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Write a Book in a Weekend™ presents:

‘Write a Book’
A How To Guide &
Annual Planner
Year-Long Calendar
Book Completion
Helpful Tips for Winning
Covers, Titles & More!

Donna Kozik

o is Donna Kozik and
a Why Should
S Yo
ou Listen
n to Her Anyway?

Donna Kozik
K grew up on a 200-acre dairry farm in noorthwestern
Pennsylvania and now
n lives near the free
eways and beaches off
San Diego, where she
s shows coaches, entrepreneu
e urs and
others how to beco
ome publishhed authorss the "fast and
a easy

In fact, she
s has sett a personal goal of turrning 1000 people into
publishe ed authors in
i the next 12 months..

Her systtem for doin

ng this is livve and virtu
ual "Write a Book in a
Weeken nd" events, featuring Donna's
D "pree-formattedd” and “fill in
the blanks” book te
emplate pluss a weeken nd of live au
udio and
recordedd video messsages that motivate and a inspire soon-to-
authors to completee their bookks in 2 dayss.

She is foormer newsspaper edito or and seniior communnications

specialisst, a two-tim
me award winning
w boo
ok author wh ho has
been fea atured in Woman’s
W Daay and Women’s Worrld
magazin nes, The LA A Times annd The Baltimore Sun n
newspap pers, NPR’ss “Marketpllace” news magazine and the
NBC Nig ghtly News.. She’s also
o been a paaid national media
spokespperson for Sprint
S PCS and has beeen featured in severa
other bo
ooks including ones byy Bob Bly and Marketin ngProfs,
along wiith Don't Sw weat the Small
S Stuff-
f--and It's All
A Small
Stuff Sttories and The
T Vision n Board: Thhe Secret to
t an
rdinary Life e published by Harper Collins.

To Write
W a Book
k in a Week

ster here:

© Doonna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www


Your ‘How To’ Guide to Get

Started & Keep Track of Your
Book’s Creation
Hi there,

If you want to make now the time you get started—and get finished—with your
book, then this “How To” guide is for you!

Its contents come from my years of experience in writing my own books and my
program that shows people how to Write a Book in a Weekend™.

In this 30+ page guide you’ll find information about book:

* Organization * Proofreading
* Front Matter * Covers
* Outlining * Publishing
* Titles * Promotion

And much, much more!

Plus, there’s a special section for month-by-month planning to keep you and
your book project on track.

I hope you enjoy this information and I look forward to seeing your book in print!

My best,

Donna Kozik
Creator & Leader, Write a Book in a Weekend™

For more information about how you can become a published author visit

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


“Write Your Book” Checklist

from the author of Write a Book in a
Weekend: 7 Insider Strategies
Use this checklist to keep your book project on track.
Activity Time to Complete Target Date

Select a Topic1 __________________ _________________

Pick a Working Title 2 __________________ _________________

Create a Power Outline 3 __________________ _________________

Draft Content __________________ _________________

Edit & Polish __________________ _________________

Create Front/Back Matter __________________ _________________

Decide on Title/Subtitle __________________ _________________

Pick a Publishing Method __________________ _________________

Design the Front/Back Cover __________________ _________________

Format the Interior __________________ _________________

Do a Final Proofread __________________ ________________

Publish Your Book! __________________ _____________________

SELECT A TOPIC: To think about: What is your passion? What is your “favorite
recipe?” Who is your target reader?
PICK A WORKING TITLE: Don’t freak out about your title before it’s time. It
could change 50 times before your book is done. So spend 15 minutes thinking
about it and then go with that until you really have to decide.
CREATE A POWER OUTLINE: A one page “go to” document that serves as the
foundation of your book.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com



Computer files are too easily forgotten. To keep your book project “front and
center,” I recommend you create a physical “book binder.”

1. Create a mock “front and back cover” of your book for the front and
back of your binder.
2. Include this calendar and planner, along with some “plain paper” to
capture your thoughts and ideas.
3. The more you carry this binder with you, the faster your book will get

Other items/lists you may want to include in your binder:

• Names of people to ask for testimonials/endorsements
• Promotion ideas
• Title ideas
• Chapter outlines
• Publishing research

List other categories for your binder:

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


The first assignment I give Write a Book in a Weekend™ participants is to
describe why they want to have a book in the first place.

Use this spot and jot down some of your own reasons, whether they range from
being on Amazon.com to conducting workshops, attracting more clients and
doing more public speaking.

Answer this question:

“What will my life look like when I’m done with my book?”

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


A “power outline” captures the essence of your book’s content. Use this
space to list, in no particular order, what subtopics your book will contain. These
will become chapters. Under each subtopic list four or five questions you’ll
answer in that chapter. Then start writing!

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Capture ideas for your book’s FRONT COVER here.

3 Fast Tips:

1. Primarily white or yellow book covers get the most attention from
potential readers. Dark colored covers are the ones mostly passed over.
2. Above all else, make sure your title and subtitle is in a readable font.
3. Leave off the word “by” before your name. It’s the sign of an amateur.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Capture ideas for your book’s BACK COVER here.

3 Fast Tips:

1. Make your title prominent on the back cover as many people read the
back cover without looking at the front cover.
2. Don’t crowd too many words (copy) on your back cover. Less is more.
3. Include your professional picture. It gives you added connection and
credibility, especially with female readers.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Front matter is the term for pages in your book before the content starts.
Business owners frequently use this area to promote themselves.

3 Fast Tips:

1. Invite readers to your website for a free, valuable download.

2. List all your contact information, including social media sites, for easy
connection with readers.
3. Repeat your promotional matter in the back of your book to give readers
another opportunity to see it.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Keep a running list of items for your table of contents here.

3 Fast Tips:

1. Although it’s referred to as a “Table of Contents,” simply title it as

“Contents” in your book for a more professional image.
2. Use a computer program or professional formatter to make sure your
contents list and pages are aligned properly. (Get a free, no obligation
quote about formatting your book from the Done for You Publishing team
by emailing Dina@MyBigBusinessCard.com.)
3. Before publishing your manuscript, double check that the chapter titles
listed in the contents do match the actual chapter titles in your book.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


No need to wait until your book is in hand to start promoting it. Make a list of
things you can do right now to start building buzz, including:

3 Fast Tips:

1. Add “Author of the forthcoming book [YOUR WORKING TITLE]” to your

email signature line.
2. Start posting status updates on Facebook and Twitter about your soon-
to-be done book.
3. Begin a blog talking about your book and its content. Capture the names
and emails of visitors so you can let them know when your book is done—
and ready for buying!

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


When you’re composing, jot down grammar and punctuation questions here to
check on later.

3 Fast Tips:

1. Hold off on the proofreading process until you’re completely done writing
the content of your book.
2. Read your writing from the bottom of the page to the top to catch more
3. As a general rule, punctuation goes “inside the quote marks.” (One of
the most frequent errors our proofreading team catches. For a free quote
to proofread your book’s content, contact Dina@MyBigBusinessCard.com)

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Publishing your book can seem complicated. First, some definitions: Self-
publishing generally means the author fronts the cost of printing the book.
Traditional or “big city” publishing usually means someone else is funding the
printing of the book. There are pros and cons to each.

Before selecting a company to work with to self-publish your book, get these
questions answered:

1. How does the process work?

2. How long before my book is in print?
3. Who owns the rights to my book?
4. Who owns the electronic files of the book?
5. Do I get a copy of the electronic files? Can I make changes
to them?
6. How do order copies of my own book?
7. How can I make changes to my book after it’s printed?
8. Who can I talk to if I have questions?
List your other questions here. For more information about our “Done For You”
Publishing Services, contact Dina@MyBigBusinessCard.com or visit

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


“Quotes have the power to change our mental state very quickly. Just like books
or movies, quotes can generate strong emotions, inspire, motivate or make us
laugh—with the notable difference that we don’t need to invest hours of our time
to experience the desired effect.”
~ Luciano Passuelloon

Everyone wants to be inspired and quotations do just that.

My favorite quote resources are:

1. ThinkExist.com
2. Quotegarden.com
3. Woopidoo.com (especially for business and success quotes)

Capture some of your favorite quotes here to work into your book, either as
chapter headings or in the content itself.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Although your book’s final title doesn’t have to be decided until closer to the
publishing process, it’s helpful to have a “working title” that inspires you to create
your book.

3 Fast Tips

1. Have both a main title and subtitle.

2. Keep your attention-grabbing main title short, preferably five words or
3. Explain more in your subtitle, naming the benefits your reader will gain
from your book.

Playing “Title Idol” is a Write a Book in a Weekend™ participant favorite where

contestants can “try on” different titles for the “studio audience.” Write a Book in a
Weekend™ is the online, virtual event where you can actually start and finish
your book in two days. Find out more at http://WriteWithDonna.com.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com



Too busy to write? Trying talking your book instead!

3 Fast Tips

1. Outline your book topics and subtopics

2. Record your thoughts
3. Have your recording transcribed and – wah-lah – you have a rough
draft of your book DONE!

Additional tips:

• Make your outline well thought out. The more streamlined it is, the less
editing you’ll have to do to the transcript.

• A moderate speaking rate to record your book is approximately 200

words a minute. That would be 12,000 words per speaking hour and
36,000 words in three hours. (The average number of words in a 150
page book ranges from 25,000 to 35,000 words.)

• Working with a transcript by yourself can be overwhelming. For editing

assistance, contact the Done For You Publishing team for a free quote.
Email Dina@MyBigBusinessCard.com for more information.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com



11 Keys to Make
Write a Book in a WeekendTM
Easier on You (and Those Around You!)
“How do you write a book? One word at a time!” ~ Donna Kozik

1. Create the “Write” Environment

Your surroundings play a big role toward your success. Make sure you set
yourself up the right way by creating a “book writing” environment for
yourself. Items aspiring authors might want to have handy on or around
their table or desk include pens, paper, notepads and research, along with
fresh flowers or inspirational quotes. Others like to be near a corkboard or
blank wall where they can post notes or “storyboard” their book out.

2. Get Ready for the Weekend-Long Haul

Other ways you can get your surrounds ready to support you for the
weekend are planning out your meals and other requirements—and
making sure those requirements are filled. Ideas include prepping as
many meals as possible (or putting someone else in charge of the
cooking!). Lay in some healthy snacks and plenty of water. Think of it as
prepping for a race and what you want to have near-by along the way.

3. Get Buy-In from Family Members

If you share your house with others, give them the low-down on what
you’re doing and tell them specifically how they can support you.
Husbands and wives can take care of some of the cooking, cleaning and
make sure you’re staying hydrated. Kids can write notes of support or
make posters to hang outside your “author at work” area.

4. Anticipate Hurdles
Look ahead to the weekend and where speedbumps might occur. Not a
morning person? Get a good start on Friday night so you already hit the
ground running come Saturday morning. Not a night person? Save the
“fun and easy stuff” such as writing your dedication or acknowledgements
during the times where you’re not fully “on.” Finally, prepare a few “self-
talk” mantras (“I can do this!” “I AM doing this!” “I can see my book taking
shape!”) that will boost you up when the going might get tough.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


5. Pick a Book, (Almost) Any Book

Grab a few books off your own shelf to have near-by so you can look at
them when “what goes where” or formatting questions come up. The
samples will serve as a visual bridge and soon you’ll see how your book
will come to be and what it will look like, too. One caveat: Don’t surround
yourself with books on or similar to your topic. They can actually serve as
“demotivators” for the weekend as you write your own book. Instead, pick
ones in other fields or genres.

6. Keep It “Short & Powerful”

This is the BIGGEST key to success to get your book done in a weekend. Start
small and build from there. Remember, you can always add material if you don’t
have enough content. It’s more difficult to “boil down” rather than “build up.”

7. When Chapter 1 Isn’t Chapter 1

After creating your “Power Outline,” start where you’re most excited and “dig in”
to writing. This may mean the first chapter you write is actually the third chapter
in your book. Also, when you start where you’re most turned on, you may find
that chapter can turn into a book itself! You’ll be very happy you “wrote it right the
first time” rather than wasted time on chapters you felt you “should” write first.

8. Write First, Format Later

This is the SECOND BIGGEST key to success to get your book done in a
weekend. Don’t worry about fonts, spacing, and all the rest during the process of
writing. Being distracted by selecting fonts and adding illustrations and all the rest
can bring your momentum to a grinding halt. Instead, use the weekend for what
it’s meant for and simply write!

9. Write First, Revise Later

Send the “Inner Critic” beastie to San Diego for the weekend—I have reserved
spots at the San Diego Zoo where it will be locked up nice and tight. That way
you won’t have that imaginary editor looking over your shoulder all weekend and
instead can focus on writing the words first and getting the grammar, punctuation
and all that taken care of later.

10. Danger: Emotional Curveballs Ahead

Even writing a non-fiction book can bring up a bunch of “stuff” in our hearts that
turn into tears. It can also come from writing your story, which is something I
encourage a lot of authors to include in their books. If you feel that might be
coming for you, be prepared (with some Kleenex). One way of working through it
is allowing yourself a set amount of time to cry – say 5 minutes – and then put

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


your proverbial writing hat on and get back to work thinking of yourself as a
“reporter” telling the story vs. the person who lived the story.

11. Give It Your All (Inspired by a Coach Eric Taylor pre-game pep talk on Friday Night Lights ☺)

The purpose of “Write a Book in a Weekend” is to give you the tools

and the focus to get your book done. You have a game plan. Write
one word after another until that book is complete.

Also, there is joy to be found in the process. There is a reason you’re

doing this other than the pride it will give you when you’re done.

And have fun with it. Because come Monday morning—if you give
yourself 100% this weekend—people are going to look at your
differently. People are going to think of you differently. And I promise
you, you’re going to look and think differently about yourself.

Now go out there, and write that book!

Note: Donna Kozik is the creator and leader of the “Write a Book in a
Weekend” virtual events and “Write a Book in a Weekend” is a trademark
of Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. Find out more about “Write a Book in a
Weekend” and see pictures of authors who have done it at

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com



By Donna Kozik

If getting your book on Amazon.com is a priority of yours (and it should be), then
I have good news, better news and downright GREAT news for you.

Plus, I'm going out on a limb and making a BOLD prediction right here: Amazon.
com is THE Next Big Thing in Social Media sites for coaches, business
owners and authors.

(More on that below.)

On with the good, better and GREAT news.


You can get on Amazon with just two items and one of them is NOT a done

You read that right--your book doesn't even have to be in hand for you to get on

All you need is your book's title and an ISBN, better known as an International
Standard Book Number, which is your book's unique identifier so Amazon can
sell it. (Details about how to get an ISBN for your book below.)

Oh, and you'll also need a checking account so Amazon can send you money. ;-)


Amazon gives you the opportunity to market your book to MILLIONS of


It offers the best of all worlds for current or soon-to-be authors.

Its Amazon Advantage program is designed specifically for publishers and self-
published authors to sell their books, and it's the world's leading online retailer for

Plus, the program offers a proven means of distribution and order fulfillment for
your book.

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


Amazon is literally The Online PRO when it comes to distribution and

getting your book in the hands of readers.

What does that mean to you? For starters, you avoid weekly or even daily trips to
stand in line at the post office to mail your book to readers.

(Trust me, it's fun at first, and then can quickly get to be a big pain in the

Instead, let Amazon sell your book and send you the proceeds right to your
checking account.


Amazon WANTS to sell your book, and makes it SO DARN EASY to do so!

Get started by joining Amazon's Advantage program (I give you the link to it

It literally takes minutes to complete the application. Remember, beyond the

basics, all you need is your book's title, an ISBN and a checking account so
Amazon can pay you.

Fretting about whether or not Amazon will accept you? Don't.

Amazon supports authors of all shapes, sizes and genres--especially, I've found,
business owners who are self-publishing their books to share content about a
specific area of expertise.

It's coaches and entrepreneurs like us who help make Amazon. com "The Place"
to go to get INFORMATION, which is what most of its visitors are looking for.

Ok, here is what you need to do to get your book on Amazon:

1. Get an ISBN for your book at Bowker. com. (More good news, if dollars are
tight, you can now buy a single ISBN vs. a pack of 10, like it used to be. You can
also get your "bar code" there.)

2. Sign up for "Amazon Advantage."

Here's a shortcut link.

(If you have all your information handy, it takes about 30 minutes from start to

After you register, Amazon will look over your application and, if they don't have
any questions, will place an order for your book. (Most likely for one copy. As
© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com

sales increase, they will increase their order numbers to 3 copies, 10 copies,

If you have your book printed and ready to go, send it to them. If you don't, tell
them when they can expect it.

That's it!

Being on Amazon lends both you and your book more credibility, is an easy way
to distribute your book and still get some cha-ching. I encourage you to get
started on this right away.

P.S. This is why I think Amazon is going to be "The Next Big Thing" in
Social Media sites:

Amazon is making huge strides in becoming not only the best marketplace for
books, but also a network of authors for the customers who buy them.

Now, as a published author, you can set up a "biography" page with your picture,
a blog to interact with buyers, and even videos to sell more books, demonstrate
your expertise and drive traffic to your site (and clients to your appointment

It's really quite incredible what you can do on the Amazon site to promote
yourself and your book.

Join in the promotion fun, get your book done and get on Amazon!

© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"Life is a series of moments but the trick is to be in the moment."

~ Richard Carlson, author

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

JANUARY Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”

~ Chinese Proverb

My #1 book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

FEBRUARY Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."

~ Anthony Robbins

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

MARCH Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human
~ Wilma Rudolph

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

APRIL Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.”
~ Jean Houston

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

MAY Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking
~ Al Batt

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

JUNE Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"Imagination is the beginning of creation; you imagine what you desire; you will
what you imagine; and at last you create what you will."
~ George Bernard Shaw

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

JULY Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


“One should count each day a separate life.”

~ Seneca, philosopher

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

AUGUST Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."
~ Albert Einstein

My top book completion goals for the month: ___________________________________________

SEPTEMBER Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"Let us choose to believe something good can happen."

~ J. Martin Koheife

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

OCTOBER Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


"It is a true miracle when a man finally sees himself as his only opposition."
~ Vernon Howard

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

NOVEMBER Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


“Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare
their achievements with those of other people."
~ Nido Quebein, author

My top book completion goal for the month: ___________________________________________

DECEMBER Notes & Quotes

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© Donna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www.WriteWithDonna.com


o is Donna Kozik and
a Why Should
S Yo
ou Listen
n to Her Anyway?
Donna Kozik
K grew up on a 200-acre dairry farm in noorthwestern
Pennsylvania and now
n lives near the free
eways and beaches off
San Diego, where she
s shows coaches, entrepreneu
e urs and
others how to beco
ome publishhed authorss the "fast and
a easy

In fact, she
s has sett a personal goal of turrning 1000 people into
publishe ed authors in
i the next 12 months..

Her systtem for doin

ng this is livve and virtu
ual "Write a Book in a
Weeken nd" events, featuring Donna's
D “pre
e-formattedd” and "fill-
in-the-blanks" bookk template plus
p a weekkend of live
e audio and
recordedd video messsages that motivate and a inspire soon-to-
authors to completee their bookks in 2 dayss.

She is foormer newsspaper edito or and seniior communnications

specialisst, a two-tim
me award winning
w boo
ok author wh ho has
been fea atured in Woman’s
W Daay and Women’s Worrld
magazin nes, The LA A Times annd The Baltimore Sun n
newspap pers, NPR’ss “Marketpllace” news magazine and the
NBC Nig ghtly News.. She’s also
o been a paaid national media
spokespperson for Sprint
S PCS and has beeen featured in severa
other bo
ooks including ones byy Bob Bly and Marketin ngProfs,
along wiith Don't Sw weat the Small
S Stuff-
f--and It's All
A Small
Stuff Sttories and The
T Vision n Board: Thhe Secret to
t an
rdinary Life e published by Harper Collins.
To “Write a Book in a Week
T kend” reg
gister here
www.W WriteWithDonna.coom

“Writte a Book in
n a Weeken
nd” is a trad
demark of Donna
D Koziik & Associates, Inc.

© Doonna Kozik & Associates, Inc. www


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