Two procedures for the fatigue analysis of elliptic and semi-elliptic cracks proposed in engineering guidelines are
compared. The ``original'' procedure follows the growth of an actual crack, the ``simpli®ed'' one considers the
growth of a recategorised strip (tunnel) crack. The conservatism of the ``simpli®ed'' procedure is investigated in an
extensive computer study. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fracture mechanics; Fatigue analysis; Engineering guidelines; Elliptical crack; Semi-elliptical crack; Recategorisation;
1. Introduction
When investigating the residual life of a construction or a workpiece containing a detected ¯aw,
usually several simpli®cations are performed to ®nd a prediction. These simpli®cations are mainly
concerned with the guidelines which are applied for estimating the residual life. Nowadays, several
guidelines dealing with fracture mechanics application exist. The authors refer here mainly to the British
guidance PD 6493 [1] and an Austrian guideline [2] which is based on [1], but has been signi®cantly
modi®ed and extended in part Ð speci®cally with respect to fatigue analysis, see also [3]. Under these
aspects, the following simpli®cations are necessary:
. The existing ¯aw must be modelled by a plane crack, if the ¯aw is ``voluminous''.
. The plane crack must be projected into the direction of the proper principal stress axis. The
0013-7944/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 3 - 7 9 4 4 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 8 - 4
42 F.D. Fischer, F.G. Rammerstorfer / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 66 (2000) 41±49
This section explains de®nitions and the way of recategorisation given in [1,2].
Two types of cracks are dealt with, see Fig. 1 and the corresponding notation. Moreover, a linear
stress distribution over the cross-section is assumed.
The Erdogan±Paris±Sih relation is taken as crack propagation law,
da m
C DK : 1
DK is the dierence between the maximum and the minimum stress intensity factor KI in a point on the
crack front during a load cycle,
DK KI, max ÿ KI, min , 2
for the crack growth during the ith cycle. Dai means the crack propagation increment. Only two
``simple'' locations exist, where the crack propagation increment Dai can simply be added: the point B,
where Dai is added to the current crack length ai in x-direction and the points A or A1 and A2,
respectively, where Dai points in the y-direction. The well-known fact that in reality, the crack looses its
elliptical shape should be noted. However, the crack pro®les are often Ð speci®cally in the case of
F.D. Fischer, F.G. Rammerstorfer / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 66 (2000) 41±49 43
tension and bending loading Ð truly very close to being semi-elliptical or elliptical as observed from
experiments and numerical simulations [5,7±9]. Therefore, within the context of [1,2], the deviation from
the elliptical or semi-elliptical crack shape, respectively, needs not to be taken into account. This means
a0 and 2a0 for the surface crack and for the internal ¯aw, respectively, grows to a and 2a, respectively,
a a0 Dai , 2a 2a0 D 1 ai D2 ai : 4
i1 i1 i1
Fig. 1. (a) Geometry of a surface crack (solid line: initial, dotted lines: during crack growth). (b) Geometry of an internal (central
or subsurface) crack (solid line: initial, dotted lines: during crack growth).
44 F.D. Fischer, F.G. Rammerstorfer / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 66 (2000) 41±49
For the sake of simpli®cation, we assume in this paper that D1 ai is substituted by D2 ai which is
Similarly, `0 grows to
` `0 2 D B ai : 5
DB ai refers to the crack propagation increment in the point B. If in the following context, the growth of
an elliptical or semi-elliptical crack is treated, ellipses with a horizontal total length ` and a vertical half
length a are considered.
It should be mentioned that this procedure can not be directly applied to more complicated crack
con®gurations, for example, interacting and coalescing cracks, see e.g. [10±12], or cracks near holes, see
e.g. [13].
If the internal crack approaches the surface and the original distance 2p0 decreases to 2 p T,
p 2 p0 ÿ D2 ai , 6
it may happen that the stress intensity factor KI in A2 increases very rapidly. Finally, KI goes to in®nity,
if A2 reaches the surface. This is pointed out in a series of papers by Mayrhofer et al. [14±17], a paper
by Belytschko et al. [18] applying the self-similar crack expansion method, a recent paper by Smith et al.
[19], and speci®cally with respect to its consequence on fatigue analysis in [20]. Therefore, the rapid
growth of the crack near the surface is treated in such a way that the elliptical crack is reshaped for
consideration of subsequent crack growth by a semi-elliptical surface crack. Diagrams for the stress
intensity factor in A2 are provided in the open literature mostly for a= a 2 p < 0:8: The authors
extended the diagrams based on their own research [14±17] to a range of validity of a= a 2 p < 0:9:
For values of a= a 2 p > 0:9, a break-through to the surface is assumed, forming a semi-elliptical
surface crack with the depth
as0 2a 2 pf , 2
pf : 7
The major axis `s0 is assumed to be the length, maximum of the two values `, see Eq. (5), and 2as0
`s0 max `, 2as0 : 8
This means that the crack reshapes for ` < 2as0 to a semi-circular surface crack. This practice is justi®ed
by a recent study by Dai et al. [21]. They could show that in the ®rst phase, an internal crack grows
nearly unaected by the surface. After touching the surface, it breaks through and grows within a
certain transient period of only few cycles to a nearly semi-circular con®guration. Omitting this transient
interim period leads to a conservative procedure which is also followed in this paper.
The recategorisation is now performed by equalising the (largest) stress intensity factor dierence DK
of the actual crack with the corresponding value DK of a tunnel or in®nitely long surface crack,
respectively. Since DK follows as
DK DSY a, ` pa, 9
DS is the nominal stress range and is assumed to be the same for the original and the recategorised case.
The guidelines provide diagrams for a as a function of a and ` of the actual crack, see [1], Sections
19, 20 and Figs. 18, 20±22 therein, and [2], Sections 12, 13 and Figs. 17, 18 therein. In the case of an
internal crack, the recategorised tunnel crack must have one of the two crack contours in the point,
where for the original crack, the maximum of DK appears (which is point A2 in the study below, see
also Fig. 1b). The advantage of the recategorisation lies in the easy handling of such types of cracks in
fatigue analyses, since (more or less) simple analytical formulae exist expressing DK in the positions A
Å 1,
A2 and A,Å respectively, in dependence of the wall-thickness T and the y-distance of A Å 1 and A2 and A,
respectively. Diagrams are provided, e.g. in [1], in dependence on quality categories and in [2], Figs.
23a±h therein, to perform the fatigue analysis without any signi®cant analytical work. However, the
main question remains: How conservative is such a procedure?
3. Conservatism study
In the following context, the results of an extended computer study are reported. Nine dierent crack
shapes and three possible positions of the cracks are studied. The cracks themselves are characterised
with respect to their length as SHORT, INTERMEDIATE, LONG and with respect to their size (area)
as SMALL, MIDDLE, LARGE. With respect to their positions, the following types are distinguished:
SURFACE, SUBSURFACE (with the crack centre at y T=4 and CENTRAL (with crack centre at
y T=2).
It is assumed that in the initial stage, types SHORT, INTERMEDIATE and LONG possess the same
area, independent of their position. The dimensions are chosen as below:
With respect to the size, the relative crack areas are chosen in relation to the area A of the smallest
crack and tabulated below:
Since concrete data must be used, the thickness of the wall is assumed as T = 20 mm and the area A
2p mm2.
With respect to the fatigue life, two limits for the SURFACE and CENTRAL cracks are checked,
N50 and N90. N50 stands for the number of cycles if the crack extends over 50% of the wall thickness
along the y-line; in the case of N90, 90% are cracked. The highest values of KI are approximately
1600 N mmÿ3/2, which is for a typical steel reasonably below KIC which is of the magnitude of
2500 Nmmÿ3/2.
In the case of a SUBSURFACE crack, a break-through to the surface is assumed for a= a 2 p
0:9: That means, a semi-elliptical crack has formed with a depth of 9.5 mm extending over 47.5% of the
46 F.D. Fischer, F.G. Rammerstorfer / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 66 (2000) 41±49
wall thickness. Therefore, the indication N47.5 is introduced. The study is now continued with a semi-
elliptical SURFACE crack which may grow up to 50 or 90%, respectively, of the wall thickness. This
case is again denominated as N90, N 50 , N 90 and N 47:5 , N 50 , N 90 , respectively, corresponding to the
number of cycles for the recategorised cracks. Since the diagrams become more and more inaccurate for
the crack approaching the surface, a footnote is attached to those values of N which are in¯uenced by
this inaccuracy.
Two types of stress states are selected, a TENSION state with s1 s2 sT and TENSION +
BENDING state with s1 s2 =2 sT and s2 ÿ s1 0:1818sT , sT is assumed to be 330 MPa.
First, a cycle-by-cycle crack growth analysis was performed on the basis of elliptical or semi-elliptical
cracks, i.e. the ``original'' procedure.
The actual dimensions of the crack, which change per load cycle, are established according to Eqs.
(4)±(6). Very often, millions of changes were calculated during the simulations.
The KI-values are calculated according to Section 9.2 of [1] or 7.2 of [2] as
Mm sm Mb sb p
KI pa, 11
s2 ÿ s1
sm sT 330 MPa, and sb 0:0909sT 30 MPa;
Mm and Mb are data from existing diagrams depending on the crack shape and the position A1, A2 or
A, respectively, and B. f represents the elliptic integral and exists both in closed form and in the form
of a diagram.
It should be mentioned that a collection of stress intensity factors, i.e. explicit formulae for KI in A1
and A2, for easy programming was recently published by the GKSS group, see [22].
The following concrete data have been chosen:
Furthermore, the ``simpli®ed'' procedure is performed for recategorised cracks with crack width a and
respectively, as discussed in the last section. The corresponding number of cycles for the
recategorised crack growing to 50 and 90% of the wall thickness are denominated as N 50 and N 90 :
The simpli®ed procedure can be performed by using only diagrams provided in Sections 12, 13 of [2].
The change of the KI-values due to growing of a is taken into account, of course, in these diagrams.
The interested reader is also referred to a paper by BruÈckner-Foit et al. [23], where a procedure
Table 1
Conservatism ratios for 50 and 90% cracks of various size and length for the crack position: SURFACE and loading: TENSION
Size Length
Table 2
Conservatism ratios for 50 and 90% cracks of various size and length for the crack position: SURFACE and loading: TENSION
Size Length
Table 3
Conservatism ratios for 50 and 90% cracks of various size and length for the crack position: CENTRAL and loading: TENSION
Size Length
Table 4
Conservatism ratios for 50 and 90% cracks of various size and length for the crack position: CENTRAL and loading: TENSION
Size Length
similar to the ``original'' procedure is outlined in detail, e.g. with analytical expressions for the stress
intensity factors in A1, A2.
The ratios N50 =N 50 and N90 =N 90 indicating conservatism (>1) or non-conservatism (<1) are
evaluated and reported in Tables 1±6.
48 F.D. Fischer, F.G. Rammerstorfer / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 66 (2000) 41±49
Table 5
Conservatism ratios for 50 and 90% cracks of various size and length for the crack position: SUBSURFACE and loading: TEN-
Size Length
Table 6
Conservatism ratios for 50 and 90% cracks of various size and length for the crack position: SUBSURFACE and loading: TEN-
Size Length
Achieved from extrapolated data.
It is important to note that the results N=N are independent of the actual value of sT (330 MPa) if
KI, max does not reach KIC. Both N and N include a factor sT m , which cancels out if we consider the
ratio N=N or N=N:
Tables 1±6 stemming from an extremely extensive computer study show that the ratios N50 =N 50
N50 =N 47:5 for SUBSURFACE cracks) and N90 =N 90 are signi®cantly larger than 1.0. In most cases, the
values for N50 =N 50 N47:5 =N 47:5 for SUBSURFACE cracks) are even larger than those for N90 =N 90 :
This means that the ``simpli®ed'' procedure with initially recategorised cracks generally appears to be
conservative. However, sometimes even the degree of conservatism is so high that an ``original''
procedure considering the actual growing crack should be performed if the ``simpli®ed'' procedure leads
to an insucient life time. The degree of conservatism would even be increased if the ``original''
procedure was performed by an extra calculation of D2 ai , see Eq. (3) and the remark below.
F.D. Fischer, F.G. Rammerstorfer / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 66 (2000) 41±49 49
The authors are indebted to D.I.W. Posch, former M.Sc. student at the Institute of Mechanics,
Leoben, who performed the programming and prepared the results of the computer study.
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