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Report of Bilal123

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PMC For Sahnewal - Pilkhani Section Under EDFC 3


DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH (DB E&C)

Jasmeet Nagar, Ambala (133006)
Haryana. India.

Submitted By: BILAL AHMAD

Department of Civil Engineering

Dhauj,Faridabad (121004)
Haryana. India

I would like to thank DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH (DB E&C) for giving me
this invaluable opportunity to learn so much practical knowledge which could
have impossible to learn through only looking at the images from textbooks. I
have gained invaluable insights into how construction of any superstructure is
handled and how any difficulty which comes between is tackled.Apart from
technical knowledge,I have gain insights into construction management,efficient
man-power management and lots of other things.

I am very thankful to my mentor Mr.Nishanth for his guidance and support and I
am thankful to Mr.Modassar Bhat (Chief Bridge Engineer) and Mr.Tanvir Shafi
Bhat (Bridge Engineer) for helping me understand the process of Bridge
construction. I would like to thank Mr. Ravindra Singh (Chief Formation Engineer)
and Mr.Anuj Mishra (Formation Engineer) for their help in the field of
construction of formation.

My colleague from Civil Engineering Department Mr.Naiyer Azam supported me

in my project work.I would like to thank him for all his help,support,interest and
valuable hints.

Especially I would like to give special thank to my parents whose patients love
enable me to complete this work.And at last but not the least I would like to
thank God for the successful completion of my internship.

1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………
2. SAFETY INDUCTION ………………………………………………………..
3. DETAILS OF BRIDGE ………………………………………………………..
A. Introduction
B. Necessity of Pile
C. Classification of Pile
D. Method of Piling work
E. Tests on pile
 Method of conducting plate load test on Pile
 Method of conducting Lateral load test on Pile
 Method of conducting Verticall load test on Pile
 Construction of Embankment/Subgrade layer
 Construction of Blanket
 Test for Compaction and Dry Density.
6. DETAILS OF SLEEPERS………………………………………………………………
7. CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………….




This project includes Design and construction of civil,Structures and Track work
for Railways,Involving formation in Embankments/Cuttings,Ballast on
formation,track work,bridges,structures,buildings,yards,integration with Indian
railways existing railway system and testing and commissioning on design-build
lump-sump basis for Sahnewal-Pilkhani (Approx. 175 route KM of single line) of
Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor.DFC is a railway route,which is dedicated to
Freight traffic movement only.No passenger train is supposed to run on the
DFC.The new DFC is designed to carry 32.5 tonnes axle load,the existing IR track
is only for 25 tonnes axle load.In order to create adequate additional capacity for
running large number of freight trains to meet (present as well as future) demand
and to increase the speed,improve reliability,reduce the cost per tonne of freight
carried,construction of DFC has been taken up by IR.
In this industrial training report I am going to provide all the main aspects of my
training period and to enclose all the knowledge that I got from the senior
engineers of DB E&C.In this report I had enclose all the information briefly about
the topics which are mentioned in the content.

The objective of safety induction is to ensure that the adequate precautions are
taken to avoid unwanted incidents or accidents,occupational illness and harmful
effects on the environment during construction.Safety induction and training is
done in conjunction with the identifying hazard to eliminate or control the risk of

 Safety Motto: “safety is everybody’s responsibility”.

 Target :The safety induction targets,goals and aims for the work are to
achieve the following :-
 Zero total recordable injury or accident.
 Zero reportable environmental incident.
 100 % adherence of usage of appropriate PPE’s at work.
Executing construction work with least disturbance to environment,road/rail
users,nearby residential area and traffic.

 Safety Rules :The safety department has laid down a set of rules to be
followed by all the people involved in the project to prevent any kind of
accident to the maximum extent.
1. Use of PPE’s by all the personnel and even by visitors to the site.
2. Safe working practices at work.
3. Selecting right men and tools for right job.
4. Maintain a safe and tidy site.

 Risk Involved: All the major works should be checked regularly and it is the
duty of the safety officer to hold the tool box meeting and tell the labour
about the risks involved in the work and take the necessary precautions.

 Machinery and plant: Check them as per the check list prepared and
certify it fit.
 Concrete: Provide proper PPE to the labour.
 Provide proper access,egress to site,vehicles and equipment.

A bridge is a structure providing passage over an opening - gorge,road,railways

Canal,river,creek etc. Without closing the same.The required passage may be
road,railways,canal,river,pipeline or pedestrians.
Bridges are classified by the purpose or function,such as aqueduct,viaduct,
Highways,railways or foot bridges.They are also classified by their materials,such
as timber,masonry,concrete,steel,RCC or Pre-stressed concrete.

As we are working on the railway project the railway bridges are classified in the
following category according to the railway sub structure code :

 Important Bridges
 Major Bridges
 Minor Bridges

As we have seen on the site only two types of bridges were constructed,so in this
report we have provided only the details of Minor and Major bridges.

Important bridges are those bridges having a linear waterway of 300 m or more
or a total waterway of 1000 sqm or more.Any other bridge can also be classified
as important by chief engineer or Chief Bridge Engineer depending on its
maintenance problems.

Major bridges are those bridges which have either a total waterway of 18 m or
more or which have a clear opening of 12 m or more in any one span.Here I am
providing details of some major bridges that I had seen on the working site

Minor Bridges are those bridges having a total waterway less than 18 m or clear
opening of less than 12 m.Here I am providing details of some minor bridges that
I had seen on the working site :
 Minor bridge DFC no. 183
(1*3*2.2 M RCC Box at CH 147 174 m)
Barrel length = 7298 mm
Raft Width = 1800 mm
Total Height = 1950
Details of plants,Equipment and Machinery :

The following sets of equipment as necessary for the planned progress shall be
deployed :-

i. Batching plant
ii. Transit mixers with the capacity of 6 m3
iii. Needle vibrators (60 mm,40 mm)
iv. Concrete pump/Boom placer
v. JCB/Excavator
vi. Tipper/dumper
vii. Hydraulic crane
viii. Welding set
ix. High capacity DG sets+-
x. SP3L/SP4L dewatering pump
xi. Lights (in night) - LED bulbs 1000 w
xii. Steel shutters (generally rectangular shape) with cup lock base plate jack
xiii. Haunch Shutter
xiv. Spades

 Manpower required for the concreting work as seen on Bridge number 196
having a Barrel length of 11.2 m,width 3.75 m and raft depth 0.35 m :-

I. Concrete pump operator and helper

II. Mason -02
III. Helpers - 04
IV. Fitter - 02
V. Welder -01
VI. Electrician -01
VII. Engineer -01

 Site clearance :- Site clearance,identification and shifting of above/below

Ground cable,grubbing,dismantling of existing structure in presence of PMC/
or DFCC/ or IR.Representatives,dewatering (if any) and disposal of
unserviceable materials at designated area and stacking of serviceable
materials for use in Embankment construction works if soil is good etc.shall
be carried out as per RDSO and technical specification.The signalling cables at
the proposed bridges location shall be managed as per requirement and as
per norms with the consultation/help of the employer.

 Survey and setting out work :- After the site has been cleared as per
approved drawing/methodology/Specification,the limit of excavation shall be
set out true to lines,curves,slope,grade and sections as shown on the
drawings or as the coordinates.Chainage & levels shall be the PMC and as per
approved drawing.Any discrepancy will be sorted out,and finalized before the
construction works.all the survey instruments used shall be calibrated
periodically as per the calibration plan.survey check reports/ other relevant
data shall be maintained in relevant inspection format.

 Materials required for the works :-

a. Cement 43/53 grade OPC as per IS 8112
b. Aggregates of 20mm,10mm,stone dust,sand
c. Steel of TMT grade Fe 500D TMT
d. Admixture as per IS 9103
e. Water as per IRS Railways Bridges or IS 456

General :- Layout of the box culvert would be executed at the site based upon
the proposed centre line in the stretches and after fixing of centre line and
Northing-Easting coordinates of the alignment.
Excavation in foundation of structures shall be done as per approved drawing.
Original ground levels and checked with respect to original reference line and axis
excavation of 600mm will be done on both sides of structure to provide for
adequate working space.the excavated pit shall be dressed true to line and levels.

Reference points will be established on the either side of the structure in

longitudinal and transverse direction these reference point will be checked from
time to time and corrective measures will be taken or re-established wherever
found disturbed.
Excavation completed up to bottom level of foundation will be assured to be free
from any loose material and the PCC concrete as specified in drawing shall be laid
manually as per approved methodology.Shoring work will be provided for

temporary protection work where existing structure foundation gets disturb

during excavation.
Drawing as specified and approved by PMC the work foundation and
substructure will start with cement concrete of specified grade mentioned in
approved drawing.

Detailed Methodology :

1) After setting out survey points (i.e.,principal reference lines and level pegs)
excavation for structure shall be done as per approve drawings.
2) If the box culvert is on curve.The tangent points will be established by begs
3) If dismantling of existing structure is required,it shall be done in presence of
PMC or DFCC or IR representatives.
4) Safe bearing capacity of soil will be ensure by collecting the soil samples from
the structures and thereby conducting the GSA,C & Ø values the SBC of the
soil will be evaluated.PCC bottom will be filling by approved quality of sand in
two layer i.e 1st layer of 250 mm thick and 2 nd layer of 200mm. 1st will well
water and compacted by watering plate compactor to achieve require MDD
then 2nd layer will be laid in similar way.
5) Concrete for culvert shall be mixed at the nearest batching plant or approved
ready mix plant and transported through transit mixer at site.
6) Concrete shall be produce as per approved mix design.Admixture such as
super plasticisers for concrete for concrete can be used per manufacturer’s
recommendation.Admixtures required as per the site condition like corrosion
inhabiting admixture when structure remain in water and many accelerator
and retarders as per site conditions.
7) In case of use of weigh batcher mixer for producing of concrete,batching of
cement,sand,aggregates,water and admixtures,it should be done through
pre-calibrated boxes and measuring jar/buckets.
8) Formwork should be of standardized steel plate/waterproof ply and other
accessories,capable enough to take the load of concrete during placing and
vibration.the scaffolding material shall be of MS pipes,jacks,etc. Sometimes
timber may also be used for framework of small elements.placement of
shuttering shall be done as leak proof such that there are weak joints from
where the concrete slurry can leak between the plates a sponge is
required.Formwork should be placed as per approved drawing and within
permissible tolerance limit as per technical specification.A thin coat of
shuttering oil shall be applied manually or spraying on shuttering plate
before placing of reinforcement steel.
9) Pouring or placing of concrete shall be done through chute,boom placer or
crane bucket so that free fall of concrete is not more than 1.5 meter in any

10) Concrete compacted through electric/mechanical needle vibrator so that

compaction should be done in such way that no void in the pore hole remain
in the compacted concrete.Angle of needle vibrator should be 30-45 degree.
11) Before concreting of any element framework shall be got checked &
approved by the PMC or DFCC.
12) Proper construction joint shall be provided as approved drawing between
different lifts by proving shear key or brushing the green concrete for
roughness and admixture after the 1st lift required to pour for starting next
lift to carter for construction joint.
13) Side form shall be approved after 24 hours and curing shall be done for 14
days with potable water as per IS :456
14) Sequence of construction for box culverts shall be as per drawing no.
Casting sequence shall be as follows :
 Construction stage 01:- Bottom slab including height of the wall up
to construction joint as shown in the approved drawing.The wall
reinforcement which is embedded in bottom slab shall be supported
by adequate temporarily arrangements as per site requirements or
alternate lap in reinforcement of I st lift with IInd lift having minimum
lap length of 45d. (d=Dia. of bar)

 Construction stage 02:- From construction joint in stage 01 wall shall

be casted up to the construction joint which are located below the
top slab.The top slab reinforcement which is embedded in wall shall
be supported by adequate temporarily arrangement as per site
 Construction stage 03:- Construction shall be started from stage 02
construction joint to the finish level of the top slab as per approved
 Expansion joint will be maintained by fixing bituminous board with
specified thickness as per mentioned in drawing.

15) Framework of slab shall be removed after 7 to 4 days depending on the span
16) Reinforcement shall be provided as per drawings in bottom slab,wall and top
slab.After placement of reinforcement,framework of side wall with haunches
shall be done.
17) All necessary staging,scaffolding and temporary support shall be provided to
the main shuttering.
18) The false work for shuttering shall be done in accordance to the technical
19) Casting of deck slab of structures shall be done by placement of shuttering
for deck slab in line and level with full bottom support followed by
reinforcement binding and concrete should be checked by the client and
20) The protection of downstream and upstream ends of the structure shall be
done by laying of 300mm thick boulder aprons.The size of stone will be more
than 40kgs in weight.The surface on which the boulders are to be laid shall
be on level surface and width shall be as per approved drawings.
21) Curing shall be carried out with water by ponding on horizontal surface and
maintain wet hessian cloth on vertical surfaces and will be kept constantly
wet for a period of 14 days from date of placing concrete.Curing shall be start
after initial setting (approx.4 hours) of concrete.
22) All RCC surfaces in contact with the soil shall be painted with bitumen/ coal
tar of approved quality.The rate of application of bitumen shall be 1.464
23) Backfilling with coarse sand behind abutment will start only after casting of
the bottom slab and wall.Filling of sand shall be in layers and consolidated by
adequate pouring of water.
a. No backfilling should be done behind wing wall until 21 days after
b. Backfilling should be done simultaneously from the both sides will
proper compaction in layers.
c. Behind abutments boulder filling materials shall be provided as per

Reinforcement of culvert chainage no. 147


View of Raft & Haunch concreting of Bridge no. 167A


A. Introduction
When the soil at the ground surface is not capable of supporting a structure,deep
foundation are required to transfer the loads to deep strata.Deep foundation is
therefore used when surface soil is unsuitable for the shallow foundations.The
most common type of deep foundations are piles,piers and caissons.A pile is
either driven into soil or formed in-situ by excavating a hole and filling it


Pile foundations are used in the following condition:

a. When the strata at or just below the ground surface is highly compressible
and very week to support the load transmitted by the structure.
b. Pile foundation are required for the transmission of structural loads through
deep water to firm stratum
c. Pile foundation are used to resist horizontal forces in addition to support the
vertical loads in earth retaining structures that are subjected to horizontal
forces due to wind and earthquake.
d. Piles are required when the soil condition are such that a wash out,erosion or
scour of soil may occur from underneath a shallow foundation.


Piles can be classified according to (1) the material use (2) the mode of transfer of
load (3) the method of construction (4) the use or (5) the displacement of
soil.Here I am providing information about the piles based on the mode of
transfer of load.

I. Frictional Piles
II. End bearing piles

The Frictional pile is driven into the soft soil where there is no harder stratum for
bearing beneath the site.The load is supported by the surface friction between
the pile and the soil.
End bearing pile are those piles which terminates in hard,relatively impenetrable
material such as rock or very dense sand and gravel.They drive most of their
carrying capacity from the resistance of the stratum at the toe of the pile.
In the current project we have seen the frictional pile work,so here I am providing
the method statement or methodology of the frictional pile.
D. Method for Piling work boring and installation of Piles :

Layout :-

1) The layout of pile shall be carried out with the help of total station or any
other means found suitable.
2) Axis line may be established by total station as shown in the approved
3) Two reference point of each pile shall be established in such away that they
do not get disturbed during piling work.
4) The ground level shall be recorded with the help of auto level and the length
of each pile shall be evaluated.
5) Nomenclature-the nomenclature of pile group shall be designated clockwise
or anticlockwise with specified location mentioning axis in approved drawing.

Equipment/Machineries :-

1. Rotary rig - 1 Nos.

2. Auger of suitable size - 1 Nos.
3. Drilling bucket of suitable size - 1 Nos.
4. Crane of suitable capacity - 1 Nos.
5. Metallic chain/wire as per site requirement- 1 Nos.
6. Steel tape 30 m and siprit level plumb- 1 set
7. Jar & bucket and hydrometer- 1 Nos.
8. Steel plate circular temporary/permanent liner of suitable length and
thickness- 1 Nos.
9. Steel rectangular tank of suitable capacity- 2 Nos.
10. Flushing pump- 1 Nos.
11. Vertical pump- 1 Nos.
12. Water tanker- 1 Nos.
13. JCB - 1 Nos.
14. Generator - 1 Nos.
15. Welding set as per requirement
16. Tremie pipes 200 mm dia. Different length as per required for proper
17. Hopper 0.4m3 or 0.3m3 capacity with plug at each site.

Materials :-

A. Bentonite - The bentonite(drilling mud) shall be arranged of approved quality

and shall be stored properly.
 Density of suspension= 1.03-1.1 gm/cc
 Silt content =<1%
 pH value = 9.0-11.5
 Marsh cone viscosity = 30-60
 Liquid limit (not less than) =400

B. Concrete
 Grade of concrete = M-35
 Slump =150-200
 Temperature = <400 c
 Minimum cement content = 400 kg/M3
 Maximum size of aggregate = 20mm

C. Reinforcement
 T.M.T bars Fe 500D Fe 500/Fe 500 D shall be used.Reinforcement cage
shall be fabricated after cleaning as per approved bar bending schedule.
Stifners as show in the drawings and reinforcement shall be tired with 18
SWG binding wire and welding may be done only where necessary after
providing suitable lap length.The clear cover of 75mm shall be be kept

4. Method :-
The pre- trenching shall be carried out to detect the utility (if any). Manual
trenching in transverse and longitudinal direction shall be done near pile location
up to about 1 m in depth or as required.
1. The centre of pit shall be checked accurately from reference points.
2. Drilling by auger up to depth of casing shall be done.
3. The steel casing shall be fixed with the help of rotary rig collar guide,truly in
centre of hole as well as vertical.
4. The casing shall be checked by plump bob also.
5. The verticality & levels are to be checked properly and maintained.
6. Beyond casing depth the drilling bucket shall be used.
7. The bentonite shall be mixed in tank or at least 8 hrs. before actual use and
during feeding it shall be agitated.
8. The density of bentonite shall be checked during boring.
9. The sounding shall be taken by using metallic chain.
10. After reaching to requisite depth,pile depth shall be verified jointly bty
contractor & engineer.

5. Acceptance limits :-

1) Verticality - It shall be not exceed 1 in 50.In case of deploying truck

mounted Rig. Spirit level method will be adopted to check verticality
after each meter of boring as shown in pictures.
2) Shift - The resultant shift in any direction from the location designated at
cut off level shall not exceed 50mm and shall be measured at pile cut off
6. Movement of rig and machines

 The sequences concreting of pile would be such that reference pillars are
not damaged during movement or rig/machines.

7. Clearing of bore hole and flushing

1) The reinforcement cage duly welded at joints shall be lowered by

crane.The cage shall be kept at the requisite level by suspending from
2) Cleaning of the bore hole shall be done by the circulation of bentonite
slurry of 1.05 gm/cc under high pressure through tremie pipe,which shall
be kept max 300 mm above the bottom of bore.
3) During flushing the sufficient quantity of bentonite slurry shall be
available.The process shall be continued till the slurry is of density
1.03-1.10 gm/cc.However care shall be taken to avoid bore collapse due
to excessive flushing.
4) The bentonite slurry carried out from bore,shall be pumped to next
container so that the mud settles down.
5) There shall be no over flow of slurry on road of working space.

8. Concreting

1. Concreting under water shall be placed in on continuous operation by

tremie pipe so that concrete entering the tremie pipe shall not mixed
with the slurry
2. The tremie pipe of minimum 200 mm dia.with water tight joint shall be
kept 200 mm above bottom of hole with attached hopper.
3. The approach for movement of transit mixer shall be kept clean with
suitable ramp near bore for easy pouring of concrete.
4. The no. Of transit mixer shall be sufficient in nos. to maintain continuity
of concrete,so that there will be no interruption.
5. First charge of concreting shall be using a stopper at the bottom of
funnel.Stopper shall be kept in such a way that it can be removed with
least resistance.
6. Pieces of tremie pipe shall be removed as per calculated depth of
concrete.It shall be ensured that the end of tremie pipe should always be
in concrete to avoid slurry and muck mix with concrete.
7. If the delay during concreting is more than 2 hrs cement slurry shall be
used for mobilisation concreting inside the tremie pipe.
8. The slump test and concrete cubes shall be casted from transit mixers as
specified concrete work.
9. The length of concrete above cut off level shall be at least 1.00m.
9. Removal of guide casing

 Casing shall be extracted by smooth pull and push movement.Precaution

shall be taken that concrete and reinforcement are not disturbed.

10. Breaking of pile head

a) The breaking of extra concrete shall be done after a minimum of 7 days

of concreting.
b) The breaking can be done by pneumatic jack hammer or manually as per
site requirement.
c) The pile shall be cut off as indicated on drawing.
d) The exposed reinforcement shall be not damaged while breaking the pile
head head concrete.
e) All dismantled material shall be disposed off at approved disposal area.

11. Tolerances
 Variation in diameter +50 mm-10 mm
 Variation from vertical -1 in 50
 Variation in final position of head in plan =50mm
 Variation in level of top of pile +25

12. Tests on working pile

 General arrangements for routine vertical test/integrity test shall be
made according to IS 2911 (P-IV).
 Test on Test Piles:

A. Plate Load Test:

Method for conducting load test for estimation of bearing capacity of soil
and its settlement :-

A. Apparatus:-
1. Loading plate truss of sufficient size and properly designed
members so as to estimate load reaction for conducting the shall be used.the
typical set up used for gravity loading and for loading truss,hydraulic jack of
required capacity with properly calibrated load measuring device,such as
pressure gauge,electronic load cell,or proving,ring shall be used.
2. Bearing plates- Bearing plate shall be used be used of size
Code of practice for determination of allowable bearing pressure on shallow
NOTE - Clamp could also be at lower level.A proper head room for person to sit
and observe to note -dial gauge fixture may be on the form clamp,also reaction
loading platform cross bar channel spike for loading trusses with chequered or
grooved bottom,provided with handles for convenient setting and centre
3. Settlement recording device -dial gauge with 25mm travel,capable of
measuring settlement to an accuracy of 0.01 mm.3.5 Datum beam or rod-beam
or rod of sufficient strength capable of maintaining straightness when fitted on
two independent supports fitted with arms or magnetic bases for holding dial
4. Miscellaneous Apparatus - A ball and socket arrangement,loading
columns,steel shims,wooden blocks,collars,reaction girder with cradles for
independent fitting to the reaction platform as necessary to the particular set up.

B. Procedure

1. selection of location- the locations for load test shall be based on

exploratory boring,and unless otherwise desired,shall be conducted at an
elevation of the proposed foundation level under the worst estimated
conditions.In case the water table is within the depth equal to the width of
the test plate,the test shall be conducted at the water table level.In case
water table is higher than the test level,it shall be lowered to the test level
and maintained by pumping through a sump away from the test plate
however for the soil like silt and fine sand which can not be drained by
pumping from the sump the test level shall also be water table level.
2. Test pit- The pits,usually at the foundation level,having in general
normally of width equal to five times the test plate or block,shall have
carefully levelled and cleaned bottom at the foundation level;protected
against disturbance or changes in natural formation.

3. Dead load- The dead load off all equipment used,such as ball and
socket,steel plate,loading column,jack,etc,shall be recorded prior to
application of load increment. IS:188’8-1982.

4. Size and shape of plate - Square bearing plate shall be used of size

5. Test arrangements -the loading platform shall be supported by suitable

means at least 2.5m from the test area with a height of 1 m or more above
the bottom of the pit to provide sufficient working space.No support of
loading platform should be located within the distance of 3.5 times size of
test plate from its centre.

6. The test plate shall be placed over a fine sand layer of maximum thickness
5mm so that the centre of plate coincide with the centre of reaction
girder,with the help of plump and bob and horizontally level led led by a spirit
level to avoid eccentric loading.the hydraulic jack should be centrally placed
over the plate with the loading column in between the jack and reaction
beam so as to transfer load to the plate.A ball and socket arrangement shall
be keep the direction o the load vertical throughout the test.A minimum
seating pressure of 70 g/cm2 shall be applied and removed before starting
the load test.

7. The two support of the reference beam shall be placed over level ground
fixed with minimum two number of calibrated dial gauges resting at
diametrically opposite end of the plates.The dial gauges shall be so arranged
that settlement is measured continuously without any resetting in between.

8. Local Increment- Apply the load to the soil in cumulative equal increments
up to 1kg/cm2 or one fifth of the estimated ultimate bearing
capacity,whichever is less.The load is applied without impact,fluctuation,or
eccentricity and in case of hydraulic jack load is measured over the pressure
gauge ,attached to the pumping unit kept over the pit,away from the testing
plate through extending pressure pipes.

9. Settlement and observation- Settlement should be observed for each

increment of load after an interval of 1,2.25,4,6.25,9,16 and method of
standard penetration test of soil (first revision) 8 IS:1888-1982 25 mint and
thereafter a hourly intervals to the nearest 0.02mm.In case of clayey soil the
time settlement curve shall be plotted at each load stage and load shall be
increased to the next stage either when the curve indicates the settlement
has exceeded70 to 80 percent of the probable ultimate settlement at that
stage or at the end of 24 hour period.For soil other than clayey soil each load
increment shall be kept for not less than one hour or upto the time when the
rate of settlement gets appreciably reduced to a value of 0.02 mm/min.The
next increment of load shall than be applied and the observation
repeated.The test shall be continued till a settlement of 25 mm under the
normal circumstances and 50mm in special cases such as dense gravel,gravel
and sand mixture is obtained or till failure occurs,whichever is
earlier.Alternatively where settlement does not reach 25mm,the test should
be continued to at least two times of the estimated design pressure.If
needed,rebound observations may be taken while releasing the load.

10. Determination of ultimate bearing capacity/safe bearing

pressure/settlement : A load settlement curve shall be plotted out to the
arithmetic scale .From this settlement curve the zero correction which is
given by the intersection of the early straight line part of the curves with zero
deadlines shall be determined and subtracted from the settlements readings
to allow for the perfect seating of the bearing plate and other causes.
11. Four typical curves are shown in the figure1 below.Curve A is typical for
loose to medium cohesion less soil; it is straight line in the earlier stages but
flattens out after some time,but there is no clear point of failure.Curve B is
for cohesive soil;it may not be quite straight in the early part and leans
towards the settlement axis as the settlement increases.for partially cohesive
soil curve C possessing the characteristics of both the curve A and B is
obtained while the curve D is purely for dense cohesion less soils.From the
corrected load settlement curve no difficulties should be experienced in
arriving the ultimate bearing capacity in case of dense cohesion less soils or
cohesive soils as the failure is well defined.But in the case of A and C where
yield point is not well defined settlement shall be plotted as abscissa against
corresponding load intensities as ordinate both the logarithmic scales which
gives two straight lines,the inter section of which shall be considered as yield
value soil.The safe bearing pressure for medium and dense sands could be
read,corresponding to a settlement (S,),which shall be ULTIMATE BEARING
CAPACITY,calculated as per (St taken as permissible settlement of footing in
m,BP= size of test plate in m,S,=settlement of test plate in m and
St=settlement of footing in m.From this formula total settlement of footing
(Sr) is calculated taking Sp as observed total settlement of plate.
12. REPORT :- The continuous listing of all time,load and settlement data,for
each test shall be recorded with details of test elevation,natural water
table,profit of test pit,size of bearing plate and irregularity,if any,in routine
procedure.It is necessary to excavate soil below the test plate to a depth
equal to twice the dimension of the plate so as to examine and record the
subsoil profile.


Curve A - Loose to medium cohesion less soil
Curve B - Cohesive soil
Curve C - Partially cohesive soil
Curve D - Dense cohesion less soil
B. Lateral load test on pile:

 Introduction

This note gives the design basis, design calculation and specification for
the lateral initial pile load tests on pile of 1000mm dia, with length of
18.05m below cut-off level.

 Methodology

As per the design carried out for substructure and foundations, maximum
lateral load expected on any considered pile is 14.7 tons. Theoretical
capacity of pile with 18.05m length as per geo-technical report is also 14.7
tons (as told).

To verify the safe carrying capacity of Pile, It is proposed to conduct initial

load test on pile with 18.05m length.

 Codes and Practices

The following codes and practices of the BIS have been adopted.

IS : 2911 ( Part IV)-2013, Codes of Practice for Design and Construction

of Pile Foundations, concrete piles, Bored Cast in-situ piles, including
Amendment No.3 IS : 2911 Part-IV, Load tests on piles

 Location for test piles

The initial load tests for vertical capacity will be conducted on working pile
at the TP1 Location : bridge no.136

 Design of test Pile

Pile Details for Test Pile 1

The details of the pile are as given below:

Test pile No. =P-1

Maximum Working Load =14.7 t
Dia of Pile =1000 mm
Concrete grade =M35
 Test load

Lateral Test Load for Test Pile 1

The design load on the pile will be limited to this load of 14.7 t. The pile is
required to be tested to load of 14.7 t. The pile is required to be tested to
a load of 2.5 times the design load i.e 2 x14.7 and say 29.4 t.

 Specifications for initial Lateral Pile Load Test

Pile Testing
The load testing on piles shall be Static and conducted as per IS : 2911
(Part 4)-2013.

Test load
The Safe vertical Load at cut off level

Maximum Test load

The initial lateral load test has to be carried out to a test load of 2 times
the design capacity as per IS: 2911, Part-IV, and with normal loading up to
the maximum test load.

Lateral Load Test on Piles

The initial load test shall be conducted by applying a series of vertical

loads on the tests pile. Loading shall be carried out at each stage as
presented in loads on the test pile. Loading shall be carried out at each
stage as presented in load chart. The load shall be applied by means of
hydraulic jacks.
The testing agency shall arrange shall arrange all the necessary equipment.
Detailed proposal for the load test arrange shall be furnished by the
testing agency to the Engineer for the latter’s checking and approval.
The pile to be tested shall be chipped and dressed to a well- levelled
surface. It is important that reinforcing bars of the pile project beyond the
top surface of the levelled pile top shall be suitably bent out.
One jack of 100t capacity will be placed horizontally on the side of the test
pile and 2 no. of deflection gauges of 0.01mm sensitivity will be placed
on the opposite direction side of the jack, placed on the side of the test
pile read deflection of the pile.
The loading shall be applied in increments of 20% of the estimated safe

The pile test data shall be suitably presented by curves drawn between
variables namely load and displacement and safe loads shown on the
graphs including field observations.
The readings for settlement and rebound shall be entered in the following

Load Time Dial Gauge Reading Settlement Mean Remarks

Gauge 1 Gauge 2 Gauge 1 Gauge 2

Plant and Equipment

All temporary work plant, equipment and others for applying the load and
all necessary instruments of loads, deflection etc. shall be provided by the
testing agency. The equipment provided shall be capable to apply slowly
and smoothly and to maintain the load any required value. The load shall
be measured by a single load cell calibrated. All increments of load shall
be maintained to 5t. A spherical seating of appropriate size shall be issued
to avoid eccentric loading.


The testing agency shall keep the following records of the tests
Make and specification of the jacks, pressures gauges and dial
Gauges. Calibration of pressure gauges and dial gauges .

Description of location and identification marks of piles.

The table of load – settlement data

A plot of the load – settlement curve indicating the load for 12mm
Acceptance Criteria
The safe Capacity of piles is considered to be as stated below as per IS:
2911,(Part 4)


Since this test is to be conducted as per IS: 2911-Part-IV-2013 and the

arrangements for test is also adopted as per clause no. 8 of the said code.
The test is to be conducted for the twice of the safe load {refer clause no.
8.4 (a)}. Regarding the increments of the load please also refer clause no.
8.2 page no. 5 of the said code, that is after every 30 minutes.

Lateral Load Test set up

C. Vertical Load Test

1. Introduction
This note gives the design basis, design calculations and specifications for the
vertical initial pile load tests of piles of 1000mm dia, with length of 18.05m below
cut-off level.

2. Methodology
As per the design carried out for substructure and foundations, maximum vertical
load expected on any considered pile is 220 tons. Theoretical capacity of pile with
18.05m length as per geotechnical report is also 220 tons.
To verify the safe carrying capacity of Pile, It is proposes to conduct initial load
test on pile with 15m length.

3. Codes and Practices

The following codes and practices of the BIS have been adopted.
IS : 2911 (Part IV)-2013, Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Pile
Foundations, Concrete Piles, Bored Cast in-site piles, including Amendment No. 3
IS: 2911 Part-IV, Load tests on piles.

4. Location for Test Piles

The initial load test for vertical capacity will be conducting on working pile at the
TP1 Location: bridge no. 136

5. Design of Test Piles

5.1 Pile Details for Test Pile 1

The details of the pile are as given below:

Test pile no. = P- 1
Maximum Working Load = 220 t
Dia. Of Pile = 1000 mm
Concrete grade = M 35
5.2 Load Test

5.2.1 Vertical Test Load for Test Pile 1

The design load on the pile will be limited to this load of220 t. The pile is
required to be tested to a load of 2.5 times the design load i.e. 2.5 x 220 and say
550 t.

6. Specifications For Initials Vertical Pile

Load Test 6.1 Pile Testing

The load on piles shall be Static and conducted as per IS: 2911 (Part 4).

6.2 Test Load

The safe vertical load at cut off level = VL
Maximum Test load = 2.5 VL

The initial static load test has to be carried out to a test load of 2.5 times the
design capacity as per IS: 2911, Part IV, and with normal loading up to the
maximum test load.

6.3 Maintained Load Test on Piles

The initial load test shall be conducted by applying a series of vertical load on the
test pile. Loading shall be carried out at each stage as presented in load chart.
The load shall be applied by means of hydraulic jacks reacting against a
symmetrical erected loading frame which shall be used as anchor pile. The
hydraulic jack shall be of adequate capacity and shall have a pressure gauge and
remote control pump.

The testing agency shall arrange all the necessary equipment and frame
connecting the anchor pile well in advance of the load test. Detailed proposal
together with a sketch for the load test arrangement shall be furnished by the
testing agency to the engineer for the latter’s checking and approval.

The pile to be tested shall be chipped and dressed to a well leveled surface. It is
important that reinforcing bars of the pile project beyond the top surface of the
leveled pile top shall be suitably bent out.
A circular steel plate of suitable and of suitable diameter shall be placed over a
fine layer of sand spread over the top of the pile.

Three jacks of 200 ton capacity, depending on the capacity of the jacks and the
ultimate test load shall be inserted between the gap formed by the top of the
plate resting on the pile and the lower flange of the main R.S.J’s of the frame. The
jacks should preferably be connected and operated by one pump. Hydraulic jack
shall be selected such that the maximum hydraulic oil pressure should not exceed
300 kg/cm2 under the maximum test load.

The testing agency shall submit calibration charts showing the correctness of the
calibration of the pressure gauges and the jacks before use. All jacks will be fitted
with locking devices. Another plate of suitable thickness shall be placed over the
ram of the jack, which is later raised by operating the hydraulic pump so that the
plate on the top of the ram butts against the bottom flange of the main R.S.J’s of
the frame.

Reading of the settlement shall be recorded with the help of two (preferably four)
dial gauge of 0.01 mm sensitivity and resting on diametrically opposite ends of
the pile cap.

The dial gauges shall be fixed to a support at least 3 times the diameter of the
pile or a minimum of 1.50 m away clear from the edge of pile. Reading on the dial
gauges are to observe immediately before and after application of loads, and
immediately before and after release of loads.

The Loading shall be applied in increments of 20 % of the estimated safe load.

The final load shall be maintained for 24 hrs. and the corresponding settlement
shall be observed. Rebounding shall be observed after the entire load is released.

The pile test data shall be suitable presented by curves drawn between variable
namely load and displacement and sale loads shown on the graph including field
The readings for settlement and rebound shall be entered in the following
Load Time Dial Gauge Reading Settlement Mean Remarks

6.4 Plant and Equipment

All temporary work plant, equipment and frame for applying the load and all
necessary instruments for measurement of the loads, deflections etc. shall be
provided by the testing agency. The equipment provided shall be capable to
apply slowly and smoothly and to maintain the load at any required value. The
load shall be measured by a single load cell / proving ring or a similar device
calibrated in divisions not exceeding 5 t. All increments of load shall be
maintained to 5 t. A spherical seating of appropriate size shall be used to avoid
eccentric loading.

6.5 Records

The testing agency shall keep the following records of the tests

Make specifications of the jacks, pressure

gauges and dial gauges. Calibration of pressure
gauges and the dial gauges. Description of
location and identification marks of piles. The
table of load – Settlement data
A plot of the load – settlement curve indicating the load for 12 mm settlement.

6.6 Acceptance Criteria

The safe capacity of Piles is considered to be as stated as per IS: 2911, (Part IV).

7 Methodology of Testing

It is proposed to test the Centre pile of a 5 pile group. Frame is proposed to be

getting the reaction from the four piles surrounding the test pile which is acting
as anchor piles during testing. Reinforcement of the anchor piles will be welded
to the test frame. These anchor piles will get the reaction from skin friction in the
form uplift capacity.

Test Load =550 tons

Number of anchor piles =4
Uplift load on each pile = 137.5 tons




Suggested testing arrangement

View of Lateral Load test pile
Reading for settlement and rebound for the test pile on Bridge no. 136 :
( Length of pile= 18.05m,Diameter of pile=1000mm)
Assumed Safe bearing capacity = 220 MT,Max. Load applicable= 550 MT

Page no. 01
Page no. 02

Eastern Dedicated freight Corridor consists of approx 181.90 RKM of single line
with 25 kV AC,50 Hz. Overhead centenary system capable of operating at a
maximum train speed of 100 KM/H from Sahnewal to Pilkhani section along the
existing Railway Tracks. Formation and bridge structures are to be provided for
32.5 ton axle load and track structure for 25 ton axle load.
The purpose of this method statement for earthworks is to identify and define
the works which will be carried out by the contractor according to the following
criteria for layer system for 32.5 ton axle load.
The contractor has decided to apply two layer system (blanket+prepared
subgrade on embankment fill) according to report no.
RDSO/2007/GE:0014(November 2009), “Guidelines and specifications for design
of formation for Heavy Axle Load.”

 Some general terms and their defination :-

Subgrade is a native material underneath a constructed road,pavement or

railway track.It is also called formation level.Subgrades are commonly compacted
before the construction of a railway track.The load bearing strength of subgrade
is measured by California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test.
Blanket is a later of specified coarse,granular material of designed thickness
provided over full width of formation between subgrade and ballast.
Ballast are the crushed stone with desired specifications placed directly below
the sleepers.
 Equipments required for the construction of formation

I. Vibratory Roller (8-12 Tonnes):- These rollers have three types of

vibration i.e. Low,Medium and High vibration.At full vibration these roller
produces about 22 tonnes load,at medium 18 tonnes and at low about
12 tonnes. Drum length of this roller is 2.2 m and the dia of drum is 1.5
m.The roller should be kept at a speed of 5km/h with the rolling pattern
from edge to centre.

II. Graders :- Graders are used for maintain the level of soil by spreading.Its
blade length is 3.680 m and the fuel consumption of the grader is 13-15

III. Excavator :- excavators are used for the cutting of soil.Fuel consumption
of about 12 litres/hr.

IV. Dumper :- used for dumping of soil and its capacity is 15 m3

V. Water Tankers.


 Preparation of Embankment/Subgrade layer :
The required quantity of loose earth from approved borrow area are
transported to approved stretch on alignment by dumper’s and spread
by graders.The embankment layer thickness 250mm (compacted) is
achieved as per clause 6.3.2 (d) G.E :G-1 guidelines for Earthwork in
Railways project.
 Moisture content:
Before compaction starts moisture content at site to be checked and
required amount of water is added to bring it to OMC ±2 % (determined
as per IS 2720-Part 8 1983)obtained from the laboratory.When the
moisture is found to be more than the optimum moisture content,the
same is brought down by harrowing and allowing it to do dry for some
time till the the required moisture is attained.When the moisture found
to be less than the OMC,water shall be sprinkled from the water tanker
fitted with sprinkler thoroughly mixed in soil and re-checked (water
amount will be calculated as OMC “-” NMC “+” 1% for evaporation
losses.).After achieving the compaction the QC personnel shall be
conduct the test as per approved FQP to meet the requirement of
contract specification.This operation is to be repeated on each layer of
the embankment.
 Method of compaction:
Each layer of embankment shall be thoroughly compacted to the
specified density.Initially 4 or 5 static passes on speeded embankment
layer by 8 to 10 Ton vibratory roller and then rolled with vibratory passes
to achieve specified density.The exact rolling pattern will be decided
during field trial pad as per GE:G-1 Annexure - iv guidelines for
earthwork in Railways project.Minimum dry after compaction as
percentage of MDD IS 2720 (Part-28 & 29) is 97% and IS 2720 (part-8)
heavy compaction.

 Construction of Blanket:

The work of blanket layer shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded
material on prepared subgrade in accordance with the requirement of
technical specification/as per RDSO/2007/GE: 0014 Accordingly to
lines,grades and cross section’s shown on the drawing’s.

Materials used in the blanket layer:

i. 400 mm aggregate - 10%
ii. 20 mm aggregate - 10%
iii. 10 mm aggregate - 35%
iv. Stone dust - 45%
The mixed material should be mixed with water as per specification.The
material shall be spread with the dozer and grader to achieve longitudinal
and lateral gradient.After spreading the material then be compacted with
vibratory rollers of 10T capacity by starting compaction from lower level to
higher level.The speed of roller should not be exceed from 5 km/hr.The
rolling should be continued till the field dry density achieved is of the
maximum dry density determined in the laboratory while conducting mix
job.It should be ensured that the every adjacent pass has a overlap of 1/3 rd
width of the roller drum for proper and effective compaction.The compaction
of the blanket should be 100%. The level tolerance of blanket should be
within 10-15 mm and the CBR Test report should be around 96%.

As seen on site number 355-360,the CBR test report was 96.65 and the
compaction was 100%.

 Test for finding the dry density and compaction on the formation bed :

1. Field Density Test (Sand Cone Method) : The sand cone method is one of the
most common methods that are used for field density test in highway
construction. The dry density test is carried out in the field to check the
compaction of the layers.
Compaction is very useful for preparing the sub-base grade and other layers of
pavement.Compaction is done in the construction of embankment for increasing
the stability as well as for decreasing the settlement.
In field compaction,the compacting moisture content should be controlled first
and the adequacy of rolling should be controlled by checking the achieved dry
density and comparing with the maximum dry density.
Embankment layer -97%
Subgrade layer - 98%
Blanket layer – 100%
1. First, take the weight of the the pouring cylinder with sand filled in it.
2. Collect the excavated soil from the hole and measure the weight.
3. After weighting, collect the specimen of soil to determine the water content in
4. Now place the sand cone cylinder on the test hole with the help of the base
plate and allow the sand to run by opening the control valve.
5. When the sand stops running, close the valve and weight the cone with the
existing sand. Finally, calculate the bulk density of the soil by given below formula.
If the test fails, compact and perform the test again.
6. After calculation of bulk density,take about quantity of excavated soil and
weigh it.
7. Heat it up until it gets completely dry.Take the weight of dry soil.
8. Calculate the moisture content using formula. (wet soil-dry soi/dry soil)
9. Now calculate the dry density and after this calculate the %age of compaction.
The volume of the hole = Mass of sand in hole/Density of used sand.
Wet density = Mass of wet excavated soil/Volume of hole
Dry density = Wet density × 100%/ Moisture content of soil + 100
Degree of compaction = Dry density × 100%/Maximum dry
(Wt.of sand in cone,Bulk density of sand,MDD & OMC value is calculated in
Test report of Field dry density on Chainage no. 355-360
THE OMC :- (reference chainage number 355-360)

1. To find out the Quantity of soil required to make a bed of 200mx8.2mx0.2m.

Total volume of bed = 200*8.2*0.2 =328 m3

Capacity of dumper = 15 m3
Therefore the required number of dumpers = 328/15
= 22 (approx.)
Since this is the loose quantity,so we have to use about 26 dumpers
achieve the required compaction.

2. How to calculate the water quantity required to get required OMC on a bed
of 200mx8.2mx0.2m?

=> Total volume of bed = 200*8.2*0.2

=328 m3
Moisture content obtained on the soil sample = 4%
Required OMC on the bed is 10%
So,to get the required value of OMC on bed we have to increase the
moisture by 6%.
Therefore required amount of water to get the required OMC
= 6 % OF 328m3
= 19.68 m3
=19680 litres.

3. How to calculate the rolling time by a roller on any bed to get the proper

=> let the length of bed = 200 m

Width of bed = 8.2 m
Overlap distance = 1/3 of length of roller
= 1/3 x 2.2 m
= 0.73 m
So the width covered by the roller in one time = 2.2-0.73
=1.47 ~ 1.5m
Therefore number of laps = width/1.5
= 5.46 ~6
Since the speed of roller = 5 km/hr
Time taken 1 m = 600/5000 =0.012 minute
Time taken to cover 200m = 0.012x200
= 2.4 minutes
Total time for one roll lap = 2.4x2
= 4.8 minutes
.'. Time for 6 laps =4.8 x 6
= 28 minutes ~ 30 mint.
Number of pass = 8
.'. Total time for rolling = 30x8
= 240 minute i.e 4 hrs.


 Sleepers : Railway sleepers,also called railroad ties are an important

component of railways.The main purpose of providing sleepers is to hold
the rails so as to have correct gauge and transfer the loads from rails to
ballast and further to the formation.
The sleepers which are being used in
this project have a drawing number RT2496.There is an insert located on
the top of the sleepers which are designed from drawing number RT 381
(for railways) and T6901 (for DFCC).At the top right corner of the
sleepers there is brand name embedded with the year and on the other
side the drawing number is mentioned.At the centre of sleeper,FTC is
mentioned which stands for “Fit for Track circuited Zone”.
Some Details of sleepers:
Height of edge from bottom = 135mm
Width of bottom = 270 mm
Top width = 150 mm (130+10+10
slope) Gap between two inserts is called Rail seat.
Height of sleeper on rail seat = 210.15 mm
Toe gap = 162 mm
Slope just below the insert = 10 mm
Gap between centre of rail seat to centre of sleeper = 880.5 mm
Height of sleeper on centre = 180 mm
Difference between inner edge to outer edge is called cannt.
Grade of concrete = M60 (for DFCC)
= M55 (For IR)
Number of strands in a sleeper = 18

The project training has helped me in many ways. This training provided me an
opportunity to integrate theory with practice and analyze the extent to which
what i learn is being applied or implemented on site. The program also helped
me to assess myself and realize the areas where I am strong and where i am
weak, which would help me in my decision making about my future. After
training i know how things work in reality, functioning of various departments,
roles and responsibilities of the employee at different levels. All these learning
will definitely be a value addition before starting my career.Overall the training
will definitely be a value addition to my resume.

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