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Novel Multiflux Level, Three-Phase, Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor for

Efficiency and Power Factor Maximization

Article in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion · April 2008

DOI: 10.1109/TEC.2007.914355 · Source: IEEE Xplore

76 1,055

2 authors:

Fernando J. T. E. Ferreira Aníbal T. de Almeida

University of Coimbra University of Coimbra


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Novel Multiflux Level, Three-Phase, Squirrel-Cage

Induction Motor for Efficiency and Power
Factor Maximization
Fernando J. T. E. Ferreira, Member, IEEE, and Anı́bal T. de Almeida, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In the European Union, the average load factor of higher than the motor load factor. Therefore, it is possible to
electric motors in both industrial and tertiary sectors is estimated find motors with a load alternating between near-full-load (e.g.,
to be less than 60%. However, in some industrial sectors, the av- more than 75% of full load) and very low load (e.g., less than
erage load factor for some motor power ranges can be as low as
25%. Most oversized three-phase induction motors operate with 30% of full load) during their duty cycle. Motor oversizing is
low efficiency and power factor, which is, by far, the most impor- mainly due to poor motor system design. These situations may
tant cause for poor power factor in industrial installations. In the lead to a reduction of both the efficiency and the power factor
low-load operating periods, motor performance can be improved of the motors. If variable-load applications are considered (e.g.,
both in terms of efficiency and power factor if the magnetizing flux conveyors, escalators, lifts, mixers, fans, pumps, high-inertia
is properly regulated. In this paper, a multiflux level, three-phase,
squirrel-cage induction motor is proposed, in which the efficiency saws, presses, etc.), the motor can have low-load operating peri-
and power factor can be both maximized as a function of load. This ods in which the efficiency and power factor can be significantly
novel motor can be a surplus value in industry due to its flexibil- low [3]. However, if the stator winding voltage (or the magnetiz-
ity, particularly, for variable load applications in which significant ing flux) is properly regulated, both efficiency and power factor
energy savings can be obtained, and can also be used as new or re- of the motors can be improved significantly in the low-load
wound general purpose spare motor (with several levels of voltage,
magnetizing flux and/or power). The proposed motor has a stator operating periods.
winding with two sets of turns, sharing the same positions in the In this paper, a novel multiflux level motor (MFLIM) is pro-
stator slots (which can be connected either in series or in parallel). posed with different possible winding connections, which allow
Among all the possible stator winding connections, six modes were the magnetizing flux to be regulated within up to six different
selected and analyzed (two of which are new). The basic principles levels. Alternatively, for the same magnetizing flux, the MFLIM
for proper connection mode change are discussed. An electronic
device and a contactor concept for automatic connection mode can operate with up to six different voltage levels. This novel
change are proposed. As far as the authors know, this concept is concept can significantly improve both the efficiency and the
described and analyzed for the first time. power factor of the motor in a wide load and/or voltage range.
Index Terms—Energy efficiency, energy savings, multiflux stator In [1]–[3], an in-field evaluation method to assess the most ap-
winding, induction motors, power factor, stator winding connec- propriate permanent stator winding connection (delta or star) for
tion modes. grossly oversized motors was proposed, which can be extended
to the MFLIM. In [2] and [3], a low-cost electronic device for
automatic change of the stator winding connection (delta or star)
I. INTRODUCTION in variable-load motors was presented, which is also extended
N INDUSTRY, more than 90% of the electrical motors are to the MFLIM. A special multiposition contactor (or relay) is
I three-phase, squirrel-cage induction motors, hereafter de-
nominated only by motors. In the European Union, the average
proposed for this particular application. Some technical and eco-
nomical considerations related to the application of the MFLIM
load factor of electric motors in both industrial and tertiary are also discussed.
sectors is estimated to be less than 60%. However, in some in-
dustrial sectors, the average load factor for some motor power
ranges can be as low as 25%. Individual motors in those ranges
have even lower load factors. Because the motor load factor is A. Theoretical Analysis
an average of motor load during a period (e.g., motor duty-cycle
Most motors have six accessible terminal leads, being possi-
period), the motor load can alternate between values lower and
ble two different connections—delta [or triangle, (D)] and star
[or wye, (Y)]. Considering a stator winding with two sets of
Manuscript received October 30, 2006; revised December 5, 2006. Paper no. turns (or groups, which can be connected either in series or in
TEC-00495-2006. parallel) sharing the same positions in the stator slots, several
F. J. T. E. Ferreira is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Engi- connection combinations are possible. An analytical study was
neering Institute of Coimbra (ISEC), 3030 Coimbra, Portugal, and also with
the Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, 3030 Coimbra, carried out and the main results are presented in Table I, show-
Portugal (e-mail: fernando@mail.isec.pt). ing the voltage vector diagram (assuming nominal magnetizing
A. T. de Almeida is with the Department of Electrical and Com- flux level) and the maximum line current. The nominal (or ref-
puter Engineering, University of Coimbra, 3030 Coimbra, Portugal (e-mail:
adealmeida@isr.uc.pt). erence) connection is assumed to be the delta connection with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2007.914355 the two sets of turns connected in parallel (DP). In Table I, the

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidade de Coimbra. Downloaded on July 30, 2009 at 13:51 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


sets of turns (or groups) are represented by gray rectangles (the

arrows inside them represent the flux direction), Uw denotes the
voltage between the terminals of each set of turns, Ull denotes
line-to-line voltage, Iw denotes per-group winding current, and
Il denotes line current, all being rms values. The six first connec-
tions in Table I, namely, DP, star-parallel (YP), delta-series type
I (DS1), star-delta (YD), star-series type II (YS2), and star-series
type I (YS1), are different in terms of the resultant line-to-line
voltage, and were selected for the following analysis. The other
connections presented in Table I (there are even more possible
connections) can be considered redundant or alternative connec-
tions, with a resultant line-to-line voltage equal to that of one of
the previous six connections. The YD and YS2 connections are
proposed and analyzed for the first time. Particularly, the YD
hybrid connection mode is quite innovative.
Considering a per-group winding current limit Iw m ax , which
leads to nominal stator Joule losses, the line current limit Il m ax
can be established, which is presented in Table I. The line current
limits as well as the expected higher stator Joule losses for the
same per-phase current are the main reasons to reject the use of
the considered redundant or alternative connections.
The voltages between the terminals of each set of turns (or
group) of the same phase have the same phase angle, because
they share the same flux path in the stator core. In the line-to-line
voltage estimation for each connection mode, it was assumed
nominal magnetizing flux and winding symmetry (same number
of turns for all groups). In Table II, the calculation of the resultant
line-to-line voltage for the six selected connections is shown.
Assuming a symmetrical voltage supply system with con-
stant frequency and without distortion, and neglecting the stator
winding leakage inductance and resistance, the average funda-
mental magnetizing flux per pole and phase φ of an induction
motor under no-load operation is approximately given by
φ ∝ Uw . (1)
Considering nominal line-to-line voltage UN , the resultant
magnetizing flux can be estimated using (1) and the previously
estimated relation between the line-to-line voltage and the volt-
age between the terminals of each set of turns. The output shaft
power PO that maximizes the motor efficiency in each stator
winding connection mode can be estimated as a function of
the motor nominal power PN , assuming that the motor torque
is approximately proportional to the square of the magnetizing

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Fig. 1. MFLIM E coupled with the dynamometer.

B. Experimental Results
TABLE IV For the experimental analysis, a 7.5-kW, three-phase,
ESTIMATED OUTPUT POWER AND MAGNETIZING FLUX FOR THE SIX SELECTED four-pole, squirrel-cage induction motor [400 V, 50 Hz, to-
tally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC)] was properly rewound
(MFLIME ). The stator winding was designed using the soft-
ware BOBISOFT [5]. The original 36-slot concentric winding
was replaced by an optimized short-pitched (seven-slot span),
eccentric (or lap) winding, with two sets of turns per phase (DP
connection as nominal) and the 12 lead-terminals available.
The facility used to test the MFLIME fulfills the IEEE 112
standard requirements [4]. To measure the electrical and me-
chanical variables, a high-accuracy power analyzer was used
(Yokogawa WT1030M). A hysteresis dynamometer (Magtrol
HD-815-8NA) was used as a variable load (constant torque
load), which includes an encoder to measure speed and a load
flux and the motor speed is maintained approximately constant. cell to measure the torque. The power analyzer acquires the
Therefore, based on (1) and Table II, one can present Table III values of both sensors. In Fig. 1, the MFLIME and the dy-
in which ∆φ is the magnetizing flux variation in relation to the namometer are shown.
nearest connection with higher magnetizing flux level. The motor efficiency, η, is measured directly by the power an-
For example, for nominal line-to-line voltage, the DS2 con- alyzer, according to (2), where T is the torque, ω the speed, Pelec
nection produces the same magnetizing flux as the DP connec- the input real power, and Pm ech the output shaft power. The mo-
tion, but the line current limit is twice lower and the per-phase tor load, ζ, is given by (3), where PN is the motor nominal power.
resistance is four times higher, leading to higher stator Joule For a symmetrical system, the power factor, λ, is defined by (4).
losses (considering the same per-phase current). Similar analy- Pm ech Tω
sis justifies the rejection of the DS3, DS4, and YS3 connections, η= = (2)
Pelec Pelec
in relation to the YP connection.
Among all the six selected connections, and depending on the Pm ech
ζ= (3)
motor load profile, some connections can be neglected due to PN
their proximity in terms of flux level to the nearest connection Pelec
modes. For example, the YS2 connection can be neglected due λ= √ . (4)
3Ull Il
to its proximity to the YD and YS1 connections, leading to a
practical five-flux level motor. In Figs. 2–9, the motor efficiency, power factor, line current,
This analysis can be extended to another issue. Analyzing speed, and stator winding temperature, as a function of motor
Table III, different flux steps after proper connection change output power, as well as the torque-slip curves, for the consid-
(assuming that a connection is changed to one of the two with the ered stator winding connection modes, are shown. The intersec-
nearest flux level) are found. The highest step happens in the DP– tion points (named point α in [1]–[3]) can be easily identified
YP connection change (∆φ = −42% for DP to YP connection (signaled by vertical lines). Five practical zones between the
change). A wide load range between those two points has no intersection points were established denoted by A, B, C, D, and
regulation. In order to harmonize the flux steps, the winding can E, and for each one, there is a proper connection mode. The
be designed to operate at full load in the YP connection (the YS2 connection was not considered in those zones because it
turns per phase have to be properly reduced), which becomes does not contribute to the improvement of the resultant motor
the reference connection. This would lead to a better balance efficiency curve, as it can be seen in Fig. 2.
between the flux steps, as it can be seen in Table IV, and the DP From Fig. 9, it is possible to conclude that if the defined
connection can be used as a boost connection for high transient set points are respected, the stator winding average temperature
peak loads (with poor efficiency). never exceeds the nominal temperature; therefore, not affecting

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Fig. 3. Maximum efficiency curve with proper connection mode change (grey
solid line) and efficiency curve for DP connection (black dashed line) as a
function of output power for the MFLIM E .

Fig. 2. Efficiency as a function of output power, for the MFLIM E : (top)

overview; (bottom) closeup.

Fig. 4. Power factor as a function of output power for the MFLIM E .

the lifetime of the motor. In fact, when comparing to the DP
connection, the use of the other connections can lead to a signif-
icant temperature decrease, increasing the motor lifetime. This efficiency levels for the lower flux connections. Smoother power
fact can be considered as another important advantage. factor and current transitions are also expected. In Fig. 10, the
If the YP connection is adopted as nominal connection mode, YS2 and DP connections were excluded, but the four considered
one should expect the estimated efficiency curves presented in connections lead to a quite good result in terms of efficiency.
Fig. 10 (not taking into account the exact saturation level for each The presented concept can also be associated to the method
connection mode and the actual fan-cooling power contribution of consequent poles, commonly known as Dahlander, in which,
in each load point). Comparing the curves in Figs. 3 and 10, it can for an even number of pole pairs equal to or higher than 2, the
be concluded that by adopting the YP as the nominal connection number of poles can easily be changed by a factor of 2:1 with
mode, the efficiency transitions become smoother, but at very only simple changes in coil connections (polarity inversion of
low loads, the efficiency becomes worse. This aspect can be half of the coil groups), being typically used three different con-
attenuated if the actual saturation and the actual fan-cooling nection types: constant-torque (D/YY), constant-power (D/D),
power contribution in each load point (in the case of self-cooled and square-torque or fan drive (Y/YY) [6]. Considering this
motors) are both taken into account, leading to an increase in the pole change principle, the fusion of both concepts leads to a

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Fig. 5. Resultant power factor curve with proper connection mode change Fig. 7. Speed as function of output power for the MFLIM E .
(grey solid line) and power factor curve for DP connection (black dashed line)
as a function of output power for the MFLIM E .

Fig. 8. Torque as a function of slip for the MFLIM E .

Fig. 6. Line current as a function of output power for the MFLIM E .
The connections for the single- or two-speed motor can be
two-speed MFLIM, with 24 lead terminals. This kind of motor made directly in a 12- or 24-terminal block (Fig. 11), respec-
becomes even more flexible, with different levels of flux, volt- tively, similarly to the delta/star connections in the conventional
age, power, speed, and torque, allowing efficiency and power six-terminal blocks. If the connections were made using unfixed
factor maximization, as a function of load. Further considera- 12 lead terminals, a seven-terminal block would be enough, ei-
tions about this solution are presented in Section IV. ther for the single- or two-speed motor.
The user can identify the best winding configuration based
on the motor slip or speed (e.g., measured using a stroboscopic
III. CONNECTION MODE CHANGE tachometer with proper voltage correction) or on the line current
The connection mode decision has to take into account both (e.g., measured using a clamp ammeter), as described in [1]–[3].
the line-to-line voltage at the motor terminals and the motor From the perspective of automatic change, a solution similar
load, and should be based on the intersection points between ef- to the one described in [2] and [3] can be used, in which the line
ficiency curves. These issues were analyzed in [1]–[3]. For the current is used to establish the connection change set points.
sake of simplicity, only the load aspect is addressed in the fol- In fact, the current is easier to acquire and process by an elec-
lowing analysis, considering the voltage fixed at the rated value. tronic device than the speed. For a simple delta/star decision,

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Fig. 9. Stator winding average temperature (measured by means of the stator

winding resistance) as a function of output power for the MFLIM E .

Fig. 12. Basic topology of a device for automatic connection mode change.

Fig. 12 shows the basic topology of a device for automatic

connection change, which is based on [2] and [3]. In order to
avoid the use of too many analogue inputs, a voltage comparator-
based set point crossover detection module providing digital
outputs (e.g., 8-bit digital word) to one digital input port can
be implemented outside the microcontroller. Alternatively, the
set points can be programmed directly in the microcontroller
by means of a proper user interface [e.g., liquid-crystal display
Fig. 10. Estimated maximum efficiency curve (gray solid line) as a function (LCD) or universal serial bus (USB) based communication with
of output power, assuming the YP connection as nominal.
a computer with suitable software]. A proper decision algorithm
has to be implemented in the microcontroller based on Table V.
Additional restrictions can be used for protection and adjustment
purposes. For example, if the line current exceeds a predefined
maximum value (overcurrent situation), or, due to some rea-
son, becomes zero during the motor operation (the device can
consider this as a system failure situation), proper action can
Fig. 11. Example of a YP connection in a 12-terminal block (nomenclature take place, e.g., the line contactor can break the power and/or
according to Table I).
warning signals can be activated. Additionally, if two or three
line current sensors in different phases are used, single-phasing
two main set points are needed for line-current-based decision. or excessive unbalanced situations can be detected, and proper
For the proposed system considering five different connections, action can take place. The stator winding connection change
eight main set points (signalized in Fig. 6 by horizontal dashed has to be dependent of the actual connection mode and of the
lines and numbers in rectangular boxes) are needed for line- line-current thresholds (or set points) crossover. For those load
current-based decision, but a few more can be used for pro- points, the motor line current is different for each connection
tection and adjustment purposes [1]–[3]. A possible logic table due either to the change of the connection mode or/and to the
for the line-current based connection change, considering only change of the slip value (due to the torque-speed curve change).
five connections, is presented in Table V (SP denotes set point), Therefore, it is necessary to set two different line current set
which can be adapted for particular load profiles (e.g., some points for each connection change load point (corresponding to
connection modes can be neglected). the intersection points between the efficiency-load curves), as

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Care must be taken to ensure that the motor-speed reduction

after the stator winding change is still appropriate to the driven
load operation. However, the lower the motor load and the higher
the motor power are, the lower the motor speed variation will
be after stator winding connection change.
As it was experimentally shown, if the connection change
is properly made, the overall losses are lower than those for
the DP connection mode, leading to a lower motor operating
temperature and longer motor lifetime, due essentially to the
Fig. 13. Top and side view of the proposed six-position rotary contactor. lower core losses. In the MFLIME , the no-load losses minus
stator Joule losses decrease from 522 W (for the DP connection)
to 85 W (for the YS1 connection). The stator winding and rotor
it can be seen in Fig. 6, leading to a hysteretic behavior in the current issues were analyzed in [2] and [3]. If the set points are
transition zones, as it was explained in [2] and [3]. The motor properly adjusted, the motor slip after the connection change
start-up can be optimized, using the different available connec- never exceeds the nominal motor slip.
tions, potentially leading to a strong reduction of the starting If a low-flux starting mode is adopted, the user should eval-
current, particularly, when series connections are used. In fact, uate the increase of the starting time and the increase of the
the optimal current points to make the transition of the stator temperature that can result from such situation (due the high
winding connection during motor start-up (if the magnitude of slip), potentially leading to a decrease in the motor lifetime.
the load justifies that transition) can be detected. After the mo- Besides the described energy benefits of the Y-type connec-
tor start-up period (i.e., when the motor line current becomes tions when properly used, they also eliminate the circulating
stable), the device begins the automatic management cycle as currents, which can exist in the D-type connections, and which
a function of the motor line current. Motor thermal protection are related to unbalanced and/or distorted systems. The circu-
can also be implemented using a temperature sensor. lating currents are responsible for additional winding losses.
The adjustment of the set points can be based on experimental From the perspective of motor reliability, a potential benefit
results. The duration of each different operating period of the of the low-flux winding connections is that they lead to the
motor duty cycle should be long enough to avoid an excessive reduction of the interturn and intercoil insulation voltage stress,
number of stator winding connection changes. and therefore, to a longer motor lifetime.
In order to facilitate the change of the connection mode, a As it was referred in Section III, a technical advantage of the
special multiposition rotary contactor is proposed, which can be use of an electronic device for automatic change is that it can
seen in Fig. 13. provide optimal motor start-up, as well as motor overcurrent,
For the single- and two-speed MFLIM, a 6- and 12-position overtemperature, and excessive unbalance detection, which can
contactor is needed, respectively (to each position corresponds be used for overload, locked rotor, and excessive unbalance
a connection mode). The movement of the rotary part to the protection.
correct positions can be either made manually or driven by a Because the connections between motor and contactors re-
motor system (e.g., small stepper or servo motor), which can quire 12 cables in the case of single-speed MFLIM (instead of
be controlled by the microcontroller-based circuit presented in the typical three cables), the device and the contactors should
Fig. 12. The rotary part contact points can be defined (i.e., be mounted as near as possible to the motor.
properly connected each other) in the upper side. An important conclusion of this study is that the single-speed
MFLIM, for the low-power operation modes, can have a per-
IV. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS formance similar to the high-efficiency motors because of the
After the stator winding connection change from a low- to lower core and Joule losses. The only drawback, in the case of
a high-flux connection mode, the motor line current increases self-cooled motors, is the approximately constant fan-cooling
significantly, and the motor speed increases slightly (due to power, which is excessive for the low loads, contributing to the
the reshape of the motor torque–slip curve, as it can be seen reduction of the peak efficiency, but, in principle, for motors
in Fig. 8), and vice versa. The slight increase or decrease of with rated power higher than 3 kW, it is still higher than the
the motor speed after the stator winding connection change peak efficiency for the nominal connection.
leads to an increase or decrease of the motor load, respectively, From the perspective of multivoltage stator winding, if, for
which is responsible for the hysteretic behavior of the motor line example, a motor with the YP connection as nominal is operating
current, power factor, and speed, as a function of motor load. at full load with actual line-to-line voltage between 76% and
The slight decrease of the motor speed can lead to significant 93% of the nominal value, the most advantageous connection in
power reductions in constant, linear, or quadratic torque loads. terms of efficiency and power factor is the DS1.
The torque–speed curve shape change can be used as a simple The presented concept is particularly suitable for motors with
discrete slip-based speed regulator (although in a limited range, significant load variation during their duty cycle, including rel-
and with reduced efficiency) to control, for example, airflow in atively long, low-load periods and some near-full-load periods,
fans, instead of using throttle control. If a two-speed motor is in which significant energy savings and motor power factor im-
applicable, a better speed regulation can be provided. provements in the low-load operating periods can be obtained,

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Fig. 14. Considered daily motor load diagram.

Fig. 15. Motor efficiency and energy savings (considering the MFLIM E ).

leading to the reduction of the motor-operating costs. Except

for constant power loads, after connection change to a lower
flux connection, the motor input real power decreases mainly
due to the motor efficiency increase, but also due to the slight
decrease of the motor speed, which leads to a slight decrease
of the required mechanical power. Examples of loads where the
MFLIM can be applied with technical and economical benefits
are industrial mixers, conveyors, escalators, lifts, fans, pumps,
high-inertia saws, presses, etc. Fig. 16. Motor power factor (considering the MFLIM E ).
According to the opinion of some motor repairers/rewinders,
the cost of a winding with two sets of turns per phase is equiv-
alent to the cost of the conventional windings, but an addi-
in parallel to produce the required flow. Operating all pumps at
tional cost with the 12-terminal block is inevitable. It should be
reduced speed rather than cycling the pumps ON/OFF accord-
noted that there are commercially available dual-voltage mo-
ing to the demand, significant energy savings can be obtained.
tors, with 9 or 12 terminal leads [7]. The dual-voltage motors
Using two double-speed MFLIMs to drive a low-static head,
with 12 terminal leads can be used to apply the previously pre-
two-pump system, with independent piping circuits, providing
sented concept. For the automatic connection change, although
in some periods 50% of the maximum flow, it is possible to
the cost of a control device is, in principle, low, the cost of
operate both pumps at 50% of the rated flow, requiring approx-
a special contactor or several conventional contactors can be
imately 25% of the power required for a single pump operating
at 100% of the rated flow. Simultaneously, the motor efficiency
For the economical analysis of the proposed system, an ex-
and power factor can be maximized with proper flux-level regu-
ample is considered. In order to simplify the estimation of the
lation. Other advantages are that motors stay warm (no conden-
energy savings, the slight variation of the motor speed after sta-
sation in the windings) and the seals of the pumps stay wet and
tor winding connection change is not considered. In the Fig. 14,
alive. Also, it is possible to control the “water-hammer” effect,
a hypothetical daily motor load profile can be seen, which is
which degrades the pipes by controlling acceleration and de-
considered in the following economical analysis. It is also con-
celeration through optimized management of the motor speed
sidered that the motor operates 16 h per day and 360 days per
and flux. The two-speed concept, also leads to loss reduction
year. For the sake of simplicity, an average price of 0.07 Euro1
during start-up, although lower losses are achieved with the use
per kilowatthour is considered. Considering that the connec-
of variable speed drives.
tion modes of the 7.5 kW MFLIME are properly changed as a
In the horizontal conveyors (constant-torque device), the re-
function of load (instead of using only the DP connection), the
quired torque is approximately independent of the transported
annual energy savings are 2.1 MWh/year, as it can be seen in the
load and speed (is only friction dependent). Typically, the ma-
Fig. 15, which also shows the efficiency variation. This can be
terials handling output of a conveyor is controlled through the
translated into 149 Euro per year. The energy savings, for this
regulation of input quantity, and the torque and speed are roughly
particular case, are 15%. If the duration of the low-load peri-
constant. However, if the materials output is to be reduced, the
ods increase, the savings can be even more. The energy savings
materials input to the conveyor can be maintained constant and
potential increases with the increase of the motor power and of
the speed properly reduced, leading to significant energy savings
the electrical energy cost. The daily average power factor of the
proportional to the speed reduction. For example, assuming that
7.5 kW MFLIME improves from 0.28 to 0.67, as it can be seen
the materials output has to vary between 100% and 50% accord-
in Fig. 16.
ing to the process demand, instead of varying the materials input
In the case of the two-speed MFLIM concept, significant
to the conveyor between 100% and 50%, and keeping the speed
savings can be achieved in some applications, when applica-
and the required power constant, the two-speed MFLIM can be
ble, particularly in centrifugal pumps and fans (when used to
used to change the speed between 100% and 50%, and, conse-
regulate the flux, combined with throttle control or instead). For
quently, the required power will be 100% and 50%, respectively,
example, in many pumping applications, several pumps are used
leading to significant energy savings in the low-demand oper-
ating periods. Simultaneously, the motor efficiency and power
1 Euro (€)=1.4705 US$, January 25, 2008. factor can be maximized by proper flux-level regulation.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidade de Coimbra. Downloaded on July 30, 2009 at 13:51 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

V. CONCLUSION [3] F. Ferreira and A. de Almeida, “Method for in-field evaluation of the
stator winding connection of three-phase induction motors to maximize
An MFLIM incorporating a three-phase stator winding with efficiency and power factor,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 2,
two sets of turns (which can be connected either in series or in pp. 370–379, Jun. 2006.
[4] A. de Almeida and F. Ferreira, “User-friendly high-precision electric mo-
parallel) is proposed, and their possible connection modes were tor testing system,” presented at the 4th Int. Conf. Energy Efficiency Motor
analyzed, including two novel connection modes. The MFLIM Driven Syst., Heidelberg, Germany, Sep. 5–8, 2005.
can be used as a spare motor with up to six different nominal [5] F. Ferreira and A. de Almeida, “Electric machinery winding design soft-
ware for teaching and rewinding,” presented at the 16th Int. Conf. Electr.
power levels, and, in fact, it can operate as a high-efficiency mo- Mech., Poland, Sep. 5–8, 2004.
tor for the lower power levels. If necessary, at rated frequency, [6] S. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 2nd ed. New York:
for the nominal power, it can be used as a multivoltage motor McGraw-Hill, 1991.
[7] Information Guide for General Purpose Industrial AC Small Medium
and be fed with different line-to-line voltage levels without ef- Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Standards. USA: National Electrical Man-
ficiency and power factor decrease. The described concept can ufacturers Association, Standards Publication, 2002.
be used in motors with a wide load variation and with long low-
load operating periods, in which the magnetizing flux regulation
can lead to significant energy savings and power factor improve-
ments, as it was demonstrated. Airflow regulation in ventilation
systems is possible by changing the flux level, which is another
potential application of the MFLIM, but more effective regu-
lation is achieved if the two-speed concept is used. The basic Fernando J. T. E. Ferreira (M’06) received the
Licentiate degree in electrical engineering and the
principles for proper stator winding connection mode selection M.Sc. degree in automation and systems from the
were presented. Proper selection of the nominal (or reference) University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1998
connection mode can improve the motor suitability for particular and 2002, respectively.
He is currently with the Department of Electri-
load profiles. When compared to the savings potential in suitable cal Engineering, Engineering Institute of Coimbra
loads, the additional cost of the MFLIM is modest (particularly, (ISEC), Coimbra, Portugal. He is also a Research
if a damaged motor is properly rewound for that purpose), but Fellow at the Institute of Systems and Robotics, Uni-
versity of Coimbra, Coimbra. His current research in-
the cost of the equipment for the automatic connection change terests include energy-efficient motor technologies.
(control device and contactors) can be significant. Mr. Ferreira was a recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 2001
The presented paper can contribute significantly to the loss IEEE/Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (IAS) Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems Technical Conference.
reduction in electric-motor-driven systems in both industrial and
tertiary sectors.

The authors would like to thank J. Marinho for the help on
the motor testing and J. Marques, from a Portuguese electric Anı́bal T. de Almeida (SM’03) received the Ph.D.
motor maintenance company named S.E.B., who has rewound degree in electrical engineering from the Imperial
College, University of London, London, U.K.
the tested motor. He is currently with the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computers, University of Coimbra,
REFERENCES Coimbra, Portugal, as a Professor. He is also with the
European Commission Fourth and Fifth Framework
[1] F. Ferreira and A. de Almeida, “Three-phase induction motor stator wind- Programmes as a Consultant. He has coordinated four
ing connection type field evaluation method for efficiency maximization,” European projects. He was a Consultant on several
presented at the 4th Int. Conf. Energy Efficiency Motor Driven Syst., international projects to promote energy efficiency in
Heidelberg, Germany, Sep. 5–8, 2005. developing countries. He is the author or coauthor
[2] F. Ferreira, A. de Almeida, G. Baoming, S. Faria, and J. Marques, “Auto- of more than 100 papers published in international journals, meetings, and
matic change of the stator-windings connection of variable-load three- conferences, and is the coauthor of five books on energy efficiency.
phase induction motors to improve the efficiency and power factor,” Prof. de Almeida was a recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 2001
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Ind. Technol., Hong Kong, Dec. 14–17, 2005, IEEE/Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (IAS) Industrial and Commercial Power
pp. 1331–1336. Systems Technical Conference.

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