RCC Dams in Spain. Present and Future (Inglés)
RCC Dams in Spain. Present and Future (Inglés)
RCC Dams in Spain. Present and Future (Inglés)
(Noviembre 2003)
ABSTRACT: This paper briefly reviews the essential characteristics of the Spanish dams in RCC, both in their
typology and their design and construction, as factors relative to materials, mixtures and mixing.
The Spanish RCC dams have had a satisfactory behaviour, similar to the numerous dams of conventional concrete
existing in Spain. It is believed that the use of concrete with a high content of paste has had a great influence in this
3 MATERIALS FOR THE RCC The maximum size of aggregate (M.S.A.) has been
of 80 mm, only being greater in Erizana and Sta.
Eugenia dams where it was 100 mm. When the
3.1 Aggregates upstream face has been constructed with RCC, the
In Spain, the aggregates used in the RCC dams have aggregate of 80 mm has been reduced to 40 mm or 50
been practically of identical character to those mm in this zone.
employed in conventional concrete. Of crushed stone In the Spanish RCC the advantages of using
or of natural deposits, of calcareous or siliceous origin, aggregates of a greater size (greater resistance, lesser
are employed without distinction, depending on their shrinkage, lesser quantity of water and paste), have
cost. been subordinated to the interest of avoiding
The aggregates are classified in coarse aggregates segregation.
(> 5 mm) and fine aggregates or sands (< 5 mm). The When the aggregates have been of quality, the fines
first ones are separated, in general, in three fractions of the sands have formed part of the paste. If they are
and the second into one or two fractions, depending of a calcareous nature, these fines (< 80 ) can reach
on their maximum size. a 12% of the total of the sand. In the Urdalur Dam it
was of 8%.
In Table IV (see end of document) the quantities of normal). Cementitous material contents of 240 kg/m
aggregates utilized in the concrete of different dams are have been reached in some cases.
indicated. It is convenient that the content in paste exceeds
that is necessary to fill the voids; the excess flows back
to the surface and contributes to improving the union
3.2 Cementitous content and additives between successive lifts.
The binding material used in Spain for the compacted In Table IV the characteristics of the concretes are
concretes is generally a mixture of Portland cement shown. (See end of document).
and fly ash, class F type silica-aluminous, with a
content of the latter very superior to that of the cement. Mean Maximum Minimum
Other additions such as blast-furnace slag have been C.P. (kg/m) 78 100 70
used only in Urdalur dam and in the auxiliary
compacted concrete of the New Tous Dam. In these F (kg/m) 125 170 90
cases the cementitious material has been a composite C+F (kg/m) 200 240 185
cement supplied by the cement factory. F
To date, it has been preferred, due to its greater (%) 63 70 60
C? F
flexibility, to make the mixture on the work site.
The characteristics of the fly ash are regulated by W
(%) 0,49 0,54 0,42
the UNE-83-415-87 Standard. C? F
In general at the beginning of RCC dams
construction, admixtures were not used for RCC. In Chart 1. Characteristics of the binders used in Spanish RCC
the Puebla de Cazalla Dam setting retarders was dams.
successfully used. Setting retarders and water reducers
are of a more general use at the present time.