bhaswati report
bhaswati report
bhaswati report
Bhaswati Priyam Das
I would like to express our sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to our
supervision, valuable guidance and encouragement while carrying out this Internship
Lastly, but not the least our special thanks to all faculties and Shree Gautam
Construction company Limited for their direct or indirect support in completion of this
Thanking All.
DATE:- Signature
This internship report contains my on site experience on Highway & Structure planning
& Designing with execution of work on site with maintaining quality by doing various
Civil engineering Test. Transportation Engineering is the most important field of Civil
Engineering. Report gives detail information about reading Typical Cross Sections,
Structural Drawings, Survey & various works with Description of different components
of roads with proper figure & drawing.
1. Overview on Project
2. Technical Specification of Highway & structure
3. Role of Surveying in Project
4. Quality Control in Project
5. Equipments & Machinary Used
6. Safety Measures
7. Conclusion
Overview on Project -
Project Asom Mala A23-2 under Public works Road Department is allotted to shree
Goutam Construction Company Limited at Sept. 21, 2023 with duration of Three years.
The project A23-2 is a SH & MDR road Project connecting Nasingwari to Thanalambra at
Dima Hasao district with a project length of 30.1 km with various structure and road
furniture work included, this road project is total base on hill alignment so it is very
important from the view of transportation, locality improvement, safety and various
servies. There are 42 nos of village connected by this road in Haflong with major places
like Dehangi, Nasingwari, Gunjung and Lower Haflong.
A23-2 Road project is a BOQ (Bill Of Quantity) Mode project with various item for the
project completion in which BOQ nos, Rate, quantity and amounts are mentions. Rates
are Fixed but Quantity of item might be change as per site requirement; awarded
Contractor is responsible for finishing the item and delivered best quality of work as per
agreement in BOQ rates.
Project A23-2 project is also very sensitive from the view point of environmental
aspects, as we all know Dima Hason is very rich for hills, greenery and specially home of
Hoolock Monkey so it is taken care that road project may not affect the rich
environment of this place.
A23-2 Asom mala Project is a SH & MD Road project is technically based on IRC & IS
code specifications with a Detail Project Report (DPR) given by client to match required
measurements and specifications of various items of road & structure. In highway part
Detailed project report give us sixteen Typical Cross Sections of road that specify us
different depth of cutting & filling, width of ROW, shoulder etc with various layers of
materials for road construction. A23-2 is a flexible pavement road based on CBR
method with layer of Embankment, subgrade as base layer, Granular sub base
(200mm), Wet mix macadam (250 mm) as sub base, dense bituminous macadam (60
mm) & Bituminous cement course (40mm) as surface course this layers made road
impervious. In hilly terrain road construction is very challenging due to its change in
gradian & curves. As per IRC gradian in hill road is not more than 10% so that this
highway follows only 7% gradian. Due to small radius of curve and short length of
transition in curve maximum permissible speed is 35 km/hr only. Extra widening at
curve is done as per IRC specification at curves with following maximum super
elevation of 7% to 2.5% as normal camber in curve as shown in plan & profile of
As already mention, project is a two lane project with carriage way width is 7m with
paved shoulder 1.5m both side and earthen shoulder 1 m in both side of road. In the
centre of carriage way crown is provided, it is the high point in the carriage way which
allow the surface water to run to the side drains. Cambers are also provided in road due
to smooth run off the surface water for the safety and long life time of impervious road.
In curves we provide super elevation based on radius of curve, design speed & length of
curve for smooth transition of vehicle in curve area. In hilly roads hill cutting is an
essential point for highway construction, hills are excavated as 1:2 ratio with 2m bench
hight for stability of hill after all procedure done a perfect highway constructed in a hill.
Photographs of Highway –
GSB Laying
Structure is a very essential part of a road construction. In this project we seen major &
minor structures like Minor Bridge raft foundation, Box Culverts, RR masonry and
drain. Due to continuous seepage of water from hill side, cross drainage work is very
important to give proper channel. Drains are provided at the hill side to carry run off
water & RR masonry is a type of retaining wall provided to protect the carriage way
from sliding of hill. In this project Cross drainage are provided by one Minor bridge of
span 10m and, height 4.75m, wall & bottom slab 0.600 m and Top slab thickness is
0.550m and 47 numbers of Box Culvert with size 2x1.5 & 3x3 with wall & raft thickness
is 300 mm with 250mm top slab thickness. Bar Bending Schedule is very important at
RCC structure to calculate the quantity of reinforcement used in part of structure, it
gives us the knowledge about shape and size of bar used with their diameter and
numbers of bars used at that part also with their spacing as mention at
For, 45 degree = 1*Dia, 90 degree = 2*Dia, 135 degree = 3*dia should be deducted
from total length of bar.
Temporary Bench marks are place outside the ROW with minimum distance as per the
convenience of surveyor and the values are marked by Total Station or auto level.
The most important work of survey in Hill Road to mark toe point for Hill cutting as per
TCS and ROW. In the project DPR the slope for hill is mentioned as 1:2 that defined us if
we excavate 2 meter horizontally than slope goes 1 meter vertically.
obstruction surveyor faced in hills are vision obstruction, most of the survey works are
done by total station. Total station based on the principal of distance of two points can
be known once the velocity and time taken by the light to travel are known. Orientation
of instrument can be done by back sighting or resection methods, after input the
coordinates of known two TBMs and put the machine height of resection we can
measure length, height and also put new coordinates with respect to the known points
and mark it. Basic work of survey in road construction are marking centre points and
Row line, layout of structures, topographic survey etc.
Maintaining quality in work is the first priority for every engineering project, quality
control works are done by material Engineers by running test on materials to check
quality of works done at site. For highway & structure numbers of test are done as per
IS code and Morth Specification, For highway-
Soil gradation (IS 2720 part IV), Atterberg limit (IS 2720 part V), free swell Index (IS
2720 part 40), CBR (IS 2720 part 16), proctor (heavy compaction) (IS 2720 part 8),
Filed dry density (IS 2720 part 28), Aggregate gradation, softening point, Ductility,
Spacific Gravity of material Etc. Mix design of GSB, WMM, DBM, BC are must done before
work started at site.
For Structure-
Mix design of different grade of concrete like M15, M20, M30 and M35 are done as per
site requirement. With this aggregate gradation, liquid limit, plastic limit, specific
gravity, cement consistency, initial setting time, final setting time, test on admixture etc.
At site for checking quality of concrete slump test, cube test are done. Cube size of
150x150mm are filled and tested after 7 and 28 days by compression testing machine.
Excavator- used for excavation and soil loading. Tripper- used to carry materials.
Safety measure-
Safety of workers and site person is very essential for a construction projects because
there are various kind of hazard in construction site. Without proper safety regulations
employees are prone to minor and major accidents thus safety officers always available
on site, their first job is to teach all the site persons and workers how much and what
are the risk involve in their job with making check list of safety kit provided. Site person
should always wear safety jackets, helmet, safety shoes, glasses and for working in
height always wear safety bets. Safety offices should submit monthly safety report to
their client as mentioned in agreement. Retro reflector sign boards are used in site for
information, waring, hazard to protect vehicle. Waring & informatory signs are placed
atleast a distance of 30 to 50 m both side from the hazard like deep excavation, valley
This Internship at Haflong A23_2 project is a great reward to us. This one month, at this
given project gives us great experience of overall project and helps us to achieved our
primary goal.