Carloalberto Treccani
© Authors
Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See
Vista No. 14 | July – December 2024 | e024014
Submitted: 16/07/2024 | Reviewed: 11/10/2024 | Accepted: 04/11/2024 |
Published: 26/11/2024
Carloalberto Treccani
Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong
Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China
Since its early days, machine vision has been deeply dependent on photographic
databases. As visually "intelligent" machines have rapidly advanced, this connec-
tion has strengthened and reversed the equation, with contemporary photographic
imagery significantly influenced by the techniques developed in computer sciences.
Using a technique called "histogram of oriented gradients", Sometimes Your Eyes
Do Not See explores the machinic gaze that increasingly permeates contemporary
artistic practices and reflects on the ways it affects our perception of the world.
Keywords: histogram of oriented gradients, machine vision, photography, art
Às Vezes, os Teus Olhos Não Veem
Desde os seus primórdios, a visão artificial tem estado profundamente dependente
de bases de dados fotográficas. Com a rápida evolução das máquinas visualmente
“inteligentes”, esta ligação reforçou-se e inverteu a equação, com as imagens fo-
tográficas contemporâneas a serem significativamente influenciadas pelas técnicas
desenvolvidas nas ciências informáticas. Recorrendo a uma técnica conhecida
como "histograma de gradientes orientados", Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See
(Às Vezes, os Teus Olhos Não Veem) explora o olhar maquínico que cada vez
mais permeia as práticas artísticas contemporâneas e reflete s obre o impacto
desse olhar na nossa perceção do mundo.
Palavras-chave: histograma de gradientes orientados, visão artificial, fotografia,
práticas artísticas
utilise this technique for pedestrian and vehicle detection in images. Within this
technique, an image is divided into small, connected regions called "cells", forming
a grid. Each cell is then analysed to generate a histogram of gradients within
the cell. The gradient at each point in the image indicates the direction and
strength of the most significant change in brightness, effectively capturing the
edges or outlines of objects in a given image. In other words, the gradient tries to
"describe" the appearance of objects in an image by highlighting where the most
noticeable changes in intensity occur. The key concept is that different objects
can be distinguished from one another by their distinctive gradient of patterns.
These unique patterns are then used to train an algorithm to differentiate objects
or classes of objects, for instance, to distinguish dogs from cats in a database of
animal images.
Figure 1: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #1, 2023, analogue print, 40x30cm
(installation view)
Figure 2: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #2, 2023, analogue print, 30x40cm
Figure 3: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #2, 2023, analogue print, 30x40cm
Figure 4: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #3, 2023, analogue print, 30x40cm
Figure 5: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #4, 2023, analogue print, 30x40cm
Figure 6: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #6, 2023, analogue print, 30x40cm
Figure 7: Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See #7, 2023, analogue print, 30x40cm
The HOG idea is, however, a photographic idea. The distribution of light, often
from a fixed above position — hence a certain regularity in its distribution — can
be utilised to simplify the complexity of the visual world. This interpretation,
typically hidden within algorithms, is brought to light in this project, offering a
glimpse into the unseen world of data. Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See is an
attempt to reveal, reflect and comprehend the machinic gaze that increasingly
permeates our lives, from autonomous driving cars to smart surveillance cameras
and facial recognition technology for border control — and the many issues,
biases and discriminations associated with it. In this project, six images are
processed using Python, a programming language, to calculate their gradients.
The resulting black and white images offer a chance to see through the HOG
process in an attempt to make sense of such a process, leaving, however, the
viewer unable to create any sense of the image under their eyes and prompting a
series of questions on the nature of such images. What do they portray? What
do they mean? What purpose do they serve? Where do they belong, to the
technological domain or the art one? The sweeping reconfiguration of the visual
world initiated by photography in the 19th and 20th centuries is here continued
and expanded by the imaginaries produced by "intelligent" seeing machines that
reshape much of the culturally established understanding of what it means to
see (Crary, 1992). The new vision paradigm that emerges is that of a machinic
eye that escapes the anthropocentric eye and forces an investigation between
the familiar and comfortable human ways of seeing and the unfamiliar ways of
seeing of the visually "intelligent" machines and invites the viewer to rethink the
ways machines see the world (Paglen, 2014).
While HOG techniques have endowed machines with a measure of visual "in-
telligence", the contemporary obsession with data and its accompanying visual
narrative falls short in representing the richness of the visual world and exposing
tendencies, dynamics and opacities in how vision technologies operate. Despite
the mystery of what these images portray, Sometimes Your Eyes Do Not See
explores and tries to unveil the increasingly blurred boundaries between science,
technology, and art. It raises questions and encourages reflection on the continu-
ous and profound impact that technological imagination and imagery have on
artistic practices and culture in general and the mutual influence between art
and technology.
Biographical Note
Carloalberto Treccani is an artist and research assistant professor in the De-
partment of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University.
His work explores the development and implications of visually "intelligent"
Address: Carloalberto Treccani, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing,
Hong Kong Baptist University, Sir Run Run Shaw Building, Hong Kong Baptist
University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Crary, J. (1992). Techniques of the observer: On vision and modernity in the
19th century. The MIT Press.
Paglen, T. (2014). Is photography over? Fotomuseum Winterthur. https:
Smelik, A. (2021). The scientific imaginary in visual culture. V&R unipress.
Treccani, C. (2018). How machines see the world: Understanding image annota-
tion. European Journal of Media Studies, 7(1), 235–254.
Yiu, S. (2023). The convergence of art and science: SheungYiu's insights into
image studies. Falling Walls.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International