Bus Part A2P Glossary
Bus Part A2P Glossary
Bus Part A2P Glossary
gate n. [C] the place where you leave an airport building to get on
• adjective (adj.) Headwords for adjectives followed by the plane
information in square brackets, e.g. [only before a noun] and [not
induction n. [C,U] the process of helping someone in a new job by giving
before a noun], show any restrictions on where they can be used. them the information about the job and the company
• noun (n.) The codes [C] and [U] show whether a noun, or a
informal adj. an informal event is relaxed and friendly (opposite formal)
particular sense of a noun, is countable (a customer, two
customers) or uncountable (assistance, branding). intranet n. [singular] a system for sending computer messages between
people who work for the same company or organisation, which is
• verb (v.) The forms of irregular verbs are given after the
similar to the internet but smaller
headword. The codes [I] (intransitive) and [T] (transitive) show
whether a verb, or a particular sense of a verb, has or does not landing n. [C] the action of bringing a plane down to the ground after
have an object. Phrasal verbs (phr. v.) are shown after the verb being in the air (opposite take-off)
they are related to. local adj. near to the place where you live or to where you are staying
• Some entries show information on words that are related to location n. [C] the place or position where someone or something is
the headword. Adverbs (adv.) are often shown in this way after
adjectives. lock someone ↔ out phr. v. [T] to stop someone from being able to use a
computer or from seeing information on a computer
• region labels The codes AmE and BrE show whether a word or
sense of a word is used only in American or British English. log on (also log in) phr. v. [I] to start using a computer, for example by
typing in your name or password
log-in details n. [plural] your name, password or other information that
you need to start using a computer
long-haul adj. a long-haul flight, etc. is over a very long distance
Unit 1 (opposite short-haul)
abroad adv. in or from a country that is not your own
look forward to phr. v. [T] used at the end of a formal letter to say that you
accommodate v. [T] to have enough space for a particular number of hope to hear from or see someone soon, or that you expect something
people or things from them
accommodation (also accommodations AmE) n. [U] a place that you can lounge n. [C] a room in a hotel or airport, where people can sit and relax
live or stay in
luxury adj. expensive and having a lot of beautiful or comfortable things
arrival n. [U] when you get to a place you were going to
network n. [C] a system of computers that are connected with each other
bed and breakfast (also B&B) n. [C] a house or small hotel where you pay
to sleep and have breakfast when you are travelling on time adj. happening at the time or on the date that was planned
book v. [I,T] to arrange to stay in a place, eat in a restaurant, etc. at a public transport (also public transportation AmE) n. [U] buses, trains, etc.
particular time in the future (= reserve AmE) that anyone can pay to use
booking n. [C] an arrangement that you make to have a hotel room, a seat reservation n. [C] an arrangement that you make to have a hotel room, a
on a plane, etc. at a future time seat on a plane, etc. at a future time
budget1 adj. very low in price (= cheap) ridesharing app n. [C] a way of getting a taxi using your phone or tablet
budget2 n. [C] the money that is available to an organisation or person, or set (something ↔) up phr. v. [I,T] to do things that make something ready
a plan of how it will be spent to be used
client n. [C] someone who pays a person or organisation for a service or short-haul adj. a short-haul flight, etc. is over a short distance (opposite
advice long-haul)
comfort n. [U] when you feel physically relaxed and happy, and nothing is stay n. [C] a period of time that you spend somewhere
hurting you, making you feel too hot or cold, etc. take-off n. [C] when a plane moves off the ground and into the air
conference n. [C] a large formal meeting in which people discuss theme n. [C] the main subject or idea in a book, film, party, etc.
important things
tip n. [C] a useful piece of advice
confirm v. [I,T] to tell someone that an arrangement is now definite
transport (also transportation AmE) n. [U] cars, buses, trains, etc. that
delayed adj. late, usually because of a problem (opposite on time) people use to travel from one place to another
delegate n. [C] someone that a country or organisation chooses to do trip n. [C] when you go to a place and back again, especially when you
something for it, such as speak or vote at a meeting only stay in the place for a short time
departure n. [C,U] the action of leaving a place, especially at the start of a vehicle n. [C] a thing such as a car or bus that is used for carrying people
journey (opposite arrival) or things
enquire (also inquire AmE) v. [I,T] to ask someone for information venue n. [C] a place where a meeting, concert, etc. takes place
event n. [C] something that has been organised, such as a party, show, etc. youth hostel n. [C] a place where people who are travelling, especially
events management n. [U] the job of organising large events such as young people, can stay cheaply
conferences and concerts
expire v. [I] if something expires, the period of time in which you can use
it ends
Unit 2
access n. [U] the chance or ability to use something
extension n. [C] one of the telephones that is connected to a central
system of telephones in a building agenda n. [C] a list of the things that people are going to discuss at
a meeting
facilities n. [plural] rooms, equipment or services that are available in a place
AOB (abbreviation for any other business) something that needs to be
flight n. [C] a journey in a plane, or the plane that is making the journey discussed but is not included on the agenda
formal adj. a formal event is important, and people who go to it wear ASAP (abbreviation for as soon as possible) at the earliest time that you
special clothes and behave very politely (opposite informal) are able to do something
freeze v. [I,T] if a computer freezes, it suddenly stops working and the attract v. [T] if a place or thing attracts people, it makes them want to go
screen will not change when you use the keyboard or mouse
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experience n. [C] the things that you do or that happen to you, that you branch n. [C] one local business, shop, etc. that is part of a larger business
learn from or remember bring v. [T] that/this/which brings me to … used when saying that
shopping/dining/visitor etc. experience the way that shopping, something is the next thing that you want to talk about
eating or visiting a place makes you feel or affects you browse v. [I,T] to spend time looking at things in a shop without buying
unique experience something unusual that you do or that happens to anything and without hurrying
you, that does not happen at other times or in other places build v. [T] build a relationship to develop your friendship or knowledge
facilities n. [plural] rooms, equipment or services that are available in a about someone over time
place butcher’s n. [singular] a shop that sells meat
factory n. [C] a building in which a lot of goods are produced using chain n. [C] a number of shops, hotels, etc. owned or managed by the
machines same company or person
FYI (written abbreviation for for your information) used when you are charge v. [I,T] to ask someone for a particular amount of money for
telling someone something they need to know, in a short text, note something you are selling
or email
client n. [C] someone who pays a person or organisation for a service or
headquarters (abbreviation HQ) n. [plural] a company’s main or most advice
important office
competent adj. good at your work or able to do a job well
lab n. [C] (=laboratory) a special room or building in which a scientist does
tests convenience store n. [C] a shop where you can buy food, alcohol,
magazines, etc., that is often open very late at night
locate v. [T] to put or build something in a particular place
cost v. to have a particular price
location n. [C] the place or position where someone or something is
customer n. [C] someone who buys things from a shop, company, etc.
logistics n. [U] the business of transporting things such as goods to the
place where they are needed department store n. [C] a large shop that sells many different types
of things
motorway (also freeway AmE) n. [C] a very wide road for travelling fast
over long distances efficient adj. working well, without wasting time or energy
operator n. [C] a person or company that runs a particular business estimated adj. an estimated amount, time or size is not known for sure,
but is guessed based on information you have
port n. [C] a place or town where ships arrive and leave from
experience n. [C] retail/shopping/dining/visitor etc. experience the way
public services n. [plural] services, for examples buses and trains, schools that shopping, eating or visiting a place makes you feel or affects you
or health care, that a government provides
fall behind phr. v. [I] to not make as much progress as other people
relocate v. [I] to move to a new place
feedback n. [U] things people say or write about how well or badly you
rent n. [C] money paid every month to use office buildings, flats, etc. have done something
resort n. [C] a place where a lot of people go for a holiday focus group n. [C] a small group of people that a company asks questions in
salary n. [C] the pay you receive from the organisation you work for order to find out what they think about a product, idea, etc.
sophisticated adj. very modern, and using many new ideas and styles hand (something) over to phr. v. [I,T] to give someone the responsibility
for doing something that you were doing before
species n. [C] (plural species) a type of animal or plant
high street n. [singular] the main street of a town where most of the
stopover n. [C] a short stay somewhere between parts of a journey, shops and businesses are
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hold someone/something ↔ up phr. v. [T] to make someone or advice n. [U] when you suggest what someone should do
something late (= delay)
agency n. [C] (plural agencies) a business that arranges services for people
informative adj. giving many useful information
appreciate v. [T] to understand that someone has done something good
in-store interview n. [C] a situation in which someone is asked questions for you, and feel grateful (=want to thank them)
while they are shopping in a store
arrange v. [I,T] to make plans so that something can happen
jump in phr. v. [I] to suddenly say something in a conversation or discussion
attend v. [T] to go to a meeting, school, event, etc.
location n. [C] the place or position where someone or something
bring something ↔ forward phr. v. [T] to change the time or date of
look at something phr. v. [T] to study and think about something something so that it happens earlier than you planned before
memorable adj. very good and likely to be remembered confirm v. [I,T] to tell someone that an arrangement is now sure to happen
move on phr. v. [I] to start talking about a new subject consultative adj. asking for advice from other people
offer v. [T] to have something that people need or want and be willing to contact v. [T] to telephone or write to someone
give it
convenient adj. good for a particular situation and easy to do
order v. [I,T] to ask for food or drink in a restaurant
decision-making n. [U] the things you do when making important decisions
overview n. [C] a short description of something that gives the main ideas
delighted adj. very pleased about something
people skills n. [plural] the ability to deal with people well
democratic adj. giving everyone the right to help choose or decide
pharmacy (also drugstore AmE) n. [C] (plural pharmacies) a store where something, usually by voting
you can buy medicine
employee n. [C] someone who is paid to work for another person or
point n. [C] main point the most important fact or idea in something organisation
bad point a problem, mistake, or difficulty in something employer n. [C] a person, company or organisation that gives
people work
good point something useful, interesting, or good in something
executive n. [C] an important manager in a company
professional adj. showing that someone has been well trained and is
good at their work feel free used to tell someone that they are allowed to do something
profit n. [C] money that you gain by selling things or doing business, after finance n. [U] activities connected with the spending or saving of large
your costs have been paid amounts of money
rate v. [T] to say how good or bad you think someone or something is fix v. [T] to decide on an exact time, place, price, etc.
rating n. [C] a measurement of how good or popular something or fixed schedule n. [C] a timetable (=list of times when things must happen)
someone is that cannot be changed
recap v. [I,T] to repeat the most important information or ideas from flexible hours n. [plural] when someone can choose when they start and
something you have already said finish work
recommend v. [T] to tell someone that something is good or enjoyable full-time adj., adv. working for all the hours of a normal week at work,
usually 35-40 hours (opposite part-time)
retail n. [U] the activity of selling things to people in shops
guru n. [C] someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, and gives
retailer n. [C] a person or company that sells things to people in shops
advice to other people
review n. [C] a report about something such as a restaurant, film, book,
hands-off adj. not telling the people that you are in charge of what to do,
etc., that says whether it was good or bad
but letting them make their own decisions
satisfaction n. [U] the happiness you feel when you succeed or get what
hands-on adj. doing something yourself, rather than telling other people
you want
to do it
self-service adj. relating to a shop or restaurant in which you get goods or
input n. [U] ideas, advice, opinions or work that you give to help
food for yourself, rather than someone bringing them to you
something succeed
serve v. [I,T] to help customers in a shop, restaurant, etc., especially by
intern n. [C] someone, especially a student, who works for a short time in
bringing them the things that they want
a job to get experience
service n. [U] the help that people who work in a restaurant, hotel, shop,
look forward to phr. v. [T] used at the end of a formal letter to say that you
etc. give you
hope to hear from or see someone soon, or that you expect something
shopping centre (also mall AmE) n. [C] a group of shops that are built from them
together in one area, often inside one large building
move into phr. v. [T] to change to a different job
spend v. [T] (past tense and past participle spent) to use time doing
nine-to-five adj., adv. working every day from nine o’clock in the morning
until five o’clock in the evening
sum (something ↔) up phr. v. [I,T] to give the main pieces of information
out adj. if a particular suggestion or activity is out, it is not possible
from something you have said or written, in a short statement at the
end part-time adj., adv. working or studying for less than the usual number of
hours (opposite full-time)
try something ↔ on phr. v. [T] to put on a piece of clothing in order to find
out whether you like it, especially before buying permanent employee n. [C] someone who has a contract to work for a
long time
value v. [T] to think that something is important
point n. [C] a fact or idea that is part of a discussion
VAT n. [U] a tax added to the price of things in the UK and the EU
fair point used during a discussion to say that you think someone has
workload n. [U] the amount of work that a person has to do
said something true and you agree
wrap something ↔ up phr. v. [T] to finish a job, meeting, etc.
take someone’s point used during a discussion to say that you
understand what someone has said
Unit 4 have a point used during a discussion to say that someone has said
something that is important or useful
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remote worker n. [C] someone who works in a place away from the office the form of coins or paper money
retired adj. having stopped working, usually because you are old client pitch n. [C] a presentation you give to make a customer want to buy
your product or service
self-employed adj. working for yourself, and not permanently employed
by a company competitive adj. similar in price, or slightly cheaper, and still good quality
shift n. [C] one of the periods of work during a day, for example at a place context n. [C] put something in context to help someone understand the
such as a hospital where there must be workers all day and night situation within which something is happening
staff n. [U] all the people who work for an organisation convenient adj. easy for you to use
suit v. [T] to be useful or all right, and not cause problems for you credit n. [U] on credit using a system in which you buy things and pay for
them later
take place to happen, especially after being planned or arranged
credit card n. [C] a small plastic card that you use to buy things and pay
temporary worker n. [C] someone who has a job for only a limited period
for them later
of time
currency n. [C] (plural currencies) the system or type of money that a
unable adj. not able to do something
country uses
unemployed adj. without a job (= out of work)
debit card n. [C] a plastic card that you use for paying for things in shops.
unfortunately adv. used to say that you feel sad or disappointed about The money is taken directly out of your bank account.
debt repayment n. [C] money that you pay because you need to give it
view n. [C] an opinion or belief about something back to the person or bank you borrowed it from
work pattern n. [C] one of the different ways that someone’s hours of deposit n. [C] part of the price of something, that you pay when you agree
work can be organised to buy it
working day n. [C] the time during the day that people spend doing their enclose v. [T] to put something inside an envelope with a letter
exact adj. completely correct
working life n. [C] the part of their life during which someone has a paid job
exchange rate n. [C] the value of the money of one country when you
change it for the money of another country
Unit 5 expense n. [C] the amount of money you have to spend on something
appreciate v. [T] to understand that someone has done something good figure n. [C] a number representing an amount
for you, and feel grateful (=want to thank them) financial system n. [C] all the banks and other organisations that help
approximate adj. a little more or less than a number or amount, but not with the transfer of money between people and businesses
exact housing n. [U] places for people to live in
approximately adv. a little more or a little less than a number, amount, increase v. [I,T] to become larger in number, amount, size, etc., or make
etc., so not exact (= about, roughly) something become larger
bank transfer n. [C] the act of moving money from one bank to another interest n. [U] extra money that you pay when you borrow money
bank, usually using a computer
interest rate n. [C] a percentage (=3%, 4%, etc.) that a bank charges when
borrow v. [T] to take and use money from a person or organisation which you borrow money, or that a bank pays you when you save money in
you must pay back later that bank
borrowing n. [U] the fact of taking and using money from a bank, or the loan n. [C] an amount of money that you borrow from a bank
money that you take and use
mobile phone payment (also mobile payment) n. [C] the act of paying for
cash n. [U] money in the form of coins and special paper something using an app on your mobile phone
be short of cash to not have enough money mobile wallet n. [C] software that stores your bank or credit card
cash in hand if someone is paid cash in hand, they are paid in paper information on your phone
money and coins mortgage n. [C] money you borrow from a bank in order to buy a house
cash on delivery a way of buying something in which you pay for it mortgage payment n. [C] the amount of money you pay the bank each
when it is delivered (=brought) to you month, in order to pay back the money you borrowed to buy a house
in cash using coins or paper money online payment n. [C] the act of paying for something using the internet
pay cash to use coins and paper money to pay for something payment n. [C] the act of paying for something
petty cash n. [U] a small amount of money that is kept in an office to penny n. [C] (plural pennies) a small unit of money, or a coin worth 1p or
buy things 1 cent
withdraw cash to take money from your bank account pension payment n. [C] money that you save for a pension
cash crunch n. [U] a time when a bank, company, government or person raise v. [T] to increase the amount of something
does not have enough money to work in the normal way
remain v. [I] to continue to be something or to be in the same state
cash dispenser (also cash machine) n. [C] a machine that you can get
money out of, using a plastic card (= ATM AmE) rise n. [C] when an amount or level becomes larger or higher (= increase)
cash flow n. [U] the way that money comes into a business from payments rising adj. becoming larger or higher
and goes out to pay workers or buy materials role n. [C] what one person does in a group or situation
cash register n. [C] a machine that is used in a shop to keep money in and savings n. [plural] all the money that you have saved
show how much customers have to pay (=till BrE)
spending n. [U] the amount of money that people pay for things
cashless adj. done or working without using money in the form of coins or
paper money store card (also charge card AmE) n. [C] a card that a particular shop gives
you, that you can use to buy things in that shop and pay for them later
cashless economy n. [C] a system of buying and selling things without
using coins or paper money suffer v. [I] to become worse because of something
cashless payment n. [C] a payment that is made without using money in supply v. to provide people with something they need
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summary n. [C] in summary used before giving the most important someone use a product correctly
information from what you have just said or written
put something behind you phr. v. to try to forget about something bad
takeaway n. [C usually singular] the most important piece of information that happened and think about the future
that you learn from a report, meeting, etc.
reduce v. [T] to make the amount or size of something less than it was
tax revenue n. [C] the money the government collects from people before
term n. [C] in terms of something used to show what part of something reliable adj. always doing what you want or expect
you are talking about
remind v. [T] to make someone remember something that they must do
respect1 n. [U] if you have respect for someone, you admire them and have
Unit 6 a very good opinion of them
agree v. [I,T] to have the same opinion as someone else respect2 v. [T] to admire someone and have a good opinion of them
agreement n. [C] the fact of having the same opinions as someone else responsible adj. if you are responsible for something, it is your job to do it
argue v. [I,T] to not agree with someone, and often give reasons why you rise n. [singular] when something becomes more important or successful
are right and they are wrong, sometimes in an angry way sign up phr. v. [I] to put your name on a list because you want to do
argument n. [C] a time when you do not agree with someone, and often something
give reasons to show why you are right at they are wrong, sometimes subject n. [C] on the subject of used to say what the main thing you are
in an angry way talking about is
catering n. [U] the activity of making and serving food at parties, support v. [T] to help and encourage someone
meetings, etc.
team building n. [U] activities that help people to work and communicate
challenge v. [T] to do something new, exciting or difficult that you will well together
need to work hard to do
teamwork n. [U] when a group of people work well together to achieve
communicate v. [I] to talk or give someone information, for example by something
speaking, writing letters, etc.
teamworker n. [C] someone who works well in a team and helps other
communication n. [U] the action of talking to people or giving them people
information, for example by writing a letter or calling
tonne n. [C] tonnes (of something) a lot of something (= loads)
communication skills n. [C usually plural] the ability to talk or write
clearly, so that people understand you triathlon n. [C] a sports competition in which people run, swim and cycle
a long way
compete v. [I] to try to win something or to be more successful than
someone else trust1 v. [T] to believe that someone is good and will do what they say, or
will do what is right
competitive adj. trying very hard to be more successful than other people
or businesses trust2 n. [U] when you believe that someone is good and will do what they
say, or will do what is right
competition n. [U] a situation in which people or organisations try to be
more successful than other people or organisations venue n. [C] a place where a public event takes place
conflict management n. [U] the action of helping people to deal with wonder v. [I,T] to think about something you do not know, and want to
problems caused by not agreeing with someone know it
develop v. [I,T] to make a skill, ability, etc. better over a period of time brief n. [C] a list of instructions that explain what you need someone to do
disagree v. [I] to think or say that someone’s opinion is wrong cater v. [I] to provide a particular group of people with what they need or
disagreement n. [C,U] when you do not agree with someone
challenge n. [C] something new, exciting or difficult that you will need a
experienced adj. having a lot of skill or knowledge about something, lot of determination and effort to do
because you have done it for a long time (opposite inexperienced)
character n. [C] the particular qualities that a person, place or thing has
improve v. [I,T] to make something better
competitive adj. trying to be more successful than other businesses
inspire v. [T] to make someone feel that they want to do or achieve
something consumer n. [C] someone who buys things or uses a service that a
company provides
invitation n. [C] a letter or message asking you if you would like to do
something with something create v. [T] to make something happen or exist
manage v. [T] to be in charge of something and the people who work cut out phr. v. [I] to suddenly stop working
there, and organise the things that will be done design n. [C] the way that something is planned or made, especially the
management n. [U] the job of organising the work of a company, team, way it looks
etc., and the people who work there designer n. [C] someone whose job is to design new things or styles of
move on phr. v. [I] to start doing things differently or change your life clothes, cars, etc.
press release n. [C] an official statement giving information to develop v. [T] to make a new idea, product, etc. over a period of time
newspapers, radio, and television echo n. [C] a sound that you hear again
product launch n. [C] the time when a new product is made available to enter v. [T] to put information somewhere, such as into a computer or a
buy book
product support n. [U] help or information that a company gives to help expense n. [C] money that you spend when you are doing your job, that
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product tester n. [C] someone who uses a new product to find out electric bus n. [C] a bus that uses electricity to move, rather than petrol
whether it works properly
environment n. [singular] the land, water, and air that people, animals,
product testing n. [U] the action of using a new product to find out and plants live in
whether it works properly
feedback n. [U] information about how well you are doing your job, and
production n. [U] the process of making things, or the amount that advice about how you could do it better
you make
corrective feedback n. [U] information about what you have done
prototype n. [C] the first form that a new product has wrong or badly, and how you can make it better
purchase v. [T] to buy something foundation n. [C] an organisation that gives money for special purposes
rebranded adj. when the name of a product or the way it is advertised is great adj. be great with something to be very good at doing or dealing
changed, so that people think differently about it with something
receipt n. [C] a piece of paper which shows how much you have paid for green adj. relating to protecting the environment
go green to change to using products or methods that protect the
research and development (also R&D) n. [U] the part of a business that environment
thinks of new ideas, plans new products and improves older products
hold a meeting to make a meeting happen
setting n. [C] the position in which you put the controls on a machine or
impact n. [U] a big change in someone or something caused by an event,
situation, etc.
signal v. [T] to say or do something that gives other people information
improve v. [I,T] to make something better
sketch n. [C] a drawing of something that is done quickly and without very
improvement n. [U] when something becomes better than it was
many details
intend v. [T] to have decided that you want to do something
solution n. [C] the answer to a difficult question or problem
introduce v. [T] to put something into use for the first time
step n. [C] one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve
something manufacturing n. [U] the process of making things using machines in a
test v. [T] to use something to find out whether it works
marine adj. relating to the sea and the creatures that live there
unique adj. very unusual and special
open-plan office n. [C] an office (=place to work) that does not have walls
usefulness n. [U] the quality of being useful
to make different rooms
version n. [C] a form of something that is slightly different from others of
originally adv. in the beginning
the same type
plan v. [T] plan to do something to have decided that you want to do
something, and think about how you will do it
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