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Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
Canadian Human Resource Management includes a complete set of Microsoft PowerPoint® files for each chapter.
(Please contact your McGraw-Hill Ryerson representative to find out how instructors can receive these files.) In the
lecture outline that follows, a reference to the relevant PowerPoint slide for this chapter is placed beside the
corresponding lecture material. The slide number helps you to see your location in the slide show sequence and to skip
slides that you don’t want to show to the class. (To jump ahead or back to a particular slide, just type the slide number
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LECTURE OUTLINE (with PowerPoint slides)
• Onboarding is the process of integrating and acculturating new employees into the
Slide 3
organization and providing them with the tools, resources and knowledge to become
successful and productive. It includes orientation, socialization, training and
development activities.
• It encompasses year-long activities that serve to integrate the new hire into the
Slide 5 • Orientation introduces to the new employee to the organization.
These programs familiarize new employees with their roles, the organization, its
policies, other employees and HR related information
Orientation can serve several purposes:
• Reduce employee turnover
-- New employees may quit if they experience a difference between
what they expect to find and what they actually find, i.e.,
cognitive dissonance
• Reduce errors and save time
-- Well-oriented employees knows what is expected and is likely to make fewer
• Develop clear job and organizational expectations
• Improve job performance
-- Employees who establish good relationships tend to be more productive
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
The components of an orientation program are:
• Organizational Issues
-- Examples include history of employer, names and titles of key executives,
overview of products/production process, policies, safety procedures
-- Employee handbook—explaining key benefits, policies, and general
information about the employer may be provided
• HR Related Topics
-- Examples include pay scales and paydays, vacations and holidays, rest
breaks, training and education benefits, employer-provided services,
counselling, etc.
• Introductions
-- To supervisor, co-workers, trainers, employee counsellor
• Role Expectations and Performance
-- Examples include job location, overview of the job, job safety requirements, job
tasks, job objectives, and relationship to other jobs
Slide 6 • Socialization is the continuing process by which an employee
begins to understand and accept the values, norms, and beliefs held
by others in the organization for recruitment usually belongs to the
human resource department
-- Involves turning outsiders into insiders
-- May have taken place even before employees join organizations,
e.g., summer job, formal education etc.
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
-- Sources of information may include production records,
grievances, safety reports, absenteeism and turnover statistics,
performance appraisal, etc.
Training techniques
Slide 14
In selecting a training technique, tradeoffs occurs between cost-effectiveness, desired
program content, appropriateness of the facilities, trainee and trainer preferences
and capabilities, and learning principles
• On-the-Job Training—received directly on the job and is used primarily to
teach workers how to do their present job e.g. Job rotation, apprenticeships,
• Off-the-Job Training—e.g., lecture and video presentations, role playing, case
study, simulation exercises laboratory training
• Web-based learning/E-learning – computer-based training (CBT), virtual
Reality (VR), Internet or Web-based Training is also known as “virtual
education,” or “eLearning”
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
• Cognitive
Development Strategies -- Concerned with altering thoughts and ideas i.e. knowledge, new processes
Slide 19 -- Tends to increase the knowledge and expertise of individuals
-- Probably the least effective strategy in employee development
-- Includes relatively passive methods, e.g., lectures, seminars,
academic education
• Behavioural
Development Strategies
-- Attempts to change behaviour, e.g., management style
Slide 20
-- Aims to make individuals more competent in interacting with their
Behavioural Strategies
environment, i.e., colleagues, subordinates, customers
Slide 21
-- Includes role-playing, behaviour modelling, team building, coaching,
mentoring, etc.
• Environmental
Development Strategies -- Concerned with providing the organizational setting in which employees can
Slide 22 thrive and develop
-- Although the most promising developmental strategy it is the most difficult to
Environmental Approach implement
Slide 23 -- Includes job rotation, organizational development, the learning
organization concept, temporary assignments, project teams, etc.
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
equity plans
• Taps and optimizes employee potential
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
interacting with their environment, e.g., with 11. Why is employee feedback an important element of
colleagues, subordinates, or customers. any organization's attempt to encourage career
Environmental management development tries to
change a manager's attitudes and values. Creating a job Without feedback, employees have no way of
environment that continuously reinforces desirable evaluating how successful their career planning efforts
behaviour will eventually change the frame of reference have been. In time, the lack of feedback may cause
of managers and ensure that changes (new approaches) employees to believe career planning is a useless
become permanent. expenditure of their time.
8. In what way does a "learning" organization differ 12. Suppose a hard-working and loyal employee is
from a "traditional" organization? passed over for promotion. What would you tell this
In a learning organization employees "continually
expand their capacity to create the results they truly Assurance of the value of the employee should be
desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking communicated as well as consideration for future
are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and promotions. The reasons why this person was passed
where people are continually learning how to learn over should be explained. Finally, specific career
together" (Senge). development actions should be discussed that will
increase the employee's likelihood of being promoted in
9. Why should a human resource department be the future. Of course, the employee should be told these
concerned about career planning, especially since actions do not guarantee promotion, but they will
employee plans may conflict with the organization's increase the likelihood of future career success.
objectives? What advantages does a human resource
department expect to receive from assisting in career
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
1. Before you entered your college or university you retain employees by meeting their needs. In addition,
had certain ideas about what your values and your competitor is responsible for utilizing succession
expectations would be as a student. How did the planning to ensure sufficient candidates exist for key
institution's socialization process change these values positions.
and expectations?
3. You are the Training and Development manager.
Clearly, the answer will vary from one student to the Your president calls you in and tells you that the
next. Students should be encouraged to focus on their management development budget has to be cut because
values and expectations relating to a number of items of the company's financial situation. What arguments
including: can you use to persuade your boss that development
money is well spent?
• work load
• expectations of having a “fun time” in the The best argument is that without well-trained and up-
institution to-date skilled employees the company will always be a
• attitude toward students belonging to opposite sex, runner-up to companies who train continuously. Well-
older students, students of other backgrounds, etc. trained staff is also more flexible in terms of possible
• work-play relationship assignments (especially if they are cross-trained), tend
• role of instructions to be better motivated and have better morale, have less
• care shown by others (students, professors, turnover, and have less absenteeism. Also, the quality
administrators, support staff) of their output tends to be higher.
• career goals
• ethical standards/values
Comments to Instructors
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. They are for class discussion purposes.
Comments to Instructors
These exercises have been designed for students to demonstrate their computer and Internet skills to research the
required information. Answers will vary
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
Part 2 Planning Human Resources
If she works out her career plan with her supervisor and
Answer to Discussion Questions the human resource manager, she may be able to get
some support from the company, especially if she
1. Develop a career plan for Bernadine. What would consults with her supervisor about special courses she
she have to do to move up the ladder to the comptroller could take, which may be of special interest to the
position, the chief financial officer of the company? company, e.g., taxation, international accounting, or
It is advisable for Bernadine to enroll as soon as
possible at the local university for a Bachelor of After obtaining her Bachelor's degree she has the
Commerce degree with a major in Accounting. Since choice of going for an MBA degree, which would be
she does not have the money to be a full-time student it useful if she had interest in a broader management
will have to be on a part-time basis, which means that position. If she still feels comfortable staying in the
she can get her degree in three (if she uses summer accounting field, she may want to consider choosing an
sessions) or four years. accounting designation, CA, CMA, or CGA. After five
or six years she would be ready to be considered for an
Assistant Comptroller position, preparing herself to
take over when the current comptroller retires.
Chapter 7 Orientation, Training and Development, and Career Planning
An inexpensive approach includes assessing employee Because trainees may learn from the pre test
reactions and attitudes immediately following their independently of training, the design should be
training. An expensive program would involve modified to include the groups where no pre test is
correlating training scores with job performance several given.
months after the training. For the less expensive
approach, the primary aim is to gauge how employees O T O (pre-test, post-test training)
feel about the program but without drawing any O O (pre-test, post-test)
conclusions about the impact on performance. For the T O (training, post-test)
more expensive approach, performance indicators can O (post-test only)
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different content
— Katso, vaimoseni, se on jokin ihmekivi, se loistaa kuin timantti.
— No, köyhä vaimo, anna minulle tämä kivi, niin saat siitä tuhat
markkaa. Sillä tiedä, se on oikea timantti.
Köyhä vaimo yskähti taas, hän oli niin hämmästynyt, ettei saanut
sanaakaan suustaan. Ei hän väheksynyt tuhattakaan markkaa! Mutta
kuningas luuli taas, että kaksi tukattakin oli hänestä liian vähän, ja
sanoi taas köyhälle vaimolle:
Vaimo läksi suurella riemulla kotiin, mutta olipa iloa kotonakin! Nyt
he olivat rikkaita, ei heidän enää tarvinnut nähdä nälkää.
Kun rikas mies kuuli tämän, tuli hänelle kiire kotiin, ja hän kertoi
vaimollensa mitä oli kuullut.
No, jo tulikin rikas mies, ja kun hän astui ovesta sisään, avasi hän
heti kaikki kolme säkkiä.
Paimen sanoi:
Tyttö läksi paimenen luo. Otti mukaansa kultaa niin paljon kuin
jaksoi kantaa pienessä laatikossa. Paimen oli juuri koonnut
laumansa. Tyttö meni suoraan hänen luoksensa ja tervehti:
— Voi, hyvä paimen, jos tietäisit miksi tulin! En tule toimeen enkä
saa rauhaa sen jälkeen kuin kuulin kultavillaisesta karitsasta. Katso
tätä laatikkoa, se on kultaa täpösen täynnä. Anna karitsa minulle!
Sanoi paimenpoika:
Itsekseen hän ajatteli, että hän menee kuninkaan luo ja sanoo sille
suoraan totuuden ennenkuin kuningas ehtii kysyäkkään mitään. Siinä
vainioita taivaltaessaan hän tapasi maarotan kaivaman reiän, siihen
hän pisti keppinsä ja kepin päähän hattunsa, sitten hän peräytyi
vähän ja ikäänkuin keppi olisi ollut Matias kuningas, lähestyi hän sitä
taas hitaasti, nöyränä, kunnioittavasti tervehtien:
Astui taas vähän matkaa, niin tapasi taas maarotan reiän. Pisti
keppinsä siihen, pani hattunsa kepin päähän ja kuvitteli, että se on
Matias kuningas ja tervehti:
Paimen tervehti:
— Mihinkä mustavillaiseen?
— Anna sinä pois vain, elä yhtään arkaile, sillä tiedä, ettei tämä
ole mikään tavallinen huilu. Saatpa nähdä, että se tulee vielä sinulle
hyvään tarpeeseen. —
Ukko puheli niin, että Palkó viimein antoi kuin antoikin vasikan siitä
hiirestä. Nyt hänellä olikin enää vain kaksi vasikkaa kaupungille
ajettavana, mutta miten ollakkaan, — taivaastako tipahti vai maan
altako kohosi — vanha ukko ilmestyi taas hänen eteensä ja sanoi:
Palkó ajatteli: — Jos niin on, niin mitäs minä lähden enää yhdellä
vasikalla markkinoille. Saakoon vanhus tämän neljännenkin vasikan.
— Kun hän oli antanut viimeisenkin vasikan ukolle, niin sanoi tämä:
— No, poikaseni, mene nyt kotiisi. Sinne et pitkäksi aikaa jää: äitisi
lyö sinua niin kauan, kunnes joku pelastaa sinut hänen käsistään.
Mutta silloin juokse, minne nenä näyttää, ja huuda takaisin äidillesi:
No, kyllä syntyi kotona aika elämä kun Palkó saapui. Hänen äitinsä
— En minä ole niitä rahasta myynyt, vaan nämä tässä minä sain —
ja otti kontistaan huilun, hiiren, koppakuoriaisen ja unipussin.
Sanoi Palkó:
Hän odotti vain sitä, että kuningas lähtisi pois kotoa; silloin hän
meni Cerceruskan kanssa alas siihen puutarhaan, jossa kauris eleli.
Puutarhan keskellä oli lampi, ja kun he joutuivat sen rannalle, sanoi
vanha vaimo: — Tule Cerceruska, katso vedenkalvossa kuvaasi,
kuinka sinä olet kaunis! —
Kuningas kävi kovin surulliseksi Luulipa hän jo, että Cerceruska oli
lähtenyt maailmalle. Senpä tähden hän käski etsiä häntä ja lupasi
suuret määrät kultaa sille, joka toisi Cerceruskan takaisin. Mutta
vaikka hän olisi luvannut puolet valtakuntaansa, ei Cerceruskaa
kuitenkaan kukaan olisi voinut löytää.
Kun häijy vaimo näki tämän, säpsähti hän. Arveli näet, että jos
kuningas aina on puutarhassa, voi hänen päähänsä juolahtaa ajatus,
että Cerceruska on työnnetty lampeen. Hänpä hävittää kauriinkin!
Odotti taas, että kuningas lähtisi pois kotoa; sitten kutsui hän
kiireesti teurastajan ja läksi puutarhaan lopettaakseen kauriin päivät.
Hei, tämä heille kelpasikin! Täällä oli mitä ampua! Olisipa ollut
mieluista, jos isäukko olisi ollut mukana näkemässä sitä riistan
paljoutta! Varmaan metsästämishalu heräisi hänessä uudelleen.
Johan he melkein kyllästyivät siihen riistan paljouteen. Puhvelihärät,
hirvet, gasellit käyskentelivät metsän aukeamilla, niihin he eivät
kajonneet. Mieluimmin he ottivat ajaakseen jotain yksityistä eläintä.
Semmoista he saattoivat ajaa takaa aamusta iltaan.
— Lähdetään perään! —
Hunor sanoi: