Fracture Mechanics Background: The Fracture of Brittle Materials: Testing and Analysis, First Edition. Stephen W. Freiman
Fracture Mechanics Background: The Fracture of Brittle Materials: Testing and Analysis, First Edition. Stephen W. Freiman
Fracture Mechanics Background: The Fracture of Brittle Materials: Testing and Analysis, First Edition. Stephen W. Freiman
Fracture Mechanics
The Fracture of Brittle Materials: Testing and Analysis, First Edition. Stephen W. Freiman
and John J. Mecholsky, Jr.
2012 The American Ceramic Society. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Early Brittle Fracture Research 7
leading to the concept that the smaller the volume (or area) under stress,
the less likelihood of nding a large aw, and therefore the higher the
strength. Grifth demonstrated this concept experimentally by measur-
ing the strength of glass bers of varying diameter, and showing that
strength increased with decreasing ber diameter. The aw that eventu-
ally grows to failure is determined by its severity as well as its location
with respect to the highest tensile stress, thereby giving rise to the
statistical nature of brittle failure.
Grifth also hypothesized that a materials resistance to the growth
of a crack is determined by the energy required to create the two frac-
ture surfaces produced by its extension. This approach assumes that
fracture occurs in an equilibrium manner, that is, in the absence of any
kinetic effects, and that no energy is lost due to plastic ow or heat. It
also neglects the possible effects of the test environment in which the
aw is growing, for example, water. Grifths expression for glass
fracture based upon this approach is given by:
2 E f
1/ 2
f =
, (2.2)
K I = Ya1 / 2, (2.6)
The stress intensity is a maximum at the tip of the minor axis of the
aw and is a minimum at the tip of the major axis. M is a surface cor-
rection factor whose value is approximately 1.12 as determined by
nite element analyses (Raju and Newman, 1979).
Crack extension takes place when the applied load rises to a level such
that the stress intensity factor produces crack-tip stresses large enough
to rupture atomic bonds at the crack tip. Fracture toughness is dened
as the value of the stress intensity factor, KI, at the point where KI = KIc,
the critical stress intensity factor.
K IC ( EGC ) ( 2 E f ) .
1/ 2 1/ 2
Equation 2.9 provides the link between fracture mechanics and Grifths
fracture energy.
How do we measure criticality? Grifth dened f in thermody-
namic terms, but for most materials, the point of reversible crack exten-
sion and contraction is not observed. Experimentally, we can increase
the stress on a crack to the point at which the crack grows to failure.
However, most brittle materials are sensitive to the effects of the atmo-
sphere in which they are tested. Subcritical crack growth, otherwise
known as stress corrosion, or environmentally enhanced crack growth,
12 CHAPTER 2 Fracture Mechanics Background
is very difcult to avoid (See Chapter 3). The key is the relative humid-
ity of water in the environment, that is, its partial pressure. No liquid,
no matter how small is the solubility of water in it, can be considered
to be completely inert. Even in relatively neutral external environments,
for example, dry gases and vacuum, some materials will still undergo
crack growth prior to catastrophic fracture due to other crack tip mecha-
nisms. KIC, for brittle materials has at times been dened as the point
at which rapid crack extension occurs, usually seen as a drop in the
load on a testing machine. But, then how rapid is rapid?
There are two options with respect to dening fracture toughness;
(1) One can assume that KIC is a fundamental material property, and
that each fracture mechanics technique represents an attempt to esti-
mate its value by a different method, or, (2) one could assume that
fracture toughness can only be dened in terms of the measurement
itself, and that there is nothing particularly fundamental about each
determination. For the purposes of this document, we will assume the
former, namely that there is a number that we can call KIC for each
material, but whose determination will depend on many factors, includ-
ing test procedure, environment, etc.
Nonetheless, we are clearly dealing with an operational denition
(as is also true for metals). For a given material, KIC will be a function
of environment, testing rate, and test geometry. For most of the tests
described in this document, KIC is calculated from the maximum load
reached during the test. The crack velocity at which this point occurs
will be a function of the compliance of both the specimen and the
testing machine, but is usually in the range of 102 to 100 m/s. Fortu-
nately, crack growth curves are typically very steep, so any uncertainty
in crack velocity translates into only a small uncertainty in fracture
Another issue is the stress state at the crack tip, that is, plane strain
or plane stress. Whether there exists a state of plane stress or plane
strain at the crack tip depends on the constraints. Where there is sig-
nicant constraint, for example, thick specimens, and little or no plastic
deformation, a state of plane strain will exist. In all specimens and
materials, the outer surface of the specimen will be in a state of plane
stress, but the depth of the plane stress zone could be quite small. For
metals, the condition of plane strain can be dened in terms of the size
of the crack tip singularity, which is related to the ratio of KI to the
yield stress in the material. Given that yield stresses for brittle materials
Mixed Mode Loading 13
However, mixed mode fracture can also occur if the face of the aw
is oriented at an angle to the tensile stress. A schematic of such a situ-
ation is shown in Figure 2.5. Both KII and KIII components of the stress
eld can act on the aw, with KII being greatest at the tensile surface,
and KIII being largest at the maximum aw depth.
Two issues arise in mixed mode loading. The most important is the
choice of a model that accurately combines the modes; the other issue
is the possible existence of slow crack growth. Effects of mode III
In the study by Petrovic and Mendiratta (1976, 1977), the aws were
nearly semicircular. In many cases, it is often necessary to use an
expression to calculate KI and KII that takes into account the degree of
ellipticity of the aw. For KI, this expression is shown in Equation 2.18,
Mixed Mode Loading 15
where Y = (1.2)1/2 for a surface aw, is the angle between the stress
direction and the initial crack plane, is an elliptical integral of the
second kind involving the major (b) to minor (a) radii ratio of the aw,
and c is the smaller of a or b. For KII, an expression used by Petrovic
and Mendiratta (1976, 1977), can be used:
Equations 2.7 and 2.8 yield values of KI and KII at the boundary of the
aw and the specimen surface. Kc can also be calculated by measuring
fracture-mirror size (Mecholsky et al., 1974, 1977):
crack growth initiates radially from the crack tip along the direction of
maximum tangential stress, 0. Also, the crack extension takes place
when the tangential stress along 0 and at a critical distance rc from
the crack tip attains a critical value c. Both rc and c are assumed
to be material constants.
The criterion for crack propagation under mixed mode loading
according to the GMTS theory is:
where KIf, KIIf, and Tf are the critical values of the stress intensity, and
T stress for mixed mode fracture. The GMTS criterion has only been
compared with a few materials. It should be used to test the results of
previous researchers to see if this criterion can explain previous results.
The question of how the effects of the various modes should be
combined mathematically to calculate fracture toughness is still a ques-
tion of interest. Test procedures that can be used to determine crack
growth characteristics under mixed mode loading are described in
Chapter 4.
1. Compare and contrast Grifths crack growth model and that developed by
18 CHAPTER 2 Fracture Mechanics Background