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Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(1): 157-160, 2014

ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467
© 2014 Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp.
Submitted: April 19, 2013 Accepted: May 08, 2013 Published: January 01, 2014

Research Article
Stress Analysis of Shallow Sea Gas Pipelines
Xiaonan Wu, 1Yi Jiang, 1Hongfang Lu, 1Shijuan Wu and 2Xiaoxiao Chen
School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu Sichuan 610500, China
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China

Abstract: Shallow sea gas pipelines usually operate in complicated and changeable regional environments and can
generate corresponding stresses and displacement under the influence of internal pressures, earthquakes, waves and
other loadings. An unevenly distributed stress will lead to shallow sea gas pipeline failure easily. In order to ensure
the safety of pipeline, it is necessary to research the stress conditions of the shallow sea gas pipeline and check
whether it can meet the safety requirements or not. In this study, we analyze the stress conditions of shallow sea gas
pipelines of two laying modes in XX areas using stress analysis software CAESAR II, discuss the loading conditions
under the operating condition and determine the position of the key point where pipeline damage is most likely to
happen, the bend pipe. The comprehensive experiments show that underground method more secure than the sea-
bed method, it greatly improves the reliability of the shallow sea pipeline running. Our research provides a
theoretical basis for the construction of shallow sea gas pipelines.

Keywords: CAESAR II, gas pipeline, shallow sea, stress analysis

INTRODUCTION calculation and analysis capabilities. In addition, PENG

engineering company SIMFLEX-II pipe stress analysis
Submarine gas pipeline is the main way for the software compact, more powerful subsidiary database,
development of marine oil and gas fields and the cross- the calculated results are automatically compared with
sea transport of oil and gas. It is the fastest, safest and ASME B31.3, B31.1 standard and so on, while in the
economical and reliable offshore oil and gas transport. process of curing the API-610, API-661, B16.5 and
Pipeline is a very safe oil and gas transportation, but other American chemical pipeline professional standard
there have been numerous pipeline failure incidents in and the operation is simple.
the past few decades, this not only affects the normal We analyze the stress conditions of shallow water
order of production, pose a threat to the safety of gas pipelines of two laying modes using stress analysis
workers, but also cause tremendous losses to the software CAESAR II, determine the position of the
country's economy and national life. Experts and stress key points and contrast two ways of stress ratio at
scholars more and more attention to the security issues the key point, attempts to arrive at the best laying
of the submarine pipeline. Among them, the stress factor method of shallow water pipe (CNPC, 1995; The
is the key issue, during the operation process, stress on American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010).
the turning point or section plane tends to exceed the
allowable stress due to the influence of internal pressure STRESS ANALYSIS OF SHALLOW
and external loads, which result in pipeline damage at SEA GAS PIPELINES
the stress concentration point and leave the pipeline in a
dangerous operating condition. Therefore, it is necessary Due to the intimate contact with soil, shallow sea
to analyze stress conditions of shallow sea gas pipeline, gas pipelines would be loaded with both hoop stress and
which can provides safety basis for the design and axial stress.
construction of pipelines.
Since the 1970s have a shaped of software products Hoop stress: The hoop stress is on the buried pipeline:
for pipe stress calculation, it has been developed into a
mature product line. Currently, more widely pipe stress D1 K bWs rI t 1 (1)
analysis software CAESAR II, AutoPIPE and Triflex σy = − ×
EI t + 0.06 K h r 4 Z t
which CAESAR II’s application is the most widely
used. COADE developed for the preparation of
CAESAR II has a powerful static and dynamic where,

Corresponding Author: Xiaonan Wu, School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu Sichuan
610500, China
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(1): 157-160, 2014

D1 = Time coefficient Checking conditions for shallow sea pipeline stress:

Kb = Bending moment coefficient During the design process, when we check pipeline
Kh = Horizontal soil coefficient stress, we preset a limit stress [σ] as the criteria to
It = Inertia moment verify the strength requirements within the pipe fittings
Zt = Section modulus of steel pipeline limit stress range; it is recommended that pipeline stress
should not exceed 90% of the pipeline’s allowable
Wz = Overburden pressure per unit length along
pipe axis direction According to the standards, synthetic stress should
Axial stress: Pipeline axial stress includes axial stress
caused by internal pressure, temperature stress caused (5)
by temperature difference and bending stress. σ A = σ x2 + σ y2 − σ xσ y + 3τ xy2 ≤ ησ F
The axial stress caused by internal pressure:
i i σx = Axial stress
σ p = −νσ y +
4t (2) σy = Hoop Stress
τxy = Tangential shear stress
Temperature stress: η = Utilization coefficient
σF = Minimum yield limit
σ T = α E ∆t (3) If this can be achieved, it means that the undersea
pipeline design is reasonable, safe and reliable.
Bending stress: Due to thermal expansion and contraction,
curvature mutation, endpoint additional displacements
M or restraints, pipeline will be loaded with the
σb = ±
Z (4) corresponding axial stress, shear stress, bending
moment and moment of torque. Generally, stress
where, calculation needs the checking of primary stress,
v = Poisson’s ratio secondary stress and the operating stress.
Pi = Internal pressure of pipe, where negative pressure
Case study of shallow sea gas pipelines: This study
indicates being pressed
uses the general pipeline stress analysis software
di = Inside diameter CAESAR II to analyze XX shallow sea gas pipeline
α = Coefficient of linear expansion, here we use stress, which is based on the American ASME B31.8
1.2×10-5/°C Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping Systems
E = Elastic modulus of Steel pipeline (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
∆t = Temperature difference, °C 2010). The specific steps of model establishment are
M = The vector sum of bending moment in the vertical piping input, soil model, wave load input and operating
and horizontal directions conditions of shallow sea gas pipelines (Wang et al.,
Z = Cross-section bending modulus 2009).

Table 1: Pipeline parameters

Wall thickness [mm]
Material Diameter (mm) Straight pipe Pipe bend Fluid density (kg/m3)
API 5L X70 1016 25.4 31.8 95
Corrosion (mm) Pressure (Mpa) Temperature (ºC) Allowable stress (MPa)
5 10 64 485

Table 2: Ocean model

Wind speed (m/s) Effective wave height (m) Effective cycle (s) Density of sea water (kg/m3)
46 13.8 10 1025
Water depth (m) The sea velocity (m/s) Middle velocity (m/s) Underwater velocity (m/s)
87 1.73 1.37 0.85

Table 3: Soil model

Buried depth Yield Over-burden Thermal
Friction Soil density to top of pipe Friction displacement compaction expansion
Soil model coefficient (kg/m3) (m) angle (°) factor multiplier coefficient
Soil model 1 0.6 1120 1.50 20 0.015 5 11.214
Soil model 2 0.6 1300 1.50 20 0.015 6 11.214
Soil model 3 0.6 1300 0 20 0.015 6 11.214

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(1): 157-160, 2014

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of shallow sea pipeline

Fig. 2: Fixed buttress

Table 1 to 3 show the design data and geological longitudinal slope of the FG section is 15°). The length
and hydrological data of shallow sea gas pipelines in of pipeline above seabed is 500 m. The entire pipeline
XX. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of shallow devices were buried under the seabed. As to the AB and
sea pipeline model. BC segments of the pipeline, we will adopt direct in
ground measure and used soil model 1, while for the
METHODOLOGY remaining segment of the tubes, we will use soil
model 2.
The explanation of shallow sea pipeline model 1
(Underground) and model 2 (placed above the seabed Model 2 (placed above the seabed laying): According
laying) are as follows: to the design data, the entire length of the pipeline
model is 903.58 m and each end of the pipe was
Model 1 (underground): According to the XX shallow respectively installed with fixed buttress 1 and fixed
sea gas pipeline’s design data, the length of pipeline buttress 2, which are used to block the outside
model is 903.58 m and each end of the pipe will be pipelines’ effect on the model. The length of the shore
respectively installed with fixed buttress 1 and fixed pipeline AB is 103.19 m. The length from the coast to
buttress 2 (Fig. 2), which is used to block the outside the shallow sea pipeline is 300.39 m, which gives a
pipelines’ effect on the model. The length of the shore longitudinal gradient of 5°-30° (the longitudinal slope
pipeline AB is 103.19 m. The length from coast to of BC and BD sections are 30°, the longitudinal slope
shallow sea pipeline is 300.39 m, longitudinal gradient of the DE section is 5°, the longitudinal slope of the EF
is 5°-30° (the longitudinal slope of BC and BD sections section is 20° and the longitudinal slope of the FG
are 30°, the longitudinal slope of the DE section is 5°, section is 15°). The length of the pipeline above the
the longitudinal slope of the EF section is 20° and the seabed is 500 m. AB and BC segments will be settled
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(1): 157-160, 2014


This study provides a superior method for pipeline

stress analysis. Through stress analysis of shallow sea
gas pipelines of two different laying modes, we
ascertain that the position of the stress key point of
shallow sea gas pipelines is at the pipe bends and
confirm that the maximum operating stress appears at
the bent pipe B. This stress analysis method can
precisely locate the key stress point. Therefore,
designers can make improvements by changing the
relative parameters and operating conditions and take
effective measures to reinforce pipeline weak points
Fig. 3: The operating stress ratio of two laying mode pipelines according to the analysis results. Between the two
laying modes, the operating stress of straight
Table 4: Comparison of two ways of laying pipe positioned at the operating
stress underground pipeline tends to be slightly lower than
Bend B (%) D (%) E (%) F (%) G (%) that of sea-bed pipeline, while the stress value of sea-
Underground 95.54 84.77 81.26 69.78 88.50
Seabed 99.33 75.74 75.45 65.50 65.83 bed pipeline at pipe bends tends to be significantly
The ratio of -3.79 +9.03 +5.81 +4.28 +22.67 lower than that of underground pipelines. Neither of the
stress change
+: The operating stress of key stress point for underground pipeline which tends maximum operating stresses exceed the limit value [σ]
to be higher than that of sea-bed pipeline; -: The operating stress of key stress thereby meeting the safety requirements, so both of the
point for underground pipeline which tends to be lower than that of sea-bed
pipeline laying methods are safe. Therefore, it is necessary to
combine safety, economics and construction difficulties
by the measure of direct the ground, using soil model 1. when determining which kind of shallow sea pipeline
And the remaining segment of the tube uses soil model laying mode can be chosen.
3. The pipeline will be placed above the seabed and one
stable block (a simplified model for constrained Z and
Y) will be settled every 30 m (Tang, 2003).

RESULTS CNPC, 1995. Oil Ground Engineering Design Manual

Long-Distance Gas Transmission Pipeline
According to the two design data, we analyzed the Engineering Design. The University of Petroleum
stress conditions respectively. The operating stress Press. Dongying Shandong, China.
ratios of two laying mode pipelines are shown in Fig. 3. Huang, K., S.J. Wu and H.F. Lu, 2012. Stress analysis
According to the check of operating stress, primary of pipeline laid along the slope. J. Nat. Gas Oil,
stress and secondary stress, the highest operating stress 30(4): 1-4.
ratio of underground shallow sea pipeline is 95.54%,
Sha, X.D., X.H. Chen and K. Huang, 2013. Analysis on
which happened at the bent pipe B. The primary stress’s
highest stress ratio is 40.92%, which happened at the factors affecting stress in gas pipeline. J. Nat. Gas
fixed buttress 1. The secondary stress’s highest stress Oil, 31(1): 1-4.
ratio is 64.66%, which happened at the place near the Tang, Y., 2003. Pressure Piping Stress Analysis.
bent pipe B. The highest operating stress ratio of Sinopec Group Press, China.
shallow sea pipeline which is settle above the seabed is The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010.
99.33%, which happened at the bent pipe B. The Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems.
primary stress’s highest stress ratio is 42.57%, which ASME B31.8-2010. Retrieved from: http://files.
happened at the bent pipe G. The secondary stress’s asme. org/Catalog/ Codes/ Print Book/ 31294.pdf.
highest stress ratio is 68.75%, which happened at the Wang, J.P., 2002. Application of CAESAR II in oilfield
bent pipe B. For the highest value of the operating
process design. J. Petrol. Plan. Eng., 13(2): 26.
stress, primary stress and the secondary stress did not
exceed [σ] = 434369.7000 KPa, so the two laying mode Wang, M.T., Y. He and L. Wang, 2009. Development
pipelines meet the strength requirements. and application of X80 pipeline steel in the second
Table 4 shows the operating stress in key stress west-east gas pipeline project. J. Electr. Welding
point contrast ratio (Huang et al., 2012; Sha et al., Mach., 39(5): 6-14.
2013; Wang, 2002) (Note: The pipeline check
allowable stress is 90% of the pipe allowable stress.)


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