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Wearable Health Monitoring System: Latest Trends and Challenges

Conference Paper · July 2023

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2 authors, including:

Hitesh Yadav
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology


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International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Wearable Health Monitoring System: Latest Trends and Challenges

Hitesh Yadav and Surita Maini
Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab India.
{Corresponding author’s email: suritamaini@gmail.com}

Abstract- Wearable health monitoring (WHM) system blood pressure, sweat rate, heart rate, electrocardiogram,
provides a better healthcare to the people worldwide. An respiration rate etc. After the acquisition of signal its
efficient WHM system accurately capture the various preprocessing is required, where the elimination of
abnormal conditions prior it leads to death or any other
undesired signal as well as A/D conversion can be done.
fatality. Moreover, it helps to figure out the effect of
treatment or therapy on the basic of physiological Further the feature extraction part plays an important
parameters. With the enhancement in data digitization in role, after feature extraction process the desired signal
last few decades, the medical field has experienced vast either stored in a storage device that may be a hard disk
technological advancements which make the diagnostic and of a computer or transmitted to the remote location
health monitoring system more compact, power efficient
through a wireless network in the case of real time
and light weighted, those are preferably required in
wearable devices. The paper focuses on the key parameters diagnosis. A WHM system have some basic
of a typical WHM system, viz. fundamental components in characteristics such as weight and size should be
hardware design, type of sensor(s), on-chip data processor, compatible with the patient, minimum power
storage or transmission of data and various wireless consumption, highly efficient, accurate and quick
communication protocols. Besides, the paper targets to
responsive system [6& 7] etc.
cover the various parameters to be considered while
designing the ergonomic WHM system. Meanwhile, the
selection of physiological parameters to be acquired for
major disorders, the challenges in the design of reliable Data Data Real time
WHM system, recent advancements in wearable devices acquisition processing monitoring
and relevant areas to conduct further research are also unit unit unit
discussed. In future, the artificial intelligence (AI) may also
incorporate the WHM systems to decide the emergency
medication in case of doctor is not responding by
generating the local message to the patient. Fig.1.Typical block diagram of wearable health monitoring system

Keywords: Self-mixing effect; vibration measurement; 2. DATA ACQUISITION

genetic algorithm; optical feedback interferometry;
diagnostic tool. Data acquisition is the primarily goal of any WHM
1. INTRODUCTION system, various sensors are available for this data
acquisition process. Human body has different
With the increase of world population, the health electrical/bio signals that correlate with the health status
monitoring system is also necessary which monitors of the body. These signals can be acquired by various
subject’s health status if the subject is not present in the wearable devices and the information extracted from
hospital or near a medical professional. The cost of these signals plays a vital role to detect the abnormal
healthcare increases day by day so a cost effective, condition of any particular subject. While monitoring the
reliable and comfortable WHM [1& 2] can play activity of subject if any abnormality detected then
important role to predict and prevent the effects of the immediate diagnostic support is required by the medical
fatal diseases. A WHM can provide Real time professional/doctor.
monitoring and information about the affected person to
the hospital or a medical professional, which can take 2.1. Various Important Body Signals and Their
immediate preventive measures for the patient [3]. A Acquisition Techniques: Human body has various
WHM is very useful in the case of elderly peoples, physiological signals that can be measured by different
persons with chronic diseases [4& 5] etc. The main sensors. The range of these signals are different from
components of a WHM system are sensors that acquires their optimal values in case of any abnormality, so by
different body parameters such as body temperature, acquiring these physiological signals one can detect the

Volume IX, Issue XI, NOVEMBER/2019 Page No: 18

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

health condition of human body. Some useful body by BP monitoring and preventive actions can be taken
signals are explained below: before brain damage [18& 19].

2.1.1. Electrocardiogram (ECG): In 2.1.5. Respiration rate: It is a fundamental body

electrocardiography the electrodes are placed on skin or parameter that plays important role in patient’s
chest. With the help of these electrodes the heart observation. In critical illness such as hypoxia [20] it is
electrical activity can be recorded / visualized. A typical the most important indicator of patient’s health
ECG waveform consists few peaks and valleys named P, condition. Cardiac arrest [21] can also be predicted by
Q, R, S, T and U. the R peak in QRS complex is mostly respiration rate. Pulmonary diseases in children can also
used to measure the heart cycle [8].These ECG waves be monitored by separation rate monitoring [21]. In the
are useful to understand the cardiac rhythm and to case of sleep apnea syndrome, asthma and other
predict myocardial infractions[9]. Herat attack detection respiratory diseases the respiration rate monitoring is
[8] and coronary artery diseases can also be treated from important.
the information of this QRS complex. Ag/AgCl
electrodes are commonly used for ECG waveform 2.1.6. Blood Oxygen Saturation (Spo2):
detection.it is a type of wet electrode so during longer Photoplethysmography (PPG) and pulse oximetry
period acquisition the gel dries that increases the principles makes easy to estimate the blood oxygen
impedance between the human body and the electrode saturation. Normal (95-100%) range of oxygen present
that’s why the signal quality can be distorted.to avoid in the blood can be lowered (below 95%) when the
such issues now a days several dry electrodes available patient health is abnormal. An insufficient oxygen
in the market that may also use outside the medical supply to the body causes hypoxia. Anemic patients have
environment [10-12]. also lower oxygen saturation level in the blood [22]. As
the PPG [23] is popular to detect the oxygen saturation
2.1.2. Heart Rate (HR): Heart rate is one of the most level but several noninvasive techniques has been also
common parameter that indicates either the person is fit introduced that can be applied to wearable devices. An
or ill. It is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the independent wearable device for this purpose has also
number of beats of the heart per minute. The crucial been introduced [24].
information [13] can be extracted from ECG R-R peak
or photoplethysmography (PPG) signal. It is also useful 2.1.7. Blood Glucose: Blood glucose level is a
to know how the heart react during physical exercise or parameter that indicates the patient is diabetic or not. The
any mental exercise and if there is any correlation constant decreasing or increasing level of blood glucose
between these two state of body. It is also a parameter levels can cause several organ damage in human body
with the help of which a medical professional can predict such as lever, kidney etc. The monitoring of blood
abnormality or fatal condition of the patient. Human glucose level plays a vital role to prevent such fatal organ
body react differently when doing various mental or damage condition for the patient. A constant higher
physical tasks the heart rate is also different in such glucose level causes heart attack also. Various invasive
conditions stress and fatigue measurements also related methods of measuring blood glucose levels are available
with heart rate [14 &15]. in the market and now a days the noninvasive techniques
are also developed for continuous blood glucose
2.1.3. Electroencephalogram (EEG): Data of monitoring. Medtronic continuous glucose monitoring
different parts of human brain can be acquired with the (MGM) is an example of invasive device that monitors
help of EEG. It also measures spontaneous brain continuous blood glucose level, it sends the data
activities [16]. Different electrodes such as Ag/Agcl, wirelessly to a wearable insulin pump that releases
jelly electrodes and dry electrodes are available in the insulin into the body [26]. Dexcom G4 platinum is also
market for the EEG data acquisition purpose [17]. a device that measure your blood glucose level and
information will be given to a mobile device [27].
2.1.4. Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic): it is
referred as the force exerted by the circulating blood on 2.1.8. Sweat rate or skin conductivity: Sweat rate is
the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure can also normally not used for detecting any disease in clinical
indirectly correlate with the functioning (during applications but it can be used to analyze human
contraction and relaxation) of heart. Hypertension is one behavior. When human body sweats it releases a
of the major threat for the world that can also be detected moisture that changes the electrical conductivity of the
skin. A skin galvanic response (GSR) can measure the

Volume IX, Issue XI, NOVEMBER/2019 Page No: 19

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

quantity of sweat. In [28& 29] skin sweat rate and heart Blood oxygen Oxygen content in the human blood
rate variability parameters are used to detect mental saturation Pulse oximeter is used to measure.
states. Human sweat contains sodium, calcium, Blood glucose Glucose content in the human blood
Glucometers are used to measure.
ammonium etc. so the rate of release of such compounds Sweat rate Electrical conductivity of the skin
can also correlated with the physiological condition of changed with the change of sweat
the person/patient. In [30] physical stress measured by rate
sweat rate of the military persons. Galvanic skin response are used to
2.1.9. Body temperature: Body temperature is a Body temperature Thermometer/thermistors are used to
parameter that can be checked by most of the medical measure.
professionals primarily when the patient feels any Body movements Accelerometers are used to measure.
abnormality. Human body can lose functioning due to
high temperature. Blood circulation, heart rate and
metabolic rate are the parameters that affects the skin
temperature [31]. Except these external environmental Data processing is the next step after the acquisition
factors such as air flow, humidity etc. are also the factors of data by the sensors.it is the conversion of raw data to
that affect the body temperature [32]. In [33] a wearable machine readable format. Data processing involves
temperature detection system has been proposed. further steps:
2.1.10. Body movements: Motion sensors are commonly 3.1. Preprocessing: The raw data acquired by the sensors
used for rehabilitation, to analyze how a particular task contains noise, various artifacts and other sensor error
is completed by patient. Except these body postures, related issues. A/D conversion, unusual data removal
muscle activities can also be monitored with the help of [36& 37] and noise removal are some common benefits
motion sensors. Athlete performance improvement, of preprocessing of raw data in healthcare system. ECG
fatigue detection due to wrong body movement are also preprocessing [38] has been done that involves filtering
the applications of such monitoring. Arm movement [34] and other statistical tools. Power spectral density [39]
timing is analyzed during basketball through. and fast Fourier transforms are used to remove frequency
Accelerometers are used for the measurement of noise. A low pass filtering [40] is used to remove the
acceleration in 3D space. For the more accurate artifacts from the acquired signal. Data normalization
monitoring gyroscope and magnetometers can also and synchronization has been done with the help of
embedded in wearable sensors [35]. With the help of preprocessing when the data is taken from the sensors.
these parameters the various states of human body can Sometimes the data acquired may be unreliable and
be monitored.
massive so the preprocessing step required.
Table I. Different types of signals and their descriptions
Type of signal Description 3.2. Feature Extraction/Selection: The main objective of
EEG Measures the spontaneous brain feature extraction is to find the main characteristics of
activities during the performance of the acquired data set [41]. The acquired data have
any task. different in complexity and magnitude so the feature
Electrodes placed on the scalp or extraction process can differentiate the data and helps to
inside the scalp.
ECG Electrical activity of the heart, QRS
find the common pattern of the data that is helpful to
waveform can be measured. make decisions [42]. Several classifiers are also used for
Chest electrodes are used to this purpose [43]. Features extraction can be done in time
measure. domain or in frequency domain. In sensor data
Blood pressure Force on the walls of blood vessels acquisition the time domain feature extraction is
exerted by blood circulated in it.
common that includes basic waveform characteristic
Systolic and diastolic pressures are
the thresholds for the measuring analysis, other statistical parameters such as mean,
device. variance etc. [44& 45]. Frequency domain analysis is
Heart rate Expressed as the Frequency of also beneficial and used frequently now a days. Power
cardiac cycle spectral density, filtering, spectral energy comparison
Pulse oximeters are used to measure.
[46] can be done with the help of frequency domain
Respiration rate Is also known as breathing rate
Piezoelectric sensors are used to analysis. Data classifiers such as support vector
measure. mechanism (SVM) [47], neural networks [48] are used

Volume IX, Issue XI, NOVEMBER/2019 Page No: 20

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

for the classification of data. Except these various that’s why they are far away from the reach of a common
classification/selection methods are available. man. Except the cost some other issues such as ethically
approved, data safety, device efficiency, reliability etc.
3.3. Storage or Transmission of Data: The monitoring of are also plays important role towards the common
the patient is the final step in WHM system, it can be acceptance of such devices.
done inside the hospital or outside the hospital
environment. A daily activity monitoring system [49] 5. CONCLUSION
has been proposed. The vital information can be
provided to the patient itself or transmitted to the doctor As the acceptance of wearable systems increases the
or medical professional that can take immediate action at production of such devices also increased from the last
the critical condition of the patient. This vital signal can few years so it’s a good news that more investments in
also be transmitted to an ambulance or any relative of the R&D of wearable’s. Wearable health systems are able to
patient. These vital signal can be recorded and saved for monitor various important body parameters with the help
the further analysis of medical professional. A micro SD of advance sensors, so the life span of humans can
card or a hard disk is used for the storage of data. Using increase with the help of WHM systems. Nanomaterial
the internet and mobile networks any one can be based signal amplifications, sensor size minimization
monitored inside hospital or inside/outside home. WHM and biocompatibility are the future aspects of WHM
system provides a normal life to the patient while being systems [53& 54].
monitored for medical status. [50] Proposed a system
that provides a real time monitoring for elderly peoples.
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