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Experiment no. : 2
Experiment: Verification of some circuit laws in DC circuits
And Series/Parallel Connection of Loads
Part A: Verification of KVL & Voltage Divider Rule
1. Don’t switch on the supply until the circuit has been checked by your teacher.
2. Take care of the reading of the apparatus.
3. Take care of any bare circuit element in energized condition.


This experiment is intended to verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) and voltage divider rule with
the help of series circuits and derive equivalent resistance of the series circuit both experimentally
and analytically.


KVL states that around any closed circuit the sum of the voltage rises equals the sum of the voltage

The voltage divider rule is given by

VX   VS
The equivalent ( total ) resistance of a series circuit is given by

RS = RX = R1 + R2 + R3
Where X= 1, 2 & 3


 One DC Voltmeter (0 - 300V)

 One DC Ammeter (0 - 5A)
 Three Rheostats
 One SPST switch
 One multimeter
 DC power supply


Get acquainted with wire wound resistances and the operation of the dc power supply.There are
fixed wire wound resistances with two terminals having a fixed resistance between the terminals,
where as there are wire wound resistances with three terminals in which the resistance may be
varied if the resistance is taken between one top and one bottom terminal. Fixed resistance can be
obtained from the three terminal wire wound resistance if the connection is taken from the two
bottom terminals. Wire wound resistances are specified by their resistance value and their current or
wattage value. The current and wattage value indicate that if that particular resistance carry more
than the rated current or wattage value the resistance will heat up excessively and eventually burn.
So the precaution should be taken not to exceed the current or wattage of the resistance.

Regulated DC power supply provides adjustable dc supply for electrical and electronic circuits. It
has two controls, one is the voltage control and the other is the current limit. The voltage control
knob allows one to increase or decrease the voltage at the terminals of the dc power supply within
the current limit set by the current limit knob. If the current to the circuit exceeds beyond the limit
set by the current limit knob, the voltage will not increase even if the voltage know is used to
increase the voltage. So current control knob of the regulated dc power supply basically works as a
protection against any damage to the power supply (it will not protect the circuit).

1. Connect three rheostats R1, R2 and R3 in series through a SPST switch to a DC power supply as
shown in fig.
2. Apply 30 V DC from DC power supply.
3. Set the rheostats at their maximum value and take readings of V1, V2, V3, VS using a voltmeter,
I using an ammeter and R1, R2, R3 using a multimeter. Vary the rheostats in such a way that
ammeter reading does not exceed the current rating of any of the rheostats. Take at least 5 sets
of reading and enter it in the table.
4. Verify KVL (i.e. VS=V1+V2+V3) for each set of data. Find total resistance of the series circuit
using the formula RS =R1+R2+R3. Compare this with experimentally obtained value RS=VS/I.
Verify voltage divider for each set of data.


V1 R2
V V2



No of VS I V1 V2 V3 RS=R1+R2+R3 RS = VS / I V1+V2+V3
Obs. Volts Amps Volts Volts Volts Ohms Ohms


1. Show the results in tabular form.

2. Comment on the results obtained and discrepancies (if any).

Part B: Verification of KCL & Current Divider Rule.


This experiment is intended to verify Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) & current divider rule with
the help of parallel circuit and derive equivalent resistance of the circuit both experimentally and


KCL states that the sum of the currents entering any node equals the sum of the currents leaving the
 ientering =  ileaving

The current divider rule is given by

IX   IS
Where, x = 1, 2 & 3.
The equivalent ( total ) resistance of a parallel circuit is given by the formula

1 1 1 1
  
RP R1 R2 R3

 One DC Voltmeter (0 - 300V)

 One DC Ammeter (0 - 5A)
 Three Rheostats and Four Switches
 DC power supply and a multimeter


1. Connect three rheostats along with their own switches in parallel across the power supply as
shown in figure.
2. Apply 30 V dc from dc power supply.

A1 S A S A S A
I 2 3 4
S R I1 R I2 R I3
1 1 1

3. Set the rheostats R1, R2 & R3 above 20 and measure VS, I, I1, I2, I3,R1,R2 &R3.

4. Verify KCL ( i.e. I=I1+I2+I3 ) for each set of data.. Find total resistance of the parallel circuit
using the formula. Compare this with experimentally obtained value RP=VS/I. Verify the current
divider rule for each set of data.
5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 by changing R1, R2, R3 and take five sets of readings


Observation VS I I1 I2 I3 I1+I2+I3 RP RP = VS / I
No. Volts Amps Amps Amps Amps Ohms Ohms


1. Comment on the obtained results and discrepancies (if any).

2. Show the results in tabular form.

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