Zerma Catalog 2019
Zerma Catalog 2019
Zerma Catalog 2019
Table of contents
Single Shaft Shredder Machine Program Page
Shredder-Mühlen-Kombination ZCS____________________________________________________________ 54
We reserve the right to make technical changes and measurement adjustments. Ver. 1.0 - 04/2019/ EN
Images shown in this brochure may also contain optional equipment variants.
GSL 150
Beside the press granulator
The curvature of the specially pro- Staggered rotor blades creates an in- The ZERMA Quick Snap System allows
filed rotor knives ensures a constant divi-dual blade cut thus increasing the thelower front plate section to be
cutting radius after re-sharpening cutting torque. All of the machines in easily removed for granulator clean-
thus maintai-ning the original cutting this series are therefore suitable for ing. The lower front plate section is
gap. Awkward knife adjustment is no grinding more solid materials and held in position by two sturdy lever
longer necessary. thicker walled sprues. clamps.
The beside-the press GSL 150/150 Not only does the GSL 150 series include the standard advantages Material is
– GSL 150/350 slow runner series is discharged through the easy accessible screen into the such as low noise and
designed for light applications in the dust free operation, the granulator series granulator discharge pan which in-
field of injection moulding. cludes a discharge pipe for offers a new designed rotor, stator knife and Quick-
Snap-System connection of a down stream vacuum loader. Contrary to the for
easy access during maintenance and cleaning. The granulator standard ZERMA
slow runners the GSL 150 series uses drive belt feeding can be performed per
hand or through robotics into the technology for motor/granulator power. The
drive belt large dimensioned hopper which is built in layered construction. tech-
nology reduces the space needed for location of the machine.
Technical Specifications
GSL 180
Beside the press granulator
The curvature of the specially pro- Staggered rotor blades create an in- The ZERMA Quick Snap System allows
filed rotor knives ensures a constant dividual blade cut thus increasing the the lower front plate section to be
cutting radius after re-sharpening cutting torque. All of the machines easily removed for granulator clean-
thus maintaining the original cutting in this series are therefore suitable ing. The lower front plate section is
gap. Awkward knife adjustment is no for grinding more solid materials and held in position by two sturdy lever
longer necessary. thicker walled sprues. clamps.
The GSL slow speed granulators of The slow speed granulators in the GSL 180 range feature a staggered 180 mm
the 180 series are mainly used in in- diameter rotor with widths ranging from 180 to 430 mm. The rotor is directly
jection and blow molding processes driven by a geared motor. The low rotor speed reduces the noise level of the
as beside the press machines to grind machine and creates less dust while grinding. The special design knives of the
runners and sprues. The resulting GSL series can be sharpened easily and do not need adjustment afterwards.The
granules are then immediately rein- material is fed via a sound absorbing feed hopper that can be tailored to fit
troduced into the production process. various applications and feeding ways. Depending on the requirements the ma-
The machines can be used for reject- chines can be fitted with a wide variety of hoppers, they are mounted on either
ed products in the inline recycling low or high level base frames with matching suction bins or bag filling adapters.
process as well. Different hopper and Quick snap fasteners and hand screws make access to the machine for cleaning
base frame designs make it possible and maintenance fast and easy.
to integrate the machine with most
Types of injection molding machines
and robots.
Technical Specifications
GSL 300
Beside the press granulator
The curvature of the specially pro- Staggered rotor blades create an in- Due to the Quick snap fasteners used
filed rotor knives ensures a constant dividual blade cut thus increasing the on the GSL series machines, the ma-
cutting radius after re-sharpening cutting torque. All of the machines chines can be opened for cleaning
thus maintaining the original cutting in this series are therefore suitable and maintenance quickly without the
gap. Awkward knife adjustment is no for grinding more solid materials and need for special tools.
longer necessary. thicker walled sprues.
The GSL slow speed granulators of The slow speed granulators in the GSL 300 range feature a staggered 300 mm
the 300 series are mainly used in in- diameter rotor with widths ranging from 400 to 800 mm. The rotor is directly
jection and blow molding processes driven by a geared motor. The low rotor speed reduces the noise level of the
as beside the press machines to grind machine and creates less dust while grinding. The special design knives of the
runners and sprues. But they can be GSL series can be sharpened easily and do not need adjustment afterwards.The
used as low noise central granulators material is fed via a sound absorbing feed hopper that can be tailored to fit
for small throughput requirements as various applications and feeding ways. Depending on the requirements the ma-
well. The stronger design of the 300 chines can be fitted with a wide variety of hoppers, they are mounted on either
series GSLs allow them to be used for low or high level base frames with matching suction bins or bag filling adapters.
stronger and thicker materials while Quick snap fasteners and hand screws make access to the machine for cleaning
offering the same advantages regard- and maintenance fast and easy.
ing low noise and dust as the smaller
GSL machines. All GSL models can be
equipped with a built in blower sys-
tem in case a vacuum loading system
is not available, or to transport the
ground material to bags for storage.
Technical Specifications
GSE 300
Economical granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set The GSE granulators are available The user friendly design of the GSE
outside the machine prior to installa- with different rotor options to fit dif- series granulators allows quick and
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes ferent applications, all rotors feature easy access to the cutting chamber
awkward adjustment inside the ma- the V-cut technology creating a high for maintenance and cleaning.
chine unnecessary. quality regrind.
The GSE series of machines are de- For the GSE 300 series different rotor designs are available in widths ranging
signed as economical granulators for from 300 mm to 1400 mm with a diameter of 300 mm. The completely welded
use in in house recycling. The cutting cutting chamber in conjunction with the „V“ Type rotor design ensures depend-
geometry of the GSE 300 series makes ability in operation and universal application use.The housing design offers easy
it ideal for the grinding of small thin and quick access to the cutting chamber during rotor and stator knife changes,
walled hollow parts. The complete servicing or screen changes.
GSE granulator line achieves a high
quality regrind independent of the
material Type or form such as injec-
tion moulded parts,blow moulded
parts, profiles, sheets, film, etc.
Technical Specifications
GSE 500
Economical granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set The GSC granulators are available The user friendly design of the GSE
outside the machine prior to installa- with different rotor options to fit dif- series granulators allows quick and
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes ferent applications, all rotors feature easy access to the cutting chamber
awkward adjustment inside the ma- the V-cut technology creating a high for maintenance and cleaning.
chine unnecessary. quality regrind.
The GSE series of machines are de- For the GSE 500 series different rotor designs are available in widths ranging
signed as economical granulators for from 500 mm to 1400 mm with a diameter of 500 mm. The completely welded
use in medium volume in-house recy- cutting chamber in conjunction with the „V“ Type rotor design ensures depend-
cling applications. The cutting geom- ability in operation and universal application use.The housing design offers easy
etry of the GSE 500 series allows even and quick access to the cutting chamber during rotor and stator knife changes,
bigger hollow parts to be ground. The servicing or screen changes.
whole GSE granulator line achieves a
high quality regrind independent of
the material Type or form such as in-
jection moulded parts,blow moulded
parts, profiles, sheets, film, etc.
Technical Specifications
GSE 700
Economical granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set The GSE granulators are available The base of the GSE 700 series makes
outside the machine prior to installa- with different rotor options to fit dif- the machine very sturdy, while main-
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes ferent applications, all rotors feature taining the easy accessibility for main-
awkward adjustment inside the ma- the V-cut technology creating a high tenance and cleaning.
chine unnecessary. quality regrind.
The GSE series of machines are de- For the GSE 700 series different rotor designs are available in widths ranging
signed as economical granulators for from 700 mm to 1400 mm with a diameter of 700 mm. The completely welded
use as central granulator in house cutting chamber in conjunction with the „V“ Type rotor design ensures depend-
recycling. The cutting geometry of ability in operation and universal application use.The housing design offers easy
the GSE 700 series allows even volu- and quick access to the cutting chamber during rotor and stator knife changes,
minous materials to be ground. The servicing or screen changes.
complete GSE series line achieves a
high quality regrind independent of
the material Type or form such as in-
jection moulded parts,blow moulded
parts, profiles, sheets, film, etc.
Technical Specifications
GSC 300
Compact sound-proofed granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set The GSC granulators are available To minimize the needed floor space
outside the machine prior to installa- with different rotor options to fit dif- and make the machine easy to move,
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes ferent applications, all rotors feature machine controls and electrical cabi-
awkward adjustment inside the ma- the V-cut technology creating a high net are integrated into the machines
chine unnecessary. quality regrind. soundproof housing.
The cutting geometry of the GSC se- The GSC compact/sound proof granulators are designed with a complete sound
ries allows even voluminous materi- proof enclosure resulting in an extremely quiet operation.Different rotor de-
als to be ground. The complete GSC signs are available in widths ranging from 300 mm to 1400 mm with a diameter
series line achieves a high quality of 300 mm. The completely welded cutting chamber in conjunction with the
regrind independent of the material „V“ Type rotor design ensures dependability in operation and universal applica-
Type or form such as injection mould- tion use.While it delivers excellent sound proofing capabilities, it still offers easy
ed parts,blow moulded parts, profiles, and quick access to the cutting chamber during rotor and stator knife changes,
sheets, film, etc.The 300 series GSC servicing or screen changes.The sound dampening material used in these ma-
machines are mainly used in inline chines is based on the latest technological research.
operations for processing of rejected
products, or runners and sprues. The
small footprint and easy movability
make the machines very easy to place
in existing operations.
Technical Specifications
GSC 500
Compact sound-proofed granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set To ensure a safe operation and quick To minimize the needed floor space
outside the machine prior to installa- and easy access for cleaning and and make the machine easy to move
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes maintenance the GSC 500 machines the control cabinet is integrated into
awkward adjustment inside the ma- cut- ting chamber is opened hydrau- the machines soundproof housing.
chine unnecessary. lically.
The cutting geometry of the GSC se- The GSC compact/sound proof granulators are designed with a complete sound
ries allows even voluminous materials proof enclosure resulting in an extremely quiet operation.Different rotor de-
to be ground. The complete GSC series signs are available in widths ranging from 500 mm to 1400 mm with a diameter
line achieves a high quality regrind of 500 mm. The completely welded cutting chamber in conjunction with the
independent of the material Type or „V“ Type rotor design ensures dependability in operation and universal applica-
form such as injection moulded parts, tion use.While it delivers excellent sound proofing capabilities, it still offers easy
blow moulded parts, profiles, sheets, and quick access to the cutting chamber during rotor and stator knife changes,
film, etc. The 500 series GSC machines servicing or screen changes.The sound dampening material used in these ma-
are mainly used in inline operations chines is based on the latest technological research.
or small central granualtors for pro-
cessing of medium sized hollow thin
walled products, or runners and
sprues. The integrated sound proof-
ing makes it possible to easily place
the machine in existing operations.
With different rotor designs and a
wide variety of options the machines
can be tailored for many different ap-
Technical Specifications
GSC 700
Compact sound-proofed granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set In order to keep the GSC series as The user friendly design of the GSC
outside the machine prior to installa- compact as possible, motor and hy- series granulators allows quick and
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes draulic opening system are integrated easy access to the cutting chamber
awkward adjustment inside the ma- into the sound dampening enclosure for maintenance and cleaning.
chine unnecessary. of the machine.
The cutting geometry of the GSC se- The GSC compact/sound proof granulators are designed with a complete sound
ries allows even voluminous materi- proof enclosure resulting in an extremely quiet operation.Different rotor de-
als to be ground. The complete GSC signs are available in widths ranging from 700 mm to 1400 mm with a diameter
series line achieves a high quality of 700 mm. The completely welded cutting chamber in conjunction with the
regrind independent of the material „V“ Type rotor design ensures dependability in operation and universal applica-
Type or form such as injection mould- tion use.While it delivers excellent sound proofing capabilities, it still offers easy
ed parts,blow moulded parts, profiles, and quick access to the cutting chamber during rotor and stator knife changes,
sheets, film, etc. The 700 series GSC servicing or screen changes.The sound dampening material used in these ma-
machines are mainly used as central chines is based on the latest technological research.
granulators for processing of large
injected or blow moulded products
as well as film. The integrated sound
proofing makes it possible to easily
place the machine in existing oper-
ations. With different rotor designs
and a wide variety of options the ma-
chines can be tailored for many differ-
ent applications.
Technical Specifications
Compact granulators
yy Compact design
yy Soundproofed chamber and hopper
yy Aggressive infeed and curved backwall
yy Large screen area
yy Knives are adjusted ourside of the machine
The GST granulators are designed for The cutting chamber sits in a sound- The tangential cutting chamber
the inline recycling of voluminous proofed enclosure to ensure quiet in- paired with the aggres sive open rotor
parts such as bottles and canisters in line operation. The rotor and screen design ensures reliable ingestion of
blowmoulding applications. area are easily accesible without for voluminous parts. The curved cutting
cleaning and maintenance. chamber backwall reduces the risk of
parts getting stuck.
Applications General Description
The compact inline granulators of the All machines in the GST series feature a compact soundproofed enclosure and
GST series are primarily designed for sound dampening hoppers. The granulators are available in two rotor diameters,
use in blow moulding applications 250 and 400 mm with widths ranging from 300 to 1000 mm. While the smaller
to recycle voluminous parts such as machines feature an open F rotor the bigger machines rely on a heavier S rotor.
bottles, canisters and crates, as well The curved backwall of the cutting chamber ensures an aggressive ingestions
as blow molding flush and injection while also avoiding blockages. The rigid design makes them dependable units
sprues. The low feeding height makes and includes advanced standard features such as replaceable wear plates. As
them suitable for both hand and con- on all ZERMA granulators the rotor and stator knives are adjusted outside of the
veyor feeding of these parts. The low machine to reduce downtime for maintenance.
noise level and small footprint makes
them the perfect fit for inline recy-
cling operations.
Technical Specifications
High speed precision pulverizer
The material temperature is moni- The material is fed into the Pulveriz- The ZERMA PM Pulverizers can be
tored in the process, an automated er by a vibrating dosing channel, the equipped with either one piece or
cooling system will ensure the tem- feeding rate is automatically adjusted segmented grinding discs, both are
perature is kept at a defined level. based on the motors amperage and made from high quality tool steel
material temperature. and can be treated to withstand wear
Applications General Description
One of the main fields of use for the The disc pulverizers of the PM series are available with disc diameter from 300
ZERMA PM Pulverizers is the pulver- to 800 mm.These pulverizers are high speed, precision grinders for the pro-
ization of PVC regrind in pipe and cessing of medium hard, impact resistant and friable materials. The material
profile recycling. Working in line with to be pulverized is introduced through the centre of a vertically fixed grind-
a shredder and granulator to have ing disc which is mounted concentrically with an identical high speed rotating
a balanced and efficient system to disc. Centrifugal force carries the material through the grinding area and the
handle in house production waste. resulting powder is collected with a blower and cyclone system. Depending on
Another application is the grinding of the application the machines can be equipped with one piece grinding discs or
PE for Rotomolding applications, here grinding segments.
the PM Pulverizer is used in the pro-
duction process to create the powder
needed in the process. In this process
a screening machine is necessary to
ensure the right output size, distribu-
tion and flow properties of the ground
Technical Specifications
GSH 350-500
Heavy duty granulators
The easily removable deflector wedge The GSH granulators are available The heavy duty bearings are separat-
acts as a third stator blade and can be with different rotor options to fit dif- ed from the cutting chamber to avoid
used to adjust the aggressiveness of ferent applications, all rotors feature lubricants entering the cutting cham-
the rotor at the first cutting point. the V-cut technology creating a high ber and bearing failure due to materi-
quality regrind. al contamination in the bearings.
The wide range of rotors and hopper The heavy duty granulators of the GSH 350 and 500 series offer a wide array of
styles allow the GSH machines to be different rotor designs with widths ranging from 500 mm to 1000 mm with a
tailored to almost every application diameter of 350 and 500 mm respectively. The completely welded heavy steel
in the plastic recycling field.The GSH construction is designed to to withstand the most demanding and universal
350 and 500 granulators are main- applications. Rotor bearings, knife mounts and rotor shaft are oversized. The
ly used as central granulators for in standard V-cut creates a high quality regrind with a very low percentage of
house recycling applications to pro- fines in the output material. The removable third stator blade is acting as a
cess thick walled parts in one step or deflector wedge and allows the machine to be quickly adjusted to different
as a second step granulator after a application scenarios. Other standard features include easily replaceable wear
shredder to reach higher throughput plates in the cutting chamber as well as outboard bearings reducing the risk of
rates. For abrasive, contaminated or contamination.
highly filled materials the machines
can be equipped with special wear
protections, such as hard facing of
the rotor and housing and key parts
manufactured from highly wear re-
sistant steels.
Technical Specifications
GSH 600-700
Heavy duty granulators
The easily removable deflector wedge The GSH granulators are available The heavy duty bearings are separat-
acts as a third stator blade and can be with different rotor options to fit dif- ed from the cutting chamber to avoid
used to adjust the aggressiveness of ferent applications, all rotors feature lubricants entering the cutting cham-
the rotor at the first cutting point. the V-cut technology creating a high ber and bearing failure due to materi-
quality regrind. al contamination in the bearings.
The wide range of rotors and hopper The heavy duty granulators of the GSH 600 and 700 series offer a wide array of
styles allow the GSH machines to be different rotor designs with widths ranging from 800 mm to 1000 mm with a
tailored to almost every application diameter of 600 and 700 mm. The completely welded heavy steel construction
in the plastic recycling field.The GSH is designed to to withstand the most demanding and universal applications.
600 and 700 granulators are mainly Rotor bearings, knife mounts and rotor shaft are oversized.The standard V-cut
used as large central granulators for creates a high quality regrind with a very low percentage of fines in the output
in house recycling applications to material. The removable third stator blade is acting as a deflector wedge and al-
process large thick walled parts in lows the machine to be quickly adjusted to different application scenarios.Other
one step or as a second step granu- standard features include easily replaceable wear plates in the cutting chamber
lator after a shredder to reach higher as well as outboard bearings reducing the risk of contamination.
throughput rates.For abrasive, con-
taminated or highly filled materials
the machines can be equipped with
special wear protections, such as hard
facing of the rotor and housing and
key parts manufactured from highly
wear resistant steels.
Technical Specifications
GSH 800
Heavy duty granulators
The easily removable deflector wedge The GSH granulators are available For abrasive applications the GSH gra-
acts as a third stator blade and can be with different rotor options to fit dif- nulators can be equipped with rotors
used to adjust the aggressiveness of ferent applications, all rotors feature with key parts manufactured from
the rotor at the first cutting point. the V-cut technology creating a high highly wear resistant steel as well as
quality regrind. weld on hard facing.
The wide range of rotors and hopper The heavy duty granulators of the GSH 800 series offer a wide array of different
styles allow the GSH machines to be rotor designs with widths ranging from 1200 mm to 2000 mm with a diameter
tailored to almost every application in of 800 mm. The completely welded heavy steel construction is designed to
the plastic recycling field, mainly with to withstand the most demanding and universal applications. Rotor bearings,
high throughput requirements. The knife mounts and rotor shaft are oversized.The standard V-cut creates a high
GSH 800 series can be used to grind quality regrind with a very low percentage of fines in the output material. The
large thick walled parts down to a removable third stator blade is acting as a deflector wedge and allows the ma-
granule in one step, or be used as a chine to be quickly adjusted to different application scenarios. Other standard
second step granulator after a ZXS features include easily replaceable wear plates in the cutting chamber as well
shredder to reach very high through- as outboard bearings reducing the risk of contamination.
put rates. For abrasive, contaminated
or highly filled materials the machines
can be equipped with special wear
protections, such as hard facing of
the rotor and housing and key parts
manufactured from highly wear re-
sistant steels.
Technical Specifications
GSH 1100
yy Knives are adjusted outside of the machine
yy Specially developed deflector wedge
yy Wide choice of rotors
yy Well thought out housing design
yy Strong Welded Steel construction
yy Oversized outboard bearings
The easily removable deflector wedge The granulators can be tailored to The GSH 1100 series comes standard
acts as a third stator blade and can be fit various applications, for example with wide H-style rotors available
used to adjust the aggressiveness of with oversized suction troughs in or- with 9,11 or 13 rows of rotor blades
the rotor at the first cutting point. der to achieve a very high output. ensuring a high quality output.
The GSH 1100 series of heavy duty The heavy duty granulators of the GSH 1100 series offer a different rotor con-
granulators is a dependable ma- figuratons with widths ranging from 1200 mm to 2400 mm with a diameter of
chine engineered for demanding high 1100 mm. The completely welded heavy steel construction is designed to with-
throughput applications. The GSH stand the most demanding and universal applications. Rotor bearings, knife
1100 series can be used to grind large mounts and rotor shaft are oversized.The standard V-cut creates a high quality
thick walled parts down to a granule regrind with a very low percentage of fines in the output material. The remov-
in one step, or be used as a second able third stator blade is acting as a deflector wedge and allows the machine to
step granulator after a ZXS shredder be quickly adjusted to different application scenarios.Other standard features
to reach very high throughput rates. include easily replaceable wear plates in the cutting chamber as well as out-
The large diameter rotors are availa- board bearings reducing the risk of contamination.
ble with a choice of 7, 9 or 11 rows
of rotor knives. The V-cut design en-
sures a high quality granule with a
low percentage of fines. For abrasive,
contaminated or highly filled mate-
rials the machines can be equipped
with special wear protections, such
as hard facing of the rotor and hous-
ing and key parts manufactured from
highly wear resistant steels.
Technical Specifications
Pipe- / profile granulators
Rotor and stator knives are pre-set The specially angled rotor automat- The heavy duty bearings are separat-
outside the machine prior to installa- ically pulls the fed pipes or profiles ed from the cutting chamber to avoid
tion in a supplied fixture. This makes into the cutting chamber, this design lubricants entering the cutting cham-
awkward adjustment inside the ma- also regulates the amount of material. ber and bearing failure due to materi-
chine unnecessary. al contamination in the bearings.
Conventional granulators have sub- The Pipe and Profile Granulators of the GSP series are available in rotor widths
stantial problems handling long pipes of up to 1400 mm and diameters ranging from 560 to 700 mm. The complete-
and profiles. To feed large and bulky ly welded heavy steel cutting chamber is angled and fitted with an extended
parts in most cases cavities or plat- hopper to allow easy feeding of parts. The standard V-cut creates a high quality
forms are needed. Therefore ZERMA regrind with a very low percentage of fines in the output material. Other stand-
developed the GSP range. Thanks to ard features include an hydraulically opened hopper for outboard bearings re-
the almost level feeding hopper, long ducing the risk of contamination.
pieces can be fed easily. While the
machine is operating there is no risk
of blocking, in case of congestion no
more material will be accepted by the
machine until the grinding chamber
is empty and the machine will accept
material again, and work continues.
Technical Specifications
Compact shredder
The shredders use concave ground All ZERMA shredders are equipped The ZBS shredders feature an aggres-
square knives, producing high quality with our E-style flat rotor. The knives sive tangential infeed for easy feed-
output. The cutters can be turned af- are fixed in special knife holders fitted ing without the need for a hydraulic
ter a side is worn out. in machined pockets. system. Lumps of up to 400 mm di-
ameter can be processed easily in this
machine series.
Applications General Description
The ZBS shredders have been de- The ZBS series shredders are single shaft shredders with a tangential infeed
signed for in house recycling of small to eliminate the need for a hydraulic feeding system. The Space saving and
lumps and purges from injection and maneuverable design combined with the ‘plug and play ‘ controls make this
blow molding processes. The Typeical machine very flexible and ready to go in no time. Like its bigger brothers in the
input materials are small and medi- ZS series they are equipped with outboard bearings, 310 mm diameter flat E
um sized cakes such as head waste. rotors with 600 or 850 mm width driven by an oversized geared motor. Utiliz-
The material can be shred to reduce ing the proven ZERMA knife holder and knife design. The user friendly design
the volume or processed further in makes cleaning and maintenance work a breeze. The low speed of 60 rpm com-
a granulator to be re introduced into bined with the compact design of the ZBS shredders makes it possible to shred
the production process immediately. lumps at a relatively low noise level. The machines can be fed manually or by
The machine also can be used to de- conveyor, material discharge can be done via conveyor or into a drop box.
stroy sensitive products or to recycle
small batches of low volume products
to avoid contamination of the main
product line.
Technical Specifications
General purpose shredders
yy Multiple rotor designs and materials
yy Low speed, high torque geared drive
yy Powerful hydraulic swing Type pusher (ram)
yy Smaller footprint compared to traditional horizontal pusher style
yy Bolt-in drive shafts
yy Two speed hydraulic system as standard
yy ZPS with a higher ram feeder
The shredders use concave ground The ZSS series shredders benefit from All ZERMA shredders are equipped
square knives, producing high quality sturdy ram construction incorporat- with a large diameter flat rotor. The
output. The cutters can be turned af- ing heavy duty guide bearings and knives are fixed in special knife hold-
ter a side is worn out. universal couplings for reliable oper- ers fitted in machined pockets. Op-
ation. tional weld on hard facing is available
for abrasive applications.
Applications General Description
The ZSS / ZPS shredders have been The ZSS / ZPS shredders are single shaft shredders with a powerful two speed
designed for a wide array of applica- swing ram design eliminating the risk of blocking and wearing out of internal
tions and industries like in house and guide rails. The machine is very versatile and can be used for shredding of all
general recycling, electronic waste kinds of input materials and is well suited for different industries. The 457 mm
and post consumer waste handling. diameter rotors ranging form 850 to 2000 mm width are driven by one or two
Input materials can be all kinds of oversized gearboxes. The hydraulic power pack is well integrated into the ma-
plastics like lumps, pipes, film, woven chine housing to save space and protect it from damage but still easy to access
bags; electronic waste like cables and or remove for maintenance. The standard E rotor features the proven ZERMA
ICBs, paper, wood and other organic knife and knife holder design, as well as outboard bearings and a hydraulically
materials.Depending on input ma- operated screen cradle.The machines can be tailored to various applications
terial and the following process the with cooling or hard facing and other wear options
shredded material as defined by the
used screen size can be directly used
or go into the next step of size reduc-
tion for example in a GSH granulator
Technical Specifications
Shredders for voluminous parts
The shredders use concave ground The internal ram design on the ZIS All ZERMA shredders are equipped
square knives, producing high quality series allows the cutting chamber vol- with a large diameter flat rotor. The
output. The cutters can be turned af- ume to be increased while keeping a knives are fixed in special knife hold-
ter a side is worn out. small footprint. Making the ZIS ideal ers fitted in machined pockets. Op-
for shredding of big volume parts. tional weld on hard facing is available
for abrasive applications.
Applications General Description
he ZIS shredders have been designed The ZIS series shredders are single shaft shredders with a large internal volume.
to handle voluminous parts plastic The redesigned hydraulic pusher system creates about 35% more space in the
and wood industry. As with all ZER- cutting chamber while increasing the power and speed of the ram itself. The
MA shredders, the ZIS such as IBCs, machines are equipped with a 457 mm diameter ZERMA E rotor with widths
wheelie bins, pallets, large drums etc ranging from 1200 to 2000 mm.As on the ZSS machines the rotor is driven via
but also retain range can be equipped an oversized gearbox. The completely closed welded steel housing increases
with a wear package for the process- the stability and avoids material spillage.The ZIS inherits all of the advantages
ing of the versatility and flexibility to of the ZERMA knife and knife holder design as well as standard features such as
be used for general recycling in the outboard bearings, hydraulic screen cradle, easy maintainability and advanced
highly abrasive, filled materials. controls.
Technical Specifications
the large feeding hopper allows the The rotors are equipped with square Angled hydraulic pusher to ensure op-
machine to be used for a variety of knives, producing high quality output. timal material feeding and ingestion.
materials. The cutters can be turned after they
are worn.
The ZHS series of single shaft shred- ZERMA ZHS shredders are single shaft shredders featuring an angled hydraulic
ders are mainly used in the industry ram suitable for a wide range of material shapes and sizes. The ZHS shred-
to achieve a economic recycling of ders are equipped with a ZERMA E style rotor and knife holder fixing system.
plastics to wood, paper, and general The final size of the material is determined by the screen which can easily be
waste streams. The machines have changed based on requirements. The ZHS shredder can be tailored to individual
been engineered for strength and requirements, this includes different drive powers, knife configurations as well
reliability in daily operation. These as discharge options.
shredders can easily be integrated
into complete lines with other ZER-
MA products and accessories such as
belts, granulators, etc.
Technical Specifications
The large feeding hopper allows the The rotors are equipped with square Angled hydraulic pusher to ensure op-
machine to be used for a variety of knives, producing high quality output. timal material feeding and ingestion.
materials. The cutters can be turned after they
are worn.
The ZHS series of single shaft shred- ZERMA ZHS shredders are single shaft shredders featuring an angled hydraulic
ders are mainly used in the industry ram suitable for a wide range of material shapes and sizes. The ZHS shred-
to achieve a economic recycling of ders are equipped with a ZERMA E style rotor and knife holder fixing system.
plastics to wood, paper, and general The final size of the material is determined by the screen which can easily be
waste streams. The machines have changed based on requirements. The ZHS shredder can be tailored to individual
been engineered for strength and requirements, this includes different drive powers, knife configurations as well
reliability in daily operation. These as discharge options.
shredders can easily be integrat-
ed into complete lines with other
ZERMA products and accessories such
as belts, granulators, etc.
Technical Specifications
Heavy duty shredders
The shredders use concave ground All ZERMA shredders are equipped The ZXS shredders feature a high
square knives, producing high quality with a large diameter flat rotor. The powered twin speed hydraulic sys-
output. The cutters can be turned af- knives are fixed in special knife hold- tem. This system ensures maximum
ter a side is worn out. ers fitted in machined pockets. Op- pressure when feeding material into
tional weld on hard facing is available the rotor and high speeds on the
for abrasive applications. backstroke.
The ZXS shredders have been de- The ZXS shredders are single shaft shredders with a powerful two speed swing
signed for the most demanding and ram design eliminating the risk of blocking and wear-ing out of internal guide
high throughput applications in recy- rails. The machine is very versatile and can be used for shredding of all kinds
cling industries. The input materials of input materials and is well suited for different industries. The 750 mm diam-
can be all Types of plastics, wood, eter rotors ranging from 1500 to 3000 mm width are driven by two oversized
paper, cardboard, e-waste, post con- gearboxes. The low speed of 45 rpm guarantees a high torque and smooth
sumer waste, rubber, etc. in various operation.
shapes and sizes. Typeical input ma- The hydraulic power pack is well integrated into the machine housing to save
terials are: fridges, purges, tires, pal- space and protect it from damage but still easy to access or remove for main-
lets, bales, drums and barrels, pipes, tenance. The proven E rotor, knife holder and knife designs are taken to new
film etc… The output material size is dimensions to conquer the most demanding applications and challenges. The
determined by the installed screen machines can be tail- ored to various applications with advanced controls and
size and, except in some RDF (refuse hydraulics, hard facing and other wear options.
derived fuels) and wood applications,
the output material may need to be
processed further to achieve the de-
sired final size. For the recycling of
complete truck and tractor tires the
ZXS T model is configured with special
wear protection and knives.
Technical Specifications
Pipe / profile shredders
yy Allows feeding of bundles or nested pipes and profiles
yy No pre cutting of pipe lengths necessary
yy Process pipes up to 1200 mm diameter
yy Automatic control giving virtually risk free operation
yy Elimination of amperage peaks
yy High throughput rates
yy Large diameter rotor (up to 1500 mm)
The shredders use concave ground The ZRS shredders use very large di- The ZRS pipe shredders are equipped
square knives, producing high quality ameter flat E-style rotors. The knives with a special feeding trough sized to
output. The cutters can be turned af- are fixed in special knife holders fitted take pipes of up to 6 m length. A pow-
ter a side is worn out. in machined pockets. erful hydraulic ram forces the pipes
into the rotor.
The main focus of the ZRS shredders The ZRS shredder is the world’s first single shaft shredder capable of handling
is the shredding of large diameter large diameter pipes (up to 1200mm diameter) with-out the need for pre cut-
pipes or bundles of smaller pipes and ting. Since their introduction they have become the per se standard for pipe
profiles made from HDPE, PP and PVC. shredding and are used world-wide by leading pipe manufacturers. More than
The machines can also be used for re- 200 installations demonstrate our technological leadership in this market and
cycling of other plastic materials such our continuing innovation is based on market demands and customer feedback.
as large lumps, stacked wheelie bins Dependent on pipe diameter, the ZRS rotor diameters and widths range from
and pallets etc. In combination with 800mm up to 1500 mm. The standard hopper accepts pipe lengths of up to 6 m.
other ZERMA size reduction equip- The combination of advanced controls, low rotor speed and smooth hydraulics
ment such as granulators and pulver- create a reliable and easy to use system.
izers we are able to provide a com-
plete turn-key recycling solution.
Technical Specifications
Shredders for car tyres
yy Single large diameter rotor (760 mm)
yy Proprietary knife design and material
yy Variable knife gap to improve separation of steel and
yy Compact Heavy Duty design
yy High throughput rates
yy Fast and easy tool change and maintenance
The ZERMA tyre shredders use special The oversized gearbox driving the The ZTS and ZTTS shredders are
highly wear resistant tungsten car- rotor is supported by a very sturdy equipped with a large diameter flat
bide flat knives, these knives ensure torque arm cushioning the shocks rotors with weld on hard facing. The
a long lifetime working with abrasive created while grinding. knives are fixed in special knife hold-
and contaminated materials. ers fitted in machined pockets.
The ZTS with its single row of stator The ZTS and ZTTS single shaft shredders are specially designed for the pro-
knives is used to pre-shred complete cessing of complete or pre shred tyres. Both machines machines feature a 750
car tyres or large pieces of pre-re- mm diameter rotor with width options 1500 mm to 3000 mm with oversized
duced truck tyres down to a size of outboard bearings and twin gear drives. The tangential infeed ensures optimal
approx. 150 mm. The twin rows of feeding of the input materials while eliminating the need for a hydraulic feeding
stator knives and screen in the ZTTS system. All tyre shredders are equipped with a complete wear package includ-
enable it to process the tyre shreds ing rotor hard facing plus special knives and wear plates made from highly wear
down to any required size > 20 mm resistant steel. The ZTS and ZTTS ranges differ in the number of stator knives
The unique machine design combined and the screen sizes used. The modular design makes it easy to integrate either
with the variable cutting gap create machine into existing installations.
an optimal separation of rubber and
steel fractions when the machine is
used with 20 mm screen. Therefore
steel can be removed easily in the
following process with magnetic sep-
aration equipment. The machines are
also used in the processing of RDF and
other alternative fuel applications.
Technical Specifications
Hammer Mill
The single piece tools used in the ZHM The ZHM hammer mill features a flat The combination of pre breakers and
hammer mill are made from highly rotor with innovative welded tool counter knives create a high impact
wear resistant steel, this increases holders. This heavy duty rotor design powers resulting in a high degree of
their lifetime during heavy applica- ensures a smooth operation on vari- disintegration and high throughput
tions and makes changes quick and ous materials. rates.
ZERMA hammer mills were specially The ZHM series of hammer mills feature heavy duty rotors ranging from 600mm
developed for materials that can not to 800 mm diameter and widths between 800mm and 1200 mm and with V-belt
be crushed with conventional gran- drive. The fixed rotor hammers acting against heavy duty fixed combs plus
ulators or only with extremely high several rows of pre-breaker combs create high impact powers and hence high
wear costs and risk of breakage. The throughput rates. Tool changes are fast and easy. All tools and wear parts are
current main application of the ZER- manufactured from highly wear resistant steel. The housing inherits all the ad-
MA ZHM is the processing of electron- vantages of the proven GSH granulator design, such as the diagonally divided
ic waste, such as whole computers, cutting chamber and hydraulic screen cradle for easy maintenance and servic-
white goods and ICBs. The main ad- ing. Choice of screen sizes allows for a wide range of applications and degrees
vantage of the ZHM in such processes of disintegration.
lies in its tolerance of contamination
and abrasive materials while being
able to achieve relatively small sized
output material thus allowing for ef-
ficient separation in downstream pro-
Technical Specifications
Shredder / Granulator Combination
The ZCS machines rely on the proven The ZCS system uses a sturdy roller The granulator part uses a sturdy F+
E type rotor from the ZSS shredders guided drawer type ram to feed the rotor to ensure a good ingestion of
with bolted knives and knife holders. material into the shredder. Segment- the material flow while still being able
ed cutting chamber and ram allow to handle thicker and heavier parti-
trouble free processing of thin mate- cles.
The ZCS system has been designed The ZCS size reduction system combines a shredder with a granulator in a single
mainly for in-house use in blow and space saving system for the processing of production waste.
injection molding applications, yet The shredder part is equipped with a 400mm diameter E rotor using ZERMAs
it can be adopted in other fields too. proven knife and knife holder design, driven by a high-torque gear drive, which
The small foot print allows the system in comparison to a direct drive also handles tougher input materials well. The
to be integrated into existing factory large material hopper and the powerful horizontal pusher allow processing of
workshops easily. Being a closed sys- voluminous as well as heavier parts. The lower part of the system consists of a
tem also reduces the risk of contami- 3-blade granulator rotor based on the GST series. The shredder and granulator
nation compared to using a conveyor are matched to work together ideally and in conjunction with an advanced
belt in a traditional two stage recy- control system ensure smooth reliable operation.
cling system. The system is well suit-
ed for large volume parts and thicker
materials such as flush or purging.
Technical Specifications
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