MMM imp ques
MMM imp ques
MMM imp ques
1. Describe the tool represented by 10,10,6,6,8,8,1 mm in ASA system.
2. Draw Merchants force diagram. State the assumptions made in the development of
3. Explain the various tool materials.
4. Derive expressions to show relationships among the different forces acting on the
cutting tool and different parameters involved in metal cutting by Merchants force
5. Explain the various types of chips.
6. A seamless tubing 40 mm outside diameter is turned orthogonally on a lathe. The
following data available: rake angle 300 , cutting speed 18 m/min, feed 0.15 mm/rev,
length of continuous chip in one revolution is 50 mm, cutting force 2000 N, feed force
800 N.Calculate the coefficient of friction, shear plane angle, velocity of chip along toll
face and chip thickness
7. A carbide tool with mild steel work piece was found to give life of 2hours while
cutting at 48m/min. If Taylor exponent n=0.27, determine
i) the tool life if same tool is used at a speed of 20% higher than the previous one.
ii) the value of cutting speed if the tool is required to have tool life of 3 hours.
8. Differentiate between orthogonal and oblique cutting in metal cutting process.
9. What is chip thickness ratio? Derive the relation for shear angle with chip thickness
ratio and rake angle.
10. What are the various forms of wear found in cutting tools? Show with a neat sketch
1. What are the various methods of available for taper turning on lathe? Explain any two
with neat sketch .
2. Explain with neat sketch open belt and cross belt drive mechanism used in planer
3. Describe with schematic sketch the operation of hydraulic shaper.
4. Draw neat diagram of engine lathe and describe its main parts.
5. Explain the various types of chucks in detail.
6. Explain briefly the following operations with neat sketches.
i) Knurling ii) Forming
7. A shaft 500mm long has a taper of 1000mm/m for a distance of 200mm from one end .
The maximum diameter of the shaft is 150mm .Determine the amount of set over
8. Explain the different parts of planner machine with neat sketch.
9. Explain with neat sketch hydraulic shaper Quick return mechanism.
10.Explain the different parts of slotting machine with neat sketch?
1. Explain Radial drilling machine with neat sketch.
2. Draw the block diagram of a horizontal milling machine and explain briefly its various
3. List out the various operation carried out on drilling machine. Explain any four.
4. Classify various milling operations that can be performed on a milling machine.
5. Explain up-milling and down-milling. List down the advantage of up milling.
6. Explain different types of indexing methods with example
7. What is the difference between face milling and end milling? Explain.
8. Draw neat sketch of boring machine and label all the parts
9. Explain the differences between drilling, the reaming and tapping.
10. List the work holding devices used for holding work on a drilling machine and explain
with neat sketch any three.
1. Explain about cylindrical grinding machine with neat sketch?
2. What is an abrasives? How are abrasive classified? Enlist and explain various abrasive
used in grinding wheels.
3. Explain the need for providing tolerance on a dimension. Also, differentiate between
unilateral and bilateral tolerance with examples
4. What are the various factors to be considered in selection of a grinding wheel? Discuss
each in detail.
5. How grinding wheel is specified? Explain in detail.
6. Distinguish between hole basis system and shaft basis system.
7. A 50 mm diameter shaft and bearing are to be assembled with a
8. clearance fit. The tolerance and allowance are as follows.
Allowance = 0.035 mm
Tolerance on hole = 0.025 mm
Tolerance of shaft = 0.017 mm.
Find the limits of size for the hole and shaft if a hole basis system is used.
9. Explain Taylor’s Principle as applicable to limit gauging with sketches.
10.Design the general type GO gauges and NOGO gauges for components having 20H7/f8
fit. Given Gauge tolerance =work tolerance =10% of work tolerance. Assume the data
Upper deviation of shaft ‘f’ is -5.5D0.41 , The standard tolerance unit i=0.45
D1/3+0.001D , where D is the geometric mean of the lower and upper limits of
diameter step in which the diameter consideration lies. D is in mm. 20mm falls in
diameter steps of 18-30mm. The standard tolerance for IT7=16i and IT8=25i.
1. Describe the working principle of profilograph?
2. Explain the principle of auto collimator in finding the flatness of any object.
3. What is an optical flat? Explain the process of finding flatness of various types of
4. In the measurement of surface roughness, heights of 20 successive peaks and troughs
were measured from a datum and were 35, 25, 40, 22, 35, 18, 42, 25, 35, 22, 36, 18, 42,
22, 32, 21, 37, 18, 35 and 20 microns. If these measurements were obtained over a length
of 20 mm. Determine the CLA and RMS value of the rough surface.
5. What is an optical flat? Explain the process of finding flatness of various types of
6. Discuss the following terms in connection with surface finish measurement: (i)
Waviness, (ii) Lay, (iii) Roughness, (iv) Centre line profile (v) RMS (vi) 10 point height
of irregularities
7. Describe the working of a profile projector. What are its applications?