.NGI3NIEDIA. S.A. DE 4:.'''.
ESP-c484- T-1000
o 141MAYI99
1.2.1 Dimensioning 3
12.3 Accessibility 4
1.2.4 Flexibility 4
1.4.1 Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness 5
1.4.2 Line and connection Sizes 5
1.4.6 Valves 7
1.4.7 Gaskets 7
1.4.8 Bolting 8
1.7A1R UNES 9
1.13.1 Distribution 11
~I • FESI •• A.L BE
I.GE.IEal •. s.A.. DI3 C:.W.
In addition to the requirements ot this section and .the individual Piping Specitication
sheets (attached) the general design ot piping systems shall contorm to the appficable
sections ot the NACE Standard MR-01-75 and ASME B31.3 Code tor Pressure
Piping, hereinafter reterred to as the "Code".
The corrosion allowances tor the different services and classes are indicated in the
individual Piping Specification sheets
1.2. 1 Dimensioning
A11piping drawings shaJI show dimensions in !he metric system, only the pipa size
(0) will be indicated in inches.
AII piping shall be routed to provide neat and economical Layouts. with the
shortest possible runs and the mínimum number ot tittings consisten! with good
engineering practica. Piping, above and below ground, shall be run in plant North-
South and East-West directions, where possible, with adequate vertical clearance
between pipes crossing at right angles. Changes in direction shall generally be
accompanied by a change in elevation.
Pump suction lines from towers and receivers shall be routed to the pumps without
creating vapor traps in the line.
Wherever possible, all tinas shall be economically grouped and routed in parallel
at a common bottom ot pipa (BOP) elevation on overhead pipe supports. sleepers,
or in trenches. Clearance shall be allowed between fines to permit access for
removal and/or r repair, allowing a minimum ot 5O-mm (2-inches) between a pipe
and the largest f1ange or fit1ing of the adjacent pipe. Insulation thickness and
movement due to thermal expansion or contraction shall be considered when
determining pipa spacing and bottom elevatíon. The minimum space allowanee tor
future piping on pipe racks and sleepers shall be approximately 25 pareent.
1.2.3 Accessibility
AII valve manifolds, control vaNes, and motor valves shall be lacatad to provide
easy accessibility tor operation and repair.
Control valves and adjacent piping shall be arranged and supported so that the
valves can be removed without disturbing the operating systems or supports.
Sufficient c1earance shall be left above or below control valves to permit removal
ot related andlor adjacent bypass and block valves.
1.2.4 Rexibility
The use ot cold spring, expansion bends and loops or other approved means shall
prevent excessive stress Í'l the piping systems due lo expansion or contraction.
Piping systems shall be designed so that torees on equipment due to static or
operating loads, including those produced by expansion, shall not exceed the
allowable torees or cause misaJignments greater than permitted by the equipment
Lines, except water and air lines, shall have consolidated blanking stations outside
the battery limits ot each area. The stations shall include permanent access
platforms and ladders. The lines shall each have a block valve and a bleed valve
at the battery limits, with the blanking point installed on the area side ot the block
valve. Flare lines shall be provided with valves, which are locked open at these
blanking stations. Where such valves are present in horizontal flare lines, they
shall be installed in positions that will prevent unintentional c10sing due to
Insulating flange gasket sets shall be installed between oHshore pipeline risers·
and platforms, and between underground and aboveground lines.
Temporary startup strainers shall be installed in suction tines to all major rotating
equipment (compressors, pumps, etc.) lor removal 01 loreign materials. Piping
The high and low points of all tines shall be provided with ~" minimum vent and
drain connections, which may be plugged if required only for startup or valved if
required during normal operation.
Minimum clear headroom for all overhead pipeways on offshore platforms shall be 7'-
6". Other clearances shall be provided lo accommodate the applicable requirements
of Subsection 1.2 above.
Access for operation and maintenance shall be provided from both sides of pumps.
compressors, control valves, etc., and otherwise to accommodate applicable
requirements of Subsection 1.2 above.
The miniml6Tl pipa wall thickness shall be the greater of stated thickness or the
calculated thicknesses for the pressure and temperature rating of the piping,
taking into consideration hoop stress, corrosion allowance, manufacturing
tolerance, and thread a1lowance as applicable.
Low carbon steel pipes 1-1/2" nominal diameter and smaller shall be Schedule
80 minimum, except for sprinkler and water spray systems. Nominal diameters 2"
through 10" shall be Schedule 40 minimum, añd 12" and larger shall be the
minimum indicated on the applicable individual Specification sheets. Minimum
wall thickness for all other pipe materials shall be calculated. and shall be in full
accordance with "Code" requirements.
AII pipa nipples ~ •• diameter and smaller shall be Schedule 160 seamless
mínimum for hydrocarbon service. and Schedule 80 for all other services.
Pipe smaller than :y.." shall not be usad except for instrument connections and for
air connections to control valves.
Líne sizes 1-1/4", 3-1/2", and the odd numbered sizes larger than 3-inch shall not
generally be used. Exceptions may be made for companion connections to
equipment, and where economics in the use of costly piping materials is a
controlling factor.
Une sizing tor tire protection systems shall be in accordance with NFPA
Standards 13, 15, and 24.
Piping shall be designed wtth either bends or long radius welding elbows. The
use ot short radius weld ells shall be kept lo a minimum.
Only reducing tittings shall make changes in line sizes, sockel weld inserts,
reducers, or swages. No bushings shall be used. The larger line schedule shall
determine the fitting wall thickness, ¡.e. a butt weld fitting connecting 4" Schedule
40 and 2" Schedule 80 lines shall be purchased as a 4" X 2" Schedule 80
reducer wilh the 4" end taper bored lo Schedule 40.
Reducing elbow shall be used only where required tor clearance purposes.
The dimensions of al! steel fittings 36-, larger and smaller shall conform to ASME
Standard B16.9. The dimension ot steel tlanges 24" and smaller shall contorm to
ASME Standard B16.5. Steel flanges larger than 24" shall contorm to ASME
Standard 816.47 series A.
Special tittings shall not be used except where standard tittings cannot be
Bull plugs 1" and smaller shall be solid steel plugs, and shall be long enough to
ex1end Ihrough insulation.
Flanges tor all services shall be as noted under individual Piping Specification
Whenever flat faca cast ¡ron flanged fittings and valves are usad in utility piping,
the steel companion f1anges shall be flat faces, and full-tace gaskets shall be
used. Flanges shall be flat tace where connecting to tlat tace pump, turbine, rJ b-{ \:)
compressor, or other equipment nozzles. Their use should be minimizad and \J. cj3.V'
discouraged. -------------------------
Slip-on flanges may be substituted tor weld neck tlanges only where required to
suit space Iímitations.
Where socket weld valves or fittings are used, the pipe shall be spaced in the
socket so that no stress es will be imparted to the weld due to bottoming ot the
pipe in the socket.
Spectacle blinds. rather than spade-type blinds. shall be provided when space
permits. The thickness ot blinds shall be calculated in accordance with API - 590.
Jackscrews shall be provided as required.
Where thredolets, sockolets, socket weld coupling are used, they shall be a
minimum ot 3000#.
1.4.6 Valves
Except tor buttertly and water check valves, face to tace dimensions of tlanged
valves shall contorm to ASME Standard B16.10. FIanges on al! steel valves 24-
inch and smaller shall contorm to ANSI Standard B16.5. Flanges on steel va/ves
larger than 24-inch shall conform to ASME B16.47 series A.
Globe valves shall be used only where throttling is required. Valves operated in
wide open and block-in service shall be gate, plug, and buttertly or ball type as
required for product and service.
Manually operated valves located more than 2.1 m (T-O") above platforms, f100rs
shall be provided with impact type chainwheels and chains. The bottom of chains
for handwheels shall clear operating levels by 1.4 m (4'-0"), and shall not
obstruct passageways. Chainwheel operators shall not be usad on valve 2" and
AII tire water control and block valves shall be the indicating types.
The tirst process valve from any piping header, vessel vent, drain etc. shall be a
minimum of :Y4".
AII tank valves, which are used for tank block service and are, located next lo the
tank, shall be Ihe gate flex-wedge type with bottom taps.
1.4.7 Gaskets
1.4.8 Bolting
A11 bolting used in sour hydrocarbon serviee shall eontorm to NACE Standard
Minimum bolting materials shall be ASTM A 193, Grade B7M, and nuts shall be
ASTM A 194, Grade 2M.
AII pipes in contaet with sour hydrocarbon serviee shall eonform to NACE Standard
1" sample eonnections shall be provided as shown on the Engineering andlor Utility
Flow Diagrams.
•• GE•• E •• A. !LA. E ':.Y.
Potable and salt-water utility lines shall be routed above platform decks when
practica!. Potable water mains may be routed below ground.
Hose connections 01 ~" size, with globe valve, shall be provided such that all working
areas may be reached with a So-foot length of hose.
Service air systems shall be provided to supply air for maintenance tools, cleaning,
emergency use, ete.
Hose eonnections 01 ~" size, with globe valve, shall be provided sueh that all working
areas may be reached with a 5O-foot length of hose.
Instrument air supply headers shall be a minimum of 1-1/2-ineh. Loeation and size 01
lines from headers to instruments shall be as indicated on the Instrument Orawings.
AII valves used in sour hydrocarbon serviee shall conform to NACE Standard MR-01-
Control, relief and special valves shall be provided as indicated on the Engineering
and/or Utility -Flow Oiagrams, P&IO's.
Bleed valves shall be provided at control valves when the line content is toxic.
Block valves with Iocking devices shall be installed upstream 01 relief valves to
facilitate valve maintenance.
A bleed valve shall be installed between each block valve and safety valve.
Safety valves discharging into a closed header shall be arranged so that the
discharge pipe enters above the header eenter line to prevent trapping liquids in the
tail pipa.
Safety and thermal relief valves shall be removed or blanked off during piping system
hydrostatic tests. Pilat operated safety reliel valves shall be blinded on the inlet side
or removed.
AII service pressure gauge connections shall be ~" National Pipe Thread (NPT).
AII sarvice temperature connections shall be 1" National Pipe Thread (NPT).
Connections for pressure or flow instruments shall have a block valve at the header or
vessel. Instrument bridles shall have block valves at the vessel.
Operational low point draíns in process service shall be piped to a closed drain
system. Each line shall include an 1"minimum block valve.
An oily water sewer shall be provided to collect drainage from floor drains, pump
bedplates and other sources of oíl contaminated water. A vented, closed process
sewer shall be installed lo provide a safe means for disposing of f1ashing waste and
for draining all equipment in emergencies or for repairs.
G ravity flow drain and sewer Iines shall be sloped not less than one percent (1 %) in
the pipe header areas, and shall not be smaller than 4" diameter. Discontinuities in
line slopes, such as slope changes or inverted siphons (sags), shall be avoided, if at
all possible.
AII equipment and floor drains shall have traps or other means to prevent back flow of
Clean outs shall be provided for sewer lines and open drain lines at 50-foot intervals.
AII open drains shall be laid out so that all branches and mains can be cleaned, and
so that no equipment need be removed in the event of drain repairs. The drains shall
be piped ¡nto sumps below the liquid level.
Vent header piping shall be arranged to avoid pockets where Iiquids may accumulate.
Headers shall be designed with a mínimum one-pereent (1%) slope to the flare drum.
Operational high point vents in process serviee shall be piped to a process vent
header. Eaeh line shall inelude a 1" minimum block valve.
Provisíons shall be made for steaming out anci/or gas purging vents and flare lines
trom the extremities.
A11surfaees with operating temperatures greater than 400°F (204 0c) shall be
RsuIated, if accessible by combustible hydrocarbons.
The sizes of distribution mains and laterals shall be calculated to provide the flow
rates and pressures required.
1.13.1 Distribution
For offshore installation. where distribution mains are normally charged with
saltwater, an allowance for eorrosion shall be made.
For feeds to sprinkler and water spray systems. the transition between the
distribution piping and the system piping shall be at the lace 01 the discharge
flange of the system block valve.
Wet pipa sprinkler systems, utilizing saltwater, shall normally be charged with
tresh water, or shall be provided with an adequate corrosion allowance.
Piping tor special tire protection systems, such as CO2• dry chemical, and foam
concentrate, are excluded trom these Standards. Piping materials for such
systems shall be covered in separate system specifications.
REV. o 14 MAY. 99
CPI-CEC PAGE. 120112