients.
General evaluation
There are several methods that can be used to maintain the fertility of the soil. They include bush
fallowing, cover cropping, rotation cropping, application of organic and inorganic fertilizers.
BUSH FALLOWING: This is the practice of leaving a farm land uncultivated for a period of time. This is to
allow the soil tore gain its lost nutrients in a natural form.
5. Living organisms are build up in the soil which help in soil modification and
2. If the period for fallow is not enough ,the adequate replacement of lost nutrients will
not be achieved.
COVER CROPPING: This is the growing of crops purposely to provide a cover for the soil. Crops such as
melon, cowpea, groundnut, sweat potatoes can be grown for this purpose. They are grown along side
with the main crops to provide a cover for the soil.(pueraria, mucuna, and centrosema can be used in
3. It prevent leaching.
5. Where legumes are used ,they help to increase the nitrogen content of the soil.
1. Cover crops compete with the main crops for nutrient and water.
2. They increase the rate of loss of water in the soil through transpiration.
ROTATION CROPPING:This is the growing of crops on a piece of land year after year in a definite order.
1. The method make for continuous use of land without rapid loss of essential nutrients.
2. It is an ideal method to use where land is scarce.
5. It reduces erosion.
1. Continuous tillage of the surface soil renders it loose and easily eroded.
ORGANIC MANURING: Manures are plants and animals materials that are added to the soil to supply
nutrients needed for the growth of crops. There are three types of organic manure, green manure, farm
yard manure and compost manure.
GREEN MANURE: These are un-decomposed green plants parts which are turned into the soil. Plants to
be used as green manure should be, easily establish, grow quickly, produce abundant succulent shoots
and roots in a short time, easily cover the ground and grow on poor soils.
FARM YARD MANURE: It is a mixture of animal droppings, urine, food remains and beddings or litter.
The materials are heaped under a shed to decompose for sometimes before used.
2. It is cheap.
1. It is very bulky.
COMPOST MANURE: This is the decayed plant and animal remains in heaps or stacks or pit, used as
manure on the farm. The materials needed for compost making include grass cutting, hedge trimmings,
weeds, vegetable wastes leaves and other organic wastes from kitchen. Ash, lime or animal dung ,old
compost and chemical activators such as sulphate of ammonia are also added. Young succulent plant
parts should be used instead of woody and tough parts. This is because decomposition is easier and
contains much nutrients for healthy plant growth.
METHODS OF COMPOST MAKING: There are two methods of making compost, pit method and heap
(stack) method
The pit method is used in area of low rain fall or in the dry season while the heap method is used in high
rainfall areas or during the rainy season. In both method, however, the same processes as well as the
materials used remain the same.
2. Add kitchen wastes, yam peelings, orange skins and pulp, rotten fruits and anything that can rots
easily. (starter)
4. Repeat this process until the pit is filled or the desired height is reached
6. Insert a stick at one end or at the centre in case of pit method(tester). It detects weather the
decomposition is going on or not. The stick will be hot if the there is decomposition after about five days.
7. Turn materials or the content of the pit A or heap A into B after two weeks. Repeat this step until pit or
heap D is reached and the desired quantity obtained.
8. Cover the final product with suitable materials until it is needed for use.This will prevent the loss of
important nutrients due to strong sun or rain water.
3. It help to maintain equal amounts of acid and base contents of the soil.
5. It provides sources of food to living organisms in the soil. E. g earthworms, termites and microbes.
6. It has a modifying effect on soil temperature.
Inorganic manure are chemical substances in form of powder, granules or crystals which are added to the
soil to provide nutrients that are deficient. Fertilizers are manufacture in the industry from rocks and other
1. SINGLE/SIMPLE/STRAIGHT FERTILIZERS: These are fertilizers that contain one of the major plant
nutrients in the form plants can use. They contain one primary element such as nitrogen , potassium and
phosphorous in their composition.
2. MIXED / COMPOUND/COMPLEX FERTILIZERS: These are fertilizers that contain two or more
primary nutrient elements plus filler materials.
1. Broadcasting : This is where fertilizer is evenly spread on the farm land. It could be done during tillage
operation to incorporate it into the soil .
2. Side dressing: This is where small quantity of fertilizer is placed on one or two sides of individual crop.
3. Ring placement: Here a shallow trench is dug round individual crop a few centimetres away from the
stem ,fertilizer is then sprinkled in the trench and covered with soil.
4. Row placement: These is where fertilizer is applied in row few centimetres away from the crops. It is
suitable when crops are planted in rows.
5. Some of the nutrients may escape as gases under intense heat of the sun.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
Land Preparation
Farm lay-out
Cultural Practices: Cultural practices are the various ways of ensuring the good growth and
establishment of crops. Cultural practices are classified into pre-planting, planting, post-planting,
harvesting and storage operations
These are the operations carried out before planting, while planting is the sowing of seeds. Post-planting
operation include thinning, supplying, irrigation, manuring, mulching and weeding.
(a) Land Preparation: It is carried out by cutting the vegetation and grasses with cutlass or hoes
and felling of trees with axes. It can also be done mechanically.
Burning of thrash (grasses) cut down is not a good habit since it destroys the organic matter
content of the soil including soil microbes.
(b) Stumping: This is the removal of stumps by digging them out manually using cutlasses and axes.
It can also be done mechanically by using bulldozer. Stumps are the left over of already cut trees on the
farm on the soil surface.
(c) Farm layout: Farm layout is a judicious way of using the farmland where the plots are divided into
sections and each section is used to give maximum yield.
(d) Tillage: This is the breaking or turning of the soil with a simple tool or farm machine after the land
has been cleared in preparation for planting crops, it can be done manually with a hoe or mechanically
with a Tractor – driven – disc- plough.
Ploughing is cutting through the soil and making it into lumps or clods of soil called primary tillage. While
secondary tillage (harrowing) is the use of harrow to break down the large clods of soil into fine particles
and making it ready for ridging.
1. It loses the soil and allows air and water to reach the roots of plants.
2. It allows easy penetration of roots into the soil.
3. Plant nutrients are brought to the reach of the plant root.
4. Tillage helps to destroy pest by exposing them to the sun.
5. It ensures proper mixture of manure and fertilizer with the soil.
Ridging: This involves the making of ridges on the farm, sometimes heaps are also made to serve the
purpose of ridges on slopes.Ridges are made across, with the ridges made at intervals to check
erosion.Ridges also help to provide water for plant use and aid root penetration and establishment of
Junior Secondary agriculture for Nigerian schools Bk 2 by A. Youdeowei, B.K. Kaigama, J.N Ogbazi, S.O.
Adesiyan. Chapter 9 pages 37 – 40
1. Primary tillage is otherwise known as ______(a) harrowing (b) ploughing (c) ridging (d) stumping
2. Secondary tillage is otherwise known as _____(a)harrowing (b) ploughing (c) ridging (d)
3. In farm layout, plots undergo _______ (a) division (b) multiplication (c) digging (d) covering
4. The operation that follows tillage is (a) ridging (b) stumping (c) clearing (d) layout
5. Stumping is carried out with the following except ________(a)gun (b) cutlass (c) bulldozer (d)
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
PLANTING OPERATION: These are the operations carried out when sowing the planting materials
(seeds). When seeds are sown in the soil, they develop root and shoots, this is called GERMINATION
and the young plant that emerge are called SEEDLINGS.
Drilling: – sowing a seed by drilling with stick or knife, followed by dropping seeds and covering them.
Broadcasting: – Sowing of seeds by casting (spreading) it broadly on prepared seed bed
Dibbling: – sowing of seeds up the bed at the planting point only and placing the seeds at the correct depth.
(A) SPACING (Planting space): This is the space between a sown or planted seed and the next or
it’s the distance between two plants. Planting is usually in rows and the distance between plants on the
same row is called within row spacing while the distance between plants in two adjacent rows is called
between row spacing.
(B) PLANTING TIME: This is the time of planting or sowing seeds in which the crop can thrive
or perform well.
(C) PLANTING DEPTH: This is the distance of the sown seed in the soil from the soil surface.
(D) NUMBER OF SEEDS: This is the amount of seeds sown per hole per planting point
(E) SEED VIABILITY: This is the life in the seed or deadness of the seed.
1. What is germination?
2. State two method of sowing.
3. Define sowing in-situ.
4. Mention and explain five basic consideration in planting operations.
Junior Secondary agriculture for Nigerian schools Bk 2 by A. Youdeowei, B.K. Kaigama, J.N Ogbazi, S.O.
Adesiyan. Chapter 10 pages 41 – 44 , 48,
1. One of the following is not a basic consideration in planting operation (a)spacing (b) depth (c)
time (d) pod
2. When seeds are sown in soil, it develops roots and shoots. This is called__ (a) germination (b)
seedlings (c) sowing (d) development
3. The distance between two sown seeds/plants is ___(a) planting space (b) time (c) planting depth
(d) planting seed
4. Some seeds are raised in the nursery because___(a) the seedlings are weak (b) the seedling are
green (c) the seedling love the nursery (d) so that the can get enough sunshine
5. This is the distance of the sown seed in the soil__(a) planting time (b) planting depth (c) spacing
(d) number of seeds
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
Post planting operations are the operations carried out after planting. It creates a good condition and
proper maintenance for plants growth.
(a) Thinning.
(b) Supplying.
(c) Irrigation/watering.
(e) Mulching.
(f) Weeding.
This is the removal of excess, weak or not well positioned seedlings from a seedbed after the viable
seeds have germinated.
This is the replanting of propagative materials where they fail to germinate, especially when no
germination trial was carried out before planting. Replanting should be done as soon as possible.
1. Define post-planting.
2. Mention two advantages of thinning.
This is the application of organic manure such as poultry droppings, cow dung and green manure or
inorganic manure (made from chemicals) to the soil to maintain soil fertility.
This is the covering of the surface of the soil with a layer of clean dry vegetative part of plant such as
grasses or leaves.
This is the removal of unwanted plants (weed) from the farm. It is done for the following reasons:
1. To avoid competition for nutrients moisture and sunlight between crops and weed.
3. To prevent the build-up of pest and pathogens which may destroy the crops.
Harvesting: The removal of ripe or matured useful part of a crop is known as harvesting. Commonly
harvested parts of a plant are tubers, leaves, fruits, seeds, roots etc.
Harvesting tools like cutlass, hoe, knife, sickle etc are usually used for harvesting and in mechanized
farms, harvesters are used.
Delayed harvesting can lead to a total loss of products, although some crops like maize can be left on the
field to get dry before harvesting, others like tomatoes and other perishables must be harvested
immediately they are due for harvest. Delayed harvesting can lead to pest attack on crops or rottening of
After harvesting, processing of the produce is required in order to make the produce more acceptable and
to prevent spoilage. In some farm products, processing starts from the farm site, e.g. melon, groundnut,
cassava etc.
Melon is usually extracted from its pod and pulp on the farm, also groundnut is detached on the farm, at
times, peeling of cassava starts from the farm. Extraction of cocoa beans from its pods, fermentation and
drying of beans in most cases take place on the farm.
Other forms of processing like milling, de-huskingetc which cannot be done on the farm are done in
factories where machines have been installed for that purpose.
After crops have been processed to usage forms, storage which is the keeping of farm products for future
use is done. Methods of storage are: usage of barns, cribs, silos, refrigerators, baskets, sacks etc.
1. Harvesting involves the removal of ——– crops. A. big B. matured C. small D. smooth
2. Harvesting tools include the following except A. basketB. knife C. harvesterD. secateurs
3. One of the effects of late harvesting is……… A. increase of harvest B. loss of product C. sale of
product D. enhanced market
4. One of the reasons for processing is………. A. to increase the quantity of the product B. to make it
scarce C. to prevent spoilage D. to increase demand
5. Methods of storage include the following except? A. use of barns B. use of shops C. use of
baskets. D. use of silos
1. What is storage?
2. Mention two crops whose processing starts from the farm.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
A Forest can be defined as a large expanse of land covered with trees and bushes which are either growing wild or
established by man for some purposes which also serves as habitat to some animals.
A forest is made up of trees. Growing under the trees are shrubs, herbs, lower plants and microscopic organisms in
the soil. Forests contain a complex community of plants and animals.
Common forest trees found in the forest are Iroko, Obeche, Mahogany, Nigerian walnut, Ebony, Camwood, Opepe,
Afara, Teak and Abura.
Forests serve many useful purposes which include:
1. Provision of major human needs such as fuel and wood
2. Provides Recreational centres or reserves
3. Increase soil fertility
4. Prevention of soil erosion
5. As a source of revenue to government
6. Licensed hunters search for and hunt wild animals in forests.
7. Forests provide employment and career opportunities
1. Define a forest
2. Mention five importance of forest.
The vegetation in Nigeria is divided into three major types,
1. Forest.
2. Savannah.
3. Montane
However, Forest vegetation is divided in three zones:
A. The upper tree layer- consisting of very tall trees between 40-50m high. These are scattered and don not
form any continuous canopy
B. The middle tree layer is made up of trees usually from about 16-40m high. The trees are also scattered, and
the upper tree layer, do not form continuous canopy.
C. The lower tree layer is made up of trees from about 10-16m high. The trees are closely packed, forming a
continuous canopy.
1. What is a forest?
2. Mention and explain eight importance of forest.
3. State and explain three types of forest zones.
1. ____ is found along coastal creeks, estuaries and lagoons A. Deltaic swamp and Moist lowland Forest B.
Coastal Forest and Mangroves C. Forest Mosaic D. Montane.
2. Upper tree layer that are scattered and that do not form continuous canopy are between
A. 40-50m high B. 16-40m high C. 10-16m high D. 16-30m high.
3. Secondary forests contain mainly A. oil palm B. Cocoa C. Rubber D. coffee.
4. ____ is the study and care of all living organisms which live in forests A. Fishery
B. Forestry C. Silviculture D. Aquaculture.
5. Forestry practiced solely for the production of timber is calledA. Fishery B. Forestry
C. Aquaculture D. Silviculture.
1. What is a forest?
2. List five importance of forest.
Forest Resources
1. Trees
2. Wildlife (animals)
3. Fruits
4. Herbs
5. Fuel
6. Timber
7. Pulp
8. Dye
9. Gum
10. Latex
1. What is forest?
2. List examples of forest resources.
It is very important for government to encourage the planting of trees because of its usefulness in the following
1. State four forest resources.
2. Explain any six resources of the forest.
1. Forestry practiced solely for the production of timber is called___A. Fishery B. Forestry C. Aquaculture D.
2. Forest Resources include the following except ____ A. Trees B. Wildlife (animals) C. Aluminium D. Herbs.
3. The ____ of trees and plants in the surface of the soil improve the fertility of the soil.
A. composition B. decay C. germination D. distribution.
4. A forest serves as wind A. centre B. distributor C. Supplier D. breaker.
5. F.E.P.A means A. Federal Environmental Protection Agency B. Federal Environmental Protection Authority
C. Federation of Environmental Protection Agency D. Federation of Environmental Protection Authority.
1. State five resources of forest.
2. Mention five importance of forest resources.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
Forest reserves
Resins, medical plants, mush rooms, gums, chewing sticks. These are primary products while secondary
products are paper, news print, rayon; films, plastic, cellophane, ply wood, veneer, fibre boards, insulation
boards, hard boards, explosives, ethyl, methyl, alcohol, turpentine, soap, charcoal, tar-disinfectants,
paints, insecticides, adhesives etc. Wood can be used directly as fuel source or when it is preserved
under the earth it becomes crude petroleum.
1. Deforestation: Is the felling of all the forest trees. These reduces the wild plants and animals (floral/
fauna). It exposes the soil to erosion but it provides timber, furniture etc.
3. Hunting and poaching (illegal hunting of animals in the forest) causes ecological imbalance.
4. Farming activities: This is when a forest land is needed for crop production. Therefore, the trees are
cleared thereby eliminating the forest.
5. Industrialization and mining: This is when land and forest trees are equally cleared for
industrialization and mining.
1. Define the term ‘Environment’.
2. Mention three effects of forest on the environment.
1. ___ is defined as the physical surroundings in which organisms live such as soil, water
and air. A. Community B.NicheC.Habitat D. Environment
2. The effects of overpopulation include the following except A. depletion of resources
B. Environmental imrovement C. an impaired quality of life D. the incidence of famine and disease.
3. F.E.P.A means A. Federal Environmental Protection Agency B. Federal Environmental Protection Authority
C. Federation of Environmental Protection Agency D. Federation of Environmental Protection Authority
4. D.P.R means A. Department of petroleum resources B. Department of petroleum regulation C. Department
of public regulator D. Director of petroleum regulation
5. ___ is the washing away of the top soil layer leading to loss of soil nutrient. a. Erosion
b. Percolation c. Transpiration d. Guttation.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Wall charts, Pictures, Related Online Video, Flash Cards
Therefore, restoration of the original vegetation may be delayed or even prevented entirely. Continual vigilance, a
lot of money and management efforts are therefore required to maintain and replenish these valuable natural
1. Define a forest.
2. Differentiate between deforestation and reforestation.
1. What is an environment?
2. Define a forest.
3. Explain briefly the term “Global warming”.
4. Mention and discuss eight activities of man on the environment.
1. A Detrimental effect of bush burning is that it A. destroys soil organic matter B. destroys weed seeds C.
sterilizes the soil D. adds potash to the soil
2. ____is is a type of farming where people make temporary clearings by slashing vegetation or burning
forests and woodlands to grow food A. Crop rotation B. Shifting cultivation C. taungya D. Bush fallowing.
3. Which of the following is not an effective control of deforestation A. Afforestation
B. Government regulations C. Prosecution of offenders D. None of the above
4. Which of the following has a detrimental effect on the forest? A. Crop rotation
B. Shifting cultivation C. Taungya farmingD. Bush fallowing.
5. A deliberate effort to establish a forest is termed A. Crop rotationB. Shifting cultivation C. Afforestation D.
Bush fallowing.
1. State eight effect of forest on the environment.
2. Mention and explain six human activities affecting the forest.
1. Deforestation: Is the felling of all the forest trees. These reduces the wild plants and animals (floral/
fauna). It exposes the soil to erosion but it provides timber, furniture etc.
3. Hunting and poaching (illegal hunting of animals in the forest) causes ecological imbalance.
4. Farming activities: This is when a forest land is needed for crop production. Therefore, the trees are
cleared thereby eliminating the forest.
5. Industrialization and mining: This is when land and forest trees are equally cleared for
industrialization and mining.
Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest uses, such as agriculture and road
construction. Forest degradation occurs when forest ecosystems lose their capacity to provide important
goods and services to people and nature.
Deforestation in Nigeria is a result of many factors, including climatic agents, logging, biotic agents
and man. The activities of man like logging, agriculture, petroleum exploration, Urbanization, wood
burning, grazing etc. are the most common causes of deforestation in Nigeria among other agents.
The main cause of deforestation is agriculture (poorly planned infrastructure is emerging as a big threat
too) and the main cause of forest degradation is illegal logging.
Learning how to save trees is one of the most powerful things you can do to help the planet.