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AI Syllabus 22-23.docx

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Course Handout

1. Course Code: CS-30002

2. Course title: Artificial Intelligence
3. L-T-P-Cr Structure: 3-0-0-3
4. Contact hours per week: 3
5. Course offered to: IT
6. Pre-requisite: CS-30001

Course Committee Members:

Mr. Gananath Bhuyan (Coordinator) gananatha.bhuyanfcs@kiit.ac.in 9438505148

Dr. Ajay Parida ajaya.paridafcs@kiit.ac.in

Dr. Pratyusa Mukherjee pratyusa.mukherjeefcs@kiit.ac.in 9861937376

Mr. Sourav Kumar Giri sourav.girifcs@kiit.ac.in 9437261501

Ms. Sricheta Parui sricheta.paruifcs@kiit.ac.in 8274968101

Dr. Subhadip Pramanik subhadip.pramanikfcs@kiit.ac.in 7076550475

Mr. Soumya Sanket Patra soumyasanketa.patra20@gmail.com 9178916542

Mr. Sunil Kumar Gouda sunil.goudafcs@kiit.ac.in 8895287572

Mr. Ankit Raj ankit.rajfcs@kiit.ac.in 6203202802

The course aims to provide exposure to concept and techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by
introducing importance of rational agent approach. It aims to train the students to the basic concepts of
the classical search, local search, adversarial search, constraint satisfaction problems, logical agents, first
order logic and planning associated with AI. Finally, this course motivates the students to find AI based
solutions for some of the typical real-world problems by applying these concepts and techniques.

Course Objectives:

 To understand the various characteristics of Intelligent agents

 To learn the different search strategies in AI

 To learn to represent knowledge in solving AI problems

 To understand the ways of planning and acting in the real world

 To know about the models behind the AI application

Course Contents:



Introduction, Definition, Future of Artificial Intelligence, Characteristics of Intelligent Agents, Typical

Intelligent Agents, Problem Solving Approach to Typical AI problems.


Problem Solving Methods:

Problem solving Methods, Search Strategies, Uninformed, Informed, Heuristics, Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems, Searching with Partial Observations, Backtracking Search, Performance of search


Knowledge Representation:

First Order Predicate Logic, Unification, Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Resolution, Knowledge
Representation using First order Predicate logic, Reasoning Systems.



Planning with state-space search, Partial-order planning, Planning graphs, planning and acting in the real
world,Plan generation systems.


Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning:

Uncertainty, Review of probability, Probabilistic Reasoning, Bayesian networks, Inferences in Bayesian

networks, Temporal models, Hidden Markov models.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Discover the concepts, applications, and the theory underlying AI.

CO2: Identify problems that are amenably solved by AI methods

CO3: Analyze the issues of knowledge representation and search techniques.

CO4: Analyze the engineering issues underlying the design of AI systems.

CO5: Discuss the uncertain knowledge on reasoning concepts in AI.

CO6: Apply AI techniques to develop programs to solve real life problems in

different domains.

1. Stuart Russel, Peter. Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach”, Fourth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2022

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Dan W. Patterson, Pearson Education.

Activities Marks Mode of Date
1. Quiz 5 Offline TBD
2. Class Test 5 Offline TBD
3. Assignment 5 -------- TBD
Mid-Sem 17/09/2024 -
4. Quiz 5 Offline TBD
5. Class Test 5 Offline TBD
6. Assignment 5 -------- TBD
Lesson Plan

Module No. & Name Topic/Coverage No. of Lectures Books of Teaching

Hours Reference Methodolog
Required Required y

1. Introduction 1. What is AI? 3 1-3 Text Book Online, PPT

and Handouts
2. The history and Future of AI

3. Applications of AI

4. The State of the Art

2. Intelligent Agents 1. Definition 4 4-7 Text Book Online, PPT

and Handouts
2. PEAS Specification

3. Different types of intelligent agents

ACTIVITY- 1 [5 marks]


3. Solving Problems by 1. Search strategies and performance 7 8-15 Text Book Online, PPT
Searching measure and Handouts

2. Uninformed Search Strategies

(Breadth-First Search, Depth-First
Search, Uniform Cost Search ,
Depth-Limited Search, Iterative
Deepening DFS, Bi-directional Search)

3. Informed Search Strategies (Greedy

BFS, A* Search)

4. Heuristic functions

6. Partial Observation (Wumpus World


ACTIVITY-2 [5 marks]

4. Beyond Classical 1. Local search algorithms & 2 16-17 Text Book Online, PPT
Search optimization problems and Handouts

2. Hill Climbing

3. Simulated Annealing

4. Local Beam Search and Genetic


ACTIVITY-3 [5 marks]


5. Constraint 1. Definition, variables, constraints 5 18-22 Text Book Online, PPT

Satisfaction and Handouts
Problems 2. Map coloring

3. Sudoku game

4. Cryptarithmetic problem

5. Constraint propagation

6. backtracking search

Mid Semester

Date: 17/09/2024 - 21/09/2024

6. Adversarial Search 1. Definition 2 23-24 Text Book Online, PPT

and Handouts
2. Mini-max values, Mini-max

3. Alpha-Beta pruning.

ACTIVITY-4 [5 marks]


7. Knowledge 1. Knowledge-Based Agent 4 25-28 Text Book Online, PPT

representation and Handouts
2. Propositional Logic, Propositional
Theorem Proving.

3. Unification, First-order Predicate

Logic and its Inference

4. Forward Chaining, Backward

8.Planning 1. Definition of classical planning 5 28-32 Text Book Online, PPT
and Handouts
2. PDDL (Planning Domain
Definition Language)

3. State Space Search Algorithms

(Forward and Backward)

4. Planning and Acting in the

Real World (Nondeterministic Domain).

5. Planning Graph

6. Partial Order Planning

ACTIVITY-5 [5 marks]


9. Uncertainty and 1. Uncertainty 4 33-36 Text Book Online, PPT

Probability and Handouts
2. Probabilistic Reasoning

3. Bayesian network

4. Temporal Models

5. Hidden Markov model

ACTIVITY-6 [5 marks]



Date: 16/11/2024 - 26/11/2024

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