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22375 (2)

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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All Questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following : 10

(a) Define finger raise.

(b) State use of Beneficiation.
(c) Define Draw point.
(d) State the importance of Crown Pillar and Sill Pillar.
(e) Define Slot.
(f) Define Footwall and Hanging wall.

2. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12

(a) Explain the working of overhand stopping method on the basis of direction of
stopping, drilling, production and support.
(b) Classify underground stopping methods devised by U.S. Bureau of Mines.
(c) Draw a layout of Sublevel stopping and justify the process of drilling and
(d) State the advantages and disadvantages of Block caving method.

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3. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12

(a) Describe Cut and Fill method with its applicability condition, direction of
stopping and advantages.
(b) Define Shrinkage with respect to shrinkage stopping. Explain advantages and
disadvantages of the method.
(c) Explain cycle of operation and advantages of Sublevel stopping.
(d) Draw a layout of Block caving and justify the operation of drilling and

4. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12

(a) State how Temporary Lining is carried out in a sinking shaft.
(b) Draw a neat sketch of a Bricking Scaffold and label any four components.
(c) How will you carry out drilling and blasting operation in a sinking shaft ?
(d) Enlist and explain any four drill bits used in percussive drilling.
(e) Explain how permanent lining is carried out using bricks.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12

(a) Enlist the applicability conditions of Sublevel caving, use of wire netting, and
advantages and disadvantages of the method.
(b) Compare Cut and Fill method with Sublevel stopping.
(c) State how Shrinkage stopping is different from Sublevel stopping.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12

(a) Classify Boring methods and write any six points with respect to the purpose
of Boring.
(b) Enlist special methods of Shaft sinking and explain any one method.
(c) Explain any one method to measure deviation of a borehole.

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