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Physics Pyqs

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Section D

Attempt any THREE questions of the following: [12]

Q.27. What is a transformer? Explain construction and working of a transformer. Derive the equation for a transformer.

Q.28. Using the geometry of the double slit experiment, derive the expression for fringe width of interference bands.

Q.29. Distinguish between an ammeter and a voltmeter. (Two points each). The displacement of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is 1 3 rd of its
amplitude. What fraction of total energy will be its kinetic energy?

Q.30. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Ferry’s perfectly black body. Compare the rms speed of hydrogen molecules at 227°C with rms speed of oxygen
molecule at 127°C. Given that molecular masses of hydrogen and oxygen are 2 and 32 respectively.

Q.31. Derive an expression for energy stored in a charged capacitor. A spherical metal ball of radius 15 cm carries a charge of 2μC. Calculate the electric field
at a distance of 20 cm from the center of the sphere

Attempt any THREE questions of the following: [12] (2023) march

Q.27. On the basis of kinetic theory of gases obtain an expression for pressure exerted by gas molecules enclosed in a contai ner on its

Q.28. i. Derive an expression for energy stored in the magnetic field in terms of induced current. ii. A wire 5 m long is supported
horizontally at a height of 15 m along east-west direction. When it is about to hit the ground, calculate the average e.m.f. induced in it. (g
= 10 m/s2 )

Q.29. i. Derive an expression for the work done during an isothermal process. ii. 104 J of work is done on certain volume of a gas. If the
gas releases 125 kJ of heat, calculate the change in internal energy of the gas

. Q.30. i. Obtain the relation between surface energy and surface tension. ii. Calculate the work done in blowing a soap bubble to a radius
of 1 cm. The surface tension of soap solution is 2.5 × 10–2 N/m.

Q.31. Derive expressions for linear velocity at lowest position, mid-way position and the top-most position for a particle revolving in a
vertical circle, if it has to just complete circular motion without string slackening at top.

Attempt any THREE questions of the following: [12] (2023) july

Q.27. State and prove theorem of parallel axes.

Q.28. Define: (i) Isothermal process (ii) Adiabatic process One mole of an ideal gas is enclosed in an ideal cylinder at 1.0 mPa and 27°C.
The gas is allowed to expand till its volume is doubled. Calculate the work done if the expansion is isobaric.

Q.29. Distinguish between streamline flow and turbulent flow. (Any Two points). Calculate the terminal velocity with which an air bubble
of diameter 0.4 mm rise through a liquid of viscosity 0.1 Ns/m2 and density 900 kg/m3 . Density of air is 1.29 kg/m3 .

Q.30. What are Fraunhofer diffraction and Fresnel diffraction? A plane wavefront of light of wavelength 5500Å is incident ont o a slit
perpendicular to the direction of light rays. If the total separation of 10 bright fringes on a screen 2 m away is 2 cm, calculate the distance
between the slits.

Q.31. What is a transformer? State the working principle of transformer. Hence, distinguish between Step up and Step down transformer.
(Any Two points)
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27. Show that even as well as odd harmonics are present as overtones in the case of an air column
vibrating in a pipe open at both the ends. A wheel of moment of inertia 1kg.m2 is rotating at a speed of
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30rad/s. Due to frication on the axis, it comes to rest in 10 minutes. Calculate the average torque of the

OR Explain the formation of stationary waves by analytical method. Show that nodes and antinodes are
equally spaced in stationary waves. The radius of gyration of a body about an axis, at a distance of 0.4m
from its center of mass is 0.5m. Find its radius of gyration about a parallel axis passing through its center
of mass.

28. Obtain an expression for potential energy of a particle performing S.H.M. What is the value of
potential energy (i) Mean position, and (ii) Extreme position. A stretched sonometer wire is in unison with
a tuning fork. When the length of the wire is increased by 5% the number of beats heard per second is
10. Find the frequency of the tuning fork


From differential equation of linear S.H.M, obtain an expression for acceleration, velocity and
displacement of particle performing S.H.M. A sonometer wire 1 m long weighing 2g is in resonance with a
tunning fork of frequency 300Hz. Find tension in the sonometer wire.

29. Explain refraction of light on the basis of wave theory. Hence prove the laws of refraction. Two
coherent sources of light having intensity ratio 81:1 produce interference fringes. Calculate the ratio of
intensities at the maxima and minima in the interference pattern.


State Brewster’s law and show that when light is incident at polarizing angle the reflected and refracted
rays are mutually perpendicular to each other. Monochromatic light of wavelength 4300A falls on a slit of
width ‘a’. for what value of ‘a’ the first maximum falls at 300?

Section C

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [24]

Q.15. A circular coil of wire is made up of 200 turns, each of radius 10 cm. If a current of 0.5A passes
through it, what will be the magnetic field at the centre of the coil?

Q.16. Define photoelectric effect and explain the experimental set-up of photoelectric effect.

Q.17. Define the current gain αDC and βDC for a transistor. Obtain the relation between them.

Q.18. Define surface energy of the liquid. Obtain the relation between the surface energy and surface
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Q.19. What is an isothermal process? Obtain an expression for work done by a gas in an isothermal

Q.20. Derive an expression for equation of stationary wave on a stretched string. Show that the distance
between two successive nodes or antinodes is λ/2.

Q.21. Derive an expression for the impedance of an LCR circuit connected to an AC power supply. Draw
phasor diagram.

Q.22. Calculate the wavelength of the first two lines in Balmer series of hydrogen atom.

Q.23. A current carrying toroid winding is internally filled with lithium having susceptibility χ = 2.1 × 10–5.
What is the percentage increase in the magnetic field in the presence of lithium over that without it?
Q.24. The radius of a circular track is 200 m. Find the angle of banking of the track, if the maximum speed
at which a car can be driven safely along it is 25 m/sec

. Q.25. Prove the Mayer’s relation: R C –C = J p v

Q.26. An alternating voltage is given by e = 8 sin 628.4t. Find (i) peak value of e.m.f. (ii) frequency of
e.m.f. (iii) instantaneous value of e.m.f. at time t = 10 ms.

2023 march and july

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [24]

Q.15. Derive laws of reflection of light using Huygens’ principle

. Q.16. State postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.

Q.17. Define and state unit and dimensions of : i. Magnetization ii. Magnetic susceptibility

Q.18. With neat labelled circuit diagram, describe an experiment to study the characteristics of
photoelectric effect.

Q.19. Explain the use of potentiometer to determine internal resistance of a cell.

Q.20. Explain the working of n-p-n transistor in common base configuration.

Q.21. State the differential equation of linear S.H.M. Hence, obtain expression for : i. acceleration ii.

Q.22. Two tuning forks of frequencies 320 Hz and 340 Hz are sounded together to produce sound wave.
The velocity of sound in air is 326.4 m/s. Calculate the difference in wavelengths of these waves

Q.23. In a biprism experiment, the fringes are observed in the focal plane of the eye-piece at a distance
of 1.2 m from the slit. The distance between the central bright band and the 20th bright band is 0.4 cm.
When a convex lens is placed between the biprism and the eye-piece, 90 cm from the eye-piece, the
distance between the two virtual magnified images is found to be 0.9 cm. Determine the wavelength of
light used.
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Q.24. Calculate the current flowing through two long parallel wires carrying equal currents and separated
by a distance of 1.35 cm experiencing a force per unit length of 4.76  10–2 N/m.

Q.25. An alternating voltage given by e = 140 sin (314.2 t) is connected across a pure resistor of 50 .
Calculate : i. the frequency of the source ii. the r.m.s current through the resistor

Q.26. An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges each of magnitude 1 μC, separated by 2 cm. The
dipole is placed in an external electric field of 105 N/C. Calculate the : i. maximum torque experienced by
the dipole and ii. work done by the external field to turn the dipole through 180.

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [24]

Q.15. Explain construction and working of Ferry’s Black Body.

Q.16. Show that the deflection produced in a moving coil galvanometer is directly proportional to the
current flowing through its coil or vice-versa.

Q.17. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a half wave rectifier. Draw input-
output waveforms.

Q.18. Obtain the expression for the period of simple pendulum performing S.H.M.

Q.19. Show that the beat frequency of two interfering sound waves is the difference between the
individual frequencies of the two sound waves.

Q.20. Obtain an expression for orbital magnetic moment of an electron revolving around the nucleus of
an atom.

Q.21. State Einstein's photoelectric equation. Hence, explain any two characteristics of photoelectric

Q.22. Calculate the shortest wavelength of Paschen series and longest wavelength of Balmer series for H
– atom.

Q.23. A 60 W filament lamp loses all its energy by radiation from its surface. The emissivity of the
filament surface is 0.5 and the surface area is 5 × 10–5 m 2 . Calculate the temperature of the filament.
[Given : σ = 5.67 × 10–8 Jm–2 s –1 K– 4]

Q.24. Two capacitors of capacities C1 and C2 are connected in parallel and this combination is connected
in series with a capacitor of capacity C3. Calculate the equivalent capacity of the combination of

Q.25. With an unknown resistance X in the left gap and a resistance of 30 Ω in the right gap of a meter-
bridge, the null point is obtained at 40 cm from the left end of the wire. Calculate the unknown resistance
and shift in the position of the null point, when resistance in each gap is increased by 15Ω.

Q.26. An inductor of inductance 200 mH is connected to an A.C. source of peak e.m.f. 210 V and
frequency 50 Hz. Calculate the peak current and instantaneous voltage of the source when the current is
at its peak value.
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16. Obtain expression of energy of a particle at different positions in the vertical motion.

17. Define binding energy and obtain an expression for binding energy of a satellite revolving in a circular
orbit round the Earth.

18. State Hooke’s law. Define elastic limit and modulus of elasticity.

19. Obtain an expression for the rise of a liquid in a capillary tube.

20. Explain the reflection of transversal and longitudinal waves from a denser medium and rared medium

21. What is the photo electric effect? Define (i) stopping potential (ii) Photoelectric work function.

22. What is perfectly black body? Explain Ferry’s black body.

23. When a resistor of 5 is connected across the cell, its terminal potential difference is balanced by
150cm of potentiometer wire and when a resistance of 10 is connected across the cell, the terminal
potential difference is balanced by 175cm same potentiometer wire. Find the balancing llength when the
cell is in open circuit and the internal resistance of the cell.
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24. A cyclotron is used to accelerate protons to a kinetic energy of 5MeV. If the strength of the magnetic
field in the cyclotron is 2T, find the radius and the frequency needed for applied alternating voltage of the

25. Assuming expression for impedance in a parallel resonant circuit, state the condition for parallel
resonance. Define resonant frequency and obtain an expression for it.

26. Using an expression for energy of electron, obtain the Bohr’s formula for hydrogen spectral lines.


State the law of radioactive decay. Hence derive the relation t N Noe  , represent it graphically.

Section B

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [16]

Q.3. Explain the change in internal energy of a thermodynamic system (the gas) by heating it.

Q.4. Explain the construction of a spherical wavefront by using Huygens’ principle.

Q.5. Define magnetization. State its SI unit and dimensions.

Q.6. Obtain the differential equation of linear simple harmonic motion.

Q.7. A galvanometer has a resistance of 30Ω and its full scale deflection current is 20 microampere (μA).
What resistance should be added to it to have a range 0-10 volt?

Q.8. Explain Biot-Savart law

. Q.9. What is a Light Emitting Diode? Draw its circuit symbol.

Q.10. An aircraft of wing span of 60 m flies horizontally in earth’s magnetic field of 6 × 10–5T at a speed
of 500 m/s. Calculate the e.m.f. induced between the tips of wings of aircraft.

Q.11. Derive an expression for maximum speed of a vehicle moving along a horizontal circular track.

Q.12. A horizontal force of 0.5N is required to move a metal plate of area 10–2m2 with a velocity of 3 ×
10–2m/s, when it rests on 0.5 × 10–3m thick layer of glycerin. Find the coefficient of viscosity of glycerin.

Q.13. Two tuning forks having frequencies 320 Hz and 340 Hz are sounded together to produce sound
waves. The velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s. Find the difference in wavelength of these waves.

Q.14. Calculate the change in angular momentum of electron when it jumps from third orbit to first orbit
in hydrogen atom.
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2023 march and July

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [16]

Q.3. Define coefficient of viscosity. State its formula and S.I. units.

Q.4. Obtain an expression for magnetic induction of a toroid of ‘N’ turns about an axis passing through its
centre and perpendicular to its plane.

Q.5. State and prove principle of conservation of angular momentum.

Q.6. Obtain an expression for equivalent capacitance of two capacitors C1 and C2 connected in series.

Q.7. Explain, why the equivalent inductance of two coils connected in parallel is less than the inductance
of either of the coils.

Q.8. How will you convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter?

Q.9. A 100 Ω resistor is connected to a 220 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate: i. r.m.s. value of current and ii. net
power consumed over the full cycle

Q.10. A bar magnet of mass 120 g in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped, has dimensions l = 40 mm,
b = 100 mm and h = 80 mm, with its dimension ‘h’ vertical, the magnet performs angular oscillations in
the plane of the magnetic field with period π seconds. If the magnetic moment is 3.4 Am2 , determine
the influencing magnetic field

Q.11. Distinguish between free vibrations and forced vibrations (Two points)

Q.12. Compare the rate of loss of heat from a metal sphere at 827C with rate of loss of heat from the
same at 427C, if the temperature of surrounding is 27C.

Q.13. An ideal mono-atomic gas is adiabatically compressed so that its final temperature is twice its initial
temperature. Calculate the ratio of final pressure to its initial pressure.

Q.14. Disintegration rate of a radio-active sample is 1010 per hour at 20 hours from the start. It reduces
to 5  109 per hour after 30 hours. Calculate the decay constant.

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [16]

Q.3. State the conditions for a steady interference pattern.

Q.4. Derive an expression for electric field intensity due to an infinitely long straight charged wire.

Q.5. What are eddy currents? Write two applications of eddy currents.

Q.6. Define and state formulae for: (a) Inductive reactance (b) Capacitive reactance

Q.7. Draw a p –V diagram and explain the concept of positive work done and negative work done.

Q.8. State the law of length and the law of linear density for a vibrating
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Q.9. For a moving coil galvanometer, show that S = G , n 1  where S is shunt resistance. G is
galvanometer resistance n is ratio of total current to the full scale deflection current.

Q.10. The de - Broglie wavelengths associated with an electron and a proton are same. Calculate the
ratio of their kinetic energies. [Given: mp = 1836 me]

Q.11. Derive an expression for 'Half Life Time' of a radioactive material using the ‘Law of Radioactive

Q.12. A motorcyclist performs stunt along the cylindrical wall of a ‘Well of Death’ of inner radius 4 m.
Coefficient of static friction between the tyres and the wall is 0.4. Calculate the maximum period of
revolution. [Use g = 10 m/s2 ]

Q.13. Calculate the diameter of a water drop, if the excess pressure inside the drop is 80 N/m2 : [Surface
Tension of water = 7.2 × 10–2 N/m]

Q.14. Calculate the current through a long straight wire at a distance of 2.4 cm, where the magnetic field
intensity is 16 μ T


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9. In Young’s experiment interference bands were produced on a screen placed at 150cm from two slits,
0.15mm apart and illuminated by the light of wavelength 6500A . Caalculate the fringe width.

10. The susceptibility of magnesium at 300K is 5 1.2 10  . What will be its susceptibility at 200K

11. The length of second’s pendulum in a clock is increased to 4 times its initial length. Calculate the
number of oscillation completed by the pendulum in one minute.


A bdy of mass 1kg is mafe to oscillate on a spring of force constant 16N/m. Calculate (a) Angular
frequency (b) Frequency of vibrations

12. Define capacitance of a capacitor and its SI unit

13. Define radius of gyration. Write its physical significance

14. Distinguish between p-type and n-type semiconductor

15. Explain the terms (a) Transducer and (b) Attenuation in communication system.

Section A

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Q.1. Select and write the correct answers for the following multiple choice type of questions: [10]

i. The moment of inertia (MI) of a disc of radius R and mass M about its central axis is _______. (A) 2 MR 4
(B) 2 MR 2 (C) MR2 (D) 2 3MR 2

ii. The dimensional formula of surface tension is _______. (A) [L1 M1 T2 ] (B) [L2 M1 T2 ] (C) [L1 M1
T1 ] (D) [L0 M1 T2 ]

iii. Phase difference between a node and an adjacent antinode in a stationary wave is_______. (A) d 4 ra
 (B) d 2 ra  (C) ad 4 r  (D) π rad

iv. The work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to a given point against the direction of
electric field is known as________. (A) electric flux (B) magnetic potential (C) electric potential (D)
gravitational potential

v. To convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter we need to connect a________. (A) small
resistance in parallel with it (B) large resistance in series with it (C) small resistance in series with it (D)
large resistance in parallel with it

vi. If the frequency of incident light falling on a photosensitive material is doubled, then kinetic energy of
the emitted photoelectron will be________. (A) the same as its initial value (B) two times its initial value
(C) more than two times its initial value (D) less than two times its initial value

vii. In a cyclic process, if ΔU = internal energy, W = work done, Q = Heat supplied then (A) ΔU = Q (B) Q =
O (C) W = O (D) W = Q

viii. The current in a coil changes from 50A to 10A in 0.1 second. The self inductance of the coil is 20H.
The induced e.m.f. in the coil is _______. (A) 800V (B) 6000V (C) 7000V (D) 8000V

ix. The velocity of bob of a second’s pendulum when it is 6 cm from its mean position and amplitude of 10
cm, is _______. (A) 8π cm/s (B) 6π cm/s (C) 4π cm/s (D) 2π cm/s

x. In biprism experiment, the distance of 20th bright band from the central bright band is 1.2 cm. Without
changing the experimental set-up, the distance of 30th bright band from the central bright band will be
_______. (A) 0.6 cm (B) 0.8 cm (C) 1.2 cm (D) 1.8 cm

Q.2. Answer the following questions: [8]

i. Define centripetal force.

ii. Why a detergent powder is mixed with water to wash clothes?

iii. What is the resistance of an ideal voltmeter?

iv. Write the formula for torque acting on rotating current carrying coil in terms of magnetic dipole
moment, in vector form.

v. What is binding energy of a hydrogen atom?

vi. What is surroundings in thermodynamics?

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vii. In a photoelectric experiment, the stopping potential is 1.5V. What is the maximum kinetic energy of a

viii. Two capacitors of capacities 5μF and 10μF respectively are connected in series. Calculate the
resultant capacity of the combination

2023 march and July

Q.1. Select and write the correct answers for the following multiple choice type of questions: [10]

i. If ‘n’ is the number of molecules per unit volume and ‘d’ is the diameter of the molecules, the mean
free path ‘λ’ of molecules is (A) 2  nd (B) 2 1 2 nd  (C) 2 1 2 nd  (D) 1 2 nd 

ii. The first law of thermodynamics is consistent with the law of conservation of _______. (A) momentum
(B) energy (C) mass (D) velocity

iii. Y = A B  is the Boolean expression for _______. (A) OR - gate (B) AND - gate (C) NOR - gate (D) NAND -

iv. The property of light which remains unchanged when it travels from one medium to another is
________. (A) velocity (B) wavelength (C) amplitude (D) frequency

v. If a circular coil of 100 turns with a cross-sectional area of 1 m2 is kept with its plane perpendicular to
the magnetic field of 1 T, the magnetic flux linked with the coil will be ________. (A) 1 Wb (B) 50 Wb (C)
100 Wb (D) 200 Wb

vi. If ‘θ’ represents the angle of contact made by a liquid which completely wets the surface of the
container then ________. (A) θ = 0 (B) 0 < θ < 2  (C) θ = 2  (D) 2  < θ <

vii. The LED emits visible light when its ________. (A) junction is reverse biased (B) depletion region
widens (C) holes and electrons recombine (D) junction becomes hot

viii. Soft iron is used to make the core of transformer because of its _______. (A) low coercivity and low
retentivity (B) low coercivity and high retentivity (C) high coercivity and high retentivity (D) high coercivity
and low retentivity

ix. If the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons in photoelectric effect is 2eV, the stopping
potential will be _______. (A) 0.5 V (B) 1.0 V (C) 1.5 V (D) 2.0 V

x. The radius of eighth orbit of electron in H-atom will be more than that of fourth orbit by a factor of
_______. (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 16

Q.2. Answer the following questions: [8]

i. What is the value of resistance for an ideal voltmeter?

ii. What is the value of force on a closed circuit in a magnetic field?

iii. What is the average value of alternating current over a complete cycle?
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iv. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volt. Calculate de-Broglie wavelength
in nm.

v. If friction is made zero for a road, can a vehicle move safely on this road?

vi. State the formula giving relation between electric field intensity and potential gradient.

vii. Calculate the velocity of a particle performing S.H.M. after 1 second, if its displacement is given by x =
5 sin t 3        m.

viii. Write the mathematical formula for Bohr magneton for an electron revolving in nth orbit

Q.1. Select and write the correct answer for the following multiple choice type of questions: [10]

(i) A body performing uniform circular motion has constant _______. (a) velocity (b) kinetic energy (c)
displacement (d) acceleration

(ii) When soluble substance such as common salt (i.e. sodium chloride) is dissolved in water, surface
tension of water _______. (a) decreases (b) becomes zero (c) remains the same (d) increases

(iii) Periodic time of angular oscillations of a bar magnet is proportional to the _______. (a) ratio of
moment of inertia and magnetic field (b) ratio of magnetic field and moment of inertia (c) square root of
the ratio of moment of inertia and magnetic field (d) square root of the ratio of magnetic field and
moment of inertia

(iv) The coefficient of absorption of a body is equal to its coefficient of emission at a given temperature is
called _______. (a) Stefan’s law (b) Newton’s law of cooling (c) Kirchhoff's law of heat radiation (d)
Boyle's law

(v) The second law of thermodynamics deals with the transfer of _______. (a) work done (b) energy (c)
pressure (d) heat

(vi) Which of the following phenomenon proves that light is a transverse wave _______. (a) Reflection (b)
Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization

(vii) Magnitude of induced e.m.f. produced between the ends of a conductor of length ‘L’ 2 moving with a
uniform velocity ‘v’ at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of intensity ‘2B’ will be _______. (a) BLv 4
(b) BLv 2 (c) BLv (d) 2BLv

(viii) Solar cell operates on the principle of _______. (a) diffusion (b) recombination (c) photovoltaic
action (d) photoelectric effect

(ix) A body performing linear S. H. M. experiences a force of 0.2 N when displaced through 4 cm from the
mean position. Its force constant will be _______. (a) 2 N/m (b) 2.5 N/m (c) 5 N/m (d) 8 N/m

(x) If a current of 1A flows through a solenoid of length 25 cm and made up of 250 turns of copper wire
then the magnitude of magnetic induction inside the solenoid will be _______. (a) 0.12568 × 10–3 T (b)
1.2568 × 10–3 T (c) 1.2568 × 102 T (d) 1.2568 × 104 T

Q.2. Answer the following questions: [8]

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(i) State the formula for end correction in a resonance tube experiment.

(ii) Categorize the following into polar and non-polar dielectrics: (a) H2O (b) CO2

(iii) Define potential gradient.

(iv) Calculate the period of a particle performing linear S.H.M. with maximum speed of 0.08 m/s and
maximum acceleration of 0.32 m/s2 . (

v) Define gyromagnetic ratio.

(vi) State the conditions for current and impedance in parallel resonance circuit.

(vii) Radius of the third Bohr orbit is 0.477 nm. Calculate the radius of the second Bohr orbit.

(viii) Name the logic gate having single input- single output.

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