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Week-1-Learning-Activity-Sheet (4)

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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________ Teacher _____________________________

Directions: Below are descriptions of different terms relating to waves and the jumbled letters which will form the correct term.
Your task is to rearrange the jumbled letters to form the term being described.
Description & Jumbled Letters Rearranged Word
1. It is a disturbance in space. (AVWE) 1. _____________________________
2. It is the highest point in a wave. (SECRT) 2. _____________________________
3. It is the lowest point in a wave. (TGHURO) 3. _____________________________
4. It is the distance from the midpoint to the highest (or lowest) point of a wave. 4. _____________________________
5. It is the distance between two successive identical parts of a wave. 5. _____________________________
6. It refers to the number of waves produced in one second. (NEGFCEURY) 6. _____________________________
7. It refers to the extent or the limits between which variation is possible. 7. _____________________________

Enrichment Activity 1
Directions: Determine the wavelength ranges of each of the forms of electromagnetic waves. Afterwards answer the questions
that follow.

Table 1. Electromagnetic Waves – Wavelength Ranges

Electromagnetic Wave Wavelength Range (meters) Electromagnetic Wave Wavelength Range (meters)
Radio wave Green
Microwave Blue
Infrared Violet
Visible Light Ultraviolet
Red x-ray
Orange Gamma Ray
Guide Questions:
Q1. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength? ___________________________________________________
Q2. Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength? ___________________________________________________
Q3. Observe what happens to the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves as they progress (goes rightward from the figure).
Does the wavelength of the EM waves increase or decrease as we go from radio wave to gamma ray? __________

Enrichment Activity 2
Directions: Compare the frequencies of different EM waves, then answer the questions that follow.

Table 2. Electromagnetic Waves – Frequency Ranges

Electromagnetic Wave Frequency Range (Hertz) Electromagnetic Wave Frequency Range (Hertz)
Radio wave Green
Microwave Blue
Infrared Violet
Visible Light Ultraviolet
Red x-ray
Orange Gamma Ray

Guide Questions:
Q1. Which among the EM waves has the highest frequency? _____________________________________________________
Q2. Which among the EM waves has the lowest frequency? ______________________________________________________
Q3. The energy of an EM wave also depends on its frequency, which means waves with higher frequency has higher energy too.
Which among the EM waves has the highest energy? _______________________________________________________
Q4. Which among the EM waves has the lowest energy? ________________________________________________________
Q5. What happens to the frequency of the electromagnetic waves as it progresses? Does the frequency of the EM waves
increase or decrease as we go from radio wave to gamma ray? __________

Directions: Pick out the word that will make the statements correct.

The electromagnetic spectrum is the arrangement of 1. (electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet radiation), which are waves that
are created with changing electric field and 2. (electric charge, magnetic field). EM waves travel on 3. (air, vacuum) at a
constant speed of 4. (3 x108 m/s, 8 x103 m/s).

The electromagnetic spectrum is arranged in a manner of 5. (decreasing, increasing) wavelength, 6. (decreasing, increasing)
frequency and 7. (decreasing, increasing) energy. 8. (Gamma ray, Radio wave) has the longest wavelength, lowest frequency
and lowest energy among all EM waves.

The 9. (radio wave, visible light) is the only EM wave that can be seen by our naked eye, whereas 10. (red, violet) has the
longest wavelength and 11. (red, violet) has the greatest frequency. On the other hand, 12. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the
shortest wavelength and highest frequency; which carries the highest 13. (energy, wavelength) among all EM waves. Therefore
14. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the lowest ionizing radiation, while 15. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the highest ionizing

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