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2" ,um 1,1 :r,·nx.., = - 2 + 5 .. ,'\, product n( :r1•n11•~ = (-2) >< 5 = - 10.

Qu,,ctr,,tk ,x,lynomi,,t~ h,n ing - 2 ,ind 'i ,1~ /NOCS M<-'

k (,i - 3, - 10), where .I. is ,ll\)' re.ii number
11,us., th\'I\' ,1n.• mfinikh p1,lp111mi,1ls h,1vlng 2 ,,ml 5 ,,~ their 1eroi1S,
Optu,n (.t) ,,. lhl' com.-.:1 m .. wcr.
23. L<.'1 tht.>oth,•r7crt,bt'~. thcn(- 7)• ~=-15 = /l=-8
Proouct of lCl'O<!S == ( 7) ~ (- 8) = 56.
So, qu,,drnhc p11lvnomi.1l J'(I/) with sum or ,wr<ws ns 15 and product of ,erO<'S ,Is 56 is
112 - ( 15) 11 , 'i(11. 1 1,2 + l 511 - '>6
Option (d) 1s the correct an~w,•r
24. Pnxluct of ll'roci."' 127, wh1.:h 1s pos1tl\"e
~ cit lwr b1Hh l<.'l"(ll'S Ml! p0stll\'l' <'r both ncg,1hw.
Hel\.•, ,um of 11•1"(ll':, = 9<>, wh1'h 1s nl•g,ltivc
:;:, both /l'rt'l"- are ncgalivt•
. Optilm (It) 1s the corrod 11nswcr
25. 2 ,,. ,1 tl•nx•, nl both polynominls 1,' . n, - Mand 2.,..J ~ 1,_,2 1
• t _ 2
= ~ >< 2~ • r1 >< 2 - 14 = 0 11nd 2 >< 21 1- l, v 22 ~ 2- 2 - o
= 12 + :?n-14 = 0and 16+41>= 0 :::>n I and b=--4
a - 2b: I - 2 x (-4) = 9.
Option (r) is the correct answer.
26. (x~3)isafactorof(k-1).r+kx+ I
= -3isauroof(k- l )x+k.r+ 1
= (k-l)w(,3)-'+k><(-3)+1=0
= 9(k- 1)-Jk + 1 = 0 = 6k- 8 = 0 =k = .:!.3
• Option (a) is the correct answer.
27. Given n, p are 7..en>es of x 2 ... px ... q.
a.+ P =- -p and aP q.
1 1 a+ P p p 1 I t
-+-=--=-•- and -.-- - =-
a 13 ~ q q ap all 11
A quadratic polynomial with ..!.. and .!. as its lCrOL>s is
a ll
x2 _ [- ~).,, + ¾,.c:. q.r? + px T 1.

Option (d) Is the correct .-inswer.

Multiple Choice Questions (Unsolved)

ChoOt:t' t/tt' corrut n11sw11r / rum tl,r gi1,r11 fnur 1111tim1s Ir, 1•,1'11 u/ tin• fo ll11 w111.~ ,1111•~/i1111,
(l to 14):
I. ff 11(\)=3r1 -S:rl •t ., 2 t 8, tlwnp( I) will l'lo.•
(,r) 7 (/1) -7 (d 17 (d) none of th1.=

28 \ICOs in .\ u1hernati~•X (Tc,1m ll

l. I lw ✓l'l'O!"i ,,r llw pnl) n11m111I \ J + x 2.,~
(11) 1,2 (/•) '· 2 2
(t) l, Cd) I 2
3. 1lw '•'ll>(',; ,,, llw p,,h ll111111ill lliv2 I ly 8 Mt

(11) I ' , !I
1' 5 (I•) I 2 1 "i
, • 'i (r) I' 2 Id) 4' - 2-

-1. It 1111c .lA'l'II of llw 11un• l Im t 1, , pn1y11nm1,1I

• 't'2 ♦ 'l.r • k 1s 2, thcr, thL' value of k lS
(11) 10 (ltl -Ill
(cl 5 (dl 5

S. lhc number ot 7~•r1'\t.'s of I/ J (,) •~

y " • / •
(n) I (b) 2
(r) -I (tf) 3
X' \J X
6. The sum of the zero{'S of the polynom,,,1 2\'2 _ax+ n i!I
(a) - 3 (l>l 3 (c) 4 Cdl 4
-. TI,e prC\duc:t of the 7CT~'>f. ot lhe pol} nomial 2r2 + x - 6 Is
{,l) -b {11) 6 (~) -3 {J) 3

S. Ii a .-rnd ! ar\.' Llw zeroes of the polynomi,11 6.t2 + 11 ·, (k- 2), then Ll,e value of k 1s
(a) --1 (b) -6 (r) 6 (d) 4
9. ff n, f\ ,11~ 71.'roc., of the polynomial x . Jx -4, then Ll,e value of a 21\.,. al32 is
(n) 12 (b) 12 (c) -3 (d) 4

10. A qu,,Jr.itic polynomial whose product and sum of zeroes arc

'i and Ji. ~i,«tively
(11) 3x2 - x .., 3 ✓2 {b) Jx2 + r - 3 ✓
2 (c) 3x2 + 3 ✓2 x + 1 (d) 3x1 - 3 ✓2 :r - l
l l. A quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are -5 and 3 is
(a) x 1 + 2x-15 (b) x 2 2x 15 (c) x2 + Sx + 3 (d) .r2-5x-+ 3
U. If Ll,e sum of the zeroes o f the quadratic polynomial kx2 + 2x .. 3k, k '#' 0, is equal to Ll,eir
product, then lhe value of k is

(a) ½ (b) -½ :?
(c) 3 (d) _;:

13. A quadrallc polynom1al whose product dnd sum of J'eroes are - i and- ; ~~ti\'l!h'
(n) Sx2 + 13x-6 (b) Sx 2 - 13x-6 (c:) 5x2 + 6r - l3
14. If (x + 1) is a factor of r 2 - 3tll' + 3r1 - 7, th1m the value of 11 is
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) - l

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (/,) .J. (b) 5. (d) 6. (1tl
7. {c) 8. (a) 9. (/1) I 0. (ii) 11. (11) 12. (dl

13. (a) 14. (a)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions (Solved)
I ti III(' J.II IIClll'lll!,I r ,1111 .,,, 0~r 11 ·."1'1lio11 I II i.;f11/lm1wll11rn.~tntr111ruto/rl'llso,,
. '7111'> ,·11111<, II ' 1111 .
(nl. Rl•n,I ,,,,. ~;1.,.,1 , 1,, 1,.1111•11 ,~ nm']i1ll1t ""'' dw,,s,· tl,r rr1m•rt 111111011:
(,ii CJntl, ,,~:,.,t,nll ,,
1111"'11 , 01111 ,,. trrll' ,wrl ri•11so11 ;, tltr rc,rr,·rl r,p/n1111titJ11 of ,1~serliou,
(11) R(l(/1 ,1ss1•rtit>11 nmi n'llsn11 nrt' lr11,• ,11111 renso11 is 1111/ //11• n,rrt'c/ t'.'ffll11m1tio11 of
(d ,h~crtio11 is tn11· /mt l/11 n•nso11 is /11/s,•,
(,0 ,~,.,·rtim, is /nls,• /111/ tl11· n•nse111 is /me.
1. ·\ s..~,·rti,, 11 : ', 5 J, + - h: 1111/ 11 µoly1m111i11/,
/kn,o11: Tit, /11.,;:lwst n:,.0111•111 ,>f //rt• mritl/Jlc i11 rt /IC!l_1111om,n/ ,s cnlh-tf it, dt:(lrce.
:?. A,satim1: T/11• ,,,,l.11m•1111nl , 1 - 6x + 121111s lll'o :cmt's.
R1•,1so11: A q1mdml1c ,,,,/ym,111in/ c1111 l1m•e 11/111ost two :,·rot·,.
J. •h:,atio11: TT11· 1ml1111,1111,n/ ll'hns,· grn11/r is s/rnw11 /11•/pw /r11s Jo11r :cro.-s.


Rensc 1: TJ,,· 1111111/Jr, ciJ :,·,tlt-:: 11/ n i10/y1w111111/ /J(X) ,s th,· 111111111.•r ~( pn111/s u•l1cre Ilic grn/lh of
1 (.\) lll/t'T:'<'t'IS or loudtt.~ 1/u: .t-11.\'I~.

-i. Assertiou: A quadmtk poly11n111111/ w/,ost• two wroi•:; nre 5 1 3 .Jj nml 5 - 3 Jj is
t ' - 10.\ .... 2.

Rcaso11: If a. ,111d 13 an• ::cn1,-s nfn qrtmimt ,c f1olyno111inl f (.-r), //,c11 f (x) = x2 - (et + J}).r + aJ}.
5 . .-lsscrtiorr: If 0111• ::m, of //,r 1'0ly110111,n/ 5x2 - l1x - (k - 3) i~ the reciprocnl of lht• other, 11,m
I.. =-2

R,•nson: Tl11~ product of the ::croes of the poly110111inl nx2 +bx+ c, n "#- O, is-~.
6. Assertion: If the :crot~ of 1/w 1'0l!f110111inl 3x 2 + (2k + 1) x - 9 nre equnl in mng1u'l11de /ml

oppt:t,,,tt• in s1g11, 1/ren tire t'lllue of k is -1 ·

Reason: Tire s11111 of::,:roes of the q11adrnlir 11aly110111inl
. t,
2 + bX+CIS--.

7. Assertion: If a. nntf p OTP zeroes of the qundmlic poly1101111nl x 2 -5x-3, 1/1,•11 11,e va/11c of i +!
i5 E.

Reason: ff a aud /3 nr,· zeroes of the /JO/y110111inl nx2 + bx + c, n "#- 0, t/1en a + J} = -; n11d
aJ3 = ~.

30 \1 CO, in Math<'mar,c.,-X (T,·1111 I)

2l ') 11
r, r , A2 _ (U • /1)2 2r,fl 5
« ➔ fl
fl ,, -;;i" - fl
' '
I hu,, i1'iSt'rl11111 1, J;if5C
Rl',1.;i,n ,., lnll'.
l)pUcm (1) 1• 1h1•, or r,·1 I tHlS\ \ .-r.

Assertion-Reason Type Questions (Unsolved) f If ,wed by a ,;1,1tcrncnl of r,• Vio

) 1 . (,\ •~ o
In 1hi• J,,11,nvtn~ ,1u,•,ltcllls, ,1 ,1,11,·nwnl nl ,1,,c•rt1nn
choc N' rhc c<>rrc<I 11pl1Cln:
(R) Rl•,hi 1h,• ~i, ,·n sl,1t,•nw111,, .1refully and of assc rlmn
.md 11•,1s o11,1re lrne ,111 J w,1,11111s
1h ·
C' corrl'( .,,.- n,1t111n
1 evnla
(a) tx,rh ,1ss, ·rlion lanal1on of
,Hid rt•,1,on ,ire tru,• ,1111 1 rc.1son •~ no
I th,, correct c:icp
(Ii) f3nlh ,b._,,, li,111
1s~,·c hon.
(t'} Ass,•11:ion 1s tru,· but lhc nw,c m •~ falS<
(,I) \ssl! rhon 1s f.llsl! bur lht r,•,1so11 is
mt p11lynon11,1I 1, ✓NU,
1 Assertion: TI,e J,•~r,'t.' nl ,, non-zero cons l
nnl dehn cd
Reas on: T11t! degr ee of the zero polym,m,.,. is
!Hi nt: Both a,~r tion ,lnd r,w,1111 Ml! lnil! but
n•ason i~ nol lhl' corr,•cl ,•,pla11at1cm of
,1SSl'rli0n I
2. Asse rt ion: Th,• .1croc"- of the qu,1dr,111,· pol)
nom1.-il lir2 - 7J. -3 an' ~ I. -
1.'ll b) f'P) = 0 ,md sol\' lng it for
Reas o n: 11w z,·r,-....,, ol ,, pol) no1111al p(x) .ice gn
,,f X
3. AS!ll!rlio n:-h $ -:h + 7:r-" 1::,,1 b1qu:idrat1,·
,1dr,llic p,,fynom1.1l
Rea• on: -\ pol) nomial o( ,fogrt'C 4 is called ,I biqu
l~ o( a polynomi,1J, then polvnom1,1J i~
4. \ sser tion : If 3 + f.c; and .3 - ./5 Ml! zcm
\2 ➔ bl + ·l.
po!\· nun, ial i~ r 2 - (a +fl). \ + o./3
Reason: Ii a, p.in> zcnll.'S of ;i polvnomi.11, then
dratic poly nom iill \'2 + 7x + J 2, then the v,1lue
S. i\'isc rt ion: IC a .ind 13 .,re 7.l'J'(l(.'S of llw •1u.i
of .2. ~
1 2•1 •
- 2afl 1s
n 11 12 b
poly nom ial m·2 + /1.r ~ c, then u + fl= -
Reas on: If CJ ,md I'\ .ir,• ,croc :. o( lhc quo1clrat1c "
.md a/3 = !..,

Ans wer s
2. (11) 3. (d) 4 . (d) 5. (11)
1. (Ii)

Case-Study Based Que stio ns {Solved)

C~e -Slu dy 1
n g1•11,m1/ tom for 11 sill mg mt·dit111t,m pos.·.
A11 nsa1111 is 11 /Jody f>OSl11r,:, origi1111/ly mid still ofpo;e or posit io11, 11d.ti1 1~
as exerci~c. lo 01111 l_l//'t'
/11/t•r e:rt,·,ufrd i11 /J11t/J11yo,~111111111110rla11 yog11 ,·, 011,· cm, ,1,,...,.:._.
1rn1g poses. fir 1111: gIve11 ftgur 1
recli11i11g. st1111ding, 111ver1t·d, tw1sti11g, 1111d ba/111 l.
frntic polymm11a
that pox--,; can be rdntcd lo r,-pr,v11/alic111 of qua,

32 MCO , in M,11hcrna11c,-.\: flt-1rn I}

Ba~·,/ 1111 tl1e 11ooc,,• ,,11,a11011 a11s:,w th~ [11//01111111; q11e5t1,111s:
(i) T/11• ,1111,,,, 1~ 1/1,· l'''St'$ ,/unvn ,~

(11) ~fllrtl/ (b) r11,,,,,. (<'} l.1110,r (d) Parabr>lt,

(u) n,,. ,-.:m11lr ()/ p,1111l1t•la Cl/li'ns Jriw11w,1rds, if. . .. ..
(<1) a c'.' 0 (I•) a = o (c) 11 < O {d) ., > 0
(Iii) /11 the g1t'<·11 srapl,, how many ::,!ro1•, ar,: 1/11:re for ll1e poly1101111r11'

(a) () (bl 1 (c) 2 (,I) J

(iv) Tl1e two wrocs III tlw above sl,ow11 grapJ, an•
(a) 2, •1 (b) -1, 4 (c) -s. , (d) .:? S
(v) Tltc -=cro,-.s of lite qundrat,c po/11110111111/ 1.Jjxl ·t 5, - 2.[j ,rr,
1.[J 1Jj ' fj
(11)Jj'; (b) "Jj•- , {d-j;,-~ (cl)

Solution. ff) Sh,1pe of tlw po~.., ,hown l, p,1r,1bc,l,.1.

·. Optron (d) ts lhc rn rrecl am\H'r

roh rnin11.1I, 11
(/•) l!l111l1 ' \ 1\1 Ill II 1•111111
(,) 1111//11 t IC•111 /1,"'I llm 11111 ,1 f't I \ nxi,
(tf) f 1//,1 t lctltc/rr,; fll 111/1•1 1'1 /( X tl\14

f/ u ,mrl n '"' ll1r ~,·111,•, o/ th,• q11,11lm111 11r•lv11,1111ml 2,1 .t • BA tl1r11 k ,
(n) 4
(r) _J (If) 2
(t•) // //,,. :-IIIII ti[ 1111• ::i'!llt"S 15 -111111d prc1d111 Inf 1/1,• urr,e, " , tltm q1U1,frnlt1 poly11omml 11rr
(n) ~( /1.\ ~, + -\ + 1 ) (b) J.: ( l'X1
JI ,, 1

(i:) k [ :r2 + I'' _ I )

,, (d) kl ,2 pr I;)
Solution. (1) Option (r.) ,., lhe correct answer.
(i1) P,1r.ihol., rvprc.-.enlcd by nxl + lix + c opl•ns upwMds if,,> o.
OphCln (t) is the correct an..wcr.
(iii) For lhl' gmph ot y = x2 + t
T,,ble o l , alues:

4 2
l 2

x· -5 -I -3 -2 -1
2 J 4 :;


Plol the points (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4), (- 1, 2), (-2, 4), .... Join these points b\ a freehand
The graph of the polynomial x2 + l is an upward parabola.
It neither touches the x-axis nor intcr;ccts the x-ax,s.
:. Option (c) is the correct answer.
(iv) l'rod uct of zeroes =- constant term,
coefhc1cnt of ;r

=> u. 1 =8k ⇒ 1 =4k ⇒ k= .!. .

a 2 ~

· Option (/1) is the correct answer.

(v) Quadratic polynomi,,1!-o with sum of zerocs - 11 ,md producl of .tcroes-~ .tr\'

k (;r2 - (-p) x -t ( - ;, ) ) i.1•. Al\ 2 + I'·' - ; ) , wlwr,· k i-, ,my nCln-1\'ro real number

Optmn (c) is the corre..:l answer.

rol, n, 11111,1!, 35
II fiillowr.t 11111,1//1,,,,11 ,,caJ

7 X

8,1s.·d 011 tit<' 11/l(ll'<' i1(/im11,11io11, m1,;m•1 t/1,·fallon•i11g q11,•:-t111,,-·

(i) V,1111,• /hf ,:./lnJ't' m whitl, th,• wir,· 1s /lr111
(n) Spiral (b) Fili/''•' (f) 1.1111'17/' (d) Pnmboln
(11) Hcrw 1111111v :i:n>t·~ n,,. 11,m•Jor tlr. 1~1/11110111inl rt'/lf1":'t'llli11g tlw ~hn11,• of tht• ruin•'
(n) 1 (b) 3 (r) 1 (d) 0
(111) Th,• :en)(':, of //1,· 111. 1/y1111mi11l art
(11) -1. 5 (/1) 1 ; (c) 3, 5 (d) -1-. 2
(ml l'\71111 w11/ l,e tlie c.q1us,;1c111 cif 1hr po/_1111ominl?
(a) , 2 + 2\ -J (1•) x2-2x + 3 (c) x2 -2x-3 (d) .r1 + 2x + 3
(v) l\'lial ,~ /lit: va/r1c of lhe polv1101111nl if x = -'/'
(n) 6 (b) -18 (c) 18 (d) 0
Solution. (r) Wire b bent in the shape of a parabola.
:. Option (d) i!\ the correct answer.
(11) Since the graph cuts the .r-axis at two poinl,;,
number of 1.eroes = 2.
So, option (,t) is the correct answer.
(11i) Smee the graph cuts the x-axis at (-1, 0) and (3, 0).
Zeroes of the polynomjaJ are -I, 3.
So, option (b) is the correct answer.
(il') lkquired polynomial = (x + l)(x - 3)
:: x 2 - 2.1- 3
· Ophon (c) is t he correct ,mswer.
(v) 1-'or .r - I,
,t2-2x-3= (-1)2-2 X (-])-3
=I+ 2-.3 = 0 .
. . OpL1on (d) i!, tfo~ t.orre"<.L ,in~wl'T•

.3fi \KO, in \11!1l11:ma11cs-X ( r,•rm I)

•~ ..., " ' 1 ' 1"
r1 IU11tltrpn
A hl~hwa, und<-rp,,~s ;., h
• ,
r,na n 11c 111 !ihap,•,
h.>p;, d l.t

r ,rnhnltc c-.,: m v 2 nW
AI 1/•,1/n IS t/11· ...;rnpl, 1/1111 rr,111/s fnim f'(.r) ,n2 ~ /,, ➔ r.
Par~/1(.i/{1$ nrc <y1111111·t111 nL'11 111 11 t'rrlrrn/ l111,•
. •
k111111•11 r,s I/rt.' i\:,u,; of Symmetry Tire An~ o,
<;1,111 11t•tn1 rr,,r,• t/1nr,n/1
' ,,
ti11, mn.\111111111
· fl t 1
or 111111111111111 J)(>IIII of 1/1,: pr1rnhol11 wlurl, i, ca t, t 1e
l't'I It'\'

Based 011 thi· aboi,•c 11tror11111/,011, 111Mwr th,• /r1/lowi,1g q111•s/u111s.

(1) lf //1,· /ri,i:ha'il,11 Ol\'T/'ll>-5 rs r,•11r,•sc11trd by xl
2, B f/1r11 its :rroe.< 11r,•
(a) 2, -4 (b) 4, 2 (c) :?, 1 (d) -./, -.:
(ii) Tire /iiglrway 01.>t•rp11s~ i~ rc:pm1•11/crl grap}11c11/ly.
z.erocs of a poly110111ial C1111 b,• expressed grn11l11cnlly. Nr111rl>er of UTOl'S oJ 1J()/y110111i11I is equal
to 1111111ber ofpoints where Ilic graph of poly11omial
(a) inferseds x-axis (b) intersects y-,ni$
(c) intersects y-axis or x-axis (d) 11om· of tire 11/iot>t'
(ii,) Gmpli of a quadratic poly1m111ial is n
(a) straigltl line (b) circle {c) paraboln (d) ellip:;.'
(ill) The rcpuse11/nllo11 of Highway Underpas:; 1u/10se 011e zero is 6 and s11111 of tlr•· ="= 1,- 0, 1;.
(11) x· - 6x + 2 (11) rl - 36 (r) x2 - 6 (d) ,2 - 3
(ii) The 111m1L,er of :rroe, t/ral I/re• 1iol11110111inl J(,) - (.t ?? + .J rn11 folt'<' ,,.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3
Solution. (i) x2 - 2.-r- 8 = x2 - -1.Y + ?x - 8
= x (x - -4) + 2 (x - 4)
= {, .J)(.r + 2)
Fnr /CllX'S, -1) (l .- 2) 0 -> r = -4, -2
:. Option (Ii) is thi.> n1rrl•ct answl•1.

Poh·1u1mi.ih 37
(11) lnh•r.;(,cl,. ~ ..~xi",
Opl,cm (11) '" llw ,,., r«l l)nt',\H'r
l 'plu•n (l) '" llw u,m.._ 1 ,llb\\1'1 ,
{n) l 1•1 1h,• r1,I, n,,m11ll n'p"·~1·nhn~ l h1Jm ,1\ l 111ll'tp,1s:, br fit)
l ~i\l•I\ otw 11,n, <'I / (,),, h ,mJ llw ,.um 11f nro1•~ 1s 0 , 1;o the olhPr n•ro ,~ l,
l'rodut l of 7 1't.1t'!- .: h " (- h) - - l<1

11w r,,l\n,1mwl {(\l -= '! - (~um ,,t h'fOl•s) 1 t pnxluct ol ?eroes

c \· ll..\ + (- 36)12 x2 1b.
:. ()pt,,,n (b) ,, tlw c-t>rr,..:l ,,n~w,•r
(t•) {(, l {, - 2)2 + I ~ fo, ,111 r,· ,,1 valm-s of, ( ·: (.\ - 2)2 ..,, 0 Im dll n•,,I \'ah11.-s oft)
= ((x) ~ 0 for""}' real , ·alui.> of.\
= re,) h,,... no real 71.'l'\'ICS.
:. Oplil>ll (c) i,- U,c 1.orn.>tl ,1ru,wer.

Case-Study Based Questions (Unsolved)

c.,,c-~tud, I
Ourin1,1_ an inter !<h1"11I rorn=lilinn
r- •a
game l"' to throw ;i h, ·,l\'y sphl·n·c , b
pul event w ,., org
• .1ms1•c,J . II w objective of this
• " a (,-nown .,~ , ~hot) r
1 11 1
gt\'en 1:>.-luw depu...ls the path •red 1 · ' · ih .u ,1i; po:;,1hl1•. 1lw graph
'\ a. co, c a ..,,ot put by., plaver.

2 •3 4 5 b '; 8 ~ 10 11

.,. ,

Ba~ on the abm c infonnahon, answer the following que,-tion.'I:

(1) Wh,1• ,.., the -.hap<- of 1he patJ, covered by the shot'
(n) Circle (b) Line (c) Parabola (d) Spiral
(ii) The polvno1TUal representing the above graph b
(a) linear polynornt.11 (irJ quatlr,,tic poly nomiol
(d cubic polynomial (iv) con~ta nl pulynominl
(i,i) The number of ,.erocs of polynomial representing the abow grnph i!,
{,:) O (b) I (c) 2 (d) '
(;v) The ✓A.'r<X'l> of the polynorniill are
(c) 0, 12 (d) I, 12
(11) 0, 11 (I,) I, 11
(v) The polynomial representing the abow graph b
(a),.+ 12x.,. J (Ii) 12tl l \ (t") 12..1 - ~ - 1

38 \!CO, in Matlwm,111cvX rr~rm II

c., ~t'-S h1J\ 2
l lw i;1,1phc. 1,1 q11ndr ~I l
I11 I l I 11 • " pn vnom1.1l ,,n, p,1rnholi1 \ ,, u l\' l
~ It'., (ll '' l l P 1\I t1lllt><l lht• \1•11u, I h 'I' m
rw fl up or d, o
,,nmwl11l,1I llll\L''- lh. , 1r ·-
1 i;•np1l of ,, q11,,clr,1hc pt•lvnmnnl , gh o bl '""

'I' ...


\ ...
1 X

Based on the .ibo, e infor111,1l1on, t111swer the following questions:
(1) Thie' gr.iph shown ,1bovc 1s Lh,1t ,,t
(al lme (b) pambola (c) ell1ps~ (d) orcil·
(11) The 71.:'rocs of the polynomial for the given graph .ire
(n) (-4, 0), (2. 0) (/J) (4, 0), (-2, 0)
(c) 4, -2 (d) -t, 2
(111) The polvnomiaJ representing U,e above graph is
(a) S - l.t - x 1 (b) x2 + 2x - 8 (c) .r2 - 2x - 8 (cl) 8 + 2.,\ -x2
(hr) Th~ number of zeroes a quadratic polynomi al can hilve
(11) atmost 2 (b) .:itleast 2(c) 3 (dl -l
(v) 2. and 3 arc zeroes of the polynomia l 3x - 2px + 211, then
(n)p.:a 9 ,q=15 (/,) p= 15,q- 'I (c) p= 15 ,q= 9
2 2 2
1. (i) (c} (ii) (b) (iii) (I.') (iv) (c) (11) (ti)
2. (I) (b) (ii) (d) (iii) (b) (iu) (r1) (1•) (r)

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