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Volume 17| February 2023 ISSN: 2795-739X

The Use of Mother Tongue in English


Diyora Anorboyeva Student of JSPU

742 (20) group

Khakima Botirova Scientific supervisor

The use of mother tongue in teaching a foreign language is a controversial topic. While
some researchers claim that the mother tongue should not be used in foreign language
classrooms, others think that it makes a valuable contribution to the learning process. In

different methods and approaches, the role of mother tongue is different. This article is
aimed at promoting and enhancing the use of English language in EFL classes and at the
same time allowing the mother tongue to be used in particular situations.

Keywords: Mother tongue, First language (L1), Target language

Introduction teachers to understand the errors their students

Language learning is a continuous process. make and to target their lessons to each
That’s why a focus should be given to the student’s individual needs.
learners’ level, age and background and the
teachers’ perceptions to teach the language. If Main Part
the teacher insists on using only the target Mother tongue can often be referred to as your
language in EFL classrooms and ignoring first language or native language. It is the
learners’ background, learners may feel to force language that you most commonly speak.
to use the language and may resent learning. Mother tongue in education refers to when a
Moreover it slows down the pace of the learners school or educational institution integrates the
who are willing to learn and use the language. language a child is most familiar with (their
The role of mother tongue has always been an mother tongue) into the classroom lesson along
important issue in the study of Foreign with the school’s lesson (such as English). This
Language Teaching. is normally the language that the child speaks at
It is a fact that teachers may use the mother home with their family. Today’s trend and
tongue in various situation for different scientific research reveal the fact that the use of
purposes. However, the use of L1 should not be the target language (L2) is essential in EFL
exaggerated because the more the students are classrooms. However, the appropriate use of
exposed to the target language, the better they mother tongue (L1) plays a significant role in
will learn it. In fact, the use of mother tongue the process of teaching and learning a foreign
may contribute to language learning process in language as well. At some levels and
various occasions in the learning-teaching applications the role of learners first language in
process; however, the exercise use of it may the classroom can be seen facilitating. There are
result in too much dependence on it, which less several possible occasions for the usage of the
desired outcome. And also it is important for mother tongue which might be beneficial and

Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching www.geniusjournals.org

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Volume 17| February 2023 ISSN: 2795-739X
time-saving in the whole process of true and why to use L1, that is to say, the proper use
understanding the grammar structures and of L1 who denied that word-for-word and
rules of the foreign language. The mother sentence-for-sentence translation. Many studies
tongue can be used to provide a quick and show that limited use of mother tongue is
accurate translation of an English word that beneficial and over use of it may counter-
might take several minutes for the teacher to productive as it encourages the low exposure in
explain and, even then, there would be no target language. L1 is most useful at beginning
guarantee that the explanation had been and low levels. If students have little or no
understood correctly. It can also be used to knowledge of the target language, L1 can be
clarify a difficult language pattern by providing used to introduce the major differences
with the equivalent in L1. There are some cases between L1 and L2, and the main grammatical
in which the use of students’ mother tongue is characteristics of L2 that they should be aware
allowed in EFL classes. of. Mother tongue is the in-born language, which
Teachers can use students’ mother tongue a baby has already familiarized even in the
when: gestation of mother before it was born. The first
• Translating abstract words like “beauty” language is the language which a child acquires
or “love” either through schooling or socialization, such
• Checking that students knew the as family. The target language is the language
meaning of a word after presenting it. learners are studying, and also the individual
• Explaining a difficult grammar point so items of language that they want to learn, or the
that students can understand how it is teacher wants them to learn. The target
expressed using both the English language is the language being translated into.
language and students’ mother tongue For example, I work from Uzbek to English, so
language. my source language is Uzbek and my target
The similar amount of students stated that using language is English. A classroom situation in
the mother tongue facilities their process of which the target language is used for
learning English. There are also very interesting communication between the teacher and the
findings in replies of the teachers joined the learner, and the between the learners and their
research study. (Schweers 1999) They peers, gives the learner opportunities for
conveyed the following reasons for using the interaction in the target language.
mother tongue during their classes:
➢ To help the students to understand the Conclusion
whole concept The role of mother tongue has always been an
➢ To improve their report writing important issue in the study of foreign language
➢ To create the mutual understanding teaching. The study suggests that through
between the teacher and the students meaningful oral practice in English, using
➢ To show the students the respect and shorter and simpler expressions, short chatting
importance of their native language in English with students, of course, may enhance
The term ‘mother tongue’, ‘first language’ and target language use. The role of mother tongue
‘native language/tongue’ are essentially all the should be restricted to be facilitative,
same though there are some instances when supportive and compensatory in foreign
they mean different things. ‘First Language, language classrooms. Both too much
mother tongue and native tongue are common dependency and total prohibition of the mother
terms for the language which a person acquires tongue should be avoided. Most importantly,
first in his childhood because it is spoken in the teacher should keep speaking English maximize
family and/or it is the language of the country the exposure of students in English language.
where he is living. Therefore, the language that
one first learners to speak when he or she is a
child can be said the first language. Teachers
would be required to be aware of when, how

Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching www.geniusjournals.org

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Volume 17| February 2023 ISSN: 2795-739X
1. Atkinson, D. (1987) The mother tongue
in the classroom, ELT Journal.
2. Froukje Brands Using the target
language in the foreign language
3. J. Harbord, The use of the mother tongue
in the classroom, ELT Journal.
4. W. J. Sweers, Using L1 in the L2

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