10000008828 Rev A Wireless Diagnostic Manual
10000008828 Rev A Wireless Diagnostic Manual
10000008828 Rev A Wireless Diagnostic Manual
Safety Read This Manual Thoroughly
Throughout this publication and on tags and decals This diagnostic manual has been written and published
affixed to the generator, DANGER, WARNING, and by Generac to aid qualified Generac dealer technicians
CAUTION blocks are used to alert personnel to special and company service personnel when servicing the
instructions about a particular operation that may be products described herein.
hazardous if performed incorrectly or carelessly. Observe It is assumed that these personnel are familiar with the
them carefully. Their definitions are as follows: servicing procedures for these products, or like or similar
products manufactured and marketed by Generac, and
DANGER that they have been trained in the recommended
servicing procedures for these products, including the
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, use of common hand tools and any special Generac tools
will result in death or serious injury. or tools from other suppliers.
(000001) Generac could not possibly know of and advise the
service trade of all conceivable procedures by which a
service might be performed and of the possible hazards
WARNING and/or results of each method. We have not undertaken
any such wide evaluation. Therefore, anyone who uses a
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, procedure or tool not recommended by Generac must
could result in death or serious injury. first satisfy themselves that neither his nor the products
safety will be endangered by the service procedure
All information, illustrations and specifications in this
CAUTION manual are based on the latest product information
available at the time of publication.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury. When working on these products, remember that the
electrical system and engine ignition system are capable
(000003) of violent and damaging short circuits or severe electrical
shocks. If you intend to perform work where electrical
NOTE: Notes provide additional information important to terminals could be grounded or touched, the battery
a procedure or component. cables should be disconnected at the battery.
Any time the intake or exhaust openings of the engine
These safety alerts cannot eliminate the hazards they
are exposed during service, they should be covered to
indicate. Observing safety precautions and strict
prevent accidental entry of foreign material. Entry of such
compliance with the special instructions while performing
materials will result in extensive damage when the
the action or service are essential to preventing
engine Is started.
During any maintenance procedure, replacement
fasteners must have the same measurements and
WARNING strength as the fasteners that were removed. Metric bolts
and nuts have numbers that indicate their strength.
CANCER AND REPRODUCTIVE HARM Customary bolts use radial lines to indicate strength
www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. while most customary nuts do not have strength
(000393a) markings. Mismatched or incorrect fasteners can cause
damage, malfunction and possible injury.
Figure 1-2. Place the Display Unit Against the
C Generator Transceiver
NOTE: If the controller is still set to OFF the red LED will The display is intended to show the status of the
begin to flash, indicating the generator is in Alarm Mode. generator and to give warning if the system is in an alarm
Do not confuse this flashing red LED with Failure To Pair state. It also provides the following functions:
described below. • Permanent time/date stamped history of generator
NOTE: The magnets in the display unit activate a alarms.
magnetic reed switch in the generator transceiver in Step • Allows for remote testing of generator start and
1. The relative positioning of the two units needs to be as transfer functions (when utility power is present).
shown in Figure 1-2 to activate the magnetic reed switch.
• Facility to set an exercise time and day from the
Failure To Pair display.
4. Open the generator lid and set the generator 12. Turn it off and back on again. (this is just to get it
controller to OFF. out of sleep mode which it may have entered on
5. Remove the enclosure panel from the front of the battery power).
generator enclosure.
6. Locate and disconnect the radio connector under
the generator display panel.* 1. If the link is established, discontinue troubleshoot-
NOTE: *The radio connector has a white connector with
2. If the link fails to establish, repeat Steps 6-8 using a
gray cable. Remove the connector by squeezing the
different channel.
locking tab and pulling the connector down. Carefully use
a pliers if necessary. 3. If the link continues to fail, replace the wireless
remote and transmitter.
7. Turn on the display unit and navigate to the RADIO
Mobile Link™
8. Select “RESET RADIO” and immediately (within 5
seconds) put the connector back into the controller
(removed in Step 6).
The display unit will begin searching for the generator. Up
to one minute will pass while the remote unit and
generator synchronize. Once the generator is found, the
radio link is established and the settings will be
9. Install the front enclosure panel and close the lid.
10. Set the controller to AUTO.
11. Return the display unit to its original location and
connect it to the wall transformer. 002459
All LEDs off 1. No power to Mobile Link unit. 1. Check the 5 Amp fuse located on the yellow harness wire.
2. Check harness is connected to battery properly. Yellow to (+)
Battery/ Black to (-) Battery.
3. Re-seat connector to Mobile Link.
4. Replace cable.
Top LED off 1. Unit not enrolled. 1. Enroll Mobile Link at www.StandbyStatus.com.
2. Verify Mobile Device Number is enrolled at www.StandbySta-
tus.com and enrolled number matches Mobile Device Number
(MDN) of the Mobile Link unit.
Middle LED flashing 1. Poor connection. 1. Re-seat connector at generator controller and Mobile Link.
2. Replace cable.
Bottom LED off 1. No cellular network connection. 1. Check cellular coverage in your area.
2. Mobile Link in “Suspended” mode. Contact Customer Service
for assistance at 1-888-436-3722.
Bottom LED flashing 1. Cellular connection pending. 1. Network connection established. Awaiting server response.
2. Server may be down. 2. Wait for problem to resolve itself.*
* The Mobile Link will retry several times before resting and retrying later. The full retry cycle lasts for about one (1) hour and
includes several resets of the internal cellular modem. When these resets occur, the Mobile Link will indicate a loss of the cellular
network connection until it is reestablished. If the end of the retry cycle has been reached without successfully completing
communication with the server, the Mobile Link will rest for an hour, and then start another retry cycle. This rest period can be
interrupted by switching the generator from OFF to AUTO. The Mobile Link will continue this cycle until it successfully connects to
the server and receives a response.
Charts 3 and 4 determine the voltage output from each DM Negative lead DM Positive lead
on Battery NEG on Battery POS
unit while the other end of the harness is disconnected.
Pin 7, Wire 388 - 5.5 VDC 19.3 VDC
Pin 8, Wire 387 0 VDC Battery Voltage
If no voltages are indicated based on this chart the Mobile
Link unit is at fault.
3 2 1 8 7 6 5
If all LEDs are on and Mobile Link is communicating
6 5 4 4 3 2 1 normally, then the power wire (13A), ground wire (0), and
fuse to the Mobile Link unit are good.
If no LEDs are illuminated on the Mobile link unit, verify
Figure 1-5. Mobile Link Connector
that the power wire (13A), ground wire (0), and fuse to
the Mobile Link Unit are good.
Chart 1 – Back Probe at Mobile Link connector
(All connectors plugged in) All voltages +/- 0.5 volts Wireless Local Monitor
DM Negative lead DM Positive lead The Wireless Local Monitor consists of one transceiver,
on Battery NEG on Battery POS mounted on the generator, and a display unit, placed in a
Pin 1, Wire SHLD 0 VDC Battery Voltage convenient viewing location within the home or business.
The system has a “line of sight” range of about 600 feet,
Pin 2, Wire 388 - 4.2 to - 5.6 VDC 18.0 to 19.2 VDC
but this will be reduced when the signal must pass
Fluctuating Fluctuating
through walls, floors, etc. With this remote monitoring
Pin 3, EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY system, the status of the generator can be checked
Pin 4, Wire 0 0 VDC Battery Voltage easily from within the home or business.
The generator transceiver and display unit are shipped
Pin 5, Wire 387 -5.8 to -6.8 VDC 22.33 VDC
from the factory paired. These units are pre-paired to
ensure communication and prevent cross-
Pin 6, Wire 13A Battery Voltage 0 VDC communication from other devices in the area.
NOTE: Some building materials may completely block • Green - Good Signal Strength
the passage of the signal, for example, steel beams, • Yellow - Marginal Signal Strength
metal siding and foil radiant barrier insulation.
• Red - No Signal Strength
• The Wireless Local Monitor indicates the generator After 30 seconds, the unit will automatically exit the
status via three lights - Green, Yellow or Red. Signal Strength Test Mode. When this happens, the
• The Test button performs a Signal Strength Test. indicators alternately light to signal the transition back to
• The Battery Status Indicator provides low battery Status Mode.
status. NOTE: Extended or frequent use of the Signal Strength
• The Buzzer gives audible warnings in conjunction Test may deplete battery life.
with Yellow or Red lights. NOTE: The display unit will still work if the signal
A strength is yellow but battery life may be reduced.
Signal Strength Test Quick Reference Chart
Signal Strength Test is active - Display unit button must
be pressed for more than 5 seconds - Display unit lights
will go from providing current generator status to a
rotating light pattern to signal a change in function to a
Signal Strength Test Mode. It will repeat the rotating light
pattern when it exits Signal Strength Test Mode.
C D E 002461 Green Yellow Red
Light Light Light
A. Test Button
Strong signal from Transceiver unit
B. Buzzer - sounds with Yellow or Red Lights to Display unit.
To verify the status of the generator, press the Test button If a generator alarm is present, the generator will not start
to show the status. If the generator is set to AUTO and no and run in the event of a utility loss or will be
alarms or warnings are present, the green light will automatically shut down if the engine is already running.
illuminate when the Test button is pressed. When active, the red light will flash once every five (5)
The green light will flash every five (5) seconds when the seconds.
generator is running either in AUTO or MANUAL. The internal buzzer will sound once every hour for five (5)
seconds when the Red light is on. During a period of
Display Unit Yellow Light (Maintenance Needed inactivity, the buzzer can be silenced by briefly pressing
OR Warning Active) and releasing the Test button; the buzzer will pulse twice
to indicate it has been silenced. The buzzer will not
The yellow light indicates either:
reactivate until a new alarm has been detected.
• Generator warning is present
NOTE: If the button is pressed while the buzzer is
• Generator maintenance is required. sounding, it may not be silenced.
NOTE: The generator will not be prevented from running
when the yellow light is on. Low Battery Indicator
When active and the generator is not running, the yellow The battery status indicator will flash every five (5)
light will flash once every five (5) seconds. If the seconds, and the buzzer will sound every 15 minutes
generator is running with a yellow light active, both the when a low battery is detected. The batteries should be
green and yellow lights will flash once every five (5) replaced immediately.
seconds. Once the batteries are replaced, check the status of the
The internal buzzer will sound once every four (4) hours generator by pressing the Test button to verify operation.
for one (1) second when the yellow light is active. During During a period of inactivity, the buzzer can be silenced
a period of inactivity, the buzzer may be silenced by by briefly pressing and releasing the Test button; the
briefly pressing and releasing the Test button; the buzzer buzzer will pulse twice to indicate it has been silenced.
will pulse twice to indicate it has been silenced. The The buzzer will not reactivate until a new alarm has been
buzzer will not reactivate until a new alarm has been detected.
NOTE: If the button is pressed while the buzzer is
sounding, it may not be silenced.
Before Starting
Verify the generator is registered and activated. To
activate the generator, visit www.activategen.com and
follow the prompts as directed.
Figure 1-1. Test Wi-Fi Signal Strength Connect to Home Network When Internet is
Available on the Mobile Device
2. Set up a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, or
laptop) to detect Wi-Fi networks. The Wi-Fi connection process varies depending on when
it is performed:
3. See Figure 1-2. Verify the home Wi-Fi network is
being detected by the mobile device. Observe the • during initial setup and configuration of a newly-
Wi-Fi signal strength. installed generator, or
• on a previously installed and operating generator.
As part of the generator installation process, it is
recommended to connect Wi-Fi during the initial
generator setup and power-up. The activation code will
automatically be communicated to the generator
controller through Wi-Fi communication, provided the
B C generator has been registered and activated at
006150 www.activategen.com prior to making the Wi-Fi
Figure 1-2. Signal Strength Display connection. It also allows the user to select the operating
time zone immediately, keeping exercise time on track
and adjusting for Daylight Savings Time as needed.
• If the Wi-Fi signal is strong (B), the existing
network setup is acceptable. The Wi-Fi module will Begin the connection process by following the applicable
operate from its location on the generator. steps in the following table.
• If the Wi-Fi signal is weak (C) or fluctuating, or the
network is not available, the homeowner may need
to consider upgrading their wireless router. Any
signal boosters present in the system (e.g. a
repeater) should also be tested and upgraded if
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Wireless Monitoring Systems 9
Section 2 Mobile Link™Wi-Fi Module
Figure 1-3. Select Language Figure 1-5. First Level Options Menu
2. Select the desired language, press ENTER, and 2. See Figure 1-6. Select “Yes?” and press ENTER.
proceed to the “Setup Wi-fi” prompt (Figure 1-4).
006625 006625
Figure 1-4. Setup Wi-Fi Prompt Figure 1-6. Setup Wi-Fi Prompt
Continue Connection Process NOTE: After 30 minutes, the controller will time out.
SETUP WIFI? will reappear on the controller display. If
1. See Figure 1-7. The controller display will change
YES is selected, the 30 minute countdown timer will
to SETUP WIFI NOW! along with a timer. You have
restart. If NO is selected, Wi-Fi setup will be bypassed.
30 minutes to connect the Wi-Fi.
2. See Figure 1-8. Using a browser on a mobile
device with Internet connectivity, go to
installml.com. Click “Let’s Go” to proceed.
006629 006631
Figure 1-9. Preparation Screen Figure 1-11. Select Country and Time Zone
4. See Figure 1-10. Connect to the generator Wi-Fi 6. See Figure 1-12. Select the homeowner’s network
network (MLGXXXX) using a Wi-Fi enabled mobile name from the drop-down list.
device. Then, return to the browser and click “I’m
ready.” NOTE: If the homeowner’s network is invisible, select
“Manual Configuration” from the drop-down list and enter
the network credentials.
006624 006626
Figure 1-17. Select Language Figure 1-19. First Level Options Menu
2. Select the desired language, press ENTER, and 2. See Figure 1-20. Select “Yes?” and press ENTER.
proceed to the “Setup Wi-fi” prompt (Figure 1-18).
5. See Figure 1-23. Select the homeowner’s network Figure 1-24. Enter Password
name from the drop-down list.
7. See Figure 1-25. The generator will attempt to
NOTE: If the homeowner’s network is invisible, select connect to the server.
“Manual Configuration” from the drop-down list and enter
the network credentials.
Reconnection to Wi-Fi will be required if there are any
changes to the homeowner’s network; for example, a
new router or ISP, a new password, etc. To reconnect to
the network:
1. See Figure 1-29. From the main controller display,
navigate to the Wi-Fi menu and press ENTER.
Figure 1-29. Select Wi-Fi Menu
Figure 1-26. Successful Connection 2. See Figure 1-30. Use Up/Down and ENTER
buttons to scroll to the REDO WIFI SETUP? page.
9. Return to the generator controller and continue Select YES.
generator setup through the Install Wizard.
10. Verify controller firmware is up to date by selecting
Update From: WiFi. Any updates will be
automatically loaded.
This completes the connection process. Proceed to
Figure 1-30. Redo Wi-Fi Setup Page
Download Mobile Link and Complete Registration .
3. See Figure 1-31. The controller will display
Unsuccessful Network Connection SETUP WIFI NOW! with a timer. You have 30
See Figure 1-27. If the connection attempt fails, the minutes to connect Wi-Fi. Return to the Wi-Fi
controller displays “Setup Failed...Retry?” Setup process.
(network name)
:,),[[[[[[:,), 7 WIFI IP ADDR:
1 Generator Allows the operator to navigate to other pages or sub-menus by using the arrow keys and the
Main Menu Page ENTER button.
2 Wi-Fi Signal Strength Displays home network connection strength from zero to 100%
3 Connection Status “OK” indicates a successful connection to the home network. Display alternately cycles
between “OK” and the home network name.
4 Wi-FI Versions Displays Wi-Fi firmware and hardware versions
5 Setup IP Address This displays the IP address used to set up Wi-Fi. Refer to Connect to Home Network
When Internet is NOT Available on the Mobile Device if no IP address is present.
6 Setup SSID The network name broadcast by the Wi-Fi module while the unit is in AP mode. The name
begins with MLG, indicating “Mobile Link Generator.”
7 Wi-FI IP ADDR Displays the IP address that the generator is using to connect to the homeowner’s network
8 WI-FI SSID The network name to which the generator is connected
9 PING Pressing ENTER launches a multi-step check to verify a successful connection to the home
10 REDO Wi-FI Setup Allows the user to restart the Wi-Fi connection process. Refer to Reconnection if selecting
Figure 1-32. Wi-Fi Menu Map
This menu
Connected to: only appears
Set output voltage
“Router IP” in 50Hz units.
"Firmware Update"
WiFi Signal Set Exercise
"<- Insert USB ->"
Up to date: VX.XX
Enter to Update
<Enter? To Quit
Run Hours Maint Log
Alarm Log Run Log
Schedule Maint
Run Log Battery
"<- XXXXX ->"
Alarm Message(s)
"Select Minute (0-59)"
"High Engine Temp."
"Low Oil Pressure" Select Day
"Overcrank" "Sunday"
"Overspeed" "Monday"
"RPM Sense Loss" "Tuesday"
"Underspeed" "Wednesday"
"Over Voltage"
"Under Voltage" Generator Activated
"Overload Remove Load" Service Unit
"Lo Volts Remove Load"
"Stepper Over Current"
"Loss of Speed Signal"
"Loss of Serial Link"
" - YES +"
"Firmware Update" "- NO +"
"<- Press Enter ->"
"Firmware Update"
WiFi Signal
"<- Insert USB ->"
Up to date: VX.XX
"Current:V XXXX " "Update from Server?"
<Enter To Quit>
"USB: V XXXX" " Continue?"
"Node Hz Volts" "Node Type Volts" The text changes WiFi Options POWER CYCLE WIFI?
"XX XX XX" "XX XX XX" in EcoGen units. Press Enter CONFIRM
Go To Wizard?
"Factory Reset"
"<- XXX ->"
Disable Wi-Fi
Use of the generator Wi-Fi module is optional. If the
owner does not wish to use Wi-Fi to monitor the
generator, the installer may disable the system.
NOTE: Disabling Wi-Fi is a step in the Installation Wizard
and typically performed during initial start-up of the unit.
However, the option remains available after installation
within the controller “Edit” menu.
Wi-Fi Troubleshooting
General Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Correction
ISP has changed Follow reconnection process.
Wi-Fi module not
Power outage has occurred Wait for utility or backup power source to return.
connecting to home
network Network router has been Follow reconnection process.
Server Status Messages—see Wi-Fi Menu
Server Status OK Connection established
Time Server Denied Connection to router established, but cannot detect server
Router Timeout Not connected to router
Wi-Fi Module Missing/Disconnected Wi-Fi module missing or disconnected
Checking Internet Checking status of Internet connection
IASD Troubleshooting
The Wi-Fi module is equipped with an internal (green)
LED accessible only by an Independent Authorized Electrocution. Only an authorized electrician or
Service Dealer (IASD). The LED is located inside the IASD is permitted to access customer connection
area. Contact with live wires or terminals will
customer connection panel and provides a visual
result in death or serious injury. (000369)
indicator of Wi-Fi operating status and network trouble.
During communication 0 to 1.0 Volts should be measured Power Red Black 5 VDC
on RS485 Pin 5 and Pin 6 using a DMM set to AC Volts. Min 4.3 Max 6.2
Communication Blue White varies 0 to 1 VAC
Troubleshooting during comms
1. No flashing green LED light on WI-FI module:
Resistance Values
a. Verify Wi-Fi has been setup in the controller.
b. Verify the 5 VDC supply via red wire J6-1 and Back Probe Harness Connector – Wi-Fi Module
black wire J6-2. Disconnected
2. Evolution controller blank screen: DMM leads DMM + DMM -
a. Disconnect Wi-Fi module and reboot controller. Power Red Black 56.7 kΩ
If controller responds replace the Wi-Fi Communication Blue White 120Ω +/- 5Ω
b. Reload firmware via USB with Wi-Fi module Evolution 2 Controller With Wi-fi Module Disconnected
disconnected. Carefully touch tips of pins to get values
c. Reconnect Wi-Fi module and verify proper DMM leads DMM + DMM -
operation. Power Red Black 1.63 kΩ +/- 100Ω
3. NO communication: Communication Blue White 120Ω +/- 5Ω
a. Verify resistance values (blue and white wires)
per chart. Additional diagnostics and testing can be found in the
Mobile Link Wi-Fi Remote Monitoring Installation and
b. Measure voltage values during communication. User manual P/N 10000008140 Rev B or higher.
Example—perform a firmware update to see if
varying AC voltage is observed.
24 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Wireless Monitoring Systems
Section 2 Mobile Link™Wi-Fi Module