Development of Multinozzle Pesticides Sprayer Pump: Sandeep H. Poratkar, Dhanraj R. Raut
Development of Multinozzle Pesticides Sprayer Pump: Sandeep H. Poratkar, Dhanraj R. Raut
Development of Multinozzle Pesticides Sprayer Pump: Sandeep H. Poratkar, Dhanraj R. Raut
Abstract: India is a land of agriculture which comprises of small, marginal, medium and rich farmers. Small scale farmers
are very interested in manually lever operated knapsack sprayer because of its versatility, cost and design. But this sprayer
has certain limitations like it cannot maintain required pressure; it lead to problem of back pain. However this equipment
can also lead to misapplication of chemicals and ineffective control of target pest which leads to loss of pesticides due to
dribbling or drift during application. This phenomenon not only adds to cost of production but also cause environmental
pollution and imbalance in natural echo system. This paper suggests a model of manually operated multi nozzle pesticides
sprayer pump which will perform spraying at maximum rate in minimum time. Constant flow valves can be applied at nozzle
to have uniform nozzle pressure.
Keywords: Back pain, constant flow valves, drift, multinozzle pesticides sprayer pump, small; marginal; medium farmer.
Agriculture plays a vital role in Indian economy. Around 65% of population in the state is depending on agriculture.
Although its contribution to GDP is now around one sixth, it provides 56% of Indian work force [10]. Table 1 shows that
share of marginal and small farmer is around 81% and land operated is 44 % in 1960-61. As far as Indian scenario is
concerned, more than 75 percent farmers are belonging to small and marginal land carrying and cotton is alone which
provide about 80 % employment to Indian workforce. So any improvement in the productivity related task help to increase
Indian farmer’s status and economy. The current backpack sprayer has lot of limitation and it required more energy to
operate. The percentage distribution of farm holding land for marginal farmers is 39.1 percentage, for small farmers 22.6
percentage, for small and marginal farmers 61.7 percentage, for semi-medium farmers 19.8 percentage, for medium farmers
14 percentage and for large farmers 4.5 percentage in year 1960-61.Table 1 clearly explain that the maximum percentage of
farm distribution belonged to small and marginal category.
Table I: Percentage distribution of farm holding and operated area for various farmers
Percentage distribution of farm holding Percentage distribution of Operated Area
Land Class 1960-61 1981-82 1991-92 2002-03 1960-61 1981-82 1991-92 2002-03
Marginal 39.1 45.8 56 62.8 6.9 11.5 15.6 22.6
Small 22.6 22.4 19.3 17.8 12.3 16.6 18.7 20.9
Small & Marginal 61.7 68.2 75.3 80.6 19.2 28.1 34.3 43.5
Semi-medium 19.8 17.7 14.2 12 20.7 23.6 24.1 22.5
Medium 14 11.1 8.6 6.1 31.2 30.1 26.4 22.2
Large 4.5 3.1 1.9 1.3 29 18.2 15.2 11.8
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Fig I shows that percentage of the marginal, small and semi medium farmers is about 92.15 %, which states that
growth of these farmers require advanced equipment which will work faster than existing one.
2.2 Uneconomical Existing High cost Pumps for Indian Marginal and Small Farmers
Presently farmers are using knap-sack sprayer for spraying pesticides on crops in their farms which costs for Rs
1800-4500/-.Pesticides are diverse and omnipresent[5].This sprayer has a wide limitations and thus farmers can use the other
sprayer also like bullock driven sprayer pump and tractor mounted sprayer. Cost of bullock driven is about Rs 28000/-[7]. But
though this these sprayer has high advantages but are not affordable by farmers of developing nation .So, it’s a need to find
out a golden mean among these. The height factor also play a key role in spraying .For cotton, about 5 to 6 times spraying of
pesticides is done. Cotton is one of the important commercial crops grown extensively in India. Over 4 million farmers in
India grow cotton as their main source and income & livelihood. The textile sector, which is primarily based on cotton fibre,
is the largest employer & income provider in India, second only to agriculture. It employs close to 82 million people – 35
million in textile & 47 million in allied sector Table III flashes the light on No. of crops on which spraying is done and their
horizontal, vertical distances and maximum height
Fig III Side View of Manually operated multi-nozzle pesticides sprayer pump.
IV. Working
The working of this manually operated multi nozzle pesticides sprayer pump is based on the principles of motion
transmission due to chain and sprocket arrangement and plunger cylinder arrangement. The operator first stand behind the
trolley. He will grab the handle and lift it and push the trolley forward. As trolley move forward, the wheel rotates in
counterclockwise direction. As sprocket is mounted on same shaft of wheel, it also rotates in counter clockwise direction.
This motion is transferred to freewheel via chain drive arrangement. The freewheel, thus, also starts rotating in
counterclockwise direction. As freewheel and big spur gear are mounted on same shaft, it also start rotating in anticlockwise
direction. This will rotate small spur gear in clockwise direction as it is externally meshed with it. Due to this, the disc start
rotating which give motion to link as it is fixed on the disc. The plunger is attached to disc via link. The plunger got motion
due to this which stimulates pesticides to come outside via six nozzles.
V. Design Calculations
Sprocket: No. of Teeth = T1=45, Diameter = D1= 200 mm, Pitch = 12.5 mm
Freewheel: No. of Teeth = T2=18, Diameter = D2= 70 mm, Pitch = 12.5 mm
Spur gear big:No. of Teeth = T3=45, Diameter = D3= 110 mm
Spur gear small: No. of Teeth = T4=22, Diameter = D4= 24 mm 366 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-864-868 ISSN: 2249-6645
Thus, Fw=12717.1 N
Check Fw Limiting Wear Strength > Dynamic loadFd,
As (Fw=) 12717.1 N > (Fd=) 2688 N Thus Design is safe
VI. Conclusion
1. The suggested model has removed the problem of back pain, since there is no need to carry the tank (pesticides tank) on
the back.
2. As suggested model has more number of nozzles which will cover maximum area of spraying in minimum time & at
maximum rate.
3. The c.f. valves can also be applied which help in reducing the change of pressure fluctuation and c.f. Valves helps to
maintain pressure.
4. Proper adjustment facility in the model with respect to crop helps to avoid excessive use of pesticides which result into
less pollution.
5. Imported hollow cone nozzles should be used in the field for better performance.
6. Muscular problems are removed an there is no need to operate the lever.
7. This alone pump can used for multiple crops
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