(11) I ' , !I
1' 5 (I•) I 2 1 "i
, • 'i (r) I' 2 Id) 4' - 2-
S. Ii a .-rnd ! ar\.' Llw zeroes of the polynomi,11 6.t2 + 11 ·, (k- 2), then Ll,e value of k 1s
(a) --1 (b) -6 (r) 6 (d) 4
9. ff n, f\ ,11~ 71.'roc., of the polynomial x . Jx -4, then Ll,e value of a 21\.,. al32 is
(n) 12 (b) 12 (c) -3 (d) 4
(a) ½ (b) -½ :?
(c) 3 (d) _;:
13. A quadrallc polynom1al whose product dnd sum of J'eroes are - i and- ; ~~ti\'l!h'
(n) Sx2 + 13x-6 (b) Sx 2 - 13x-6 (c:) 5x2 + 6r - l3
14. If (x + 1) is a factor of r 2 - 3tll' + 3r1 - 7, th1m the value of 11 is
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) - l
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (/,) .J. (b) 5. (d) 6. (1tl
7. {c) 8. (a) 9. (/1) I 0. (ii) 11. (11) 12. (dl
Rensc 1: TJ,,· 1111111/Jr, ciJ :,·,tlt-:: 11/ n i10/y1w111111/ /J(X) ,s th,· 111111111.•r ~( pn111/s u•l1cre Ilic grn/lh of
1 (.\) lll/t'T:'<'t'IS or loudtt.~ 1/u: .t-11.\'I~.
-i. Assertiou: A quadmtk poly11n111111/ w/,ost• two wroi•:; nre 5 1 3 .Jj nml 5 - 3 Jj is
t ' - 10.\ .... 2.
Rcaso11: If a. ,111d 13 an• ::cn1,-s nfn qrtmimt ,c f1olyno111inl f (.-r), //,c11 f (x) = x2 - (et + J}).r + aJ}.
5 . .-lsscrtiorr: If 0111• ::m, of //,r 1'0ly110111,n/ 5x2 - l1x - (k - 3) i~ the reciprocnl of lht• other, 11,m
I.. =-2
R,•nson: Tl11~ product of the ::croes of the poly110111inl nx2 +bx+ c, n "#- O, is-~.
6. Assertion: If the :crot~ of 1/w 1'0l!f110111inl 3x 2 + (2k + 1) x - 9 nre equnl in mng1u'l11de /ml
7. Assertion: If a. nntf p OTP zeroes of the qundmlic poly1101111nl x 2 -5x-3, 1/1,•11 11,e va/11c of i +!
i5 E.
Reason: ff a aud /3 nr,· zeroes of the /JO/y110111inl nx2 + bx + c, n "#- 0, t/1en a + J} = -; n11d
aJ3 = ~.
Ans wer s
2. (11) 3. (d) 4 . (d) 5. (11)
1. (Ii)
roh rnin11.1I, 11
(/•) l!l111l1 ' \ 1\1 Ill II 1•111111
(,) 1111//11 t IC•111 /1,"'I llm 11111 ,1 f't I \ nxi,
(tf) f 1//,1 t lctltc/rr,; fll 111/1•1 1'1 /( X tl\14
f/ u ,mrl n '"' ll1r ~,·111,•, o/ th,• q11,11lm111 11r•lv11,1111ml 2,1 .t • BA tl1r11 k ,
(n) 4
(r) _J (If) 2
(t•) // //,,. :-IIIII ti[ 1111• ::i'!llt"S 15 -111111d prc1d111 Inf 1/1,• urr,e, " , tltm q1U1,frnlt1 poly11omml 11rr
(n) ~( /1.\ ~, + -\ + 1 ) (b) J.: ( l'X1
JI ,, 1
4 2
l 2
x· -5 -I -3 -2 -1
2 J 4 :;
Plol the points (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4), (- 1, 2), (-2, 4), .... Join these points b\ a freehand
The graph of the polynomial x2 + l is an upward parabola.
It neither touches the x-axis nor intcr;ccts the x-ax,s.
:. Option (c) is the correct answer.
(iv) l'rod uct of zeroes =- constant term,
coefhc1cnt of ;r
k (;r2 - (-p) x -t ( - ;, ) ) i.1•. Al\ 2 + I'·' - ; ) , wlwr,· k i-, ,my nCln-1\'ro real number
rol, n, 11111,1!, 35
II fiillowr.t 11111,1//1,,,,11 ,,caJ
7 X
r ,rnhnltc c-.,: m v 2 nW
AI 1/•,1/n IS t/11· ...;rnpl, 1/1111 rr,111/s fnim f'(.r) ,n2 ~ /,, ➔ r.
Par~/1(.i/{1$ nrc <y1111111·t111 nL'11 111 11 t'rrlrrn/ l111,•
. •
k111111•11 r,s I/rt.' i\:,u,; of Symmetry Tire An~ o,
<;1,111 11t•tn1 rr,,r,• t/1nr,n/1
' ,,
ti11, mn.\111111111
· fl t 1
or 111111111111111 J)(>IIII of 1/1,: pr1rnhol11 wlurl, i, ca t, t 1e
l't'I It'\'
Poh·1u1mi.ih 37
(11) lnh•r.;(,cl,. ~ ..~xi",
Opl,cm (11) '" llw ,,., r«l l)nt',\H'r
l 'plu•n (l) '" llw u,m.._ 1 ,llb\\1'1 ,
{n) l 1•1 1h,• r1,I, n,,m11ll n'p"·~1·nhn~ l h1Jm ,1\ l 111ll'tp,1s:, br fit)
l ~i\l•I\ otw 11,n, <'I / (,),, h ,mJ llw ,.um 11f nro1•~ 1s 0 , 1;o the olhPr n•ro ,~ l,
l'rodut l of 7 1't.1t'!- .: h " (- h) - - l<1
2 •3 4 5 b '; 8 ~ 10 11
.,. ,
'I' ...
\ ...
1 X
Based on the .ibo, e infor111,1l1on, t111swer the following questions:
(1) Thie' gr.iph shown ,1bovc 1s Lh,1t ,,t
(al lme (b) pambola (c) ell1ps~ (d) orcil·
(11) The 71.:'rocs of the polynomial for the given graph .ire
(n) (-4, 0), (2. 0) (/J) (4, 0), (-2, 0)
(c) 4, -2 (d) -t, 2
(111) The polvnomiaJ representing U,e above graph is
(a) S - l.t - x 1 (b) x2 + 2x - 8 (c) .r2 - 2x - 8 (cl) 8 + 2.,\ -x2
(hr) Th~ number of zeroes a quadratic polynomi al can hilve
(11) atmost 2 (b) .:itleast 2(c) 3 (dl -l
(v) 2. and 3 arc zeroes of the polynomia l 3x - 2px + 211, then
(n)p.:a 9 ,q=15 (/,) p= 15,q- 'I (c) p= 15 ,q= 9
2 2 2
1. (i) (c} (ii) (b) (iii) (I.') (iv) (c) (11) (ti)
2. (I) (b) (ii) (d) (iii) (b) (iu) (r1) (1•) (r)