Mountain Gorillas
She raced to her big sister’s room. “Gina, Dad’s calling us.”
Dad put his arm around Mom. “We’re going on a safari to the Virunga Mountains of Africa. There are three
national parks there that we’ll visit.”
Rose and Gina looked at each other. “What?” they said in unison.
At 12 years old, Rose would prefer going to an amusement park or a beach. She didn’t want to go on a
safari, and she thought it important to let her parents know. “I don’t want to go on a safari. Who goes on
safaris? Let’s go to the beach for a week or two.”
“Well,” said Dad, “I have to go for an assignment for the paper. We’re covering the mountain gorillas.
They’re critically endangered. So, I thought it’d be a great place to take a vacation. It’ll be very educational
for you girls.”
Rose watched Gina shake her head and go back up to her room. “But--” said Rose.
Mom interrupted her, “There are no ‘buts.’ We’re going. It’s set for next week.”
“Sit down, both of you.” Dad had on his stern look. “It’s important for you to know about the world around
you. This is a wonderful chance for you to experience an amazing place. Do you know anything about the
mountain gorillas?”
“Well," said Dad, “get your laptop, Rose. I want you to look them up right now.”
Rose searched for mountain gorillas. “Aw, look how cute they are. The newborn gorilla only weighs around
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Mountain Gorillas
4 pounds at birth. They’re a lot like human babies; they’re weak and uncoordinated."
“Scroll down, Rose,” said Gina. “Wow. The males can weight up to 400 pounds. And . . . you’re right, Dad,
they’re critically endangered.”
Rose took over the reading. “It’s that their habitat is being disturbed by civil wars and conflicts. Mountain
gorillas are also killed or captured by poachers.”
Gina pulled the laptop toward her. “Thieves steal them to sell illegally. It says that baby gorillas are sold as
pets, to private zoos, or as research animals. How horrible!”
“That’s right,” said Dad. Did you know that they’re social animals and much more passive than aggressive?
They truly are a magnificent animal. It’s important for us to see for ourselves and help spread the word
about what we can do to help save them.”
“Yeah,” said Rose. “I’m going to take a mega amount of pictures. Can’t wait!”
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Mountain Gorillas
1. What does passive mean here: “Did you know that they’re social animals and much more passive than
3. Why do you think Rose and Gina changed their minds about their vacation?
4. Which vacation would you rather have: a safari or the beach? Why?
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Mountain Gorillas
Vocabulary List
Each of the vocabulary words below are used in the reading passage. As you read the passage, pay
attention to context clues that suggest the word’s meaning.
1. safari
2. endangered.
3. lumbered
4. poachers
5. passive
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Mountain Gorillas
Context Clues
Using context clues from the sentences in the passage, underline the correct meaning of the word in
a. cruise; water voyage b. steam train c. rock climbing challenge d. trip to view wildlife
a. sick or unhealthy b. approved or liked c. threatened; at risk of dying out d. crazy; mad
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