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M. S. Bidve Engineering College, Latur.





For the Academic year 2022-23 as prescribed in the curriculum Of BATU Lonere.

Guided By
Prof. R. P. RAJPUT

Department of Civil Engineering


(Affiliated to DBATU-LONERE)

This is to certify that




is the Student of THIRD YEAR CIVIL ENGINEERING who have completed the SEMINAR


Under the Guidance of Prof. R.P.RAJPUT



(Dept. of Civil Engineering)



We hereby declare that the SEMINAR REPORT entitled “CONSTRUCTION OF

CONCRETE ROAD”. Submitted by BULBULE YASH MADHAV to the Department of
civil engineering, M. S. Bidve Engineering College, latur in partial fulfillment of
requirement of SEMINAR REPORT. Included in the curriculum of third year in
civil engineering during academic year 2022-23 under guidance of Prof.R.P.
RAJPUT, We further declare that the work of this SEMINAR REPORT has been
submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of academic curriculum.


Place: Latur Student Signature.

Road construction requires the creation of an engineered continuous right-of-way or roadbed, overcoming
geographic obstacles and having grades low enough to permit vehicle or foot travel,[43]: 15  and may be
required to meet standards set by law[44] or official guidelines.[45] The process is often begun with the
removal of earth and rock by digging or blasting, construction of embankments, bridges and tunnels, and
removal of vegetation (this may involve deforestation) and followed by the laying of pavement material. A
variety of road building equipment is employed in road building

Public Works Department (PWD), under the Ministry of Public Works department, is the pioneer in
construction arena of Maharashtra. Over about four centuries, PWD could successfully set the trend and
standard in the state`s infrastructure development. It plays a pivotal role in the implementation of government
construction projects. It also undertakes projects for autonomous bodies as deposit works. Public works
Department has highly qualified and experienced professionals forming a multi-disciplinary team of civil,
electrical and mechanical engineers who work alongside architects from the Department of Architecture. With
its strong base of standards and professionalism developed over the years, PWD is the repository of expertise
and hence the first choices among discerning clients for any type of construction project in Maharashtra Besides
being the construction agency of the Government, it performs regulatory function in setting the pace and
managing projects for the country's construction industry under the close supervision of the Ministry of
Housing and Public Works.
The Public works Department has highly qualified and experienced professionals forming a multi-disciplinary
team of civil, electrical and mechanical engineers who work alongside architects from the Department of
Architecture. As a sister organization falling under the administrative control of the Ministry of Public Works
department, the latter works well with the PWD in providing service to the nation. With its strong base of
standards and professionalism developed over the years, the PWD is the repository of expertise and hence the
first choices among discerning clients for any type of construction project in Bangladesh. It is recognized as a
leader and pacesetter in the construction industry because of its consistently superior performance.
Pavement or Road is an open, generally public way for the passage of vehicles, people, and animals. Pavement
is finished with a hard smooth surface. It helped make them durable and able to withstand traffic and the
environment. They have a lifespan of between 20-30 years.

Road pavements deteriorate over time due to:

1.The impact of traffic, particularly heavy vehicles.
2.Environmental factors such as weather, pollution.

Many people rely on paved roads to move themselves and their products rapidly and reliably.

One of the primary functions is load distribution. It can be characterized by the tire loads, tire configurations,
repetition of loads, and distribution of traffic across the pavement, and vehicle speed.

Pavement material and geometric design can affect quick and efficient drainage. These eliminating moisture
problems such as mud and pounding (puddles). Drainage system consists of:
Surface drainage: Removing all water present on the pavement surface, sloping, chambers, and kerbs
Subsurface drainage: Removing water that seep into or is contained in the underlying subgrade.

There are various types of pavements depending upon the materials used; a briefs description of all types is
given below-

Bitumen has been widely used in the construction of flexible pavements for a long time. This is the most
convenient and simple type of construction. The cost of construction of single lane bituminous pavement varies
from 20 to 30 lakhs per km in plain areas. In some applications, however, the performance of conventional
bitumen may not be considered satisfactory because of the following reasons
1.In summer season, due to high temperature, bitumen becomes soft resulting in bleeding, rutting and
segregation finally leading to failure of pavement.

2.In winter season, due to low temperature, the bitumen becomes brittle resulting in cracking, raveling and
unevenness which makes the pavement unsuitable for use.
3.In rainy season, water enters the pavement resulting into potholes and sometimes total removal of bituminous
4.In hilly areas, due to sub-zero temperature, the freeze thaw and heave cycle takes place. 5.Due to freezing and
melting of ice in bituminous voids, volume expansion and contraction occur. This leads to pavements failure.
6.The cost of bitumen has been rising continuously. In near future, there will be scarcity of bitumen and it will
be impossible to procure bitumen at very high costs.


Rigid pavements, though costly in initial investment, are cheap in long run because of low maintenance costs.
There are various merits in the use of Rigid pavements (Concrete pavements) are summarized below:

1.Bitumen is derived from petroleum crude, which is in short supply globally and the price of which has been
rising steeply. India imports nearly 70% of the petroleum crude. The demand for bitumen in the coming years is
likely to grow steeply, far outstripping the availability. Hence it will be in India's interest to explore alternative
binders. Cement is available in sufficient quantity in India, and its availability in the future is also assured. Thus
cement concrete roads should be the obvious choice in future road programmes.
Besides the easy available of cement, concrete roads have a long life and are practically maintenance-free.
2.Another major advantage of concrete roads is the savings in fuel by commercial vehicles to an extent of
14-20%. The fuel savings themselves can support a large programme of concreting.
3.Cement concrete roads save a substantial quantity of stone aggregates and this factor must be considered
when a choice pavements is made,
4.Concrete roads can withstand extreme weather conditions – wide ranging temperatures, heavy rainfall and
water logging.
5.Though cement concrete roads may cost slightly more than a flexible pavement initially, they are economical
when whole-life-costing is considered.
6.Reduction in the cost of concrete pavements can be brought about by developing semiself-compacting
concrete techniques and the use of closely spaced thin joints. R&D efforts should be initiated in this area.

1) Concrete: 
It is a common option for road construction purposes as they are a solid material and can be used for building
walls and local roads. This method is considerably less prone to wear and tear defects like rutting, cracking,
stripping loss of texture, and potholes. This is the main reason for its wide usage.
2) Asphalt: 
This method of construction replacing concrete method in these days. They are very durable, water-resistant
and can go more longer then the concrete. The major advantage of asphalt over concrete is its price. Concrete is
very expensive as compared to asphalt. Moreover, asphalt includes low noise during pavement and it is easy to
handle it for repairing and maintenance. That is why it is widely accepted and used by the people for the
purpose of pavement surfacing.
3) Composite: 
This method is widely used for the maintenance, recycling, and rehabilitation of the roads. The composite
material is the combination of both asphalt and concrete material.
4) Bituminous: 
The solvent from the bituminous material will evaporate and the bitumen will bind the aggregate. It is used in
road construction because it is easy to produce, reusable, non-toxic, and a strong binder.
5) Recycling: 
Recycling or repairing of a damaged road surface consists of three different types of construction methods:
(a)Full depth replacement
(b)Hot or cold prepared road recycling
These are the different types of road construction.

Concrete pavement which is occasionally called rigid pavement is a concrete layer that is in contact with
traffics directly and it is used for different purposes and applications. The concrete used for pavements
can be modified and changed in various ways as per the requirement. Not only does the concrete
pavement need to be strong and durable but also it must be workable and cost effective because it is
commonly prone to severe environmental conditions. Concrete pavements offer several advantages which
is not possessed by bituminous pavement designs, for example, it is considerably suitable for large points
loads, withstand diesel spillage and other aggressive materials, suitable for cases where subgrade
strength is low, resist high temperature, and many more benefits. There are different types of concrete
pavement which are employed for various applications and these will be discussed in the following
This type of pavement consists of successive slabs whose length is limited to about 25 times the slab thickness.
At present it is recommended that the paving slabs not be made longer than 5,even if the joints have dowels to
transfer the loads. The movements as a result of fluctuations in temperature and humidity are concentrated in
the joints. Normally, these joints are sealed to prevent water from penetrating the road structure. The width of
the pavement slabs is limited to a maximum of 4.5 m.

1.Continuously reinforced concrete :
Continuously reinforced concrete pavements are characterized by the absence of transverse joints and are
equipped with longitudinal steel reinforcement. The diameter of the reinforcing bars is calculated in such a way
that cracking can be controlled and that the cracks are uniformly distributed (spacing at 1 to 3 m). The crack
width has to remain very small, i.e. less than 0.3 mm.

2.Reinforced pavement slabs :

Reinforced concrete pavement slabs are almost never used, except for inside or outside industrial floors that are
subjected to large loads or if the number of contraction joints has to be limited.

3. Steel fiber concrete :

The use of steel fiber concrete pavements is mainly limited to industrial floors. However, in that sector they are
used intensively. For road pavements steel fiber concrete can be used for thin or very thin paving slabs or for
very specific application.
Concrete is widely used in domestic, commercial, recreational, rural and educational construction.

Communities around the world rely on concrete as a safe, strong and simple building material. It is used in all
types of construction; from domestic work to multi-storey office blocks and shopping complexes.

Despite the common usage of concrete, few people are aware of the considerations involved in designing
strong, durable, high quality concrete.

There are mainly three materials used primarily-



Cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The
word "cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term caementicium to describe masonry resembling modern
concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. The volcanic ash and pulverized brick
additives that were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic binder were later referred to as cementum,
cimentum, cement, and cement.

Cements used in construction can be characterized as being either hydraulic or non hydraulic. Hydraulic
cements (e.g., Portland cement) harden because of hydration, a chemical reaction between the anhydrous
cement powder and water. Thus, they can harden underwater or when constantly exposed to wet weather. The
chemical reaction results in hydrates that are not very water-soluble and so are quite durable in water.
Non-hydraulic cements do not harden underwater; for example, slaked limes harden by reaction with
atmospheric carbon dioxide.

The most important uses of cement are as an ingredient in the production of mortar in masonry, and of concrete,
a combination of cement and an aggregate to form a strong building material.

1.Portland cement :
Portland cement is by far the most common type of cement in general use around the world. This cement is
made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate) with small quantities of other materials (such as clay) to 1450
°C in a kiln, in a process known as calcinations, whereby a molecule of carbon dioxide is liberated from the
calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide, or quicklime, which is then blended with the other materials that have
been included in the mix. The resulting hard substance, called 'clinker', is then ground with a small amount of
gypsum into a powder to make 'Ordinary Portland Cement', the most commonly used type of cement (often
referred to as OPC). Portland cement is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and most non-specialty grout. The
most common use for Portland cement is in the production of concrete. Concrete is a composite material
consisting of aggregate (gravel and sand), cement, and water. As a construction material, concrete can be cast in
almost any shape desired, and once hardened, can become a structural (load bearing) element. Portland cement
may be grey or white.

2.Portland fly ash cement :

It contains up to 35% fly ash. The fly ash is pozzolanic, so that ultimate strength is maintained. Because fly ash
addition allows lower concrete water content, early strength can also be maintained. Where good quality cheap
fly ash is available, this can be an economic alternative to ordinary Portland cement.

3.Portland pozzolana cement :

Its includes fly ash cement, since fly ash is a pozzolana , but also includes cements made from other natural or
artificial pozzolans. In countries where volcanic ashes are available.

4.Portland silica fume cement :

Addition of silica fume can yield exceptionally high strengths, and cements containing 5– 20% silica fume are
occasionally produced. However, silica fume is more usually added to Portland cement at the concrete mixer
Sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. The
composition of sand is highly variable, depending on the local rock sources and conditions, but the most
common constituent of sand in inland continental settings and nontropical coastal settings is silica (silicon
dioxide, or SiO2), usually in the form of quartz.

The second most common type of sand is calcium carbonate, for example aragonite, which has mostly been
created, over the past half billion years, by various forms of life, like coral and shellfish. It is, for example, the
primary form of sand apparent in areas where reefs have dominated the ecosystem for millions of years like the

Aggregates are inert granular materials such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone that, along with water and
Portland cement, are an essential ingredient in concrete. For a good concrete mix, aggregates need to be clean,
hard, strong particles free of absorbed chemicals or coatings of clay and other fine materials that could cause
the deterioration of concrete. Aggregates, which account for 60 to 75 percent of the total volume of concrete,
are divided into two distinct categories-fine and coarse. Fine aggregates generally consist of natural sand or
crushed stone with most particles passing through a 3/8-inch (9.5-mm) sieve. Coarse aggregates are any
particles greater than 0.19 inch (4.75 mm), but generally range between 3/8 and 1.5 inches (9.5 mm to 37.5
mm) in diameter. Gravels constitute the majority of coarse aggregate used in concrete with crushed stone
making up most of the remainder.

Natural gravel and sand are usually dug or dredged from a pit, river, lake, or seabed. Crushed aggregate is
produced by crushing quarry rock, boulders, cobbles, or large-size gravel. Recycled concrete is a viable source
of aggregate and has been satisfactorily used in granular sub bases, soil-cement, and in new concrete.
Aggregate processing consists of crushing, screening, and washing the aggregate to obtain proper cleanliness
and gradation. If necessary, a benefaction process such as jigging or heavy media separation can be used to
upgrade the quality.

Once processed, the aggregates are handled and stored in a way that minimizes segregation and degradation and
prevents contamination. Aggregates strongly influence concrete's freshly mixed and hardened properties,
mixture proportions, and economy. Consequently, selection of aggregates is an important process. Although
some variation in aggregate properties is expected, characteristics that are considered when selecting aggregate
3.particle shape and surface texture
4.abrasion and skid resistance
5.unit weights and voids
6.absorption and surface moisture

Grading refers to the determination of the particle-size distribution for aggregate. Grading limits and maximum
aggregate size are specified because grading and size affect the amount of aggregate used as well as cement and
water requirements, workability.

Fine aggregate shall consist of sand, or sand stone with similar characteristics, or combination thereof. It shall
meet requirements of the State Department of Transportation of Uttar Pradesh , Section 501.3.6.3 of the
Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction, current edition.

Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, durable gravel, crushed gravel, crushed boulders, or crushed
stone. It shall meet the requirements of the State Department of Transportation of Uttar Pradesh , Section
501.3.6.4 of the Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction, current edition.
The following table sets forth the master limits of the job mix for the several grades of concrete, and designates
the quantities of materials and relative proportions for each grade of concrete. For Air-Entrained
High-Early-Strength Concrete, as required or permitted when High-Early-Strength Cement is used, the
proportions shall be as given in the table.

The quantities of aggregates set forth in the tabulations are for oven dry materials having a bulk specific gravity
of 2.65. For aggregates having a different specific gravity, the weights shall be adjusted in the ratio that the
specific gravity of the material used bears to 2.65 .
During construction of a cement concrete pavement, various steps are taken as below-

survey of proposed work is done by experienced engineers or by any expert of survey, site survey includes
geographical details, soil properties and site investigation.
after survey , a team of experienced engineers and architecture prepare detailed plan of work with the help of
various soft ware's.

after that a engineer prepares detailed estimate of proposed work and also prepares a estimate regarding
equipments required and labours requirements.
now excavation is done with the help of automatic machines and then a equipment is used to cut nearby trees
and root removal process.
and after these construction of soil sub grade , base coarse and then construction of concrete slab is done.


The road sub grade has to be prepared carefully, in order to realize everywhere a pavement structure of an
adequate and uniform thickness. This allows to provide a homogeneous bond between the concrete slab and its
foundation which is important for the later behavior of the pavement structure.

For roads with a base, drainage of the water must be provided. Mud, leaves, etc. have to be removed.

When the base is permeable, it should be sprayed with water in order to prevent the mixing water from being
sucked out of the concrete.

However, if the base is impermeable (e.g. if the concrete is placed on a watertight asphalt concrete interlayer) it
can be necessary under warm weather conditions to cool down this layer by spraying water on the surface.

The following points are important for roads without a foundation:

1.Drainage of all surface water;

2.Good compaction of the sub grade;
3.Filling and compaction of any ruts caused by construction traffic;
4.It is forbidden to level the sub grade by means of a course of sand. If the sub grade has to be leveled, it is
advisable to do this by using a granular material: either slag or coarse aggregate e.g. with a grain size 0/20;
5.Provide an additional width of the sub grade for more lateral support.
It must always be avoided that water is sucked from the cement paste into the substructure or the base. This can
be accomplished by either moderately moistening the sub grade, or by applying a plastic sheet on the
substructure of the pavement. The latter work must be done with care, to prevent the sheet from tearing or being
pulled loose by the wind.



The concrete mixing plant must have a sufficient capacity in order to be able to continuously supply concrete to
the paving machines. The mix constituents and admixtures have to be dosed very accurately. The number of
aggregate feed bins has to equal at least the number of different aggregate fractions. The bins shall have raised
edges to prevent contamination of the aggregate fractions. The equipment for loading the materials shall be in
good condition and shall have sufficient capacity to be able to continuously feed the bins. The bucket of the
loaders shall not be wider than the bins. The content of the cement silos and the water tank are in proportion to
the production rates.

For small works, permanent concrete mixing plants are often called on. In that case, mixing plants that are
inspected and that can deliver Indian quality certification concrete should be used.

Furthermore it is useful and even essential to have a communication system between the concrete mixing plant
and the construction site in order to coordinate the batching and paving operations


Sufficient trucks must be available to continuously supply the paving machines. The number depends on the
yield at the construction site, the loading capacity of the trucks and the cycle time (i.e. the transport time plus
the time required to load and unload a truck). The loading capacity and the type of truck to be used depend on
the nature of the work, the haul roads and the concrete paving machines.

Usually, the specifications prescribe that the concrete has to be transported in dump trucks as paving concrete
consists of a relatively dry mix having a consistency that makes transport and unloading in truck mixers
difficult. Furthermore, dump trucks can discharge the concrete faster. For small works and in urban areas, the
use of truck mixers is increasingly accepted. Under these circumstances an admixture (e.g. a superplasticizer )
can be mixed in just before discharging the concrete.

The necessary measures have to be taken to prevent changes of the water content and temperature of the
concrete during transport. To this end, the specifications prescribe to cover the dump trucks by means of a

Usually the concrete is placed using slip form paving machines which applies for all categories of roads. This
equipment meets both the requirements for quality and for the envisaged rate of production. Conventional
concreting trains riding on set up rails, are hardly used any more for roadwork's in our country. For this reason
this manner of execution will not be dealt with here. However, the technique of manually placing the concrete
using forms is still applied in certain cases, such as for the construction of roundabouts with a small diameter, at
intersections, for repair work or when the execution conditions are such that slip form pavers cannot be utilized.
This occurs increasingly often in urban areas for the construction of pavement surfaces of exposed aggregate
and possibly coloured concrete.



The quality of the runway for the tracks of the paving equipment [10] is undoubtedly one of the most important
factors that contribute to the realisation of a smooth pavement surface. In connection therewith, the following
criteria have to be met:

sufficient bearing capacity, so that the slip form paver can proceed without causing deformations;
good skid resistance to prevent the tracks from slipping, especially when paving on a slope;
good evenness to avoid that the self-levelling systems have to compensate for excessive differences in height.
The track runway is a determining factor for the steering and consequently its surface has to at least as smooth
as the concrete paving surface itself. The runway surface has to be permanently cleaned prior to the passage of
the tracks.

The track runway has to be wide enough taking into account:

the greatest width of the paving machine plus an extra width (especially on embankments);
the necessary space for placing the sensor lines.

The supply of the concrete has to be arranged in such a way that a continuous placement can be guaranteed
without detrimental interruptions as each standstill can cause unevenness's. This implies a sufficient capacity of
the concrete mixing plant and of the means of transportation of the concrete.

The concrete is discharged:

either directly in front of the machine, using dump trucks. The concrete must be discharged gradually, in order
to limit the drop height. A crane is often necessary, especially for larger working widths, in order to adequately
spread the concrete mix;
or in the bin of a side feeder, for example if transport by dump trucks on the foundation is impossible because
of the presence of dowel chairs or reinforcement steel;
or in a supply container, from which the concrete is scooped with a crane.

It cannot be overemphasized that properly spreading the concrete in front of the slip form paving machine is
very important for the final quality of the work, especially with regard to the smoothness. It is of great
importance that in front of the slip form paver, a constant and sufficient amount of concrete is available at all
times so that a continuous paving process can be guaranteed. The paver should never be used to push the
concrete forward.

For large casting widths the concrete is preferably spread either by means of a placer/spreader machine that
operates in front of the paver or, by the slip form paver itself (side feeder, spreading augers, wagon,…). The use
of a placer/spreader, allows the slip form paver to proceed more steadily. The distance between the
placer/spreader and the slip form machine has to be kept small enough to limit changes in the water content of
the concrete mix.

The paving rate has to match the concrete delivery rate, but the consistency of the concrete and the evenness of
the track runways must also be taken into consideration. In practice, the optimum speed of the paving machine
lies between 0.75 and 1 m/min. A steady progress of the paving operations without detrimental interruptions
guarantees quality, whatever type of machine is used.

All regulating devices of the paving machine have to be tuned before any paving is started. However, this
regulation should also be monitored during the entire course of the paving process and adjusted if necessary, so
that the concrete pavement is executed correctly: thickness, flawless edges, surface smoothness.
Some machines are equipped with a dowel bar inserter or an anchor bar (also called tie-bar) inserter. Dowel
bars are inserted in the fresh concrete down to the correct elevation after the vibrator but before the tamper bar.
The dowel bar inserter preferably operates in a continuous operation. Every precaution must be taken to place
the dowels correctly and not to disrupt the evenness of the concrete surface (composition of the concrete,
paving speed, etc.).

The use of a 'super smoother' (longitudinal floating tool) is highly recommended and in some specifications it is
even made compulsory whenever a slip form paver is used and especially for pavements for high speed roads.
The super smoother is a beam float suspended from the backside of the slip form machine and that moves back
and forth in the longitudinal direction while simultaneously traversing the freshly finished concrete surface. It
allows to eliminate small finishing errors or any remaining high and low spots behind the slip form paver. This
improves the driving comfort and limits the nuisance caused by unevenness's with a short wave length (noise,
vibrations). Small traces of cement slurry produced after the passage of the super smoother, are subsequently
removed by dragging a section of burlap or a drag plate. The super smoother can also be used for other road
categories, including bicycle paths.


A good evenness depends primarily on the following factors:

a concrete mix with an uniform consistency, adapted to the paving machines and the working circumstances,
a regular supply of concrete and a uniform spreading in front of the paver,
correct operation of the paving machines, which in turn depends on the setting of the forms or the sensor lines,
the quality of the track runways, the regulation of the sensors, etc.,
steady progress of the paver, without interruptions and with a speed compatible with the consistency of the
concrete and the working circumstances,

use of specific tools or equipment to eliminate small bumps after the paving machines: correction beam, super
smoother, etc.
All the equipment that is necessary to make joints in the fresh or hardened concrete must be present at the
construction site.

The saw blades have to be suitable to the quality of the concrete, i.e. to the hardness and the abrasion resistance
of the aggregates. It is useful to have spare equipment available in case of a defect.

The beam for making a construction joint shall be rigid and shall allow the realization of a straight joint
perpendicular to the axis of the road. This beam has to be adapted to the type of pavement (jointed pavement,
continuously reinforced concrete pavement).


Crack onsets are executed to avoid uncontrolled (“wild”) cracking of the concrete by shrinkage. Contraction
joints have a crack onset which extends to a depth of one third of the slab thickness and can be equipped with

On main roads, the contraction joints are usually made by sawing. The saw cutting should occur as soon as
possible, usually between 5 and 24 hours after placement of the concrete. It is obvious that the concrete should
have hardened sufficiently in order to prevent the edges of the joint from being damaged. In case of high
temperatures, special equipment is available to execute saw cutting within 3 hours subsequent to the placement
of the concrete. In that case, light equipment is used to make saw cuts of about 2.5 cm deep. Every saw cut that
has not instigated a crack within 24 hours is deepened up to 1/3 of the slab thickness.

Making crack onsets for contraction joints in the fresh concrete is a technique that is practically no longer
applied except for country roads or municipal roads whenever the traffic intensity and evenness requirements
permit so.

To make such a joint, a thin steel blade (no more than 6 mm thick) is vibrated into the fresh concrete to a depth
of 1/3 of the slab thickness.

The joint can be made both with flexible and with rigid joint strips. In the first method, a thin plastic strip twice
as wide as the depth of the crack point plus 2 cm is laid on the fresh concrete. The steel blade is positioned in
the middle of the strip and is subsequently vibrated into the fresh concrete. In the second method the rigid joint
strip is inserted into a groove priory made by vibrating the steel blade in the concrete. The top of the strip must
be flush with the pavement surface.

After having made the crack onset, the concrete surface along the joint should be smoothened again. However,
manual corrections should be kept to a minimum as much as possible, since they can cause spalling of the joint
edges later.

Expansion joints are only used exceptionally. In these rare cases, they have to meet the necessary requirements
so as not to cause difficulties later.

The execution of expansion joints requires special attention when using slip form paving machines.

Special attention shall be paid to the following:

the wooden joint filler board shall be firmly attached to the base by means of metal stakes, so that it cannot
move while the concrete is being placed;
the height of the joint filler board shall be slightly(2 to 3 cm) shallower than the thickness of the concrete slab,
in order not to hinder the placement of the concrete. As soon as the slip form paving machine has passed, the
concrete above the joint filler board shall be removed over a width at least equal to the thickness of the board,
so that no “concrete arch” is made at the top of the joint;
expansion joints shall always be provided with dowels, even for roads with less intense traffic. At one end of
each dowel a cap filled with a compressible material accommodates the movements of the concrete.

Construction joints also called end-of-day or working joints - are made at the end of the daily production or
when the paving process is interrupted for at least 2 hours. The face of these joints is plane, vertical and
perpendicular to the axis of the pavement. They are always doweled.

Upon resuming the paving the fresh concrete is placed against the concrete that has already hardened. The
concrete is consolidated on both sides of the joint with a separate manual needle vibrator.
Longitudinal joints run parallel to the axis of the road and are only necessary if the pavement is wider than
4.5m. They can be provided with tie bars.


These joints are realised between adjacent concrete lanes that are executed simultaneously. They are saw cut in
the hardened concrete, no later than 24 hours after the concrete has been placed. The depth is at least 1/3 of the
thickness of the slab.


These are joints between two adjacent concrete lanes that are executed successively.

Curing is the process of increasing hydration in cement; after setting the concrete, curing process is done till 20
to 25 days.

There are some method of curing-

1.Shading concrete works

2.Covering with hessian & gunny bags
3.Sprinkling of water
4.By ponding
5.Membrane curing


The quality of hardened concrete, and in particular, the durability of the surface, depends directly on the
protection of the fresh concrete against drying out. It is detrimental both to the strength and to the shrinkage
(risk of cracks forming) and also to the durability when the fresh concrete loses water. As a result of their large
exposed areas, pavements are greatly subjected to drying out. E.g. at an ambient temperature of 20°C, a relative
humidity of 60 %, a temperature of the concrete of 25°C and a wind speed of 25 km/h, 1 litre of water will
evaporate every hour from every m2of pavement surface. Note that the upper surface layer (a few cm thick) of
the concrete only contains about 4 litres of water per m2.

A curing compound is usually used to protect road concrete against drying out [43]. This coating is sprayed on
the concrete top surface and on the vertical surfaces immediately after the paving train has passed and, if
applicable, after the concrete surface has been broomed.

In case of an exposed aggregate finish, the setting retarder must also have the property that it protects the
concrete against drying out. If not, the concrete must be covered with a plastic sheet as soon as the setting
retarder is applied. As stated above, subsequent to the removal of the skin of concrete mortar, the concrete is
protected against drying out a second time by spraying a curing compound or by covering the surface with a
plastic sheet. The latter method is particularly used in urban areas on coloured exposed aggregate concrete.

The curing compound has to be applied at a rate of at least 200 g/m2 and its effectiveness coefficient shall be
greater than 80%. Curing compounds are pigmented white or have a metallic gloss so as to better reflect
sunlight which limits the warming up of the concrete.


Concreting is stopped if it rains. Furthermore, the necessary measures have to be taken to prevent that the
concrete surface is washed out by rain. This applies both to freshly spread concrete that has not been compacted
yet and to smoothed concrete. Plastic sheets or mobile shelters are suitable means of protection.
When concrete is placed in cold weather (see also § 8.4.1) the pavement surface has to be effectively protected
against frost in such a way that the temperature at the surface of the concrete does not drop below + 1 ºC for 72
hours after placement. This protection can consist of, for example, non-woven geotextile or polystyrene foam
plates with ballast.


Every necessary measure shall be taken to protect the fresh concrete from damage due to all kinds of
mechanical influences (cars, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, etc.).

In urban areas these measures are even more necessary.


It must always be ensured that the concrete is processed as quickly as possible, certainly within 2 hours after
batching including the surface treatment and the protection measures. In hot, dry weather an even shorter
workability time has to be observed (maximum 90 minutes). Unless special precautions are taken that have
been approved by the manager of the works, concrete can only be laid if the air temperature at 1.5 m above
ground under thermometer shelter does not exceed 25°c.

Furthermore, all necessary measures shall be taken to keep the water content of the concrete as constant as
possible from the time of batching until completion of the placement.

Whenever the supply of concrete is interrupted, the driver of the paving machine shall immediately take the
necessary measures to lower the speed of the paving train and to ensure that the machine stops as little as
For a short interruption, the machine should be stopped before the deposited concrete in the vibrating chamber
has dropped to such a level that the vibrators become visible. If the supply is interrupted for more than 60
minutes (45 min. in hot weather), a construction joint has to be made.

Upon a long-lasting defect of the paving equipment, the supply of fresh concrete has to be stopped immediately
and an attempt must be made to complete the current paving phase. If the circumstances and the elapsed
workability time no longer make a proper completion possible, the concrete, that has been deposited but not yet
finished, has to be removed.

To achieve a continuous profile, particular care is taken of the execution of the construction joints, both at the
end of the day and every time work is resumed. The concrete is compacted preferably with a separate vibrating
needle before the paving machine is passing in order to obtain properly compacted concrete on both sides of the


When placing concrete on a slope of less than 4 % it is recommended to work uphill, in order to prevent tension
cracks at the surface. Furthermore, the consistency of the concrete and the working speed of the paver have to
be adapted to the working conditions.

However, if the longitudinal slope is more than 4 %, unevenness can occur as concrete falls back when the
machines have passed. In that case, a suitable composition of the concrete mix has to be realized and it is
recommended to work downhill. It must be ensured that enough concrete is deposited in front of the paving
machine to prevent the concrete from sliding down. Concrete pavements have been successfully executed on
slopes of 10 to 12 %. At one time the slope was even 18 %.
Usually, a concrete pavement is only opened to traffic 7 days after the concrete has been laid and after, in the
presence of all parties, any possible cracks have been recorded. A concrete pavement of less than 7 days old,
can be opened to traffic if the contractor provides proof that the concrete has reached the minimum compressive
strength stipulated in the specifications.

Presently, special compositions of the concrete mix allow an early opening to traffic, i.e. between 24 and 48
hours after placement. These mixes are used, for example, for pavement repair works to reduce the nuisance to
the public as much as possible.

It is pointless to talk about quality if not all employees, each at his own level, make a special effort to
understand the rules of good practice, upgrade their know-how and act accordingly.

1. The initial cost of concrete roads is high.

2. They are liable to crack and warp due to temperature variations.

3. Become noisy under iron-tyred traffic.

4. Skilled supervision and labour are required for construction.

5. less resilient than bituminous or W.B.M roads.

6. Require long time for curing and thus cannot be opened to traffic earlier.

7. It is very difficult to locate and repair sewers and water mains lying under the pavement in their case.

1. Concrete roads have long life than any other roads.

2. These roads are durable and are practically unaffected by weathering agencies.

3. They provide an excellent riding surface under all weather conditions.

4. They provide an impervious, dustless and sanitary surface.

5. They do not develop corrugations.

6 Can be laid on any subgrade.

7. Can be easily reinforced when they are to resist high stresses due to heavy wheel loads of the traffic.

8. Concrete roads are non slipery and offer less tractive resistance.

9. They provide good visibility for traffic during night hours.

10. Maintenance cost is low.

A roadway cross section is a vertical section of the ground and roadway at right angles to the centerline of the
roadway, including all elements of a highway or street from the right-of-way line (lanes, shoulders, retaining
walls, curbs, medians, pavement structure, roadside slopes, ditches, bike lanes and sidewalks).
The selection criteria of type of pavement, flexible or rigid, should be based not on the initial cost of
construction but life cycle cost, which includes the discounted maintenance and pavement strengthening costs
that are incurred during the design life of the pavement.

This is the cost of construction of the pavement which mainly depends upon the pavement thickness, governed
by the strength of sub grade soil and traffic loading, cost of materials and cost of execution of the work. the
above have a wide range of variability across the country and is difficult to generalize.

The maintenance cost includes the maintenance of pavement during the design life of pavement to keep the
pavement at the specified service level.

In case of rural roads, maintenance of these roads is to be done by the respective state government from its
available financial resources. most of the states have poor past performance record to maintain such low
volume roads through other schemes, mainly because of having inadequate funds for maintenance of road
infrastructure in the state.


Life cycle cost analysis can be defined as a procedure by which a pavement design alternative will be selected ,
which will provide a satisfactory level of service at the lowest cost design life.
The design of rigid pavement depends upon the CBR value of sub grade , design axle load of commercial
vehicles during the design life, which is generally 20 years or more for rural roads, a typical pavement
composition for rural road is given below :( refer: SP:62-2004):


The average yearly maintenance cost of rigid pavement will be about Rs. 10000per km for a single lane rural
road to cover filling of sealing compound in the joints, requires of concrete spalling etc.


Period of analysis has been considered as 20 years, being the design life of concrete pavement in rural area. the
discount rate of 10% has been taken. inflation rate of 5% has been considered for future rise in prices of

A case study was performed on a Caltrans concrete rehabilitation project near Los Angeles on Interstate 10. The
project was unique in that the contractor had to remove and replace 2.8 lane-km of concrete pavement in a
55-hour weekend closure. The existing cement treated base was not removed except in places where it had
deteriorated, and a fast setting hydraulic cement concrete with a 4-hour opening strength was used for the
surface concrete. The contractor used a concurrent working method in which demolition and concrete paving
occurred simultaneously and only a single lane was removed and replaced. The contractor had only one
standard width construction access lane (3.7 m) and a shoulder width of less than 3.0 m. The contractor
successfully completed this 2.8 lane-km objective in 55 hours and was eligible for a $500,000 bonus per the
contract. The demolition operation took 76 percent longer than planned, but it did not delay the overall progress
of the project. The concrete paving activities, especially the concrete delivery and discharge, controlled the
overall progress of the 55-hour weekend project. In terms of the number of slabs replaced per hour, the 55-hour
weekend closure was 54 percent faster than the average nighttime closure conducted by the same contractor.
The amount of the rehabilitation work performed over the 55-hour extended closure would have normally taken
2.5 weeks (16.4 days) of nighttime lane closures. If no work stoppages in the concrete paving had occurred, the
maximum amount of rehabilitated road would have been 3.5 lane-km. In 10-hour nighttime closures, the
contractor was able to remove and replace 50 slabs on average compared with 15 slabs for 7-hour nighttime
closures. During weekend daylight hours, traffic through the construction zone was reduced by 30 to 60 percent
compared with normal weekend traffic volume. During construction, the percentage of traffic diverting to other
routes doubled over normal diversion in the daylight hours, but was only approximately 5 percent more than
normal during the nighttime hours. The reduced traffic volumes passing the construction site indicated driver
awareness of the weekend construction window and traffic lane closures. Caltrans did an excellent job of
informing the public of the project through local media outlets (radio, newspapers, and television), signage, and
brochures. The construction productivity data from the demolition and paving operation was used to validate a
constructability and productivity analysis software coded by the University of California Berkeley (UCB). The
average results from a deterministic and stochastic analysis were in agreement with the actual project
productivity. The stochastic analysis showed that the expected range for the project productivity was between
2.2 and 3.4 lane-km for a 68-percent confidence interval with the average productivity being 2.8 lane-km.
. Planning boundaries for roads and assessing associated environmental effects are often based on
socioeconomic considerations, resulting in a mismatch between planning scales and spatial scales at which
ecological systems operate. In part, this mismatch results because there are few legal incentives or disincentives
to consider environmental effects beyond political jurisdictions, and thus decision making remains primarily
local. The ecological effects of roads are typically much larger than the road itself, and they often extend
beyond regional planning domains.

Scientific literature on ecological effects of roads generally addresses local-to-intermediate scales, and many of
those effects are well

Suggested Citation:"8 Conclusions and Recommendations." Transportation Research Board and National
Research Council. 2005. Assessing and Managing the Ecological Impacts of Paved Roads. Washington, DC:
The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11535.×

documented. However, there are few integrative or large-scale studies. Sometimes the appropriate spatial scale
for ecological research is not known in advance, and in that case, some ecological effects of roads may go
undetected if an inappropriate scale is chosen. Few studies have addressed the complex nature of the ecological
effects of roads, and the studies that have done so were often based on small sampling periods and insufficient
sampling of the range of variability in ecological systems.

Recommendation: Research on the ecological effects of roads should be multiscale and designed with reference
to ecological conditions and appropriate levels of organization

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2005. Assessing and Managing the Ecological
Impacts of Paved Roads.





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