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Continuous Monitoring of
Plant and Machinery
Reliable machine protection through vibration diagnosis ·
FAG DTECT X1 s areas of application

Increasing plant Advantages of the FAG DTECT X1 s Continuous plant monitoring by

availability means of vibration diagnosis
– Reliable machinery protection
Anyone with responsibility for the by means of vibration diagnosis Vibration diagnosis by means of
maintenance of complex plant – Space saving due to compact frequency-selective monitoring is a
knows the challenges involved construction measurement method that allows
in the planning of maintenance – Suitable for harsh conditions objective assessment of complex
measures. Through permanent, (–20 °C to +70 °C, IP67) plant.
seamless monitoring of instal - – Diverse monitoring tasks due to Envelope analysis plays an im -
lations, the operator has access at larger number of measurement portant role here. This can be used
any time to information on the channels to detect periodic shock impulses
condition of the most important – Increased reliability through from the vibration signal of a
components of his plant. It is thus combination of various process machine, such as those that occur
possible to avoid unplanned ma - parameters in gearbox and rolling bearing
chine downtime and the associated – Versatile communication inter- damage. Damage can be detected
costs. At the same time, the early faces and connection options at an early stage through charac -
detection of damage makes it – Increased operational security teristic patterns in the frequency
possible to implement measures due to better availability of the spectra of the machine vibration.
at an appropriate time. This gives equipment to be monitored By means of defined, narrow
the operator a high degree of – Flexible and simple installation at frequency bands, the amplitudes
investment security as well as the location due to standardised of individual components can be
active machinery protection. connection systems specifically monitored.

Online monitoring system


The FAG DTECT X1 s is a flexible

online system for the monitoring of
components and devices, machinery
and plant.

Typical applications include:

• fans
• gearboxes
• compressors
• roll stands
• mills
• drives.

FAG DTECT X1 s Examples of sectors and applications

Digital vibration monitoring with FAG DTECT X1 s

Digital vibration monitor- Depending on the width of the

ing with FAG DTECT X1 s frequency components which
are used for calculation based
FAG DTECT X1 s allows connection on the relevant spectrum, these
of all common IEPE acceleration are referred to as broadband or
sensors. The signal from these sen- frequency-selective parameters.
sors is recorded and broken down In the case of broadband parameter
into its frequency components monitoring, the overall vibration
by means of Fast Fourier Trans - behaviour of a machine is deter-
formation (FFT). It is thus possible mined. The condition of the individ-
to monitor amplitudes within fixed ual components can be analysed FAG DTECT X1 s
and very narrow frequency bands precisely by means of narrowband,
for specified limit values. An alarm frequency-selective monitoring. FAG DTECT X1 s calculates various
is triggered if these are exceeded. parameters:
With FAG DTECT X1 s, two different • RMS
parameter types can be recorded • IEPE
from the vibration acceleration • peak value
signal. Firstly the RMS value, which • peak-to-peak value
is detected from the spectrum • steady component
of the raw signal and secondly the • crest factor.
LDZ value (bearing diagnostic
parameter) which is generated from FAG DTECT X1 s has two additional
the envelope signal. channels, which can be used to
record process variables such as
• speed
• torque
• temperature
• pressure
and can be used for validation of
the parameters.
This method is used in practice to
achieve, for example, the speed-
dependent tracking of the frequency
bands and the setting of load-
dependent and speed-dependent
alarm limits.

As standard, the FAG DTECT X1 s is

supplied in an IP67 housing for
The standard M12 plug-in connec-
tors are advantageous in allowing
simple installation. A top hat rail
adapter is available as an option.

Broadband monitoring

Alarm warnings · Remote monitoring with FAG DTECT X1 s

Alarm warnings Remote monitoring with Measurement data can be remotely

FAG DTECT X1 s retrieved at any time and evaluated
In terms of adjustable limit values, by the actual customer or by the
a distinction is drawn between FAG DTECT X1 s allows remote Schaeffler Monitoring Center.
prealarm and main alarm monitoring of plant and machinery. As a result, it is possible to changes
thresholds. Each alarm can trigger can be made from any location to
a switching relay. Changes to components are reliably the parametrisation where these
To avoid false alarms, a delay can detected by the monitoring system are necessary to carry out suitable
be set on the main alarm. and can be reported to different measurements on a current
FAG DTECT X1 s has two analogue recipients by various communication problem.
outputs and two relay outputs. channels:
If the limit value is exceeded, the • operator
analogue outputs can relay the • plant manufacturer
parameters to a higher level control • service provider.
system (PLC system).
The relay outputs are used for the
direct control of machinery. Advantages of remote monitoring

A “traffic light” display on the front • Increased machine availability

panel of the housing with red, • Prevention of unplanned
yellow and green lights gives an downtime
immediate indication of the moni- • Worldwide, economical plant
toring condition. monitoring
• No vibration expert required on
The user is given further information site
on a four line LCD display. • Continuous availability of
monitoring data
• Immediate alarm activation via
telecommunications systems
• User administration and password

FAG DTECT X1 s in use Monitoring Center

Variable system · Monitoring configuration ·
Data storage concept

FAG DTECT X1 s – Monitoring configuration Data storage concept

a variable system
Establishing a monitoring con - Large volumes of data are not a
FAG DTECT X1 s is available in two figuration provides the basis problem for FAG DTECT X1 s.
designs: for subsequent evaluation. The flexible storage concept allows
• 2 channel system A monitoring configuration defines the user to decide what data
• 8 channel system the: he wishes to store, along with
• channel the degree of frequency.
Signals with an output voltage • value to be measured
of ±10 V can be connected, • type of characteristic value
irrespective of the number of • size of the characteristic value
channels. • frequency bands (max. 12)
The recorded signals are transmitted • alarm thresholds.
to the signal-processing elements
of the device via an internal It is possible to define several
multiplexer. monitoring configurations for an
input channel.
For each of these configurations,
FAG DTECT X1 s determines charac-
teristic values from the time and
frequency signals and saves them
in the configuration’s ring buffer.
For speed-tracked characteristic
values, the speed is also recorded
as a separate trend.


Communication On the other hand, information Cloud

with a higher level system such as alarm status can be trans-
ferred to a higher level system and A new addition is the free-of-charge
For communication with a higher held there for further processing. program Transfer Link, which facili-
level system, various inputs and tates data transfer via conventional
outputs are available. Communication with FAG DTECT X1 s Cloud service providers. These
Additional signals can be recorded can be carried out via the following include: Own Cloud, Microsoft
using analogue inputs and used channels: Cloud, Google Drive or Amazon
for measurement purposes. • network (TCP/IP) Cloud Drive.
These signals can thus be used as • serial If remote service from FAG is
command variables for dependent • modem. required, all data are stored on an
signal analysis such as alarm in-house Cloud server in Germany.
threshold control. These signals
can also be used to initiate
measurement tasks and thus
facilitate automation of data
logging in certain applications.

Simple data exchange via the Cloud

Software · Functionality

Software Configuration Manager

Successful vibration monitoring of • Allocation of connected sensors

plant is dependent to a large extent to particular monitoring
on the software. In addition to configurations
simple configuration and use of the • Allocation of additional channels
software, the various analysis and (inputs/outputs) to existing
data presentation options are of configurations
decisive importance. In order to • Definition of the frequency bands
fulfil these requirements as well as to be monitored
possible, the software Adminis - • Definition of the alarm thresholds.
trator for FAG DTECT X1 s is divided
into the following modules:
• Configuration Manager Remote Server/Data Link/
• Remote Server E-Mail Link/Transfer Link
• Data Link
• E-Mail Link Remote Server is used to transfer
• Transfer Link data from FAG DTECT X1 to the select which measurement values
software F’IS Administrator. (time signals, frequency spectra or
This software module offers the trend values) are transferred from
option of transmitting data on FAG DTECT X1 and stored in the
either a time-controlled or event- appropriate database by means of
controlled basis. The user can Data Link. This functionality
ensures seamless data storage.
In order to provide FAG DTECT X1
data held in the database to other
people, the E-Mail Link and Transfer
Link functionality is available.
E-Mail Link allows the user to
define automatic data export by
e-mail. The data can be sent to any
number of mailboxes required.
At the recipient’s end, all incoming
e-mails are checked and, if these
contain measurement data, they
are automatically transferred to the
corresponding database. Alterna-
tively, the data can be transferred
using Transfer Link via conventional
Cloud services.

Configuration Manager: Alarm list

Software · Functionality

User management Alarm list Trend analysis

• Installation and management of • Record of all status changes in Trend analysis is a simple and
users the Configuration Manager. reliable method for detecting
• Allocation of access rights changes in the vibration behaviour
• Allocation of rights to individual of machinery at an early stage,
program functions (Edit, Start Viewer allowing action to be taken quickly.
Services, Import and Export...). The trends can be based on par -
• Diagramatic preparation of the ameters in broadband monitoring as
measured data well as on narrowband parameters
Bearing database • Extensive analysis and display of individual components such as a
options facilitate the assessment rolling bearing outer ring or a gear
• Contains 20 000 bearings from and evaluation of measurement tooth set. For example, monitoring
various manufacturers data of an outer ring may be carried
• Reduces data analysis • Intuitive operation, additionally out by bringing together several
• Simplifies the process for deter- benefiting from various zoom and narrowband frequency bands for
mining the cause of damage in cursor functions overrolling frequency and the
conjunction with the Viewer • Simple comparison of process harmonics to form one parameter.
• Facilitates the diagnosis of data and vibration data Incipient damage or a forthcoming
multiple bearing overrolling (temperature and vibration curve) problem becomes apparent in an
frequencies for a monitoring • Unique range of services despite increase in the trend values for a
configuration, as a bearing list simplicity of simple operation. monitored component or machine.
can be stored for each monitoring
• Can be extended to individual FFT analysis
FFT analysis subdivides the recorded
signals into their individual fre-
quency components. It is therefore
possible to monitor the amplitudes
of individual frequencies within
narrow bands for specified limit
values and trigger an alarm if these
are exceeded. It is possible to
precisely allocate the frequencies
to particular components such as
bearing rings, gear teeth or to
phenomena such as misalignment,
imbalance etc.

Software · Functionality · Server variants

Waterfall diagram and sonogram

The waterfall diagram is a presen -

tation method in which the individ-
ual FFTs are presented behind each
other „spatially“ to give a three-
dimensional image. In the sono-
gram, the development of the
spectrum over time is presented
by means of colour.
The two display options also allow
novices to gain a rapid graphical
overview of the temporal develop-
ment in vibration behaviour.

Expanded analysis

• Automatic detection of defective

• Provides authoritative parameters
(spectral flatness, kurtosis,
ISO 10816, RMS, LDZ) Viewer: Waterfall diagram
• Assists beginners and experts in
data analysis.

Server variants

From software version 4.10, the

Administrator is supplied with the
Microsoft ® SQL Server ® 2012
Express. The user then has access
to a storage capacity of 10 GB.

Versions and ordering designations

FAG DTECT X1 s Versions and ordering designations


IEPE channels 2 8

Configurations 16 16

Frequency windows 12 12

Others Speed tracking of Speed tracking of

frequency windows, frequency windows,
envelope detector envelope detector

Technical data of FAG DTECT X1 s

Inputs/sensors Inputs for IEPE sensors power supply 24 V, 4 mA

Convertible to a voltage input ±10 V (optionally coupled DC or AC)
Amplifier: 1 ~ to 1 024 ~ or autoranging with switchable overvoltage detection
Additional channel (validation) ±10 V with optional isolation amplifier 4 mA to 20 mA,
0 mA to 20 mA, 0 V to 10 V, for example for speed, load or other freely definable
Speed input for conventional speed sensors from > 1 min –1 to 30 000 min –1
Connectors with industrial M12 connectors (exception: Power)
Temperature range –20 °C to +70 °C
Measurement values Measurement value for vibration pickups: acceleration (standard) convertible to
vibration velocity and vibration displacement by means of integration
Measurement values such as displacement, velocity, force, pressure, temperature etc.
by means of appropriate sensors
Optional: oil quality
Diagnostic methods Time signal, frequency spectrum, trend analysis, frequency range monitoring
(fixed or speed-tracked)
Parameters Parameters in frequency range: RMS, peak, peak to peak, steady component,
crest factor
Parameters in frequency range: effective value for vibration acceleration (RMS),
vibration velocity and vibration displacement, broadband or freely definable
frequency bands (DIN/ISO 10816)
Effective value for demodulation (envelope generation)
Broadband or freely definable frequency bands
Speed-dependent tracking of frequency bands in RMS and demodulation including
speed-variable alarm level
Number of channels 2 channels or 8 channels with up to 16 monitoring configurations and, per channel,
up to 12 individually adjustable frequency bands, additionally 2 trigger/validation
channels, in each case also with sensor signal
FFT 2 048 lines, variable frequency range
Filter Analogue antialiasing filter for band restriction, Butterworth 24 db/octave
limit frequences 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz,
5 kHz, 10 kHz and 20 kHz
Filter for envelope analysis: high pass, Butterworth 12 db/octave
switchable between 750 Hz and 2 kHz
Outputs 2 switching outputs for pre-alarm and main alarm
2 analogue outputs 4 mA to 20 mA or 0 mA to 20 mA,
all connections with industrial M12 connectors

Technical data of FAG DTECT X1 s

Communication Ethernet or RS232 for connection of modem/GSM/ISDN

Display LCD display, alphanumeric 4 lines each with 20 characters with display of current
measurement and status of all monitoring configurations, LED traffic light system
red/green/yellow for alarm status
Control system 3 keys for confirming alarms, call-up of current measurement values and setup of
rotational frequency input
Memory For device/monitoring configuration, spectrum and time signal as well as parameter
storage of up to 3 834 data records (depending on the number of parameters and
additional information)
Housing Dimensions: W⫻H⫻D = 260 mm⫻150 mm⫻90 mm
Protection class: IP67
Mounting Mounting by means of closed housing cover (optional top hat rail mounting)
Current consumption 24 V: < 350 mA, 230 V: < 40 mA
Electromagnetic EN 61000-6-2/1999, EN 61326/1997, EN 55011-A

FAG DTECT X1 s Administrator software

Operating system Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit); Windows 8 (32bit and 64bit)
Features Database: Microsoft SQL-Server 2012 Express, 10 GB
Software available in various languages
Various connection options (Ethernet, GSM modems, fixed network modems,
Internet etc.)
Configurable remote operation with automatic data transmission via Cloud
Notification of alarm by e-mail
Continuous recording and storage of all operating data
Option of data export (ASCII) for further processing by external programs
Optimised Viewer for analysis of data


Isolation amplifier Ordering designation: DTECTX1-S.ISOAMP-UNIVERSAL

Top hat rail adapter Ordering designation: DTECTX1-S.RAILMNT-AL

– CE


MATNR 036023116-0000 / TPI 170 / 01 / GB-D / 2015121.5 / Printed in Germany by wünsch

Schaeffler Technologies
AG & Co. KG

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accepted for any errors or omissions.
Georg-Schäfer-Straße 30
We reserve the right to make technical
97421 Schweinfurt
© Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Phone +49 2407 9149-66
Issued: 2015, December
Fax +49 2407 9149-59
This publication or parts thereof may not
E-Mail industrial-services@schaeffler.com be reproduced without our permission.
Internet www.schaeffler-iam.com TPI 170 GB-D

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