Normal Distribution Ravish R Sing
Normal Distribution Ravish R Sing
Normal Distribution Ravish R Sing
(vi) The value of f (x) is always nonnegative for all values of X, i.e., the whole curve
lies above the X-axis.
(vii) The points of inflexion (the point at which curvature changes) of the curve are
at X = m + s and the curve changes from concave to convex at X = m + s to
X = m – s.
(viii) The area under the normal curve (Fig. 2.2) is distributed as follows:
(a) The area between the ordinates at m – s and m + s is 68.27%
(b) The area between the ordinates at m – 2s and m + 2s is 95.45%
(c) The area between the ordinates at m – 3s and m + 3s is 99.74%
2.128 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Fig. 2.2
Putting = t , dx = s dt
• 1
1 - t2
E( X ) = Ú ( m + s t)
e 2 dt
• 1 • 1
1 - t2 t - t2
=m Ú 2p
e 2 dt + Ú s
e 2 dt
-• -•
= Ú (x - m)
f ( x ) dx
• 1 Ê x-m ˆ
1 - Á ˜
2Ë s ¯
= Ú (x - m)
e dx
-• 2p s
Putting = t , dx = s dt
• 1
1 - t2
Var ( X ) = Ús
2 2 2
t e dt
-• 2p
• 1
s2 - t2
Ú t2 e 2 dt
• 1
2s 2 - t2
= Út e
2 2 dt
[∵ integral is an even function ]
2p 0
Putting = u,
t = 2u
1 1
dt = 2 du = du
2 u 2u
When t = 0, u=0
When t = •, u=•
2s 2 -u 1
Var( X ) =
Ú 2ue 2u
• 1
2s 2 -u
Ú e u 2 du
2s 2
3 È •
- x n -1
p 2
Úe x dx = n ˙
2s 1 1
p 2 2
2s 2 1
= p
p 2
= s2
3. standard deviation of the normal distribution
SD = s
2.130 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Putting = t in the first integral,
dx = s dt
When x = – •, t=–•
When x = m, t=0
m 1 Ê x-m ˆ 0 1
1 - Á ˜ 1 - t2
2Ë s ¯
s 2p
Ú e dx =
s 2p
Ú e 2 s dt
-• -•
0 1
1 - t2
Ú e 2 dt
• 1
1 - t2
Úe 2 dt [By symmetry]
1 p
2p 2
= ...(2.4)
From Eqs (2.3) and (2.4),
M - 1 Ê x-m ˆ
1 1 Á ˜ 1
2Ë s ¯
2 s 2p Úe dx =
M - 1 Ê x-m ˆ
1 Á ˜
2Ë s ¯
s 2p
Úe dx = 0
M - 1 Ê x-m ˆ
Á ˜
2Ë s ¯
Úe dx = 0
È b ˘
m = M Í∵ if Ú f ( x) dx = 0 then a = b where f ( x) > 0˙˙
ÎÍ a ˚
Hence, mean = median for the normal distribution.
note For normal distribution,
mean = median = mode = m
Hence, the normal distribution is symmetrical.
2.132 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
When X < x1, Z < z1, the probability P(Z < z1) can be found for two cases as follows:
case I If z1 > 0 (Fig. 2.8),
P( X < x1 ) = P ( Z < z1 )
= 1 - P( Z ≥ z1 )
= 1 - ÎÈ0.5 - P (0 < Z < z1 )˚˘
= 0.5 + P (0 < Z < z1 )
= 0.5 + (Area under the curve from 0 to z1 ) Fig. 2.8
P( X < x1 ) = P( Z < - z1 )
= 1 - P( Z ≥ - z1 )
= 1 - ÈÎ0.5 + P(- z1 £ Z £ 0)˘˚
= 1 - ÎÈ0.5 + P(0 £ Z £ z1 )˚˘
[By symmetry] Fig. 2.9
= 0.5 - P(0 £ Z £ z1 )
= 0.5 - (Area under the curve from 0 to z1 )
(i) P( X < x1 ) = F ( x1 ) =
Ú f ( x ) dx
Fig. 2.11
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.135
Z 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.0 0.0000 0.0040 0.0080 0.0120 0.0160 0.0199 0.0239 0.0279 0.0319 0.0359
0.1 0.0398 0.0438 0.0478 0.0517 0.0557 0.0596 0.0636 0.0675 0.0714 0.0753
0.2 0.0793 0.0832 0.0871 0.0910 0.0948 0.0987 0.1026 0.1064 0.1103 0.1141
0.3 0.1179 0.1217 0.1255 0.1293 0.1331 0.1368 0.1406 0.1443 0.1480 0.1517
0.4 0.1554 0.1591 0.1628 0.1664 0.1700 0.1736 0.1772 0.1808 0.1844 0.1879
0.5 0.1915 0.1950 0.1985 0.2019 0.2054 0.2088 0.2123 0.2157 0.2190 0.2224
0.6 0.2257 0.2291 0.2324 0.2357 0.2389 0.2422 0.2454 0.2486 0.2517 0.2549
0.7 0.2580 0.2611 0.2642 0.2673 0.2704 0.2734 0.2764 0.2794 0.2823 0.2852
0.8 0.2881 0.2910 0.2939 0.2967 0.2995 0.3023 0.3051 0.3078 0.3106 0.3133
0.9 0.3159 0.3186 0.3212 0.3238 0.3264 0.3289 0.3315 0.3340 0.3365 0.3389
1.0 0.3413 0.3438 0.3461 0.3485 0.3508 0.3531 0.3554 0.3577 0.3599 0.3621
1.1 0.3643 0.3665 0.3686 0.3708 0.3729 0.3749 0.3770 0.3790 0.3810 0.3830
1.2 0.3849 0.3869 0.3888 0.3907 0.3925 0.3944 0.3962 0.3990 0.3997 0.4015
1.3 0.4032 0.4049 0.4066 0.4082 0.4099 0.4115 0.4115 0.4131 0.4147 0.4162
1.4 0.4192 0.4207 0.4222 0.4236 0.4251 0.4265 0.4279 0.4292 0.4306 0.4319
1.5 0.4332 0.4345 0.4357 0.4370 0.4382 0.4394 0.4406 0.4418 0.4429 0.4441
1.6 0.4452 0.4463 0.4474 0.4484 0.4495 0.4505 0.4515 0.4525 0.4535 0.4545
1.7 0.4554 0.4564 0.4573 0.4582 0.4591 0.4599 0.4608 0.4616 0.4625 0.4633
1.8 0.4641 0.4649 0.4656 0.4664 0.4671 0.4678 0.4686 0.4693 0.4699 0.4706
1.9 0.4713 0.4719 0.4726 0.4732 0.4738 0.4744 0.4750 0.4756 0.4761 0.4767
2.0 0.4772 0.4778 0.4783 0.4788 0.4793 0.4798 0.4803 0.4808 0.4812 0.4817
2.1 0.4821 0.4826 0.4830 0.4834 0.4838 0.4842 0.4846 0.4850 0.4854 0.4857
2.2 0.4861 0.4864 0.4868 0.4871 0.4875 0.4878 0.4881 0.4884 0.4887 0.4890
2.3 0.4893 0.4896 0.4898 0.4901 0.4904 0.4906 0.4909 0.4911 0.4913 0.4916
2.4 0.4918 0.4920 0.4922 0.4925 0.4927 0.4929 0.4931 0.4932 0.4934 0.4936
2.5 0.4938 0.4940 0.4941 0.4943 0.4945 0.4946 0.4948 0.4949 0.4951 0.4952
2.6 0.4953 0.4955 0.4956 0.4957 0.4959 0.4960 0.4961 0.4962 0.4963 0.4964
2.7 0.4965 0.4966 0.4967 0.4968 0.4969 0.4970 0.4971 0.4972 0.4973 0.4974
2.8 0.4974 0.4975 0.4976 0.4977 0.4977 0.4978 0.4979 0.4979 0.4980 0.4981
2.9 0.4981 0.4982 0.4982 0.4983 0.4984 0.4984 0.4985 0.4985 0.4986 0.4986
3.0 0.4987 0.4987 0.4987 0.4988 0.4988 0.4989 0.4989 0.4989 0.4990 0.4990
2.136 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
example 1
What is the probability that a standard normal variate Z will be (i) greater
than 1.09? (ii) less than –1.65? (iii) lying between –1 and 1.96?
(iv) lying between 1.25 and 2.75?
(i) Z > 1.09 (Fig. 2.12)
P( Z > 1.09) = 0.5 - P(0 £ Z £ 1.09)
= 0.5 - 0.3621
= 0.1379
Fig. 2.12
(ii) Z £ –1.65 (Fig. 2.13)
P( Z £ -1.65) = 1 - P( Z > -1.65)
= 1 - [0.5 + P(-1.65 < Z < 0)]
= 1 - [0.5 + P(0 < Z < 1.65)]
[By symmetry]
= 0.5 - P(0 < Z < 1.65)
= 0.5 - 0.4505 Fig. 2.13
= 0.0495
(iii) –1 < Z < 1.96 (Fig. 2.14)
P(-1 < Z < 1.96)
= P(-1 < Z < 0) + P(0 < Z < 1.96)
= P(0 < Z < 1) + P(0 < Z < 1.96)
[By symmetry]
= 0.3413 + 0.4750
= 0.8163 Fig. 2.14
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.137
example 2
If X is a normal variate with a mean of 30 and an SD of 5, find the
probabilities that (i) 26 £ X £ 40, and (ii) X ≥ 45.
m = 30, s=5
26 - 30
(i) When X = 26, Z = = -0.8
40 - 30
When X = 40, Z = =2
Fig. 2.16
P(26 £ X £ 40) = P (-0.8 £ Z £ 2) (Fig. 2.16)
= P(-0.8 £ Z £ 0) + P(0 £ Z £ 2)
= P(0 £ Z £ 0.8) + P(0 £ Z £ 2) [By symmetry]
= 0.2881 + 0.4772
= 0.7653
45 - 30
(ii) When X = 45, Z = =3
P( X ≥ 45) = P( Z ≥ 3) (Fig. 2.17)
= 0.5 - P(0 < Z < 3)
= 0.5 - 0.4987
= 0.0013
Fig. 2.17
example 3
X is normally distributed and the mean of X is 12 and the SD is 4. Find
out the probability of the following:
(i) X ≥ 20 (ii) X £ 20 (iii) 0 £ X £ 12.
2.138 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
m = 12, s=4
20 - 12
(i) When X = 20, Z = =2
P( X ≥ 20) = P( Z ≥ 2) (Fig. 2.18)
= 0.5 - P (0 < Z < 2)
= 0.5 - 0.4772
= 0.0228
Fig. 2.18
(ii) P( X £ 20) = 1 - P ( X > 20)
= 1 - 0.0228
= 0.9772
0 - 12
(iii) When X = 0, Z = = -3
12 - 12
When X = 12, Z = =0
4 Fig. 2.19
P(0 £ X £ 12) = P (-3 £ Z £ 0) (Fig. 2.19)
= P(0 £ Z £ 3) [By symmetry ]
= 0.4987
example 4
If X is normally distributed with a mean of 2 and an SD of 0.1, find
P ( X - 2 ) ≥ 0.01)?
m = 2, s = 0.1
1.99 - 2
When X = 1.99, Z = = -0.1 Fig. 2.20
2.01 - 2
When X = 2.01, Z = = 0.1
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.139
example 5
If X is a normal variate with a mean of 120 and a standard deviation of
10, find c such that (i) P(X > c) = 0.02, and (ii) P(X< c) = 0.05.
For normal variate X,
m = 120, s = 10
(i) P(X > c) = 0.02
P(X < c) = 1 – P(X ≥ c)
= 1 – 0.02
= 0.98
Since P(X < c) > 0.5, the corre-
sponding value of Z will be positive.
P(X > c) = P(Z > z1) (Fig. 2.21)
0.02 = 0.5 – P(0 £ Z £ z1)
P(0 £ Z £ z1) = 0.48
\ z1 = 2.05 [From normal table]
Fig. 2.21
c - 120
Z= = z1 = 2.05
c = 2.05(10) + 120 = 140.05
(ii) Since P(X < c) < 0.5, the corresponding
value of Z will be negative.
P( X < c) = P( Z < - z1 ) (Fig. 2.22)
0.05 = 1 - P( Z ≥ - z1 )
Fig. 2.22
0.05 = 1 - ÎÈ0.5 + P (- z1 £ Z £ 0)˚˘
2.140 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
example 6
A manufacturer knows from his experience that the resistances of
resistors he produces is normal with m = 100 ohms and SD = s = 2 ohms.
What percentage of resistors will have resistances between 98 ohms and
102 ohms?
Let X be the random variable which denotes the resistances of the resistors.
m = 100, s =2
98 - 100
When X = 98, Z= = -1
102 - 100
When X = 102, Z = =1 Fig. 2.23
P(98 £ X £ 102) = P(-1 £ Z £ 1) (Fig. 2.23)
= P(-1 £ Z £ 0) + P(0 £ Z £ 1)
= P(0 £ Z £ 1) + P(0 £ Z £ 1) [By symmetry]
= 2 P(0 £ Z £ 1)
= 2(0.3413)
= 0.6826
Hence, the percentage of resistors have resistances between 98 ohms and 102 ohms =
example 7
The average seasonal rainfall in a place is 16 inches with an SD of
4 inches. What is the probability that the rainfall in that place will be
between 20 and 24 inches in a year?
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.141
Let X be the random variable which denotes the seasonal rainfall in a year.
m = 16, s =4
20 - 16
When X = 20, Z= =1
24 - 16
When X = 24, Z= =2
4 Fig. 2.24
P(20 < X < 24) = P (1 < Z < 2) (Fig. 2.24)
= P (0 < Z < 2) - P (0 < Z < 1)
= 0.4772 - 0.3413
= 0.1359
example 8
The lifetime of a certain kind of batteries has a mean life of 400 hours
and the standard deviation as 45 hours. Assuming the distribution of
lifetime to be normal, find (i) the percentage of batteries with a lifetime
of at least 470 hours, (ii) the proportion of batteries with a lifetime
between 385 and 415 hours, and (iii) the minimum life of the best 5%
of batteries.
Let X be the random variable which denotes the lifetime of a certain kind of batteries.
m = 400, s = 45
(i) When X = 470,
470 - 400
Z= = 1.56
P( X ≥ 470) = P( Z ≥ 1.56) (Fig. 2.25)
= 0.5 - P(0 < Z < 1.56)
= 0.5 - 0.4406
= 0.0594
Fig. 2.25
Hence, the percentage of batteries
with a lifetime of at least 470 hours
= 5.94%.
2.142 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
example 9
If the weights of 300 students are normally distributed with a mean of
68 kg and a standard deviation of 3 kg, how many students have weights
(i) greater than 72 kg? (ii) less than or equal to 64 kg? (iii) between
65 kg and 71 kg inclusive?
Let X be the random variable which denotes the weight of a student.
m = 68, s = 3, N = 300
72 - 68
(i) When X = 72, Z= = 1.33
Fig. 2.28
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.143
= 27.54
ª 28
65 - 68
(iii) When X = 65, Z= = -1
71 - 68
When X = 71, Z= =1
example 10
The mean yield for a one-acre plot is 662 kg with an SD of 32 kg.
Assuming normal distribution, how many one-acre plots in a batch of
1000 plots would you expect to have yields (i) over 700 kg? (ii) below
650 kg? (iii) What is the lowest yield of the best 100 plots?
Let X be the random variable which denotes the yield for the one-acre plot.
m = 662, s = 32, N = 1000
700 - 662
(i) When X = 700, Z= = 1.19
P( X > 700) = P ( Z > 1.19) (Fig. 2.31)
= 0.5 - P(0 £ Z £ 1.19)
= 0.5 - 0.3830
= 0.1170 Fig. 2.31
Expected number of plots with yields over 700 kg = N P ( X > 700)
= 1000 (0.1170)
= 117
x1 - 662
When X = x1 , Z= = z1
P( X > x1 ) = P( Z > z1 )
0.1 = 0.5 - P (0 £ Z £ z1 )
P(0 £ Z £ z1 ) = 0.4
\ z1 = 1.2 (approx.) [From normal table]
x1 - 662
= 1.28
x1 = 702.96
Hence, the best 100 plots have yields over 702.96 kg.
example 11
Assume that the mean height of Indian soldiers is 68.22 inches with a
variance of 10.8 inches. How many soldiers in a regiment of 1000 would
you expect to be over 6 feet tall?
Let X be the continuous random variable which denotes the heights of Indian
m = 68.22, s 2 = 10.8, N = 1000
s = 3.29
When X = 6 feet = 72 inches,
72 - 68.22
Z= = 1.15
Fig. 2.33
P( X > 72) = P ( Z > 1.15) (Fig. 2.33)
= 0.5 - P (0 £ Z £ 1.15)
= 0.5 - 0.3749
= 0.1251
Expected number of Indian soldiers having heights over 6 feet (72 inches)
= N P( X > 72)
= 1000(0.1251)
= 125.1
ª 125
2.146 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
example 12
The marks obtained by students in a college are normally distributed
with a mean of 65 and a variance of 25. If 3 students are selected at
random from this college, what is the probability that at least one of
them would have scored more than 75 marks?
Let X be the continuous random variable which denotes the marks of a student.
m = 65, s 2 = 25
s =5
75 - 65
When X = 75, Z= =2
P( X > 75) = P( Z > 2) (Fig. 2.34)
= 0.5 - P(0 £ Z £ 2) Fig. 2.34
= 0.5 - 0.4772
= 0.0228
If p is the probability of scoring more than 75 marks,
p = 0.0228, q = 1 – p = 1 – 0.0228 = 0.9772
P(at least one student would have scored more than 75 marks)
= Â 3C x p x q n - x
x =1
= Â 3C x (0.0228) x (0.9772)3- x
x =1
= 0.0668
example 13
Find the mean and standard deviation in which 7% of items are under
35 and 89% are under 63.
Let m be the mean and s be standard deviation of the normal curve.
P( X < 35) = 0.07
P( X < 63) = 0.89
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.147
= 0.5 - 0.07
= 0.43
z1 = 1.48 [From normal table]
P(0 < Z < z2 ) = 0.5 - P ( Z ≥ z2 )
= 0.5 - 0.11
= 0.39
z2 = 1.23 [From normal table]
35 - m
Hence, = -1.48
–1.48 s + m = 35 ...(1)
63 - m
and = 1.23
1.23 s + m = 63 ...(2)
Solving Eqs (1) and (2),
m = 50.29, s = 10.33
example 14
In an examination, it is laid down that a student passes if he secures 40 %
or more. He is placed in the first, second, and third division according to
whether he secures 60% or more marks, between 50% and 60% marks
and between 40% and 50% marks respectively. He gets a distinction in
case he secures 75% or more. It is noticed from the result that 10% of
2.148 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
= 0.5 - 0.10
= 0.40
z1 = 1.28 [From normal table]
P(0 < Z < z2 ) = 0.5 - P( Z ≥ z2 )
= 0.5 - 0.05
= 0.45
z2 = 1.64 [From normal table]
40 - m
Hence, = -1.28
m – 1.28 s = 40 ...(1)
75 - m
and = 1.64
m + 1.64 s = 75 ...(2)
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.149
example 1
Fit a normal curve from the following distribution. It is given that the
mean of the distribution is 43.7 and its standard distribution is 14.8.
Frequency 20 28 40 60 32 20 8
m = 43.7, s = 14.8 N = Sf = 200
The series is converted into an inclusive series.
example 2
Fit a normal distribution to the following data:
X 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205
Y 1 1 14 22 25 19 13 3 2
exercIse 2.7
1. If X is normally distributed with a mean and standard deviation of 4,
find (i) P(5 £ X £ 10), (ii) P(X ≥ 15), (iii) P(10 £ X £ 15), and (iv) P(X £ 5).
ÎÈans.: (i) 0.3345 (ii) 0.003 (iii) 0.0638 (iv) 0.4013˚˘
2. A normal distribution has a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 3.
What is the probability that the deviation from the mean of an item
taken at random will be negative?
ÈÎans.: 0.0575˘˚
day the sales will be less than ` 8210? (ii) What is the percentage of
days on which the sales will be between ` 8100 and ` 8200?
ÈÎans.: (i) 0.482 (ii) 14% ˘˚
12. In a normal distribution, 31% items are under 45 and 8% are over 64.
Find the mean and standard deviation. Find also, the percentage of
items lying between 30 and 75.
ÈÎans.: 50, 10, 0.957 ˘˚
13. Of a large group of men, 5% are under 60 inches in height and 40% are
between 60 and 65 inches. Assuming a normal distribution, find the
mean and standard deviation of distribution.
ÈÎans.: 65.42, 3.27 ˘˚
2.11 Measures of Central Tendency for Discrete Probability Distribution 2.153
ÈÎans.: Expected frequency : 3, 31, 148, 322, 319, 144, 30, 3˘˚
Points to remember
Random Variables
A random variable X is a real-valued function of the elements of the sample space
of a random experiment. In other words, a variable which takes the real values,
depending on the outcome of a random experiment is called a random variable,
Discrete Random Variables: A random variable X is said to be discrete if it takes
either finite or countably infinite values.
Continuous Random Variables: A random variable X is said to be continuous if it
takes any values in a given interval.
Discrete Probability Distribution
Probability distribution of a random variable is the set of its possible values together
with their respective probabilities.
Discrete Distribution Function
F ( x ) = P( X £ x ) = Â p( xi )
i =1
2. Variance
Var(X) = s2 = E(X – m)2
= E(X2) – [E(X)]2
2.154 Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
3. Standard deviation
SD = s = Â xi2 p( xi ) - m 2
i =1
= E (X 2 ) - m2
= E ( X 2 ) - [ E ( X )]2
2. Median
M b
Ú f ( x ) dx = Ú f ( x) dx = 2
a M
3. Variance
Var ( X ) = s 2 = Ú (x - m)
f ( x ) dx
= Ú x 2 f ( x ) dx - m 2
3. Standard Deviation
SD = Var( X ) = s
Binomial Distribution
P( X = x ) = p( x ) = nC x p x q n - x , x = 0, 1, 2,..., n
1. Mean of the Binomial Distribution
E ( X ) = np
2. Variance of the Binomial Distribution
Var( X ) = npq
2.11 Normal Distribution 2.155
Poisson Distribution
e- l l x
P( X = x ) = p( x ) = , x = 0, 1, 2, ...
1. Mean of the Poisson Distribution
E(X) = l
2. Variance of the Poisson Distribution
Var (X) = l
3. Standard Deviation of the Poisson Distribution
SD = Variance = l
Recurrence Relation for the Poisson Distribution
p( x + 1) = p( x )
x +1
Normal Distribution
1 Ê x-m ˆ
1 - Á ˜
2Ë s ¯
f ( x) = e - • < X < •, - • < m < •, s > 0
s 2p
1. Mean of the Normal Distribution
E(X) = m
2. Variance of the Normal Distribution
Var(X) = s2
3. Standard Deviation of the Normal Distribution
SD = s
5. Median of the Normal Distribution