Keywords: Metal additive manufacturing facilitates the production of complex light-weight structures, such as lattice
Tensile behaviour structures, using a wide range of materials. In this work, elastically isotropic truss lattice structures are
DIC investigated, produced by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) from austenitic 316L stainless steel. The lattice
FE modelling
specimens are used to explore the effect of different unit cell sizes, orientations and volume fractions on the
Truss lattice
mechanical behaviour.
Stainless steel
Quasi-static, uni-axial tensile experiments are carried out with 3D digital image correlation (DIC) measure-
ments. The experiments are validated by finite element (FE) simulations in order to unravel the governing
mechanism of the tensile strength and deformation behaviour for the tested specimens. Comparisons are
performed by means of force–displacement curves and strain distribution maps.
For all lattice types, the geometrical deviations due to manufacturing are quantified and their impact on the
mechanical properties is investigated using numerical models. The high resolution DIC measurements provide a
detailed insight into the failure mechanisms of the specimens, which are also captured numerically for specific
cases. The capabilities of experimental and computational methods are combined to reveal the uncertainties
in the mechanical properties of LPBF produced truss lattice structures.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: kinga.somlo@ntnu.no (K. Somlo).
Received 3 December 2021; Received in revised form 25 February 2022; Accepted 22 March 2022
Available online 30 March 2022
0020-7683/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
process has become popular, mainly due to its geometric accuracy (Ma-
conachie et al., 2019; Köhnen et al., 2018). A wide range of metal AM
powder materials can be used for producing lattices, but Ti-6Al-4V,
316L and Al-Si10-Mg are the primary choice of materials (Zhang et al.,
2019; Xu et al., 2020; Leary et al., 2016). Most of the experimental
studies have been limited to uniaxial compression, partly because these
tests can be carried out with the simplest specimen geometry. For
tensile testing, the unavoidably rigid gripping part constrains the lattice
cross-section, introducing boundary edge effects, and specimens are
more time consuming and expensive to build. Additionally, as also
proposed by Köhnen et al. (2018) tensile lattice specimens require a
more complicated graded porous structure, in order to avoid failure at
the boundary between the solid gripping block and the lattice (Hanzl
et al., 2019).
Detailed studies of deformation and failure behaviour of metal
lattice structures under tension are currently limited, and there are sig-
nificant uncertainties due to the high variation of unit cell geometries
and materials. Nevertheless, digital image correlation (DIC) and finite
element (FE) analyses enable deep insight into local deformations,
contributing to the understanding of the mechanical behaviour at the
meso and macro scales. In a comparative study for Ti-6Al-4V SC unit
cells by Drücker et al. (2021) a fairly good agreement was achieved
between 3D DIC, conventional FE models and homogenised models.
Zhang et al. (2019) applied similar methods for Ti-6Al-4V diamond
cells, but only a FE model, including manufacturing imperfections, such Fig. 1. Geometric models of (a) graded lattice specimen (b) SC-BCC and (c) SC-Octet
as strut diameter deviations, could bring experimental and numerical unit cells with 𝜌 = 20% over-all volume fraction.
results in close agreement.
Considering the real printed geometry accounting for manufacturing
errors, rather than the idealised designed geometry, is an essential 30 mm with a uniform lattice with the target volume fraction, and two
factor for evaluating the potential of AM produced lattices in real graded zones of 40 mm on each side, as illustrated in Fig. 1a. The
applications. The deviations between nominal and printed dimensions lattices in the graded zones have linearly increasing strut diameters
as well as defects, such as broken trusses, depend not only on the towards the solid gripping parts, with the final strut diameters being
manufacturing technology and material but also on the truss diameter, approximately twice as large as in the central region. The models have
unit cell size and orientation. Although lattice structures is a field of been created with the nTopology software (nTopology, 2022).
intense research focus, only a limited number of studies have quanti- In the present work, elastically isotropic lattices have been applied,
fied the impact of actual manufacturing imperfections. Similarly, few based on the work of Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr (2018). As reported
studies have dealt simultaneously with various unit cell geometries, by Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr (2018), elastic isotropy can be obtained
orientations and volume fractions. with an adequate combination of the commonly used elementary cubic
The present work investigates elastically isotropic truss lattice struc- cells. The hereby investigated compound lattices are based on unit cells
tures each composed of two different elastically anisotropic, elementary combining the SC lattice with BCC and Octet lattices, as shown in
unit cells (Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr, 2018). Specifically, SC-BCC and Fig. 1b and c. respectively. Note that any combination of these three
SC-Octet unit cells are considered, for which elastic isotropy is obtained elementary cells in a single compound lattice exhibits elastic isotropy
based on the specific relative volume fractions derived in the work under the following condition (Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr, 2018),
of Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr (2018). Furthermore, the effects of the 𝑐SC 𝑐Octet 𝑐BCC 𝜌
unit cell sizes, the orientations and the volume fractions are studied. + + = (1)
3 6 9 5
Quasi-static tensile experiments are carried out with high resolution where 𝑐SC , 𝑐BCC and 𝑐Octet are the volume fractions of the SC, BCC
3D DIC measurements, and the results obtained are validated by FE and Octet lattices, respectively, and 𝜌 is the macroscopic target volume
simulations. For the FE analyses, both unit cell models with periodic fraction such that the total volume fraction is
boundary conditions and full-scale models of the lattice specimens
geometries are considered. In addition, models of the ‘‘as-fabricated’’ 𝑐SC + 𝑐Octet + 𝑐BCC = 𝜌 (2)
geometries are employed to account for manufacturing inaccuracies Considering Eqs. (1) and (2), the combination of SC and BCC cells leads
and defects. Inaccuracies are accounted for by correcting the model to 𝑐BCC = 35 𝜌, while SC combined with Octet gives 𝑐Octet = 45 𝜌.
strut diameters for each individual strut orientation, using DIC cameras Besides the different unit cell types, further objectives are to ex-
for optical estimations of the actually printed strut diameters. amine different volume fractions, unit cell sizes and load orientations.
The chosen geometries aim at exploring a wide range of lattice features,
2. Experimental procedure while fulfilling the manufacturing constraints among which there is a
minimum truss diameter of 0.4 mm. SC-BCC lattice specimens were
2.1. Design of lattice tensile specimens printed with 10%, 20%, 30% volume fraction at the central part and
a 4.5 mm cell size (Fig. 2a–c), all of them satisfying the limit of the
Lattice tensile testing inherently requires more complex specimen recommended minimum printed diameter. SC-Octet specimens were
geometries with higher production cost than compression testing. Mas- possible to print at sufficiently good quality only for 20% and 30%
sive solid blocks are necessary for gripping. Furthermore, a gradual nominal volume fractions (Fig. 2d–e). In addition, several variants of
change of strut diameters is also essential to ensure close to uniaxial the SC-BCC lattice specimen with 20% volume fraction were produced,
loading conditions at the centre of the specimen and prevent fracture shown in Fig. 2f–i. These include the different orientations of [110]
at the boundaries between the gripping blocks and the lattices (Köhnen and [111] (Fig. 2h and i), in addition to different cell sizes of 3 mm
et al., 2018). Therefore, each specimen consists of a central region of and 6 mm (Fig. 2f and g).
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 2. LPBF 316L lattice structures with the corresponding unit cell models.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 3. Uniaxial tensile experimental set up: (a) Gripped SC-BCC [111] specimen with DIC system, (b) High resolution image of the specimen obtained by DIC.
Table 2
Applied parameters of isotropic hardening law.
𝜎0 [MPa] R0 [MPa] R∞ [MPa] b
480 700 120 80
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 5. Manufacturing defects of (a) SC-BCC [110] and (b) SC-BCC, 6 mm lattice specimens captured by DIC.
Fig. 6. FE mesh for SC-BCC 10% specimen: (a) 1/8th model with symmetry planes and (b) illustration of the mesh resolution for one unit cell at the junction of the symmetry
variation in diameters between the SC struts oriented at +45◦ and those For each lattice specimen variant, an as-fabricated specimen model
oriented at −45◦ with respect to the BD, as shown in Fig. 5a. was created based on the measured strut diameters in the central
uniform region of one of the two printed specimen repetitions. In order
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 8. Anisotropic stress strain curves of the applied (a) material model and (b) SC-BCC 20% unit cell with periodic boundary condition.
Fig. 9. Effect of dimensional errors of the manufacturing on anisotropy and average Young’s modulus, E. Superscripts ‘min’ and ‘max’ refer to minimum and maximum homogenised
Young’s moduli among all possible loading directions. The subscripts ‘nominal’ and ‘as-fabricated’ refer to unit cells built with the theoretical or measured strut dimensions,
to mitigate the uncertainties of the measurements and the manufactur- the literature, since specimen specific edge effects are excluded. The
ing, strut diameters in each characteristic orientation were estimated homogenisation method is computationally very efficient, but their re-
based on the average of 12 measurements. All measurements were sults are usually not easy to reproduce experimentally, as experimental
performed in the central region, where strut diameters were supposed specimens require a very large number of unit cells in order to avoid
to be constant. The measurements exhibited stochastic variations with boundary effects. This work presents unit cell simulation results only
standard deviations, depending on the specimen, in the range of 10– for the baseline SC-BCC cell (4.5 mm, 20%) with different orientations,
100 μm, but only average values were used for the modelling. Note that but further similar results can be found in the work of Tancogne-Dejean
the manufacturing deviations near the grips were not accounted for in and Mohr (2018).
the modelling, since their effect on the overall response was assumed to In the case of the lattice specimen models, depending on the unit cell
be negligible, due to the much higher volume fraction in these regions. orientation, a few symmetry conditions could be applied to decrease
computational time. For the lattices with [100] unit cell orientation,
3.3. FE modelling symmetry is maintained in all three Cartesian coordinate directions,
thus 1/8th models of these structures have been employed. However,
The FE simulations of the present work were performed within the for the lattices with [110] and [111] cell orientation half and full
commercial software ANSYS Workbench. All simulations account for models were required, respectively.
large deformations and an implicit solver was employed. The same Non-uniform meshes, with quadratic tetrahedral elements were gen-
setup was used both for unit cells with periodic boundary conditions erated for all lattice specimen models with the nTopology software,
and for full-scale lattice tensile specimens. For each lattice specimen and they were subsequently imported to ANSYS Workbench. A detailed
type, two versions of the model were created; one with the nominal mesh convergence study was performed for individual lattices to de-
strut diameters, and one using the actual printed strut diameters, termine a suitable mesh size, see Appendix A. The study showed that
estimated as described in Section 3.2. using a feature size of 0.25 mm in the nTopology mesh settings, results
The homogenised unit cell models are ideal for validating the in sufficiently fine meshes with a minimum element size of ca. 0.1 mm
targeted mechanical properties of the cells by comparing them with in the thinnest struts, as shown in Fig. 6. The generated meshes for the
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 10. Force–displacement curves of lattice models obtained by FE simulations with nominal and as-fabricated dimensions: (a) SC-BCC and SC-Octet lattices with different volume
fractions, (b) all SC-BCC lattices with 20% volume fraction. Results of SC-BCC lattice with 20% volume fraction and 4.5 mm cell size (green curves) are repeated in both plots.
Fig. 11. Force–displacement curves from tensile tests and FE simulations, using the models with as-fabricated truss diameters. The results are presented for different: (a) volume
fractions of SC-BCC 4.5 mm unit cells, (b) unit cell sizes of SC-BCC with 20% volume fraction, (c), unit cell orientations of SC-BCC, 20%, 4.5 mm and (d) volume fractions of
SC-Octet unit cells.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 12. Equivalent total strain maps of (a) SC-Octet 20%, (b) SC-BCC [111], (c) SC-BCC [110] and (d) SC-BCC 6 mm lattice structures obtained by DIC and FE models at 5 mm
imposed displacement.
Fig. 13. Fracture surfaces of the following lattices: (a, b) SC-BCC 20%, (c, d) SC-BCC 3 mm, (e) SC-BCC 6 mm, (f, g) SC-BCC [110], (h, i) SC-Octet 20%.
full, half and 1/8th specimen models have approximately 4 million, 2 side of the specimen and fixed support on the other side. While for
million and 750 000 elements, respectively, and all of them are depicted the symmetric specimens, frictionless support was used at the planes of
in Appendix A. A full-model simulation takes ca. 23 h on 48 nodes symmetries.
using 416 GB RAM and for the half and the 1/8th models the required
resources are reduced significantly, ca. proportionally to the element 4. Results and discussion
number. Regarding the periodic unit cell models, the computational
time is not substantial, as they included two orders of magnitude less
This section presents and compares the experimental and different
elements than the lattice specimen models.
numerical results, primarily by means of force–displacement curves
The lattice specimen FE models, employed in this study, allowed and strain distribution maps. First, the measured strut diameter inac-
to compare simulation results with experiments, and thereby validate curacies are reported, then the homogenised unit cell simulations are
the FE modelling choices, such as material model and approximation presented, followed by the comparison of the specimen models using
of the lattice specimen geometry. The applied boundary conditions for the nominal and measured strut dimensions. The nominal models are
a full specimen model, include a uniaxial displacement loading on one used to compare with literature, while as-fabricated models, accounting
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. 14. Case study of SC-BCC 6 mm lattice: (a) Observed manufacturing defects, (b) Corresponding model with missing trusses and (c) Numerical and experimental
force–displacement curves with strain distribution maps.
for manufacturing inaccuracies, are compared with experiments. A Mohr (2018). Despite the more specific material model of the present
comparison between the two models allows to study the impact of work, Fig. 8b is very close to the respective result from Ref. Tancogne-
manufacturing imperfections. Finally, the failure behaviour of some Dejean and Mohr (2018). Therefore, any further differences in terms of
specific specimens is investigated in detail. plastic anisotropy observed in the tensile specimens can be attributed to
other factors, such as boundary effects and manufacturing inaccuracies,
4.1. Measured strut diameters than the material model itself.
Since the actually printed truss member diameters differ substan-
Using the optical method described in Section 3.2, strut diameters tially from the targeted nominal values (Fig. 7), the effect of these
were estimated in the central uniform region of the specimens. The deviations on the elastic properties has also been investigated numer-
average measured values for each specimen type and each charac- ically, and the results are shown in Fig. 9. These results are obtained
teristic strut orientation are reported in Fig. 7, normalised against with purely elastic unit cell models, using the computational homogeni-
the corresponding nominal value. In general, the printed struts were sation module of the nTopology software (nTopology, 2022; Nemat-
oversized in average, with only very few exceptions. The results from Nasser and Hori, 1993). The homogenisation results, after including
Fig. 7 provided the basis for creating the as-fabricated variants of the the measured strut diameters from Fig. 7, show that manufacturing
unit cell and lattice specimen models of the present work. inaccuracies lead to violation of the elastic isotropy. Interestingly, the
elastic isotropy of the SC-Octet cells is much less sensitive to the
4.2. Unit cell simulation results dimensional inaccuracies than SC-BCC cells, which stems from the
higher complexity and lower anisotropy of the Octet unit cell compared
to the BCC. However, for SC-Octet cells the high positive bias in all
The unit cell simulation results are presented in Fig. 8a by means of
diameters, seen in Fig. 7, leads to considerably higher Young’s moduli
engineering stress strain curves. Despite the more specific anisotropic
compared the targeted values.
plasticity model employed in this work, the results are in a very
good agreement with the literature (Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr, 2018)
employing isotropic material model. Elastic isotropy is fulfilled within
4.3. Numerical results with nominal and as-fabricated lattice specimen
few percent, as expected based on the results of Tancogne-Dejean and
Mohr (2018). The observed plastic behaviour also supports the results
of Tancogne-Dejean and Mohr (2018). Specifically, the [110] orienta-
tion exhibits a substantially higher yield strength than the [111] and In order to demonstrate the effect of manufacturing errors on the
[100] orientations, due to a larger numbers of struts being relatively mechanical properties at the component level, uniaxial tension simula-
aligned with the load. Note that these unit cell results serve the purpose tions were performed with lattice specimen models using the nominal
of studying the impact of the slightly more complex material model, and measured strut dimensions. The force–displacement curves, pre-
in terms of plastic anisotropy, compared to Ref. Tancogne-Dejean and sented in Fig. 10, show that for all cell types the models with the
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
measured strut dimensions are stronger than their nominal counter- lattices are compared in Fig. 12, obtained by DIC and FEM, and their
parts, although the differences vary substantially depending on the unit results exhibit excellent agreement. The illustrated lattices aim to show
cell. It should be noted that the numerical simulations did not include some representative cases at an advanced deformation state. Strain
any failure model, hence most of the curves do not predict failure, maps for all investigated lattice types at different deformation states are
except for few one that indicate some local necking. included in Appendix B. Note that the DIC images shown in Fig. 12b–
For most lattice types, the simulations with nominal and d utilise the 3D reconstruction capability of the DIC software. Hence,
as-fabricated models are in a reasonable agreement, i.e. their yield Fig. 12d shows even the deformation of some BCC struts with an out-
strength values are within 10% range. However, for the SC-Octet lattice of-plane inclination, which are in general difficult to capture. The inner
with 20% nominal volume fraction and the SC-BCC lattice with [110] struts in Fig. 12a–c are missing, since the DIC system could not detect
orientation, the differences are substantial between the nominal and those surfaces. As the deformation progresses, the amount of non-
as-fabricated models. These large deviations stem from the significantly detected surfaces, namely the number of unidentified struts increases,
larger measured strut dimensions compared to the nominal values. Note especially for the lattices with [110] and [111] unit cells orientations.
that high deviations between the force–displacement curves of lattices
Fig. 12c presents the same SC-BCC [110] lattice used for illustrating
with the same nominal volume fractions can be attributed to differences
the manufacturing errors in Fig. 5a. It is clearly visible that the differ-
in the effective cross section areas as well as boundary effects. For a
ence between the diameters of the diagonal SC struts at ±45◦ , reported
specimen with a finite number of unit cells, any struts at the external
in Fig. 7, leads to an asymmetric strain map both from DIC and FEM.
boundaries are not shared with any other cells, and they have therefore
Both strain maps in Fig. 12c indicate a shear band deformation that
an increased contribution to the strength, compared to interior struts.
results in the fracture pattern of this specimen shown in Fig. 13g. This
This means an increased effective cross section area depending on the
unexplained manufacturing error occurred only in one of the two prints
relative amount of struts lying at the external boundaries. This leads
of this specimen. As a consequence, the second replication of this test
to different effective cross sections for the same unit cell depending on
exhibited a less dominant shear deformation (see Fig. 13f).
the orientation and the total number of cells.
Fig. 13 shows the fracture pattern for some of the tested specimens,
4.4. Comparison between experimental and numerical tensile test results including repetitions of the same specimen types. The figure shows the
fracture patterns depend somewhat on the unit cell types. For instance
At this stage, the uniaxial tensile experiments comprising two test SC-BCC 3 mm specimens (Fig. 13c–d) show quite flat fracture surfaces,
repetitions are compared to FE simulations of the as-fabricated mod- while shear bands and zig-zag patterns are more typical for unit cells
els accounting for the printed geometry. Fig. 11 shows that the ex- with larger sizes and rotated orientations.
periments exhibit excellent repeatability with regard to strength and
A detailed study has been carried out to investigate the effect of
ductility. Furthermore, for most of the cases the simulations are in a
printing defects in individual transverse struts in the SC-BCC 6 mm
good agreement with the experimental tensile test results. Interestingly,
lattice shown in Fig. 14. Based on a visual investigation of the printed
the numerical results for both cell types with 30% volume fractions
specimen, two transverse struts of the lattice model have been removed,
underestimate the experimental results; despite the fact that the model
and additional FE analyses (Fig. 14a–b) were performed. The objectives
strut sizes were in general increased based on real measured strut
were to determine the impact of missing struts on strength and examine
diameters. This indicates that there are possibly other effects, such
potential shear band or zig-zag deformation patterns prior to failure.
as additional melted regions at the intersections of the struts, not
accounted for in the model that have a significant impact for these rela- As Fig. 14c shows, up to the yielding point the initial nominal
tively high volume fraction lattices. Comparing the force–displacement model fits the experimental results very well. This apparent agreement
curves of the experiments and the models, substantial overestimations is due to opposing effects of strengthening due to larger printed strut
by the FE models can only be observed for SC-BCC [110] and SC-Octet diameters and weakening due to broken trusses. Considering the force–
20% lattices, shown in Fig. 11c and d respectively. This difference displacement curve of the most complex model with measured strut
could stem from a possible overestimation of the actual strut diameter dimensions and removed struts, it also exhibits an outstanding match
due to the limitation of the visual measurement method described in with the experiment in terms of yielding and failure. Furthermore,
Section 3.2. at the maximum load, the few struts experiencing the highest strain
Regarding the numerically underestimated performance of SC-BCC localisation, indicate the imminent fracture path. Although the exact
[111] lattice, it should be noted that this specific specimen has very path depends on the assumed defects, this result provides a strong
few, highly loaded BCC struts (Fig. 12b), which leads to strength indication of a non-planar fracture pattern, as illustrated in Fig. 14c.
properties that are very sensitive to the estimated strut diameters.
Note that even though this case study is carried out for one specific
Besides, the measurement of the truss diameter especially for this lattice
printed specimen, these general manufacturing defects are of high
is difficult, due to the out-of-plane orientation of all truss members
importance for lattice structures in AM. Among a few other related
relative to the surface plane of the tensile specimen.
studies (Červinek et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2019), the present work
Excellent numerical validations are obtained for SC-BCC lattices
justifies that the manufacturing inaccuracies should be accounted for,
with cell size of 3 mm and 4.5 mm, shown in Fig. 11b. Also de-
and it demonstrates a possible method for that.
cent agreements are achieved for SC-BCC 10% (Fig. 11a) and 6 mm
(Fig. 11b) lattices, and the overestimation of the simulation results for
the 10% lattice might be explained by some neglected defects, i.e. fully
or partially broken truss members.
The analyses presented lead to the conclusion that the unit cell
results from Section 4.2 obtained with the same strut dimensions, 5. Conclusion
provide realistic estimations of the effect of actual printing inaccuracies
on the homogenised mechanical properties.
4.5. Failure behaviour Elastically isotropic truss lattice structures produced by LPBF using
316L stainless steel were investigated both experimentally and numer-
The validity of the specimen models was also evaluated by com- ically. The uniaxial tensile behaviour of different unit cell types, sizes,
parison with DIC measurements. The strain distribution maps of four orientations and volume fractions were studied.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
The applied material and geometric models were demonstrated and fraction or eliminating horizontally aligned struts, i.e. using [110] or
verified against the literature by means of homogenised unit cell simu- [111] orientations.
lations using periodic boundary conditions. The dimensional deviations
of the printed specimens were estimated by visual measurements, in
order to refine the nominal models. Based on these modelling concepts, Declaration of competing interest
FE analyses of the full-scale lattice specimens were performed for both
the nominal and the actual printed geometries.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
The numerical and experimental results were compared in terms of
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
force–displacement curves and strain distribution maps, and they ex-
influence the work reported in this paper.
hibited a good match. The results obtained indicate to what extent the
proposed lattices can be produced with LPBF process, and they quantify
both the geometrical deviations and their impact on anisotropy and
strength. The main conclusions of this study are summarised as follows: Acknowledgements
• With the investigated unit cell sizes, SC-BCC and SC-Octet lattice The present research has been conducted in the framework of the
structures can be adequately printed by LPBF in 316L, with AM-LINE 4.0 project, funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark under
10% and 20% volume fractions, respectively. Nevertheless, a few the grant number 7076-00074B. All specimens were manufactured by
printing defects and significant dimensional inaccuracies occur. one of the project partners, the Danish Technological Institute.
• Strut diameter inaccuracies were estimated for the printed lat-
tices, and their effect on anisotropy, stiffness and yielding was
quantified by unit-cell simulations. SC-Octet lattices exhibited
Appendix A. Mesh convergence study and meshes for all lattice
the largest deviations, leading to considerably higher average
stiffness (due to larger volume fraction), but their elastic isotropy
was barely affected.
• FE models of entire lattice specimens, accounting for as-fabricated
See Figs. A.15 and A.16.
strut diameters, could satisfactorily reproduce the experimen-
tal tensile force–displacement curves and strain distributions ob-
tained with DIC. Accounting for asymmetric dimensional inac-
curacies and characteristic printing defects in the FE model al- Appendix B. Different deformation states for all lattice types
lowed to reproduce the corresponding experimentally observed
See Fig. B.17.
This work provides guidance regarding which unit cells are manufac-
turable with an adequate quality by LPBF technology and which should
be further improved. For instance, the weaker response for the 4.5 mm Appendix C. Images of fractured lattices
unit cell at 10% volume fraction and the 6 mm unit cell at 20% volume
fraction in the experiment compared to the simulation, could be an
indication of a too large bridge distance. The respective printing defect See Figs. C.18, C.19 and C.20.
can be eliminated by reducing the unit cell size, increasing the volume
Fig. A.15. Mesh convergence study with 0.25 and 0.5 min feature size.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. A.16. Meshed FE models for all lattice types with the employed 0.25 min feature size.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. B.17. Equivalent total strain maps obtained by DIC at different displacements, (a) SC-BCC 10%, (b) SC-BCC 20%, (c) SC-BCC 30%, (d) SC-BCC 3 mm, (e) SC-BCC 6 mm, (f)
SC-BCC [111], (g) SC-BCC [110], (h) SC-Octet 20% and (i) SC-Octet 30%,.
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. C.18. Fracture surfaces of the SC-Octet lattices: (a, b) 20%, (c, d) 30%.
Fig. C.19. Fracture surfaces of the SC-BCC lattices: (a) 10%, (b) 20% (c) 6 mm, (d) 3 mm, (e) [110] and (f) [111].
K. Somlo et al. International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247 (2022) 111599
Fig. C.20. Fracture surfaces of the SC-BCC lattices: (a) 10%, (b) 20%, (c) 20% (d) 6 mm, (e) 3 mm, (f) [110] and (g) [111].
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