Bedele ARC_Annual Research Report of 2023 (2015 E.C)
Bedele ARC_Annual Research Report of 2023 (2015 E.C)
Bedele ARC_Annual Research Report of 2023 (2015 E.C)
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
3.5.2 Determination of NPS Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for Tef in
Dega District, Western Oromia ........................................................................................ 21
3.6 Soil Resource Survey Research Team ........................................................................ 22
3.6.1 Soil Resource Characterization, Classification and mapping in Dabo Hana District
3.7 Animal Feed Resource and Rangeland Management Research Team ................... 23
3.7.1 Adaptation Trial of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Varieties in lowland areas of
Buno Bedele Zone, South Western Oromia ..................................................................... 23
3.7.2 Adaptation Trial of Elephant Grasses (Pennisetum purpureum L.) varieties in
Lowland areas of Ilu Aba Bor Zone, South Western Oromia .......................................... 23
3.8 Apiculture Research Team .......................................................................................... 23
3.8.1 Assessment of Honey production systems in Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones,
South Western Oromia ..................................................................................................... 23
3.9 Agricultural Extension Research Team ..................................................................... 24
3.9.1 Pre-Extension Demonstration of Improved Midland Maize Technologies at Dabo
Hana District of Buno Bedele Zone, Southwestern Oromia, Ethiopia ............................. 24
3.9.2 Pre-extension Demonstration and Evaluation of Improved Food Barley
Technologies at Chora and Gechi Districts of Buno Bedele zone ................................... 24
3.9.3 Pre-scaling up of Improved Tef (Eragrostis tef) Technologies at Chora District of
Buno Bedele zone ............................................................................................................. 25
4. A Brief Summary of on-going Research Activities Conducted by Research Teams in
the 2015 E.C Fiscal Year ....................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Cereal Crop Research Teams...................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 Adaptation Trial of Improved Malt barley Varieties ............................................... 25
4.2 Pulse and Oil Research Team ..................................................................................... 26
4.2.1 Linseed (Linum usitassimum L.) Varieties Adaptation Trial .................................. 26
4.2.2 Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) varieties Adaptation Trial ................................... 27
4.2.3 Kabuli Type chickpea (Cicer kabulium L.) varieties Adaptation Trial ................... 28
4.2.4 Effect of Blended NPSB Fertilizer Rates and Varieties on Yield and Yield
Components of Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) ..................................................... 28
4.3 Horticultural Research Team ..................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Adaptation Trial of Orange fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties . 29
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.3.2 Effect of Inter Row spacing and NPSB Fertilizer Rate on Tuber Yield of Potato
(Solanum tuberosum L.) ................................................................................................... 29
4.4 Crop Pathology Research Team ................................................................................. 31
4.4.1 Survey of Major Diseases of Fruit Crops at Buno Bedele, Ilu Abba Bora and Jimma
Zones of South Western Oromia. ..................................................................................... 31
4.4.2 Survey of Major Insect Pests of Fruit Crops at Buno Bedele, Ilu Abba Bora and
Jimma Zones of South Western Oromia........................................................................... 31
4.5 Soil Fertility Improvement Research Team............................................................... 32
4.5.1 Soil Test Crop Response Based Phosphorus Calibration Study for Maize in Mettu
District .............................................................................................................................. 32
4.6 Soil Resource Survey Research Team ........................................................................ 32
4.6.1 Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soil Resource at Gechi District . 32
4.6.3 Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soil Resource at Didesa District 33
Current status .................................................................................................................... 33
4.7 Agroforestry Research Team ...................................................................................... 34
4.7.1 Adaptation & Growth performance of Moringa stenopetala & Moringa oleifera) . 34
4.7.2 Assessment, Characterisation and Mapping of Gerba Dima and Gaba forest ......... 34
4.7.3 Characterization of Trees and Shrubs Species Diversity of Gerba Dima and Gaba
Forest 35
4.8 Coffee and Tea Management and Protection Research Team................................. 35
4.8.1 Effect of spacing on yield and quality of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Intercropping
with Enset (Ensete ventricosum) ...................................................................................... 35
4.8.2 Effects of different rate of Vermicompost on growth of Coffee Seedlings in Buno
Bedele zone....................................................................................................................... 35
4.8.3 Effect of Intercropping Coffee with Banana on Coffee yield and yield components
in Buno Bedele ................................................................................................................. 36
4.8.4 Effect of Coffee husk Compost on acid soils on Coffee yield and yield components
in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora Zones ........................................................................ 36
4.8.5 Effect of Intercropping Coffee with Avocado on Coffee yield and yield
components in Buno Bedele ............................................................................................. 37
4.9 Coffee and Tea Improvement Team ........................................................................... 37
4.9.1 Evaluation and Characterization of Coffee Landraces from Coffee Growing Areas
of Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora Zones ........................................................................ 37
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.9.2 Adaptation trial of released Coffee varieties for different coffee growing agro-
ecology of Buno Bedele Zones ......................................................................................... 39
4.9.3 Adaptation trial of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Clones in Buno Bedele Zone ......... 40
4.10 Animal Forage and Range land Management Research Team ............................. 41
4.10.1 Adaptation Trial of Desho Grass cultivars in mid and lowlands areas of Buno
Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones, Western Oromia ............................................................. 41
4.10.2 Adaptation Trial of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Varieties at High and Midland agro
ecologies of Buno Bedele Zone. ....................................................................................... 41
4.10.3 Adaption trial of Lablab (Lablab purpureus) Varieties at Lowland areas of Buno
Bedele and Ilu Abba Bor Zones, South Western Oromia................................................. 42
4.11 Apiculture Research Team ........................................................................................ 42
4.11.1 Establishing Bee flora Calendar of Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bora zones ........... 42
4.12 Agricultural Economics Research Team.................................................................. 42
4.12.1 Analysis and Characterization of Farming System in Major Agro-ecologies of
Selected Districts of South Western Oromia .................................................................... 42
4.12.2 Value Chain Analysis of Maize Grain in the Case of Buno Bedele Zone............. 43
4.13 Seed Research and Technology Multiplication Research Team ............................ 43
3.14 Irrigated Wheat Project............................................................................................. 45
5. Training Provided to SMS, DA’S and Farmers in this Fiscal Year .............................. 45
6. Number of FRG established and members participated on Technology promotion... 46
7. Type of technologies demonstrated, number of stakeholders and famers participated
8. Research Articles published by different research teams in this FY ............................ 47
9. Human Resource and Center Development Works ........................................................ 48
10. Other activities carried out related to human resource development ........................ 49
11. Center development activities performed in this fiscal year ........................................ 50
12. Budget allocation and Its Utilization .............................................................................. 52
13. Monitoring and Evaluation Activities ............................................................................ 52
14. Publicity ............................................................................................................................ 53
15. Cross Cutting Issues ........................................................................................................ 54
14.1 Ethical Promotion Activities ..................................................................................... 55
14.1.1 Key activities during the plan year regarding ethical promotion activities ........... 55
14.1.2 Job creation activities for unemployed community groups ................................... 57
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
16. Citizenship Services Provision in this Fiscal Year ........................................................ 57
17. Major Problems Encountered in this fiscal year .......................................................... 58
18. Summary of Main Activities Scheduled for Upcoming 2015/16 Fiscal year .............. 59
List of Tables
Table 1.Summarizes the plan and accomplishment of the IQQO funded Research Activities
for 2015 EFY (KIB) ................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2.Summarizes the plan and accomplishment of the Non-IQQO funded Research
Activities for 2015 EFY (KIB) .................................................................................................. 6
Table 3.Summary of Planned & achievement of technology/information generated in 2015
EFY (IQQO-Budgeted ............................................................................................................... 7
Table 4.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Finger millet varieties tested at Bedele,
D/Hana and Gechi districts for two years (2021/22-2022/23) ................................................... 7
Table 5.Combined mean grain yield (Qt/ha) of Faba Bean varieties tested at Dabo Hana,
Didesa and Chora districts for two years (2021/22-2022/23) .................................................. 10
Table 6.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Soybean varieties tested at Dabo Hana, Bedele
and Darimu districts during 2021 and 2022 cropping seasons ................................................ 11
Table 7.Combined mean Bulb yield and yield related parameters of onion varieties in 2022
cropping season at Dabo Hana and Bure districts ................................................................... 11
Table 8.Percentage of Prevalence, Incidence and Severity of Major diseases of major Cereal
Crops in Buno Bedele Zone 2020-2022................................................................................... 12
Table 9.Percentage of Prevalence, Incidence and Severity of Major diseases of Major Cereal
Crops in Ilu Aba Bor Zone 2020-2022. ................................................................................... 13
Table 10.Percentage of Prevalence, Incidence and Severity of Major diseases of Major Cereal
Crops in Jima Zone 2020-2022 ................................................................................................ 14
Table 11. Association of mean Dominance major cereal crops for different parameter during
2021-2022 cropping season in Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones ...................................... 15
Table 12.Description of Frequency, Abundance and Dominance ratio of weed species on
Maize, Sorghum and Teff fields in Buno Bedele Zone during 2020-2022 ............................. 16
Table 13.Description of Frequency, Abundance and Dominance ratio of weed Species on
Maize and Sorghum fields in Ilu Aba Bor Zone during 2020-2022 ........................................ 17
Table 14.Mean Prevalence of Seedling Major Hot pepper diseases at two Zones six districts
during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season................................................................ 19
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 15.Mean Prevalence of Transplanted Major Hot pepper diseases at two Zones six
districts during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season .................................................. 19
Table 16.Mean Disease Incidence (DI) of Seedling Major Hot Pepper at two Zones six
Districts during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season ................................................. 19
Table 17.Mean Disease Incidence (DI) of Transplanted Major Hot Pepper at two Zones six
Districts during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season ................................................. 19
Table 18.Association of mean severity of major Hot pepper diseases of HP Seedling for
different parameters during 2021 and 2022 cropping season .................................................. 20
Table 19.Association of mean severity major Hot pepper diseases of Transplanted HP for
different parameter during 2021 and 2022 cropping season in South Western Oromia .......... 20
Table 20.Mean Grain Yield of Tef in 2022 cropping season .................................................. 22
Table 21.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Malt barley varieties tested at Gechi and
Chora ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Table 22.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Linseed varieties tested at Gechi, Dabo Hana
and Bedele districts .................................................................................................................. 26
Table 23.Combined mean grain yield (Qt/ha) of Groundnut varieties tested at Dabo Hana and
Bedele districts ......................................................................................................................... 27
Table 24.Combined Mean of grain yield Effect of NPSB Fertilizer Haricot bean Varieties
during 2022 cropping season at Gechi and Dabo district ........................................................ 29
Table 25.Main effects of NPSB fertilizer rate and inter-row spacing on combined mean of
tuber yield and yield related parameters during 2022 cropping season ................................... 30
Table 26.Interaction effect of N and P fertilizers application on maize grain yield ................ 32
Table 27. Land use land cover Area of study area 1989 to 2021............................................. 34
Table 28.The survival rate (%) of coffee planted landraces accessions (mid to highland) at
Gechi District (Bido Jiren sub site) .......................................................................................... 37
Table 29. The survival rate (%) of coffee planted landraces accessions (low land landraces) at
Bure District (Toli cheka sub site) in Ilu Abba Bora Zone ...................................................... 38
Table 30.Survival rate (%) of coffee planted seedling at farmer’s field in Didesa District .... 39
Table 31.Survival rate (%) of coffee planted seedling at farmer’s field in Gechi District ...... 40
Table 32.The Overall Survival rate (%) of coffee planted seedling at farmers’ field in both
districts ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Table 33.Planned and Achievement of basic technology multiplication ................................. 44
Table 34.Total number of employees/Researchers on long term training ............................... 48
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 35.Number of Researcher/staff Participated on short term training in this fiscal year .. 49
Table 36. Total human resource of the Center by gender and Educational levels................... 49
Table 37.Utilization of different budget sources from IQQO and other projects .................... 52
Table 38.Implementation of the public service transformation tool package, leadership roles
and activities, and manifestations of good governance ........................................................... 54
Table 39.Services provided in this fiscal year to different parties ........................................... 54
Table 40.Table Performance of Ethical Promotion Activities of the Center ........................... 56
Table 41.Job Opportunities on Technology Utilization Created for Unemployed Youth ....... 57
Table 42.Types of Services provided for this fiscal year ......................................................... 57
Table 43. list of major problems encountered and possible solutions given in this FY .......... 58
Table 44.Table List of main activities planned for 2016 Fiscal Year ...................................... 59
Table 45.Research Activities (on going, Extended & New) Planned by IQQO for 2016 EFY
.................................................................................................................................................. 60
Table 46.List of Research Activities (on going, Extended & New) Planned by IQQO budget
for 2016 EFY ........................................................................................................................... 61
Table 47.List of Crop Technology Multiplication (basic seeds) Planned for 2016 EFY ........ 65
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
List of Figures
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
1. Introduction
Bedele Agricultural Research Center is one of the researches Center under Oromia
Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO). The Bedele Soil Testing Laboratory Center was
established in 1992 E.C. with funding from the World Bank's Fertilizer Sector Project. From
1993 to 1996 E.C., this Center was accountable to the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and
Rural Development (OBAD) and had the following objectives: providing farmers with soil,
plant, and water analysis services; determining the soil fertility status and mapping;
recommending fertilizer based on soil test results for major crops; and validating soil test
fertilizer through demonstrations at farmers' fields. From 1996 to 1999 E.C., it underwent
restructuring and was registered as Bedele Soil Research Center within Oromia Agricultural
Research Institute (IQQO) with similar goals. After three (3) years, it was once more
reorganized and until 2003 E.C. it was known as the Bedele Soil Testing Laboratory Center
and reported to the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (OBAD). It was
then reorganized and given the new name Bedele Soil Research Center (BSRC) after
operating as Bedele Soil Testing Center from 2004 to 2011 for seven years by offering
farmers soil analysis services, assessing the soil fertility status and mapping, advising
fertilizer based on the results of soil tests, and validating soil test fertilizer recommendations
for major crops through demonstrations at farmers' fields.
Since 2012 E.C., Bedele Soil Research Center has been upgraded to Bedele Agricultural
Research Center (BeARC), which has a different research process and teams to deliver sound
entire agricultural technologies by adopting, creating, multiplying, and disseminating to end
users. Many study recommendations and baseline information’s have already been created
and distributed to our farmers, including those for crops, crop protection, livestock, coffee
and tea, natural resources, agricultural economics and extension services, and technological
BeARC is currently working full-time on research projects related to crops, crop protection,
livestock, coffee and tea, natural resources, socio-economics and agricultural extension, and
technology multiplications research process. With funding from IQQO and Non-IQQO
budget sources, the Center conducting a different of research projects and regular operations
during this fiscal plan year. The Center directs seven (7) research processes that are
composed of eighteen (18) research teams and three (3) supporting teams and provide the
basis for these operations. The Center planned and carried out a total of 60 research activities
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
at various farmers' and research sub sites. About 52 of the research activities were funded by
IQQO, while 8 were funded by partnerships (projects). Many promising crop technologies
was multiplied and maintained at different research sub sites. Under the irrigated wheat
project, the Center multiplies a basic seed of bread wheat on farmer fields on 10 ha's.
Research Activities have been carried out on 65 ha in various farmers' fields as part of
demonstration and scale-ups of improved technologies and knowledge sharing. The field day
was held at the zonal level with many stakeholders, and experiences were openly discussed
and exchanged. The Center released 19 research technologies funded by IQQO and other
projects. This year, 61 regular personnel with various levels of education and employment
participated in carrying out the planned research and regular activities. There were 13 women and 48
males. About 25 of these workers were researchers with various professionals. This report contains
information on the accomplishments of research trials, technology multiplication and center
development operations, various trainings, human resource development, ethical promotion
initiatives, and anti-corruption campaigns. Additionally, the study discusses efforts on cross-cutting
concerns, building implementation and research capability, budget utilization, and other additional
works. Overall, the report contains the average actions scheduled and completed throughout this fiscal
year and covers the performance from July 2014 E.C to June 2015 E.C.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure 2. Structures of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC)
The Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC) strives to become a Center of Excellency
by improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers' in the mandated areas in a sustainable basis.
Utilizing an interdisciplinary and participatory research method, need-based training, and
advisory services, to adapt and develop a technical solution that helps farmers' productivity
and output rise while also conserving natural resources in an environmentally friendly
manner, thereby improving their standard of living.
Creativity and Innovation Integrity and trust
Research Ethics Efficiency, effectiveness and
Professionalism flexibility
Team spirit Competitiveness
Transparency Complementarities
Accountability Commitment
Responsiveness Relevance
1.4. Services we provides
Boosting agricultural technologies through adopting, generating, multiplying, and
Deliver training and advice based on the needs of various stakeholders.
Providing farmers and other stakeholders with soil testing services.
Developing agricultural research guides lines, brochures, short reports and materials
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
2. Annual Research Performance of the Canter
2.1. Leadership Activities and Roles
During the action of the plan year 2015 E.C, the center intended to hold 19 management
committee meetings to review how planned activities were carried out, providing assistance,
and guide the team members toward the goals of the center and institute. It was really
possible to have ten of the twelve management meetings that were planned, and because
decisions were made to remedy any flaws, they were successful in achieving their goals. One
of the issues was that the workers and various teams did not review the work plans on a
regular basis because of the work loads. The center's management committee intervened, and
this was satisfactorily resolved as a result. For instance, the delayed service delivery was
rectified, and careful work was done to guarantee that the service operation complies with the
primary requirements.
The leadership played a big part in creating the Anti-Corruption Prevention Council, which
convened every three months with the goal of bolstering work and property administration in
a variety of sectors where deficiencies are apparent and to conduct rigorous monitoring. The
early June review on corruption prevention found that the issues with property use and
protection procedures have completely improved. In front of members of the management
committee and representatives of several teams, instructions were issued to focus on
upcoming working activities. The team also received training on professionalism, work
ethics, and set criteria for service delivery. The management of the center evaluated the
situation and decided to hold discussions once a month because the nature of our study
precludes us from reviewing outcomes on a weekly basis, even if group conversations among
the various team members should be held once a week. Each employee has now prepared
their own monthly, quarterly, and annual work plans in accordance with the minimal service
delivery standard and is familiar with the duties of their roles. Every six months, in addition
to planning for the next year's evaluation process, the performance of the staff was evaluated
Our center received roughly 2000 m2 of land from the Bedele City land administration office
this fiscal year for office development and other research purposes. AGP-II also supported
the construction of a temporary fence that was around 150 meters long. Research sub-sites
covering 55.33 hectares, identified as Dhaye, Ilke, Agalo Eko, Toli cheka, Bido Jiren, and
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Sekko, were procured, and the site plan was handed over. These sites are located in the
districts of Dabo Hana, Bedele, Mettu, Bure, and Gechi, respectively. However, the woredas
have just taken hold over around ten hectares (10 ha) of the Dhaye (Dabo Hanna) research
sub site. The continuous performance of all research activities and other operations was
accomplished by strong commitments and discussions with all management members,
process owners, team leaders and the entire staff regarding preventing work disruptions
brought on by a lack of resources like human resource, logistics and shortage of budget
The current government's development agenda expressly calls attention to the requirement for
demonstrate or scale up agricultural technologies for smallholder farmers farming communities.
As a result, our Research Activities were carried out on 65 hectares in various farmers' fields as
part of the demonstration and scaling-up of improved technologies and information exchanges.
The field day was held at different levels with many stakeholders, farmers, DA’s and subject
matter specialists (SMS) and experiences were openly discussed and exchanged. As a result,
this report compiles and summarizes the achievements of all experiments, trainings,
demonstrations, and scaling-up that the Center and its members of staff carried out throughout
this fiscal year, as well as information on how much budget was utilized and what advisory
services were provided.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 1.Summarizes the plan and accomplishment of the IQQO funded Research Activities for 2015 EFY (KIB)
S/N Research Team Annual Annual Annual Percentage Percentage Remarks
Plan (KIB) Plan Implemented of (P/I) as (KIP)
1 Cereals Crops 4 5 5 100 125 Achieved more than planned
2 Pulse and oil Crops 2 7 7 100 350 Achieved more than planned
3 Horticultural Crops 3 4 4 100 133 Achieved more than planned
4 Crop Protection 5 5 5 100 100 Achieved as planned
5 Coffee and Tea improvement 2 3 3 100 150 Achieved more than planned
6 Coffee & Tea mgmt. & protection 2 5 5 100 250 Achieved more than planned
7 Animal Feed & range land mgmt. 3 5 5 100 166 Achieved more than planned
8 Apiculture 2 2 2 100 100 Achieved as planned
9 Soil Fertility Improvement 3 3 3 100 100 Achieved as planned
10 Soil Resource Survey 2 4 4 100 200 Achieved more than planned
11 Agroforestry 2 3 3 100 100 Achieved as planned
12 Socio Economics 2 2 2 100 100 Achieved as planned
13 Agricultural Extension 4 5 4 80 100 Achieved as planned
Total 36 53 52 98 136 Achieved more than planned
Agricultural Extension research team underperformed for the following reasons:
1. Due to a lack of seed (Bread Wheat Liban variety) from the Bako ARC, the planned activity was not conducted.
Table 2.Summarizes the plan and accomplishment of the Non-IQQO funded Research Activities for 2015 EFY (KIB)
S/N Research Team Source of Budget Annual Plan (KIB Annual Plan Annual Implemented % (P/I) % (KIP)
1 Soil Fertility Improvement CALMP4R 6 6 6 100 100
GIZ-ISFM 2 2 2 100 100
Total 8 8 8 100 100
Table 3.Summary of Planned & achievement of technology/information generated in 2015
EFY (IQQO-Budgeted)
S/N Maqaa garee Plan KIB Planned Achievement Achieve %n
1 Cereals Crops 2 4 4 100
2 Pulse and oil Crops 2 2 2 100
3 Horticultural Crops 1 1 1 100
4 Crop Pathology 1 2 2 100
5 Weed science 1 1 1 100
6 Animal Feed 2 2 2 100
7 Soil Fertility Improvement 2 2 2 100
8 Soil Resource Survey 1 1 1 100
9 Apiculture 1 1 1 100
10 Agricultural Extension 3 3 3 100
Total 18 19 19 100
6 Kumsa 34.72 31.39bc 33.61ab 17.61
28.42abc 27.42bc 25.58c
7 Urji 31.92 35.33abc 33.06ab 14.22
27.31bc 31.03abc 29.25abc
8 Wama 39.08 41.50ab 39.89a 17.11
33.17abc 34.02ab 33.00ab
9 Local 31.14 34.39abc 32.22ab 15.78
29.33abc 27.31bc 26.78bc
GM 33.55 35.78 34.29 17.20 32.68 31.32 30.01 29.10
LSD (0.05) 14.40 11.40 10.45 5.21 10.09 13.82 9.51 6.78
CV% 29.90 18.40 32.40 17.50 26.50 25.50 33.7 35.40
P-value * * * ** * * * **
GM= grand mean, LSD=least significant difference, CV= coefficient of variation, *= significant, ** =
highly significant.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
genotypes tested Eleven (11) genotypes were better performed than the checks and promoted
to the next breeding stage (RVT).
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
showed below in (Table 2). Therefore, Walki and Hacalu varieties were the two varieties
showed better performance with their mean yield and other measured traits. Therefore, these
two varieties are recommended to be demonstrated on farmer’s field for further scaling up.
Table 5.Combined mean grain yield (Qt/ha) of Faba Bean varieties tested at Dabo Hana,
Didesa and Chora districts for two years (2021/22-2022/23)
S/N D/Hana district Didesa district Over
Varieties 1st yr. 2nd yr. Combine 1st yr. 2nd Year Combined Chora All
1 Alloshe 21.64 6.833bc 30.48a 32.25b 38.94ab 36.43a-d 6.83ab 30.25ab
bc ab ab ab abc
2 Dagaga 23.26 7.056 23.84 35.44 37.89 38.48 7.06ab 28.25abc
bc bc ab abc abc
3 Dosha 21.83 7.111 22.63 36.71 33.56 38.35 7.11ab 28.13abc
4 Gabalcho 21.46 8.278bc 21.93bc 32.13b 10.39e 26.85ef 8.28ab 23.13c
a ab ab abc abc
5 Hachalu 22.82 12.889 27.67 36.89 33.22 38.22 7.56ab 30.40ab
6 Mosisa 24.17 5.889bc 25.19ab 40.50a 29.78abc 39.46ab 5.89ab 29.82ab
bc ab b a-d b-e
7 Moti 20.90 6.333 25.94 31.89 29.00 33.19 6.33ab 27.16abc
c bc b bcd cde
8 Moyibon 21.34 5.389 21.92 29.87 27.94 31.56 6.33ab 24.84bc
9 Obse 20.14 9.111b 22.59bc 30.19b 24.61cd 30.00de 9.11a 23.95c
c ab ab abc a-d
10 Tosha 22.08 8.556b 23.63 34.00 33.72 36.06 8.56ab 26.90abc
11 Walki 22.01 8.056bc 26.85ab 40.95a 40.06a 43.24a 7.06ab 32.17a
b c c de f
12 Local 24.38 9.111 15.65 19.97 17.45 20.67 7.01ab 16.74d
GM 22.17 7.88 24.03 33.41 29.71 34.38 7.19 26.81
LSD (0.05) 8.52 3.25 7.50 8.17 11.59 7.76 3.68 5.64
CV % 33.3 25.30 28.30 21.2 23.00 23.8 30.3 29.60
P-value NS ** * * ** ** * **
GM= grand mean, LSD=least significant difference, CV= coefficient of variation, *= significant, **=
highly significant.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 6.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Soybean varieties tested at Dabo Hana, Bedele
and Darimu districts during 2021 and 2022 cropping seasons
D/Hana (Dhaye sub- Bedele district Darimu Over
S/N Varieties site) district All
st nd st nd
1 yr. 2 yr. Comb. 1 yr. 2 yr. Comb.
1 Boshe 10.56bc 14.82c 12.69c 25.46a 27.08 26.00ab 18.52cd 22.65cd
2 Cheri 20.32a 24.18b 22.25ab 29.41a 26.44 28.69a 23.15bcd 25.40bc
3 Clark 63k 8.75c 14.77c 11.76c 22.54ab 31.76 25.61ab 30.56
4 Cocker-240 13.15bc 16.88bc 15.01bc 25.76a 25.14 25.55ab 23.15bcd 23.42cd
5 Didesa 20.32a 22.29bc 21.31ab 30.91a 32.69 31.50a 34.95ab 29.46ab
6 Jalale 7.13c 17.29bc 12.21c 14.96b 31.25 20.21b 12.69d 18.51d
7 Katta 15.65ab 37.50a 26.57a 30.80a 29.86 30.48a 39.35a 31.38a
GM 13.70 21.10 17.40 25.71 29.17 26.86 26.03 24.82
LSD (0.05) 6.52 8.14 8.34 8.82 14.37 8.33 14.32 5.20
CV % 27.20 21.79 30.80 29.20 27.70 32.80 30.9 31.7
P-value * ** * * Ns * * **
GM= grand mean, LSD=least significant difference, CV= coefficient of variation, *= significant, **=
highly significant.
The field experiment was started in 2022 cropping season under rainfall conditions at Dabo
Hana and Bure districts. Six Onion varieties were used as experimental material. The result
showed that, there was a significance difference between varieties for important parameters
determining the performances of varieties. In general among these varieties the Nafis variety
is the most outstanding variety and resistant to disease during 2022 cropping season.
Table 7.Combined mean Bulb yield and yield related parameters of onion varieties in 2022
cropping season at Dabo Hana and Bure districts
Varieties DM (Day) MY(t/ha) UMY (t/ha) Yield (t/ha) ABW (g) Disease (PB )
a c d c a
Robaf 122.5 3.19 0.34 3.52 88.54 30mr
b a a a a
Nafis 117.17 9.47 1.01 10.56 91.57 10r
c c d c b
Nasic 113.17 3.36 0.34 3.69 84.50 40ms
c c d d b
Nafid 111.67 2.82 0.31 3.13 85.12 40ms
d c b c a
Bombaye red 109.67 4.14 0.46 4.60 89.89 40ms
c b b b a
Local 111.83 6.20 0.61 6.81 90.23 40ms
LSD (0.05%) 2.41 1.8 0.1 1.8 3.22
CV (%) 1.78 30.64 10.94 28.02 3.08
P-Value *** *** *** *** ***
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
3.4 Crop Protection Research Team
3.4.1 Assessment of diseases for major Cereal crops in Buno Bedele, Ilu Aba Bora and
Jimma zones
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Sorghum Anthracnose 30 78 25
Blight 30 42 50
Covered Smut 15 23 25
Teff Head Smudge 15 57 25
Leaf rust 20 50 25
Zonate Eye Spot 20 50 25
Chora Maize Blight 39 44 46
corn smut 17 17 25
Ear rot 28 20 25
GLS 39 76 25
Leaf rust 39 37 25
MLND 17 27 75
Teff head smudge 22 28 25
Leaf rust 56 37 25
Zonate Eye Spot 44 45 25
Table 9.Percentage of Prevalence, Incidence and Severity of Major diseases of Major Cereal
Crops in Ilu Aba Bor Zone 2020-2022.
Zone Districts Crop Types Disease Disease measurement
P% I% S%
I/A/Bor Mattu Maize Blight 50 52 50
Corn smut 17 50 25
Ear rot 17 45 25
GLS 42 58 25
MLND 25 37 75
Sorghum Anthracnose 17 90 25
Blight 17 50 50
Teff leaf rust 33 58 25
Zonate Eye Spot 33 62.5 25
Bure Maize Blight 53 64 50
corn smut 29 40 25
Ear rot 35 40 25
GLS 35 40 25
MLND 29 48 75
Streak virus 35 37 25
Sorghum Anthracnose 47 64 25
Blight 35 43 50
Halu Maize Blight 44 74 50
Corn Smut 31 32 25
Ear rot 13 30 25
GLS 44 50 25
Leaf rust 50 51 25
MLND 13 60 75
Sorghum Anthracnose 50 75 25
Blight 50 52.5 50
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 10.Percentage of Prevalence, Incidence and Severity of Major diseases of Major Cereal
Crops in Jima Zone 2020-2022
Zone Districts Crop Disease Disease measurement
Types P% I% S%
Jimma Seka Chokorsa Sorghum Anthracnose 50 85 25
Zone Blight 50 55 50
covered smut 38 23 25
Teff Head smudge 25 35 25
leaf rust 50 58 25
Karsa Maize Blight 47 48 50
corn smut 35 18 25
GLS 18 43 25
Leaf rust 35 42 25
MLND 29 26 65
Teff Blight 41 41 46
Leaf rust 24 30 25
ZES 29 36 25
Shebe Sombo Sorghum Anthracnose 57 90 25
Blight 57 40 50
Covered Smut 43 20 25
Teff Head smudge 43 57 25
Leaf rust 43 40 25
3.4.2 Assessment of major weeds for cereals and pulses crops in Buno Bedele and Ilu
Aba Bora zones
The Survey were started in cropping season of 2020/2021 and assessment were done for three
years on Major Cereal crops (maize, sorghum and tef crops) of Buno Bedele Zone (Bedele,
Chora and Dabo Hana districts) and Ilu Abba Bor Zone (Mattu & Bure districts). Disease
assessments were done for maize; sorghum and tef with their Prevalence, incidence and
severity were recorded for each disease. Disease Assessment was conducted for three years in
two zones (Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zone) on major cereal crops. A total of 22 weed
species at Ilu Aba Bor and 24 weed species at Buno Bedele Zones were identified from
assessed cereal fields. Among the identified Weed species Galinsoga parviflor, Polygonum
nepalense, Guzotia scabra (Vis.) Chiov., Bidens pachyouma and trifolium rueppellianum
were showed dominance >20 and >65 frequency from Maize and Galinsoga parviflor,
Polygonum nepalense, Bidens pachyouma and Datura stramonium L. were showed
dominance >8 and >65 frequency from Sorghum and Galinsoga parviflor, trifolium
rueppellianum , Ground evy, Cyperus esculentus L. and Setaria pumila were showed
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
dominance >10 and >90 frequency from Tef at Buno Bedele Zone. At Ilu Aba Bor Zone
Galinsoga parviflor, Polygonum nepalense, Guzotia scabra (Vis.) Chiov., Datura stramonium
L. and Bidens pachyouma were showed dominance >10 and >90 frequency from Maize and
Galinsoga parviflor, Polygonum nepalense, Guzotia scabra (Vis.) Chiov., Bidens pachyouma
and trifolium rueppellianum were showed dominance >8 and >90 frequency from Sorghum
and Galinsoga parviflor, Ground evy, Cyperus esculentus L. and Setaria pumila were showed
dominance >9 and >90 frequency from Tef. Particularly, Galinsoga parviflor and Polygonum
nepalense are a major broad leaf weed species highly affecting Maize and Sorghum and
Setaria pumila, Galinsoga parviflor, Cyperus esculentus L. and Ground evy are a major weed
species highly affecting Tef crops. Even though, Farmers were undertaking several
management practices, it was observed that the weed is not effectively controlled. In proper
Management practices is one of the major problems in controlling weeds in field and majorly
contributed for the occurrence and spreading out of several devastating weed species to the
area. From this situation, it was suggested that proper land preparation, using weed free
planting materials, absence of scheduled cereal crop rotation, untimely planting that might be
creating active season for weed emergence and expansion. Most of the farmers were
managing their field by using hand weeding due to several reasons. Because, they perceived
that use of herbicides in crop production was considered to be cost, negative effect on animals
and other Living things (like Stingless bee, Honey bee, etc.); even grain produced by
herbicide is harmful to feed. So, in order to improve the production and productivity of cereal
crops at Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones, weed management practices need great
attention by concerned staff towards bringing attitudinal change to farmers on using
recommended herbicides as well as supplying the herbicides as required.
Table 11. Association of mean Dominance major cereal crops for different parameter during
2021-2022 cropping season in Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones
Zone Districts Crops Altitude No. field assessed
Buno Bedele Bedele Maize 1857-1967 9
Zone Sorghum 1871-1986 9
Tef 1873-1960 9
Chora Maize 1857-1978 11
Sorghum 1949-1995 5
Tef 1859-1957 10
Dabo Hana Maize 1874-1980 10
Sorghum 1853-1913 9
Tef 1876-1965 10
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Mean 1853-1995 82
Ilu Aba Bor Mattu Maize 1680-1754 10
Zone Sorghum 1693-1743 3
Tef 1704-1713 5
Bure Maize 1499-1775 10
Sorghum 1499-1726 10
Mean 1499-1775 38
Over all mean 1499-1995 120
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Guzotia scabra (Vis.) 67 5 5
Rottboellia 67 3 3
Teff cochinchinensis
Datura stramonium L. 67 2 2
Pennisetum clandestium 67 4 11
Galinsoqa parviflor 100 7 20
Pig weeds 67 3 4
Ground evy 100 13 16
Eleusine indica (L.) 67 2 3
Polygonum nepalense 67 6 8
Bidens pachyouma 67 3 4
Commelina 67 3 7
Oplismenus L. 67 3 6
Plantago lanceolata L. 67 2 2
Cyperus esculentus L. 100 8 13
S.diffusum 67 6 9
Red clover 100 7 11
Setaria pumila 100 12 18
Guzotia scabra (Vis.) 67 4 4
Rottboellia 67 4 8
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Cleome monophylla 50 1 2
Polygonum nepalense 100 9 16
Bidens pachyouma 82 3 10
Commelina benghalensis 74 3 10
Oplismenus hirtellus 81 6 5
Snowdenia polystachya 46 1 2
Cyperus esculentus L. 49 2 7
trifolium rueppellianum 96 6 10
Guzotia scabra (Vis.) 81 7 12
Rottboellia 67 8 10
3.4.3 Survey and Quantification of Major Hot Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Diseases
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 14.Mean Prevalence of Seedling Major Hot pepper diseases at two Zones six districts
during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season
Hot Jima Zone Ilu Aba Bor Zone
Pepper Karsa Omo Nada Nadi Gibe Mean Bure Darimu Halu Mean
Diseases N.F Pre N.F Pre N.F Pre N.F Pre N.F Pre N.F Pre N.F Pre N.F Pre
Dampin 6 (%)
21 6.5 (%)
40 5.5 (%)
76 6 (%)
46 6 (%)
64 2.5 (%)
28 6 (%)
63 5 (%)
g off
CLS 4.5 90 9 93 7.5 90 7 91 9.5 97 8.5 100 9.5 94 9.2 97
BLS 0 0 0 0 0.5 12 0.2 4 1 6.5 0.5 6.5 3 32 1.5 15
PRR 3 0 4.5 0 1.5 0 3 0 2 20 2.5 32 2 17 2.2 23
VD 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0 0 2 25 1 13 1 13
Table 15.Mean Prevalence of Transplanted Major Hot pepper diseases at two Zones six
districts during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season
Hot Jima Zone Ilu Aba Bor Zone
Pepper Karsa O/Nada N/Gibe Mean Bure Darimu Halu Mean
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
Pre (%)
BER 7 80 7 70 7 72 7 74 5.5 69 7.5 50 7 92 7 70.3
CLS 8. 95 8.5 90 8 92 8.3 92.3 8 10 9 50 7.5 100 8.2 83.3
DB 5
7 42 4.5 30 5 33 5.5 35 4.5 028 8 45 1 20 5 31
FW 2 40 3.5 35 6 28 4 34.3 5 61 4 39 .
7.5 100 5.5 67
LCD 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 3.5 45 2 0 2 28 2.5 24.3
BLS 1 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 5.5 0.2 17
Anthracn 3 0 1.5 0 2 0 2.2 0 2 5. 6 34 2.5 36 3.5 25.2
Table 16.Mean Disease Incidence (DI) of Seedling 5
Major Hot Pepper at two Zones six
Districts during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season
Hot Pepper Jima Zone Ilu Aba Bor Zone
Diseases Karsa Omo Nada Nadi Mean Bure Darimu Halu Mean
Damping 18 13 22 60 28 49 32 23 43 0 34 21 47 28
CLS 64 57 41 47 62 42 52.2 49 63 57 63 48 53 55.5
BLS 25 0 0 0 23 33 13.5 17 0 7 0 24 40 15
PRR 12 0 21 0 0 0 5.5 20 0 33 0 23 0 13
VD 20 0 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 23 0 0 33 9.3
Table 17.Mean Disease Incidence (DI) of Transplanted Major Hot Pepper at two Zones six
Districts during 2021 and 2022 consecutive cropping season
Hot Pepper Jima Zone Ilu Aba Bor Zone
Karsa O/Nada NadiGibe Mean Bure Darimu Halu Mean
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
CLS 57 52 72 62 54 47 57.3 93 56 94 0 94 49 64.3
DB 18 29 12 29 10 24 20.3 14 0 16 0 10 27 11.2
FW 27 32 20 25 15 38 26.2 37 29 31 0 37 39 29
LCD 5 0 0 0 8 0 2.2 23 30 0 0 15 37 17.5
BLS 11 0 9 0 17 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 20 0 3.3
Anthracnose 22 0 14 0 20 0 9.3 100 0 40 0 40 27 34.5
Table 18.Association of mean severity of major Hot pepper diseases of HP Seedling for
different parameters during 2021 and 2022 cropping season
Variables Class Major Hot pepper disease severity
Jima Zone I/A/Bor Zone
LB Damp CLS LB Damp CLS Viral D+s
Altitude Mid (1951-2530) 0 68.8 93.8 0 0 0 0
Low (1500-1950) 9.1 18.2 100 12 76 100 8
Varieties Improved 3.7 18.5 37 4 28 40 8
Local 0 29.6 59.3 8 48 60 0
Seed bed Flat 3.7 44.4 92.5 12 72 96 4
types Raised 0 3.7 3.7 0 4 4 4
Planting Early 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time Normal 3.7 48.2 88.9 12 76 100 8
Lately 0 0 7.4 0 0 0 0
Cropping Monoculture 0 3.7 11.1 12 64 76 8
pattern Rotation 3.7 44.4 85.2 0 12 24 0
Planting Row 3.7 18.5 44.4 0 0 0 0
Methods Broadcasting 0 29.6 51.8 12 76 100 8
Table 19.Association of mean severity major Hot pepper diseases of Transplanted HP for
different parameter during 2021 and 2022 cropping season in South Western Oromia
Variables Class Major Hot pepper disease severity
Jima Zone I/A/B Zone
Altitude Mid (1951-2530) 37 51.8 11.1 40.7 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low (1500-1950) 44.4 44.4 33.3 29.6 24 40 52 4 36 20
Varieties Improved 29.6 33.3 22.2 29.6 4 16 16 0 12 8
Local 51.8 62.9 22.2 40.7 20 24 36 4 24 12
Seed bed Flat 81.5 96.3 44.4 70.4 24 40 52 4 36 20
types Raised 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Planting Early 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
time Normal 81.5 96.3 44.4 70.4 24 40 52 4 36 20
Lately 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Planting Rows 81.5 96.3 44.4 70.4 24 40 52 4 36 20
methods Broadcasting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cropping Monoculture 22.2 22.2 11.1 11.1 0 8 8 0 8 0
patterns Rotation 59.3 74.1 33.3 59.3 24 32 44 4 28 20
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
3.5 Soil Fertility Improvement Research Team
3.5.1 Determination of NPS Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for
Bread wheat in Dega District, Western Oromia
A study was conducted on farmers’ fields, located at Dega district of Buno Bedele Zone of
Oromia region in 2022 to determine the optimum NPS fertilizer rate to provide the optimum
bread wheat yield in the district. Six farmer's fields were used for the trial in 2022 cropping
season. Three replications of a completely randomized block design were used in the
experiment. Five rates of P critical levels (Pc) (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) determined from
NPS fertilizer was tested, along with the previously recommended 100% Pc calculated from
DAP fertilizer. Results revealed that the analysis of variance among pc rates showed
significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) on almost all the bread wheat characters tested .The
maximum and comparable grain yield (3655.60 kgha-1)was recorded for 100% Pc from NPS
fertilizer, followed by100% Pc from DAP (3494.40 kgha-1). On the other hand, the longest
plant height (99.80 cm) obtained from the plot treated with (100% Pc from NPS) as compared
to 70.10 cm for unfertilized plot. A partial budget analysis result also showed that 100% Pc
from NPS produced the highest (65991.00) ETB net benefit. The fertilizer application rate of
100% Pc from NPS therefore seems to be comparable to that of 100% Pc from NPS fertilizer
for bread wheat production in the area.
Treatments Grain Yield (kg ha )
Without fertilizer 565.30
25% Pc from NPS + Rec N 1629.20
50% Pc from NPS + Rec N 2419.40
75% Pc from NPS + Rec N 3205.60
100% Pc from NPS + Rec N 3655.60
100% Pc from DAP+ Rec N 3494.40
Mean 2494.90
CV (%) 17.66
LSD 324.52
3.5.2 Determination of NPS Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for Tef in
Dega District, Western Oromia
A study was conducted on farmers’ fields, located at Dega district of Buno Bedele Zone of
Oromia region in 2022 to determine the optimum NPS fertilizer rate to provide the optimum
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
tef yield in the district. Five farmer's fields were used for the trial in 2022 cropping season.
Three replications of a completely randomized block design were used in the experiment.
Five rates of P critical levels (Pc) (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) determined from NPS fertilizer
was tested, along with the previously recommended 100% Pc calculated from DAP fertilizer.
Results revealed that the analysis of variance among pc rates showed significant differences
(P ≤ 0.05) on almost all the tef characters tested .The maximum grain yield (1766.67 kgha-
)was recorded for 100% Pc from NPS fertilizer, followed by100% Pc from DAP(1651.67
kgha-1).. On the other hand, the longest plant height (109.20 cm) obtained from the plot
treated with (50% Pc from NPS) as compared to 98.10 cm for unfertilized plot. A partial
budget analysis result also showed that 100% Pc from NPS produced the highest (45868.69)
ETB net benefit. The fertilizer application rate of 100% Pc from NPS therefore seems to be
comparable to that of 100% Pc from NPS fertilizer for tef production in the area.
Table 20.Mean Grain Yield of Tef in 2022 cropping season
Treatments Grain Yield (kgha-1)
Without fertilizer 318.33e
25% Pc from NPS +Rec N 516.67d
50% Pc from NPS +Rec N 761.67c
75% Pc from NPS +Rec N 1473.33b
100% Pc from NPS +Rec N 1766.67a
100% Pc from DAP+Rec N 1651.67a
Mean 1081.38
CV (%) 19.38
LSD 152.24
3.6 Soil Resource Survey Research Team
3.6.1 Soil Resource Characterization, Classification and mapping in Dabo Hana
The study was conducted to characterize classify and mapping soils in Dabo Hanna district
with the aim to produce a map of these soils. Thirty one representative pedons were opened
and described across the study area. The soils of Dabo Hanna district was characterized based
on the results obtained from soil morphological description at field and some laboratory
analyzed. The results indicated that theirs variations in morphological, physical, and some
chemical properties of the soils. The value of Organic carbon ranged from 0.13 to 8.78%. The
value Exchangeable Acidity ranged from 0.06 to 6.43cmolckg-1. The value of Exchangeable
Aluminium ranged from 0 to 4.47 cmolc kg-.The results revealed that the pH (H2O) of soil
ranged from 3.90 to 7.20 were categorized extreme acidic to strong acidic except surface
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
sample of pedons 23 and subsurface samples of pedons 16 and 27 which were slightly acidic
to neutral. The percentage of clay content varied from 14 to 88% where soils are sandy loam
to clayey in texture. Generally variations in soils properties suggested theirs variation of
potential productivity and management requirements for specific soils.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
This activity was conducted in 2021/22 cropping season in selected districts of both Buno
Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones. Survey data was collected and analyzed. Full write up is
underway and it will finalize for the completed regional review meeting.
3.9 Agricultural Extension Research Team
3.9.1 Pre-Extension Demonstration of Improved Midland Maize Technologies at Dabo
Hana District of Buno Bedele Zone, Southwestern Oromia, Ethiopia
The activity was carried out on seven demonstration sites i.e. six farmers’ field and one FTC.
Three maize varieties which are BH-547 as improved, Damote as standard check and local
check which is Boshe were used to evaluate the yield performance and economic profitability
across the demonstration sites. The technology promotion events like FRG establishment and
training were used while activity implementation. Accordingly, three FRGs were established
in each kebeles and about 61 participants were take part on training. The mean yield of 88.58,
64.41 and 48.73 qt/ha were obtained from Damote, BH-547 and local maize varieties
respectively. Even though the current yield obtained contradict the previous adaption yield,
Damote variety with the yield advantage of 81.8% over local and 32.83% over BH-547 was
recommended for the study areas and similar agro-ecologies.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
3.9.3 Pre-scaling up of Improved Tef (Eragrostis tef) Technologies at Chora District of
Buno Bedele zone
The pre-scaling up was implemented at Chora district of Buno Bedele zone for one year
(2022/2023) using Dursi variety. The study was carried out to improve farmers’ awareness,
enhance the adoption of full package tef production technologies. The activity was
implemented on ten farmers’ field and about 45 farmers (37 male and 8 female) were
benefited from the technologies through FREGs establishment. About 1.024 ha of land was
covered by the activity and all the required inputs like tef seed, fertilizers both NPS and Urea
and technical advice was delivered by Bedele Agricultural Research Center whereas every
activity management were handled by the host farmers within close supervision of the
researchers. For further technology promotion, about 52 different stakeholders were
participated on the training whereas 57 concerned bodies were take part on the mini-field day
that organized at crop maturity stage. The mean yield of 17.24 qt/ha was obtained. Therefore,
the improved Dursi variety was recommended for further production and the Unions, Zonal
and District Agricultural Offices could be responsible for Dursi seed supply to the farmers in
the study areas.
This Experiment was started in 2022 cropping season in RCBD design with 3 replications at
Chora and Gechi districts on a total of four farmers. Nine (9) improved malt barley varieties
were started to be tested and the important data were collected and analyzed by using Genstat
18th Edition statistical software. The analysis of variance result revealed that, there is a
significance difference between varieties for important parameters determining the
performances of varieties. The characters considered in the analysis of the varieties
performance were, days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, spike length, number of
grains per spike, disease and grain yield (Table 1 and 2). From analysis of variance for yield
related parameters, all traits are significantly different. Among varieties tested the highest
grain yield were recorded for Singitan (47.81 qt ha -1) followed by Moata (43.20 qt ha-1) and
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
the lowest Traveller (18.91 qt ha-1) from the combined two districts (Table 2). This activity
will be repeated at respective locations and will be completed next year.
Table 21.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Malt barley varieties tested at Gechi and
Gechi District Chora District
Sr. No Varieties Site 1(sh) Site 2(J) Combined Site 1(N) Site 2(S) Combined
a cd bc a
1 HB 1964 43.16 18.67 30.92 52.49 39.70ab 46.10abc
2 HB 1963 27.12b-e 29.35bc 28.24bcd 43.51b 31.71bc 37.61cd
3 Sabini 23.98cde 11.61de 17.80de 35.00c 32.20bc 33.60de
4 Iftuu 39.20abc 36.71ab 37.95ab 53.90a 43.47ab 48.69ab
5 Ibon 174/03 37.55a-d 29.44bc 33.49abc 49.92ab 50.70a 50.31ab
6 Traveler 17.48e 7.17e 12.33e 32.11c 18.85c 25.48e
7 Singitan 46.33a 41.65a 43.99a 49.99ab 53.26a 51.63a
8 Bekoji-I 22.49de 31.23ab 26.86cd 43.84b 40.00ab 41.92bcd
9 Moata 42.32ab 33.50ab 37.91ab 47.05ab 49.41a 48.23ab
GM 33.29 26.59 29.94 45.31 39.92 42.62
LSD (0.05) 15.73 11.22 10.88 8.24 13.96 8.71
CV% 27.30 24.40 31.20 10.50 20.20 17.60
P-value ** ** ** ** * **
GM= grand mean, LSD=least significant difference, CV= coefficient of variation, *= significant, **=
highly significant, NS= non-significant.
This activity was started in 2022 cropping season in RCBD design with 3 replications at
Bedele, D/Hana and Gechi districts on a total of six farmers. Twelve (12) improved Linseed
varieties including one local check were started to be tested and the important data were
collected and analyzed by using Genstat 18 th Edition statistical software. From analysis of
variance for yield related parameters, all traits are significantly different. Among varieties
tested the highest grain yield were recorded for Kuma (21.07Qt ha -1) followed by Bekoji-14
(20.99 Qt ha-1) and the lowest local (13.32 Qt ha-1) (Table 2). This activity will be repeated at
respective locations and will be completed next year.
Table 22.Combined mean grain yield (qt/ha) of Linseed varieties tested at Gechi, Dabo Hana
and Bedele districts
S/N Varieties Gechi district D/Hana district Bedele district Over locations
ab a abc
1 Bekoji-14 24.36 22.89 12.33 20.99a
ab bcd bc
2 Kassa-2 23.64 16.11 11.78 18.79ab
3 Welen 20.36bc 15.11bcd 11.44bc 16.82abc
4 Bekoji 21.61abc 16.33bcd 10.33c 17.47abc
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
5 Kuma 25.36a 17.89b 15.67a 21.07a
6 Yadano 23.61ab 13.22cd 10.78c 17.81ab
7 Furtu 19.56bcd 17.56bc 14.56ab 17.81ab
8 Bakalcha 17.28cd 15.78bcd 11.47bc 15.45bc
9 Dibanne 20.06bc 17.44bc 10.78c 17.08abc
10 Horesoba 21.47abc 16.67bcd 12.56abc 18.04ab
11 Jitu 22.61ab 18.00b 10.78c 18.50ab
12 Local 15.03d 12.56d 10.67c 13.32c
GM 21.25 16.63 11.93 17.76
LSD (0.05) 4.99 4.40 3.78 4.42
CV % 20.4 25.6 18.7 28.8
P-value ** ** * *
GM= grand mean, LSD=least significant difference, CV= coefficient of variation, *= significant, ** =
highly significant, NS= non-significant.
Table 23.Combined mean grain yield (Qt/ha) of Groundnut varieties tested at Dabo Hana and
Bedele districts
S/N Varieties Dabo Hana Bedele Over Locations
1 Babile-1 19.61abc 19.32a 19.47ab
2 Babile-2 21.00ab 13.97b 17.49ab
3 BaHa jidu 25.77a 15.46ab 20.62a
4 Werer-961 15.48bc 14.00b 14.74bc
5 BaHa gudo 18.45ab 13.03bc 17.24ab
6 Local 12.96c 8.58c 10.77c
GM 19.38 14.06 16.72
LSD (0.05) 7.28 4.67 5.51
CV % 20.6 18.30 27.80
P-value * * *
GM= grand mean, LSD=least significant difference, CV= coefficient of variation, *= significant, **=
highly significant.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.2.3 Kabuli Type chickpea (Cicer kabulium L.) varieties Adaptation Trial
In the main cropping season of 2023, eight (8) enhanced Kabuli type chickpea cultivars were
delivered from Debre Zeit ARC and sowed at three areas (Dabo Hana, Chora, and Bure).
However, due to flooding caused by intense rainfall in the Chora district and D/Hana region,
we were unable to collect complete data from all three locations. All in all, we can say that it
was poorly executed and that the Bure district's management issues were to blame. In reality,
it had been excellent at the vegetative stage and had been well-performed, but it was unable to
fill the seed at the seed-filling stage. As a result, we decided to continue the activity for an
additional year for evaluation.
4.2.4 Effect of Blended NPSB Fertilizer Rates and Varieties on Yield and Yield
Components of Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 24.Combined Mean of grain yield Effect of NPSB Fertilizer Haricot bean Varieties
during 2022 cropping season at Gechi and Dabo district
Treatments Locations Combined
Gechi district Dabo Hana district
SER-119 1283.3b 1561.3 1422.3b
SER-125 1706.5a 1942.1 1824.3a
LSD (0.05) 226.5 NS 246.19
P-value 0.0001 0.086 0.0019
Fertilizer rates (Kg/ha)
0 559.9c 782.1b 671c
50 1297.6b 1710.3a 1504.0b
a a
100 1777 2156.7 2016.9a
150 1779a 1956.4a 1868.1ba
200 1960a 2152.8a 2056.5a
LSD (0.05) 357.52 696.4 389.26
CV % 19.72 32.77 29.21
P-value 0.0031 0.0031 0.0001
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 25.Main effects of NPSB fertilizer rate and inter-row spacing on combined mean of
tuber yield and yield related parameters during 2022 cropping season
Treatment DF (Day) DM (Day) NT (No) MY (t/ha) UMY (t/ha) TY (t/ha) AVTW (g)
Fertilizer rates (kg/ha)
Control 59.6b 98b 12.17e 16.79e 5.19e 20.44e 70.67e
50 60b 98.78b 15.44d 32.01d 5.47d 37.49d 67.56d
100 60b 98.72b 18.94c 39.47c 6.47c 45.94c 88.11c
150 61.56a 100.94a 21.72b 46.04b 6.60b 52.65b 94.67b
200 62.33a 101.83a 23.39a 50.67a 7.47a 58.13a 100.33a
LSD (0.05) 1.03 1.38 1.33 3.59 34.11 3.84 4.18
P-Value 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Inter Row Spacing (cm)
65 60.67 99.67 19.12ba 39.12b 6.25bc 45.39b 86.33b
75 61.25 100.33 19.83a 42.48a 6.41b 48.95a 90.63a
85 61.25 100.21 20.67a 44.55a 6.79a 51.34a 92.79a
LSD (0.05) NS NS 1.15 3.1 0.29 3.32 3.62
CV (%) 2.52 2.07 10.05 12.78 7.87 11.85 6.97
P-Value 0.3244 0.4988 0.0342 0.0035 0.0025 0.0028 0.0026
DF=Days to flowering, DM=Days to Maturity, NT=Number of tuber, MY=Marketable yield, UMY=Un
Marketable yield, TY=Tuber yield AVTW=Average tuber weight, LSD (0.05)= Least significant differences and
CV (%)= coefficient of variation.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.4 Crop Pathology Research Team
4.4.1 Survey of Major Diseases of Fruit Crops at Buno Bedele, Ilu Abba Bora and
Jimma Zones of South Western Oromia.
4.4.2 Survey of Major Insect Pests of Fruit Crops at Buno Bedele, Ilu Abba Bora
and Jimma Zones of South Western Oromia.
Activity code: Be/Cr/pro-2023 (2)
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.5 Soil Fertility Improvement Research Team
4.5.1 Soil Test Crop Response Based Phosphorus Calibration Study for Maize in
Mettu District
Brief summary of the Result
The interaction effect of N and P fertilizers revealed notable variations in maize grain yield,
days to tasseling, biomass, plant height, and thousand grain weight (Tables 3 and 4). The
combination of 115 kg N/ha and 40 kg P/ha produced the best maize grain yield (6973.76
kg/ha), followed by 138 kg N/ha and 40 kg P/ha (6090.27 kg ha -1). The effects of N rates
between (115 and 138) kg N ha-1 on maize grain yield were not statistically different (Table
3). The primary impact of both N and P fertilizers revealed notable variations in maize grain
yield. At the highest rate of N, the highest grain yield was observed. On the other hand, non-
significant variations in maize grain production were found between N rates of (115 and 138)
kg N ha-1 (Table 5). Indicated in (Table 6) are the findings of the economic analysis for
nutrient management. The use of 115 kg N ha-1 resulted in the highest marginal rate of return
(MRR) of 651% and the largest net profit (105281.79). Therefore, it is economically possible
and advised that maize production in the Mettu district use 115 kg N ha-1.
Table 26.Interaction effect of N and P fertilizers application on maize grain yield
P O (kg ha-1)
2 5
N (kg ha-1) 0 46 92
0 857.25 l 1425.92k 2429.01ji
46 2329.64j 4067.90g 4781.63f
69 2673.61ji 4836.42ef 5347.99cd
92 2628.85 ji 5233.79de 5704.47bc
115 2740.67i 5266.97d 6973.76a
138 3239.19h 6014.65b 6090.27b
Mean 4035.66
LSD (0.05) 406.18
CV (%) 15.34
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Application of Android Mobile for detail field work. Pedons of different soil mapping units
(22/22) profiles were opened and characterized. One (1) to six (6) soil samples were collected
from each profile, totally eighty eight (88) soil samples were collected from twenty two (22)
profiles from cultivated, fallow, grazing, shrubs and wetland.
4.6.2 Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soil Resource at Borecha
Current status
Soil Map Unit of the study area was prepared by using a Slope class from ETHIO DEM
and Ethiopian Soil Geomorphology (FAO-CLASS, Landscape, Land UNT and Major
soil).All delineated SMU’s and profile points were exported from Google Earth Map to locus
map free Application of Android Mobile for detail field work. Pedons of different soil
mapping units (16/17) profiles were opened at Borecha district and pedons 2 was not opened
due to steep land form of SMU. One (1) to seven (7) soil samples were collected from each
profile, totally sixty three (63) soil samples were collected from sixteen (16) profiles from
cultivated, fallow, grazing, shrubs and wetland.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.7 Agroforestry Research Team
4.7.1 Adaptation & Growth performance of Moringa stenopetala & Moringa oleifera)
Current status
The first year growth parameter data (Root collar, DBH and height) were collected and
coding accordingly. The trial managements will be carried out thoroughly.
4.7.2 Assessment, Characterisation and Mapping of Gerba Dima and Gaba forest
Brief Summary
Two forest sites (Baja and Gerba Dima) forest were selected for assessment. The preparation
for assessment on selected forest, the require training was taken on some tools. On Baja
Forest supervised classification was done by ArcGIS software and Landsat image that
provide data were acquired from free available. Based on supervised image classification;
four classes Land use land cover of Baja forest was classified by ArcGIS software and area of
land use land cover was calculated.
Table 1.Landsat satellite used for the study
Years Satellite Composited bands Spatial Resolution
1989 Landsat 5 TM Band 1-5 30m
2001 Landsat 7 ETM+ Band 1-5 30m
2011 Landsat 7 ETM+ Band 1-5 30m
2021 Landsat 8 OLI Band 2-6 30m
Table 27. Land use land cover Area of study area 1989 to 2021
Land use Years
land cover 1989 2001 2011 2021
Area(ha) Area(%) Area (ha) Area(%) Area (ha) Area (%) Area(ha) Area (%)
Forest 17424.54 80.83 18644.22 86.48 18289.1 84.83 17859.3 82.84
Agriculture 2016.18 9.35 1485.54 6.89 1726.92 8.02 2211.48 10.26
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Grass land 779.67 3.62 809.91 3.76 998.73 4.63 881.01 4.09
Water Body 1337.58 6.20 618.3 2.87 543.24 2.52 606.15 2.81
4.7.3 Characterization of Trees and Shrubs Species Diversity of Gerba Dima and
Gaba Forest
Two forest sites (Baja and Gerba Dima) forest were selected for assessment. The preparation
for assessment on selected forest, the require training was taken on some tools. In the next
time the survey will be conducted at selected site and map status of forest. The Baja forest
found in Buno Bedele Zones and Chora district and Gerba Dima forest found in Ilu Abba
Bora and Alle, Bacho, and Didu Districts.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
20g/pot, 30g/pot, 40g/pot and 50g/pot). The necessary management practice has been carried
out. Data to be collected are underway.
4.8.3 Effect of Intercropping Coffee with Banana on Coffee yield and yield
components in Buno Bedele
Year of started: 2022/23, Year of completion: 2026/27
Objective: To Identify the proper ratios of coffee – banana intercropping on yield and yield
1. Summary of Brief status
Improved coffee variety seedling was already raised at nursery site in 2022. Banana sucker
was obtained from JARC. Permanent field preparation also prepared and planted. The activity
conducted at two locations.
4.8.4 Effect of Coffee husk Compost on acid soils on Coffee yield and yield components
in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora Zones
Year of started: 2022/23, Year of completion: 2026/27
Objective: To evaluate effect of Coffee husk compost fertilizer on acid soil and yield of
Coffee (Coffee arabica, L.).
1. Summary of Brief status
Improved coffee variety seedling was already raised at nursery site. Coffee husk compost was
already prepared. Land preparation (land clearing, ploughing) is under way. All agronomic
practices will be conducted as recommendation. Composite soil and decomposed coffee husk
sample were taken then analyzed. Different rate of Coffee Husk Compost was applied.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
4.8.5 Effect of Intercropping Coffee with Avocado on Coffee yield and yield
components in Buno Bedele
Year of started: 2022/23, Year of completion: 2026/27
Objective: To Identify the proper ratios of coffee – Avocado intercropping on yield and yield
1. Summary of Brief Status
Improved coffee variety seedling which used for activity was already prepared at nursery site.
Hass Avocado variety was obtained from MARC and planted at two locations.
4.9 Coffee and Tea Improvement Team
Table 28.The survival rate (%) of coffee planted landraces accessions (mid to highland) at
Gechi District (Bido Jiren sub site)
S/no Passport Code Survival Passport Survival S/no Passport code Survival
rate (%) code rate (%) rate (%)
1 Bd-04/11 77.78 52 Bd-046/11 55.56 103 Bd-093/11 100
2 Bd-05/11 88.89 53 Bd-047/11 55.56 104 Bd-094/11 77.78
3 Bd-06/11 44.44 54 Bd-048/11 66.67 105 Bd-095/11 88.89
4 74158 33.33 55 7416 55.56 106 74158 77.78
5 Bd-07/11 66.67 56 Bd-049/11 88.89 107 Bd-096/11 77.78
6 Bd-08/11 88.89 57 Bd-050/11 77.78 108 Bd-097/11 66.67
7 Bd-09/11 33.33 58 74110 88.89 109 7416 77.78
8 7416 55.56 59 Bd-051/11 77.78 110 Bd-098/11 66.67
9 Bd-10/11 88.89 60 Bd-052/11 100 111 Bd-099/11 66.67
10 Bd-011/11 44.44 61 Bd-053/11 55.56 112 Bd-100/11 55.56
11 Bd-012/11 100 62 Bd-054/11 100 113 Bd-101/11 88.89
12 74110 77.78 63 74158 100 114 74110 88.89
13 Bd-013/11 22.22 64 Bd-055/11 100 115 Bd-102/11 77.78
14 Bd-015/11 44.44 65 Bd-056/11 77.78 116 Bd-103/11 77.78
15 Bd-016/11 88.89 66 Bd-057/11 55.56 117 Bd-104/11 55.56
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
16 74158 77.78 67 Bd-058/11 77.78 118 Bd-105/11 88.89
17 Bd-017/11 100 68 74110 100 119 74158 55.56
18 Bd-084/11 100 69 Bd-059/11 88.89 120 Bd-106/11 100
19 Bd-085/11 100 70 Bd-060/11 100 121 Bd-107/11 100
20 7416 55.56 71 Bd-061/11 77.78 122 Bd-108/11 100
21 Bd-086/11 55.56 72 Bd-062/11 77.78 123 Bd-109/11 77.78
22 Bd-087/11 33.33 73 7416 77.78 124 74110 88.89
23 Bd-088/11 66.67 74 Bd-063/11 77.78 125 Bd-110/11 88.89
24 Bd-089/11 88.89 75 Bd-064/11 77.78 126 Bd-111/11 88.89
25 74110 88.89 76 Bd-065/11 55.56 127 Bd-112/11 100
26 Bd-090/11 77.78 77 Bd-066/11 66.67 128 Bd-113/11 88.89
27 74158 33.33 78 74158 66.67 129 Bd-114/11 88.89
28 Bd-091/11 77.78 79 Bd-067/11 66.67 130 7416 77.78
29 Bd-01/11 100 80 74110 66.67 131 Bd-115/11 100
30 Bd-02/11 33.33 81 Bd-068/11 77.78 132 Bd-116/11 66.67
31 74110 55.56 82 Bd-069/11 66.67 133 Bd-117/11 88.89
32 Bd-03/11 77.78 83 Bd-070/11 100 134 74110 100
33 Bd-018/11 100 84 Bd-071/11 77.78 135 Bd-118/11 88.89
34 Bd-019/11 100 85 74158 100 136 Bd-119/11 88.89
35 7416 88.89 86 Bd-072/11 100 137 Bd-120/11 100
36 Bd-020/11 88.89 87 Bd-073/11 66.67 138 74158 77.78
37 Bd-021/11 88.89 88 Bd-074/11 88.89 139 Bd-121/11 44.44
38 Bd-022/11 100 89 Bd-075/11 100 140 Bd-122/11 100
39 Bd-023/11 77.78 90 7416 77.78 141 7416 88.89
40 Bd-037/11 88.89 91 Bd-076/11 88.89 142 Bd-123/11 88.89
41 7416 88.89 92 Bd-077/11 77.78 143 Bd-124/11 88.89
42 Bd-038/11 100 93 Bd-078/11 100 144 74110 77.78
43 Bd-039/11 100 94 Bd-079/11 100 145 Bd-125/11 77.78
44 Bd-040/11 100 95 Bd-80/11 88.89 146 Bd-126/11 88.89
45 Bd-041/11 88.89 96 74158 77.78 147 74158 33.33
46 74158 88.89 97 Bd-081/11 88.89 148 Bd-127/11 44.44
47 Bd-042/11 77.78 98 Bd-082/11 55.56 149 Bd-128/11 44.44
48 Bd-043/11 88.89 99 74110 100 150 7416 77.78
49 Bd-044/11 77.78 100 Bd-083/11 66.67 151 Bd-129/11 66.67
50 74110 66.67 101 Bd-092/11 88.89 152 Bd-130/11 88.89
51 Bd-045/11 77.78 102 7416 77.78
Table 29. The survival rate (%) of coffee planted landraces accessions (low land landraces) at
Bure District (Toli cheka sub site) in Ilu Abba Bora Zone
S/No Pass port code Survival rate (%) S/No Pass port code Survival rate (%)
1 Bd-014/11 100 14 Bd-035/11 83.3
2 Bd-024/11 66.7 15 Bd-036/11 83.3
3 Bd-025/11 83.3 16 Bd-07/11 83.3
4 Bd-026/11 50 17 Bd-08/11 100
5 Bd-027/11 66.7 18 Bd-09/11 66.7
6 Bd-028/11 16.7 19 Limmu1 100
7 Bd-029/11 100 20 Bd-015/11 66.7
8 Dessu 83.3 21 Bd-016/11 50
9 Bd-030/11 83.3 22 Bd-084/11 50
10 Bd-031/11 50 23 Bd-085/11 100
11 Bd-032/11 66.7 24 Bd-087/11 83.3
12 Bd-033/11 83.3 25 Bd-088/11 83.3
13 Bd-034/11 100
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure 9.Pictures of coffee planted landraces on Bido Jiren sub site in Gechi district (mid to
highland landraces) Buno Bedele zone
4.9.2 Adaptation trial of released Coffee varieties for different coffee growing agro-
ecology of Buno Bedele Zones
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
10 75227 83.3 100 91.67
Table 31.Survival rate (%) of coffee planted seedling at farmer’s field in Gechi District
No Coffee Farmer-01 Farmer-02 Farmer- 03 Mean
varieties Survival rate (%)
1 741 100 100 88.9 96.3
2 74110 100 94.4 100 98.2
3 74148 88.9 94.4 100 94.4
4 74165 100 100 94.4 98.2
5 Wush-wush 83.3 100 100 94.4
6 Buno-Wush 77.8 94.4 88.9 87.04
7 Yachi 88.9 100 83.3 90.7
8 Merdacherko 83.3 94.4 83.3 87.04
9 74158 88.9 100 100 96.3
10 75227 83.3 100 28 70.4
Table 32.The Overall Survival rate (%) of coffee planted seedling at farmers’ field in both
No Coffee varieties Didesa District Gechi District Mean
Survival rate (%)
1 741 97.2 96.3 96.7
2 74110 100 98.2 98.9
3 74148 94.4 94.4 94.4
4 74165 100 98.2 98.9
5 Wush-wush 100 94.4 96.7
6 Buno-Wush 97.2 87.04 91.1
7 Yachi 100 90.7 94.4
8 Merdacherko 94.4 87.04 90
9 74158 88.9 96.3 93.3
10 75227 91.7 85.2 87.8
4.9.3 Adaptation trial of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Clones in Buno Bedele Zone
Brief Status of Activities
Eight (8) Tea clones seedling such as L6, 11/56, S-15/10, FNF, BB-35, SR-18, 11/4, 31/11
was prepared at JARC and planted Bido jiren site. All management practices will be applied
uniformly as per recommendations.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure 10.Some photos of Coffee and Tea Research process research activities conducted
4.10.1 Adaptation Trial of Desho Grass cultivars in mid and lowlands areas of Buno
Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones, Western Oromia
This activity was conducted in 2020/21 cropping season in RCBD design with 3 replications
at four locations. Four (4) Desho grass Cultivars were tested and the important two year data
were collected and all field management practices were applied. Desho grasses are well
survived and performed across all locations. The growth parameters data collection is
4.10.2 Adaptation Trial of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Varieties at High and Midland agro
ecologies of Buno Bedele Zone.
The activity was conducted in 2021/22 cropping season in RCBD design with 3 replications
at three locations. Six (6) Alfalfa varieties were tested and all important first data were
collected from one location. The experiment was affected (grazed) by wild animals at two
locations. The second required data were collected in 2022/23 cropping from all locations.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure 12.Photos of alfalfa adaptation trial
4.10.3 Adaption trial of Lablab (Lablab purpureus) Varieties at Lowland areas of Buno
Bedele and Ilu Abba Bor Zones, South Western Oromia
This activity was conducted in 2022/23 cropping season in RCBD design with 3 replications
at two locations. Four (4) Lablab varieties were tested and performed across all locations. The
first year data were collected across all locations. The activity was sown for second year in
2023/24 cropping season and all field management practices were applied.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
respondents, a multi-stage sampling procedure was employed. In the first stage, six
representative districts namely; Dega, Chora and Didesa from Buno Bedele and Ale, Bure and
Becho were selected from Ilu Ababor purposively. On the second stage, seventeen kebeles
were kebeles were selected randomly from stratified agro ecologies of the districts. Then, 385
sample respondents were selected randomly from all agro ecologies of the two zones. Semi-
structured questionnaire was used for data collection from the sampled households, Key
informant and FGD. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Know the data has
been on the process of encoding. The remaining activity will be data analysis and full write-
4.12.2 Value Chain Analysis of Maize Grain in the Case of Buno Bedele Zone
Brief Status of Activity
The activity has been planned to conduct in three districts namely, Bedele, Chora and Dabo
Hana of Buno Bedele zone. Purposive sampling method was used to select representative
districts based on their maize production potential. A semi-structured questionnaire was
prepared to collect primary data from maize producers. However the implementation of this
activity was only 3 present and so it needs critical attention to complete within the proposed
timeframe. The remaining activities will be Questionnaire development for other maize value
chain actors more than maize producers, Kebele identification and selection, Maize value
chain actor’s identification and selection, Data collection, Data encoding, sorting, grouping
analysis and full write up will be conducted.
At the Bedele Agricultural Research Centre, teams of crop researchers (Cereal, pulse and oils)
conducted crop adaptation trials based on crop potentials in various agro ecologies in the
study areas. Based on this, the adopted crop varieties were recommended and the seed was
kept for future research and multiplication on various research locations and agricultural
fields with a limited number of resources (human resource, budget…). Farmers, agricultural
extensions (development agents and other subject matter experts), and researchers must all
work together to introduce novel crop verities into the local seed system. To raise awareness
and promote the adoption of new crop varieties and developed/adapted agricultural
technology into the farmer-based seed system, our Centre employs demonstration and
popularisation approaches with different stallholders (zones, Woreda’s, unions and Seed
regulatory body). In accordance with this, we carried out a farmers-based seed multiplication
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
by cluster on selective crop varieties, such as tef (Kora) and bread wheat on Sanate and
Dambal at Chora district. Farmers possessed about 130 quintals of tef and 200 quintals of
bread wheat varieties, and Sadetan Chora union purchased the seeds. The other seeds were
kept on hand for future research projects, such as seeds for experiments, demonstrations, and
larger-scale production.
Table 33.Planned and Achievement of basic technology multiplication
S/N Crops (Variety) Seed Planned Achievements
class Area(ha) Yld (Qt) Area (ha) Yld (Qt)
1 Tef (Kora & Dursi) Basic 18 170 18 170
2 Bread wheat (Sanate) Basic 10 200 10 200
3 Maize (BH-547) Grain 11.5 360 11.5 360
4 Hot Pepper (Marko Fana) Dry pods 0.25 1 0.25 1
5 Finger millet (Boneya) Basic 0.09 3 0.09 3
6 Haricot Bean (SER-125/119) Basic 0.635 14 0.635 14
7 Soybean (Kata) Basic 0.5 14.5 0.5 14.5
8 Oats (Bonsa) Basic 0.06 1.5 0.06 1.5
9 Sweet lupine (Walala) Basic 0.5 6 0.5 6
Total 41.5 890 41.5 890
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
3.14 Irrigated Wheat Project
Attention for irrigated wheat production was triggered with an attempt for off-season
accelerated early generation seed production of stem rust resistant wheat varieties. The
irrigated wheat farming widely undertaken in the Oromia Regional State should be expanded
to all zones in order to ensure food self-sufficiency of the region and the country. Based on
this initiative, the Bedele Agricultural Research Center of the IQQO multiplied the certified
(C1) seeds of the bread wheat varieties by irrigation in the Chora district during the cropping
season of 2015. On 10 hectares of farmer land, the certified (C1) seed of bread wheat variety
kingbird was multiplied by cluster approach and harvested with 410 quintals that was
possessed to cluster farmers.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure 16.Training provided to SMS, DA’S and Farmers in this fiscal year
Youth (M)
Adult (M)
Youth (F)
Adult (F)
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure 17.Type of technologies demonstrated and field Days Conducted
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Buno Bedele, Southwest Ethiopia
12 Magt and Land Suitability Evaluation for Tea Cultivation using ,,
Protection Geographic’s Information System (GIS) and analytical
hierarchical process (AHP) in Selected Districts of Ilu
Abba Bora, Southwest Ethiopia
13 Coffee and Land Suitability Evaluation for Tea Cultivation using ,,
Tea Geographic’s Information System (GIS) and analytical
hierarchical process (AHP) in Selected Districts of Jima
Zone, Southwest Ethiopia
14 Soil Fertility Verification of Soil Test Crop Response Based “
Improvement Phosphorous Recommendation for Tef in Dega District,
Western Oromia
15 Soil Fertility Verification of Soil Test Crop Response Based “
Improvement Phosphorous Recommendation for Bread Wheat in
Dega District, Western Oromia
16 Soil Resource Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soils of
Survey Bedele District, South West Ethiopia
17 Agricultural Pre-Extension Demonstration and Evaluation of “
Extension Improved Tef Technology in Chora District of Buno
Bedele Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia
18 Agricultural Cluster Based Pre-Scaling up of Soil Test Based “
Extension Recommended Fertilizer Rate for Maize in Dabo Hana
District of Buno Bedele Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia
19 Aminal Adaptation trial of Oat (Avena sativa) Varieties in Two “
Forage Agro-ecologies of Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bor
Zones, South Western Oromia, Ethiopia
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 35.Number of Researcher/staff Participated on short term training in this fiscal year
S/N Team Title Number of Place of Duration
participants training
1 Soil Resource R-Software & Partial budget 1 EIAR Five (5)
Survey Analysis days
2 Cereal Crops Training of Plant Breeders 2 Adama Six (6)
on Advanced Plant Breeding days
with major focus on Mating
3 Horticulture, Giving full information for 3 Adama Three (3)
Protection, and farmers on any Agricultural days
Agricultural information through 8028
Extension SMS
4 Soil Testing AAS and Food Lab. 2 Batu Finfine,
Accreditation Batu
5 All Staff Standard planning 50 BeARC 1 day
and evaluation of the
Awareness creation and 55 BeARC 1 day
training on staff handling
and work ethics
Total 63
Table 36. Total human resource of the Center by gender and Educational levels
S/N Team PhD MSc BSc/BA Diploma Certificate Others Total
1 Researcher - - 6 - 18 - 1 1 1 - - - 26 1
2 Supportive - - - - 5 8 8 3 8 - - - 21 11
Total 6 23 8 9 4 9 - - - 47 12
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
channels (telephone, email and direct discussion). In order to solve the issue with OARI and
Center structures relating to JEG, the center worked and participated as a member by
nominating a committee member. Our Center was well done on the volunteer efforts to clean
up the offices, city, and campus and for the free seedlings planted as a part of the green
legacy. For the advancement of researchers, the researcher promotion committee needed data
compiled and reviewed, as well as documents from five researchers given to OARI.
Coordination and execution of the annual performance evaluation from the general center
operations to the specific employee was carried out. The operations of the records and
document storage department are being done legally. The efficient implementation of security
and property management tasks at research stations as well as office locations has aided the
success of capacity building initiatives.
Our center got support from of the AGP-II project in order to provide office maintenance and
renovation solutions for the prominent issues mentioned above. With excellent supervision
from the Regional Coordinated unit of AGP-II-IQQO, our center also had shown a high level
of commitment, cooperation, and performance in three years of this marvelous construction
which covers a land of 557 square meters. Almost 13.4 million Ethiopian Birr were spent by
this project in total on this spectacular building with spectacular Basement plus Ground One
(B+G+1) building including different 35 classrooms (offices, halls, cafeteria, stores,
laboratory, baths and toilets) showed as in figure below. A further 2000 square meters of
land were secured for additional construction and for enlarging the office space.
However, attention must be paid by our higher institution (IQQO) to managing and planning
for other infrastructures (such as buildings, offices, laboratories and warehouses). Research
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
sub-sites covering 55.33 hectares, identified as Dhaye, Ilke, Agalo Eko, Toli cheka, Bido
Jiren, and Sekko, were procured, and the site plan was handed over.
Figure 18.Photos of marvellous building of Bedele ARC and land owned by the center
However, the woredas have just taken hold over around ten hectares (10 ha) of the Dhaye
(Dabo Hanna) research sub site. These sites are located in the districts of Dabo Hana, Bedele,
Mettu, Bure, and Gechi, respectively. All of these study sites will require a significant deal of
maintenance to completely fence it in order to provide their full functionality.
The continuous performance of all research activities and other operations was accomplished
by strong commitments and conversations with team leaders and the entire staff regarding
preventing work disruptions brought on by a lack of resources. Three vehicles have been
repaired and effectively implemented. Maintenance was made to a variety of equipment’s. As
a result, and 3 computers, 2 printers, shelves, chairs, and tables were bought this fiscal year.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
12. Budget allocation and Its Utilization
Table 37.Utilization of different budget sources from IQQO and other projects
SN Research Process/Teams Planned Utilized % (P/U)
1 Cereal Crops 411,700 410,370 99.7
2 Pulse and oil Crops 465,300 463,602 99.6
3 Horticultural Crops 268,700 267,256 99.5
4 Crop Protections 474,700 473,278 99.7
5 Coffee and Tea 699,300 697,669 99.8
6 Animal Forage 380,000 378,927 99.7
7 Apiculture 198,000 196,377 99.2
8 Soil Fertility I and Soil Survey 576,800 575,003 99.7
9 Agroforestry 268,400 267,391 99.6
10 Socio-Economics 175,500 173,181 98.7
11 Agricultural Extension 331,200 330,244 99.7
12 Technology Multiplication 350,000 347,943 99.4
Capital Budget 4,599,600 4,581,241 99.6
Recurrent Budget 9,534,051 8,244,881 86.5
Internal revenue 477,203 471,931 98.9
Budget allocated and utilized by Collaborative Projects
CALM P-4R 1,176,281 947,744 81.0
GIZ-ISFM+ 300,000 298,285 99.4
AGP-II (Support for Fence construction) 269,000 269,000 100
Irrigated Wheat 1,998,435 1,906,567 95.4
FSRP 1,480,000 790,572 53.4
AECFR 142,500 120,659 85.0
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
a quarterly basis and takes into account all research that is done on-station and on-farm.
Based on this, the M & E committee carried out rigorous oversights and evaluated the
research projects carried out as intended. The committee also assessed the research's
strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. The committee also evaluated the research activities'
strengths, weaknesses, and limitations as well as the directions sent to the appropriate
research teams. All research activities evaluated by committee under respective research
teams were also reviewed at the center level for the management committee.
14. Publicity
One of the top - notch ways to disseminate information and policymakers about our research
technologies is via the media and social media advertising. Social media is not merely for
broadcasting one-way promotions for our research in an attempt to "get more eyeballs." It's
about two-way communication, which entails hearing what people have to say about research
technologies done for the communities, responding to or commenting on what people have to
say, asking for people's opinions and feedback on the technologies posted, and responding to
people when they write comments on your posts so people feel a connection to the center and
how these technologies work. Based on this, our research center promotes its research on
news and documentaries on public platforms, including Facebook (OARI, BeARC, Zone
Communication and OPO), OBN, Walta, Fana, Addis Media Network (AMN), and ETV
televisions. We shared and promoted our research technologies with all the communities,
Woreda experts, and other Zonal administrations. They provided constructive feedback,
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
testified, and expressed the want for further dissemination of research technologies for the
large populations in the desired locations.
Figure 20. Photos of different media and social media of public plat forms
15. Cross Cutting Issues
Table 38.Implementation of the public service transformation tool package, leadership roles
and activities, and manifestations of good governance
SN Activities Planned Units Annual Annual %
planned Implemented (P/I)
1 Team meeting No. 12 10 80
2 Process meeting No. 12 8 60
3 Management meeting No. 12 10 83
4 M & E planned and implemented No. 2 1 50
5 Partnership meeting with different No. 2 4 200
6 Work ethics and anti-corruption No. 4 3 75
promotion committee meeting
In terms of public supporting initiatives, 13,600 ETB has been given to those suffering from
HIV/AIDS in kinds.
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
SN Type of Service provided Units Planned Utilized %(P/U)
1 People living with HIV-AIDS were Supported 22 22 100
in kinds (double suffering) No.
M No. 3 3 100
F No. 19 19 100
Powder and food oils Birr 12,000 12,000 100
3 Training provided how to take a HIV-Viral No. 22 22 100
load test timely
4 Training was provided how to take a tablet No. 22 22 100
The anti-corruption and ethical development council's monitoring and assistance at all levels
has improved workplace ethics and efficiency, which improves the delivery of services in
most areas. At various times, on-going training on the efforts being taken to ensure that
employees uphold workplace cultures and ethics was conducted. An action plan for 2015 has
been created after the performance of the Crime Prevention and Anti-Corruption Council has
been assessed. A suggestion box has been set up in a noticeable location to gather grievances,
and workers as well as outside organizations and customers have been asked for their
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
feedback and complaints regarding work ethics and service delivery. Corrective actions were
performed as part of the on-going improvement in the regards based on the comments and
complaints. The center celebrated the 16th annual Anti-Corruption Day at Center Level with
all Staffs
Table 40.Table Performance of Ethical Promotion Activities of the Center
SN List of main activities Unit Plan Implanted %(P/I)
1 Collect customer feedback on our services and Quarter 4 4 100
analyse public satisfaction levels
2 Monitoring the use of the government's budget Monthly 12 12 100
to ensure that it is put to good use and produces
the desired outcomes
3 Observing how center staff use government Report X X X
equipment and materials to ensure that they are
solely used for office tasks
4 Assess any potential ethical dilemmas or Quarter 4 4 100
difficulties at work, and respond right away if
they arise
5 Support the ethics and anti-corruption councils Quarter 4 4 100
of the Center; establish a schedule for debating
any ethical issues and processes for resolving
them if they arise
6 Monitor presence and application of important Quarter 4 4 100
laws, rules, and regulations
7 Collaborate with various groups to encourage Quarter 4 4 100
moral conduct and a sense of responsibility at
all levels in the center
8 If any corruption offense has been committed, Monthly X X X
is suspected of having been committed, or if
any third-party complaints have been received,
they will be registered and submitted to the
center director and OARI
9 Keep track of and make corrections to internal Monthly - - -
and external audit reports
10 Employee ethics, those who set an example at Good - - -
work, those whose disciplinary infractions have modal,
been advised and who have received Advised - - -
disciplinary punishment Punished - 3 -
11 Receive and give feedback Face-to- - - -
Telephone - - -
Written - - -
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
14.2 Job creation activities for unemployed community groups
Table 41.Job Opportunities on Technology Utilization Created for Unemployed Youth
SN List of Activities Planned Units Annual planned Implemented %(P/I)
1 Coffee nursery management No. 80 61 96
2 Contract for sites guarding No. 12 12 100
3 Harvesting and Trashing No. 255 275 122
Total No. 347 348 100
About 15 quintals of maize grain have been delivered to the drought-stricken Borena people.
Table 42.Types of Services provided for this fiscal year
SN Type of Service provided Units Planned Utilized %(P/U)
1 Drought problems occurred in Yabello Birr 20,000 20,000 100
2 Poor farmers and HIV-AIDS Carriers Birr 73,600 73,600 100
3 Health Insurance for poor farmers Birr 3,300 3,300 100
4 Bedele ARC Compound Clearing Estimation 7,000 6,600 94
Human power Involved No 41 21 51
M No 35 18 51
F No 6 3 50
5 Sowing and weed management Estimation 11,000 9,800 89
Human power Involved No 40 22 55
M No. 32 20 63
F No. 8 2 25
6 Harvesting and Threshing Estimation 20,000 18,000 90
Human power Involved No 52 45 87
M No. 40 35 88
F No. 12 10 83
Planting Trees Estimation 10,500 9,800 93
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Human power Involved No 40 38 95
M No. 32 30 94
F No. 8 8 100
7 Peoples with suffering of disease Cash 15,000 15,000 100
Total 160,400 156,100 97
Figure 23.Tree planted and well managed by Bedele ARC staff starting from 2011-2015 E.C
17. Major Problems Encountered in this fiscal year
Table 43. list of major problems encountered and possible solutions given in this FY
SN Problems Efforts made to address the Recommended solution must
encountered problems give by Institute
1 Lack of Human Doing additional works Hiring New workers on time
power Use as a contract (operator) from the market
Doing overtime & weekends
Received from other center
2 Shortage of Used by saving Allocating the budget with
Budget Budget Reshuffling respective of work load and
Effective communication also by consideration of
with Finance head newly upgraded Center
Sharing the budget from
each teams
3 No Fences on Use local materials Budget allocation for angle
Research Sub site Use a field guard iron
4 No shade on Use local materials Budget allocation
Research sub sites Use a temporary shade
5 Lack of Field Use a contract Hiring guards
6 Shortage of field Team work Purchasing field vehicle and
vehicles Using a transports bus services
Lending from sectors
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
7 Farm machineries Lending farm machineries Purchasing Furrow ridge,
Use oxen & man power tractor trailer, sprays trailer,
thresher, row planter…)
8 Boarder of sub Mediation made with others
site (10 ha)
18. Summary of Main Activities Scheduled for Upcoming 2015/16 Fiscal year
For the forthcoming 2015/2016 crop season, work plan Center activities will be prepared.
For on-going and new research activities, various data collecting and recording will
continue in accordance with the project plan.
Based on the budget circumstances, experimental setups, site selection, urea application,
weed management, sowing, and data gathering and recording will begin for new activities
and other projects.
The scheduled times will be implemented for monitoring and evaluation.
Inspire and encourage all staff to participate in various discussion workshops, hold team
meetings, and meticulously record and document all working
According to schedules, a thorough write-up of all completed projects and
Concept notes for the upcoming 2015–16 E.C. Fiscal Year will be accomplished.
Field day will be conducted as planned for further research promotion
19. Action plan for Main activities for 2016 Fiscal Year Budget
Table 44.Table List of main activities planned for 2016 Fiscal Year
S/ Major Activities Planned Units Cascaded by Quarters
2015 E.C
2016 E.C
ment of
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 45.Research Activities (on going, Extended & New) Planned by IQQO for 2016 EFY
S/N Research Teams Number of Activities
1 Cereal 8
2 Pulse & Oil 7
3 Horticultural 10
4 Pathology 4
5 Entomology 2
6 Weed Science 1
7 Coffee & Tea M&P 7
8 Coffee & Tea Improvement 6
9 Animal Feed 5
10 Apiculture 1
11 Soil Fertility 3
12 Soil Resource Survey 11
13 Soil and Water Conservation and Watershed Management 2
14 Agroforestry 4
15 Socio Economics 4
16 Agricultural Extension 6
Total 81
S/N Research Activities funded by projects for 2016 EFY Number of Activities
1 CALMP4R (Natural Resource) 8
2 FSRP (Crops, Agricultural Extension, T/Multiplication) 7
3 GIZ-ISFM (Soil Fertility Improvement) 2
4 AECFR (Soil Fertility Improvement) ( 3
5 ECONUT (Soil Fertility Improvement) 2
6 ATI (Soil Fertility Improvement) 1
Total 23
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Table 46.List of Research Activities (on going, Extended & New) Planned by IQQO budget for 2016 EFY
Research Teams Titles of Research Activities planned for 2016 EFY Status
1. Cereal Crops
1.1 Adaptation Trial of Malt barley varieties
1.2 Bread wheat Regional variety trial
1.3 Food barley Regional variety trial
1.4 White Seeded Tef PYT
1.5 Brown Seeded Tef PYT
1.6 Upland Rice Adaptation Trial
1.7 Lowland sorghum Adaptation trial
1.8 Response of food barley variety to NPSB and Seed rate
2. Pulse and Oil
2.1 Linseed Adaptation Trial
2.2 Groundnut Adaptation Trial
2.3 Kabuli Type Chickpea Adaptation Trial
2.4 Effect of Blended NPSB Fertilizer Rates and Varieties on Yield and Yield Components of Haricot Bean
2.5 Field pea Adaptation Trial
2.6 Small seeded white common bean Adaptation Trial
2.7 Effect of NPSB and plant population on yield and yield components of Soybean varieties at Bedele
3. Horticulture
3.1 Adaptation Trial of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Varieties
3.2 Adaptation Trial of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties
3.3 Response of Potato to Inter NPSB Fertilizer Rate and Row Spacing in Buno Bedele Zone
3.4 Adaptation Trail of Fenugreek Varieties
3.5 Adaptation Trial of Garlic Varieties
3.6 Adaptation Trial of Head Cabbage varieties
3.7 Adaptation Trial of Black cumin Varieties
3.8 Adaptation Trial of Banana Varieties
3.9 Adaptation Trial of White Fleshed Sweet Varieties
3.10 Response of Hot pepper NPSB and N Fertilizer rates
4. Crop Pathology
4.1 Survey and Quantify Major Diseases of Fruit Crops at Buno Bedele, Ilu A. Bora and Jimma Zones of south
4.2 Survey of Major Diseases of Vegetable Crops in Buno Bedele, Ilu Aba Bora and Jimma Zones of South
Western Oromia.
4.3 Effects of Fungicides and Seedbed preparation Methods on Seed borne fungi and different growth stages of
Hot pepper diseases at Ilu Aba Bor and Buno Bedele Zones
4.4 Identification of Viciae Species Responsible to Cause Faba Bean Gall in South western Ethiopia
5. Crop Entomology
5.1 Survey and Quantify Major Insects Pestes of Fruit Crops at Buno Bedele, Ilu A. Bora and Jimma Zones of
south Western
5.2 Survey of Major Insect Pests of Major Cereal Crops in Buno Bedele, Ilu Aba Bora and Jimma Zones of
South Western Oromia
6. Crop Weed Science
6.1 Effects of Various Weeds management practices on yield and components of Tef at Buno Bedele Zone.
7. Coffee & Tea Management & Protection
7.1 Effect of spacing on yield and quality of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) - Enset (Ensete ventricosum) Intercropping.
7.2 Effects of different rate of Vermicompost on growth of Coffee Seedlings in Buno Bedele zone
7.3 Effect of Intercropping Coffee (Coffee Arabica L.) with Banana (Musa spp.) on
7.4 Coffee yield and yield components in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora Zones
7.5 Effect of Intercropping Coffee (Coffee Arabica L.) with Avocado ( Persea americana Miller) on Coffee
yield and yield components in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora Zones
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
7.6 Effect of Coffee husk Compost on acid soils on Coffee yield and yield components in Buno Bedele and Ilu
Abba Bora Zones
7.7 Cluster Based Demonstration on Coffee for coffee growers at Buno Bedele zone, south western Oromia
7.8 Effect of Integrated Fertilizer on Coffee Yield and Yield Components in Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bora
8. Coffee and Tea Improvement
8.1 Collection, Evaluation & Characterization of Coffee landraces in B/B & I/A/B zones
8.2 Adaptation of Improved Coffee Varieties at Buno Bedele zones
8.3 Adaptation trial of Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Clones in Buno Bedele Zone
8.4 Coffee Quality Profile Mapping for Buno Bedele Zone
8.5 Coffee Seed Maintenance on Station
8.6 Studies on the genetic variability of Buno Bedele Coffee (Coffee arabica L.) landrace in South western
9. Animal Feed
9.1 Adaptation trial of Desho Grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) cultivars in different agro-ecologies of Buno
Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones, Western Oromia
9.2 Adaptation Trial of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Varieties at High and Midland agro ecologies of Buno
Bedele Zone, South Western Oromia
9.3 Adaption trial of Lablab (Lablab purpureus) Varieties at Lowland areas of Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bor
Zones, South Western Oromia
9.4 Adaptation Trial of Brachiaria Grass cultivars at Midland areas of Buno Bedele Zone, South Western
9.5 Adaption trial of Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) varieties at Midland areas of Buno Bedele and Ilu Aba Bor Zones,
South Western Oromia
10. Apiculture
10.1 Establishing flora calendar of Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora zones, south western Oromia
10.2 Honey production system in Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora zones
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
11. Soil Fertility Improvement
11.1 Soil Test Crop Response Based Phosphorus Calibration Study for Maize in Mettu District
11.2 Verification of soil test crop response based calibrated phosphorous for tef in Gechi District of Buno
Bedele Zone, West Oromia, Ethiopia
11.3 Preparation and Characterization of vermicompost nutrient contents prepared from different sources of
organic materials
12. Soil Resource Survey
12.1 Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soil Resources in Gechi District
12.2 Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soil Resources in Borecha District
12.3 Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Soil Resources in Didesa District
12.4 Land suitability Evaluation for Major Agricultural Crops using GIS-based Multi Criteria approach in
Borecha, Didesa and Gechi districts of Buno Bedele Zone
12.5 Land suitability Evaluation for Major Agricultural Crops using GIS-based Multi Criteria approach in
Bedele, Chora and Dabo Hana districts of Buno Bedele Zone
12.6 Fertilizer Requirement Mapping for Maize in Bedele District of Buno Bedele Zone
12.7 Fertilizer Requirement Mapping for Maize in Chora District of Buno Bedele Zone
12.8 Fertilizer Requirement Mapping for Maize in Dabo Hanna District of Buno Bedele Zone
12.9 Fertilizer Requirement Mapping for wheat in Chora District of Buno Bedele Zone
12.10 Fertilizer Requirement Mapping for Wheat in Gechi District of Buno Bedele Zone
12.11 Fertilizer Requirement Mapping for Tef in Chora district of Buno Bedele Zone
13. Soil and Water Conservation and Watershed Management
13.1 Effects of Tillage Frequency on Selected Soil Properties, Maize Yield and Yield Components in Bedele
District, South Western Ethiopia.
13.2 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of soil and Water Conservation Practices Improving selected Soil
Properties, Maize Yield and Yield Components in Dabo Hana District, south western Ethiopia.
14. Agroforestry
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
14.1 Adaptation and growth performance of Moringa stenopetala and Moringaoleifera in Buno Bedele Zone
14.2 Assessment, Characterization and Mapping of Gerba Dima and Gaba forest in Ilu Abba Bora and Buno
Bedele Zones, South West Ethiopia
14.3 Characterization of Trees and Shrubs Species Diversity of Gerba Dima and Gaba Forest in Ilu Abba Bora
and Buno Bedele Zones ,South West Ethiopia
14.4 Adaptation and Growth performance of multipurpose trees/ shrubs in Buno Bedele Zone
15. Socio Economics
15.1 Analysis & Characterization of Farming System in Bu/Bedele Zone
15.2 Value Chain characterization in Bu/Bed. Zone
15.3 Coffee Value Chain Analysis in Buno Bedele Zone of South Western Oromia
15.4 Assessment of Soil Fertility Management Practices in Buno Bedele Zone
16. Agricultural Extension
16.1 Pre Extension Demonstration of improved Sorghum in Dabo Hana district
16.2 Pre-scaling up of Improved Bread Wheat in Chora and Gechi district
16.3 Pre Extension Demonstration of Improved Irish Potato Gechi district
16.4 Pre Extension Demonstration of Improved Sesame in Dabo Hana and Bure district
16.5 Pre scaling up of Improved Food Barely Chora district
16.6 Pre Extension Demonstration of Improved Oats grass in Chora and Gechi districts
Table 47.List of Crop Technology Multiplication (basic seeds) Planned for 2016 EFY
Crop Types Variety Seed class Area (Hek) planned Expected yield qt/ha total expected yield (Qt)
Sorghum Melkam Basic 1 20 20
Fadis01 Basic 1 20 20
Finger millet Gute Basic 0.25 8 2
Urji Basic 0.25 8 2
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Boneya Basic 0.25 8 2
Wama Basic 0.25 8 2
Tef Kora/Dursi Basic 5 10 50
Dursi Basic 5 10 50
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Sesame Dicho/Yale/Obsa Basic 0.25 5 1.25
Yale Basic 0.25 5 1.25
Obsa Basic 0.25 5 1.25
Hot pepper Melka shote Basic 1 1 1
Awaze Basic 1 1 1
Marko Fana 1 1 1
Total Sum 38 415 587.25
Crop Types Variety Seed class Planned Total
Banana Poyo, (dwarf Cavendish) Suckers Seed bed 400
Papaya Solo varieties Seedling Seed bed 250
Avocado Has Seedling Seed bed 200
Coffee Buno wush Seedling Seed bed 2,000
Yachi Seedling Seed bed 2,000
Wush wush Seedling Seed bed 2,000
74110 Seedling Seed bed 2,000
Forage Cowpea (bole/Adulala) Basic 0.05 1 (Qt)
Oats (Bonsa) Basic 0.05 1.5 (Qt)
Desho grass Cutting 0.09 100
Sweet lupine Walala (Green manure) Basic 3 100kg
Vermi worm Eisenia fetida (Red colour) Red 5 boxes (6 m3) 50kg
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Prepared by Approved by
Name: _____________________ Name: _____________________
Signature: __________________ Signature: __________________
Date: ______________________ Date: ______________________
Figure: Photos of some Technology Multiplications during 2015 E.C Cropping Season
Figure: Soybean basic seed Multiplication at Dhaye Research Sub site in cropping season of 2015/16 E.C
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure: Soybean basic seed Multiplication at Dhaye Research Sub site in cropping season of 2015/16 E.C
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure: photos of tef (Kora) basic seed multiplication by cluster approach at Chora district in 2015 EFY
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023
Figure: Marvellous building of Bedele ARC (supported by AGP-II)
Compiled by Gedefa Sori, Center Director of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), 2015/2023