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Summative assessment for the 1st unit "Hello English"

Learning objectives understand basic personal questions; use isolated words and basic expressions to provide
personal information.
Assessment criteria Identify, remember and sound out high-frequency
sound and letter patterns.
Respond to basic supported questions giving
personal and factual information.
Level of thinking Application Spell high-frequency words correctly.
skills Present personal information and describe people and
objects using forms of the verb "to be."
Duration 20 minutes

I. Listening.

Task 1. What do people say when they first meet? Match:

1 Hello! A I am fine!
2 I am Pablo. What is your name? B I'm from Argentina
3 Where are you from? C Hi!
4 How are you? D I am Sumi. Nice to meet you!

Task 2. Write the first 4 colours you hear.

1._________ 2. ___________ 3. _________ 4. ________

Score: 4
II. Speaking.

Task 3. Speak about you. Use a plan:

1.Hi. My name is….
2. I am….. years old. (Age – возраст)
3. I am from….
4. My favourite colour is…….
Score: 4
Total: 12
Assessment criteria Task Mark
A learner
Identify, Matches with the correct answer 1
remember and Matches with the correct answer 1
sound out high-
1 Matches with the correct answer
frequency sound
and letter 1
Matches with the correct answer 1
Writes the first colour correctly 1
Writes the second colour correctly 1
Writes the third colour correctly 1
Writes the fourth colour correctly 1
Respond to Uses vocabulary words on the topic; 1
basic supported Pronounces words and phrases correctly; 1
questions giving Uses grammatically correct sentences in a
3 1
personal and talk;
factual Follows word order rules in short
information. 1
Total marks 12

Transcript 1
Sumi: Hi, Pablo. How are you?
Pablo: Hi, Sumi. I'm fine, thanks.
Sumi: Pablo, this is Greta.
Pablo: Hi, Greta, I'm Pablo.
Greta: Hi. How are you?
Pablo: I'm fine, thanks. Where are you from, Greta?
Greta: I'm from Germany. Where are you from?
Pablo: I'm from Argentina. Nice to meet you.
Greta: Nice to meet you too.
Transcript 2
Number 1: R-E-D
Number 2: Y-E-L-L-O-W
Number 3: G-R-E-E-N
Number 4: B-L-U-E
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative
for the unit 1“Hello English”
Learner’s name_____________________

Assessment Level of learning achievements

criteria Low Middle High

Identify, Experiences Makes mistakes Develops the task

remember and challenges in giving in defining the fully. Confident in
sound out high- correct answers to members of a identifying
frequency sound the questions. Most family answering questions, answers
and letter of the answers are the questions questions correctly
patterns. incorrect according to the
Respond to basic Experiences Make some Addresses the task
supported challenges in mistakes in a fully, gives right
questions giving giving personal and word order. answers and
personal and factual information. making the
factual sentences correctly.
information. Follows commands
and instructions

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