BBA 4years syllabus
BBA 4years syllabus
BBA 4years syllabus
CA Marks ESE Marks
Degree Course Total
ted Discipline Course Name Course Type Course Code Course Details L-T-P Sem Credit Sem Marks
Programme Credit Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical Marks
Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour MAJOR BBAMJ101 MJC-1 4-1-0 5 30 70 100
Business Economics MINOR BBAMN101 MNC-1 4-1-0 5 30 70 100
Choose from the Pool of Multidisciplinary Courses offered in 1st Semester 20
I MD See Pool MDC-1 2-1-0 3 15 35 50 350
across the faculties
English/MIL Communication AE See Pool AEC-1 4-0-0 4 15 35 50
Business Statistics SE BBASE101 SEC-1 3-0-0 3 15 35 50
Student exiting the programmes after securing 40 credits will be awarded UG Certificate in the relevant Discipline/Subject provided they secure following 4 credits in work based vocational courses / summer internship during 1st year
Total Credit and Marks TOTAL CREDIT 126 TOTAL MARKS 2350
Students who want to undertake 3-year UG programme will be awarded UG Degree in the relevant Discipline / Subject upon securing 126 credits
Total Credit and Marks TOTAL CREDIT 173 TOTAL MARKS 3350
Students who want to undertake 4-year UG Honours program will be awarded UG Degree (Honours) in the relevant Discipline / Subject provided they secure 173 credits
Grand Viva and Seminar Talk MAJOR BBAMJ801 MJC-18 3-0-4 5 60 40 100
Research Methodology RP BBARP801 RPC-1 4-0-0 4 30 70 100
VIII Research Project / Dissertation RP BBARP802 RPC-2 0 - 0 - 16 8 22 120 80 200 500
Total Credit and Marks TOTAL CREDIT 173 TOTAL MARKS 3350
Students who want to undertake 4-year UG Honours with Research program will be awarded UG Degree (Honours with Research) in the relevant Discipline / Subject provided they secure 173 credits
Abbreviations: MJ-= Major;MJC-= Major Course;MN= Minor;MNC= Minor Course; AE= Ability Enhancement; AEC= Ability Enhancement Course; SE= Skill Enhancement; SEC= Skill Enhancement Course; MD= Multidisciplinary ; MDC= Multidisciplinary Course; SI - Summer Internship;SIC - Summer
Internship for Certificate; SID:Summer Internship for Diploma; SIMC - Summer Internship Mandatory Course; RP= Research Project ;RPC= Research Project Course; VA= Value Added;VAC= Value Added Course; VC= Vocational Course; VCC= Vocational Course for Certificate; VCD= Vocational Course for
Diploma; CA= Continuous Assessment, ESE= End Semester Examination, L= Lecture Hour; T= Tutorial Hour and P= Practical Hour/ Field Work and NA= Not Applicable
Abbreviations: MJ-= Major;MJC-= Major Course;MN= Minor;MNC= Minor Course; AE= Ability Enhancement; AEC= Ability Enhancement Course; SE= Skill Enhancement; SEC= Skill Enhancement Course; MD= Multidisciplinary ; MDC= Multidisciplinary Course; SI - Summer Internship;SIC - Summer
Internship for Certificate; SID:Summer Internship for Diploma; SIMC - Summer Internship Mandatory Course; RP= Research Project ;RPC= Research Project Course; VA= Value Added;VAC= Value Added Course; VC= Vocational Course; VCC= Vocational Course for Certificate; VCD= Vocational Course for
Diploma; CA= Continuous Assessment, ESE= End Semester Examination, L= Lecture Hour; T= Tutorial Hour and P= Practical Hour/ Field Work and NA= Not Applicable
Note: Minor Courses (MNC) : Students of a particular UG Course will choose from the Pool of Minor Courses offered by disciplines other than the major discipline opted by the student within the faculty. The student is required to opt the same Minor Discipline in the 2nd semester which he had opted in 1st semester.
Explanation: If a student of Physics Major, opts for a Minor Course offered by Chemistry in 1st semester then that student is required to continue with the Minor Course offered by Chemistry for 2nd semester as Minor Course in the 2nd semester.
Semesterwise Pool of Minor Courses offered by BBA for other Disciplines within the Faculty
Disciplin Sem CA Marks ESE Marks
Semester Course Name Course Type Course Code Course Details L-T-P Course Credit Total Marks Sem Marks
e Credit Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical
Semester wise Pool of Multidisciplinary Courses offered by BBA for other Disciplines across the Faculties
Sem CA Marks ESE Marks
Discipline Semester Course Name Course Type Course Code Course Details L-T-P Course Credit Total Marks Sem Marks
Credit Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical
I E-Commerce MD MDC102 MDC-1 2-1-0 3 NA 15 35 50
II Business Environment MD MDC202 MDC-2 2-1-0 3 NA 15 35 50
Pool of Value Added Courses offered in Semester-IV for all Disciplines across all Faculties
Sem CA Marks ESE Marks
Discipline Semester Course Name Course Type Course Code Course Details L-T-P Course Credit Total Marks Sem Marks
Credit Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical