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Date: November 13, 2020, Friday NAME:.....................................................

14:30–16:30 (120 minutes)

STUDENT NO:.........................................

Math 202 Complex Analysis - Midterm 1

1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL

20 20 20 20 20 100
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Check that there are 5 questions on your booklet. Write your name on top of every page. Show your work in
reasonable detail. A correct answer without proper or too much reasoning may not get any credit.
Submit your solutions on this booklet only. Use extra pages if necessary.

Rules for the Exams

(1) You can use your textbooks (but no written notes). Par contre, calculators or mobil phones are
not allowed and should be turned off and handed over to the assistant.

(2) Try to solve completely a few problems rather than write something about everything: just some-
thing will most likely get you no credit anyway, so don’t waste time.

(3) Make your answer to the original question clearly visible and show all your work. As usual,
answers without adequate reasoning may not get full/any credit.

(4) Similarities between papers that cannot be explained by a mere coincidence or alignment of the
stars will be treated as cheating. Particularly, this concerns similarly wrong solutions.

Affidavit of compliance with the above rules: I affirm that I have complied with the above rules in
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Q-1) (a) Evaluate:

i5 + 2 (1 + i)8

; √ .
i19 + 1 (1 − i 3)6
(b) Find all complex solutions to z 6 = 64 (use the rectangular form).

Solution: (a) This one is straightforward:

2 2  2
i5 + 2
2+i (2 + i)(1 + i) 1 3
= = = (1 + 3i)2 = −2 + i ;
i19 + 1 1−i 2 4 2
√ 8 −6
(1 + i)8
π π  π  π 1
√ = 2 cos + i sin 2 cos − + i sin − = .
(1 − i 3)6 4 4 3 3 4

(b) We have

z 6 − 64 = (z 3 − 8)(z 3 + 8) = (z − 2)(z 2 + 2z + 4)(z + 2)(z 2 − 2z + 4) = 0;

hence, the solutions are z = ±2 and ±1 ± i 3 : the four latter are the roots of the two quadratic
equations z 2 ± 2z + 4 = 0.

Q-2) Draw the following subsets of C; determine whether they are open, closed, both, or neither:
(a) |z| > 1 − Re z;
(b) Re z 4 > Im z 4 .
Solution: (a) Let z = x + iy and spell out the inequality: x2 + y 2 > 1 − x. Note that it holds
automatically for x > 1 (you have to mention this fact for full credit!); otherwise, both sides are
nonnegative and we can square: x2 + y 2 > x2 + 1 − 2x, or 2x > 1 − y 2 . It happens that this inequality
covers the previous case; finally, the region is

to the right from the “horizontal” parabola 2x = 1 − y 2 , including the parabola itself .

The set is closed , as the pull-back of the closed set [0, ∞) ⊂ R under the continuous function
C → R, z 7→ |z| + Re z − 1.

(b) Let w := z 4 = u + iv. Then Re w > Im w is equivalent to u > v: this is a straight angle which
can be written as −3π/4 < arg w < π/4 or, for our purposes, −3π/4 + 2πk < arg w < π/4 + 2πk,
k = 0, 1, 2, 3. The passage from w back to z divides the argument by 4, and we obtain the union of
four angles
3π πk π πk
− + < arg z < + , k = 0, 1, 2, 3 .
16 2 16 2
In other words, this is the union of the four copies of the angle 0 < arg z < π/4, turned by −3π/12
and by πk/2, k = 0, 1, 2, 3. It looks like a sort of infinite “propeller”, or infinite Maltese cross.

The set is open , as the pull-back of the open set (0, ∞) ⊂ R under the continuous function C → R,
z 7→ Re z − Im z.

Q-3) Let ξ 6= 1 be an n-th root of 1, i.e., a root of z n − 1 = 0. Prove that

1 + 2ξ + 3ξ 2 + . . . + nξ n−1 = .

Solution: Since ξ 6= 1, it is a root of the polynomial

zn − 1
P (z) := = 1 + z + z 2 + . . . + z n−1 ,
and the left hand side is the value at z = ξ of the derivative of zP (z). We have (Calculus 101):
 n 0
z(z − 1) (z n − 1)(z − 1) + z · nz n−1 (z − 1) − z(z n − 1) nz n zn − 1
= = − .
z−1 (z − 1)2 z − 1 (z − 1)2

Substituting z = ξ and taking into account that ξ n = 1, we arrive at the right hand side.

Q-4) (a) Define the exponential function via

X zn
e := , z ∈ C.

Find the radius of convergence of the series. Prove that ez ew = ez+w .

(b) On the domain U := {z ∈ C r 0 | − π < arg z < π}, define ln z := ln|z| + i arg z. Find the
power series expansion of this function about c := i − 1. Find and draw its disk of convergence
(against the domain U ). (Hint: use Calculus 101; assume that all known “formulas” hold over C.)
Solution: For the radius of convergence, we go back to Calculus 101. By the ratio test,

z n+1
z |z|
lim = lim =0
n→∞ (n + 1)! n! n→∞ n + 1

for any fixed z. Hence, the series is absolutely convergent for any z, or, in other words, its radius of
convergence is ∞.

For the second question, we multiply two power series:

! ∞
! ∞ n
X zn X wn def
X X z k wn−k
ez ew = ==
n! n=0
n! n=0 k=0
k! (n − k)!
∞ n  
! ∞
X 1 X n k n−k X (z + w)n
= z w = = ez+w .
n! k=0
k n=0

(b) We have

(z − c)n
z−c 1 3πi X
ln z = ln(c + (z − c)) = ln c + ln 1 + = ln 2 + + (−1)n+1 .
c 2 2 n=1

The disk of convergence is

z−c √
< 1, or |z − c| < 2.
Observe that it sticks out of U !

Q-5) Let rn : [α, β] → R2 be a sequence of smooth parametrized curves converging uniformly to a

smooth parametrized curve r : [α, β] → R, i.e., we have
R maxt |rn (t) −R r(t)| → 0 as n → ∞. Let
f : R → R be a continuous function. True or false: rn f (x, y) ds → r f (x, y) ds ?

Solution: The statement is false. Intuitively, the formula for evaluating the integral contains both
functions rn themselves and there derivatives, and we do not know anything about R the convergence
of the derivatives. For a particular counterexample, consider f (x, y) ≡ 1, so that C ds = length(C),
and let
rn (t) = ti + sin(n2 t)j ⇒ r(t) = ti, t ∈ [0, 2π].
The length of the limit curve (straight line segment) is 2π, whereas
1 2
length(rn ) > 4 · · n = 4n −→ ∞.
(I would not dare to compute the integral, but a simple lower bound l > 4A on the length of the sign
curve y = A sin kx over one whole period would do!)

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