Septic Arthritis
Septic Arthritis
Septic Arthritis
Gonococcal Arthritis N gonorrhea DGI From asymptomatic Gonococcal infection DGI Ceftriaxone x 7 days with daily IM
- Fever, chills. Rash gonococcal mucosal - Cultures of synovila ceftriaxone given at 250 mg/daily
and articular colonization of the fluid are consistently Ciprofloxacin
symptoms urethra, cervix or negative, and blood Amoxicillin
- Small number of pharnyx cultures are positive - Azithromycin is recommended to
papules <45% treat chlamydial infection
heamorrhagic Sexual partners should be offered
papules to extensor True Gonococcal septic arthritis treatment
surfaces of the - Culture of synovila fluid
distal extremities are positive - <40%
True Gonococcal septic cases. Blood cultures
arthritis are almost always
- Single joint such as negative
the hip, knee,
ankle, or wrist NAA-based assay are extremely
sensitive in detecting gonococcal
DNA in synovial fluid
Lyme Arthritis B burgdorferi Intermittent monoarthritis or Within days or weeks of Exposure to the vector Serologic test of IgG antibodies Doxycyline 100 mg BID x 28 days
oligoarthritis involving the inoculation of the Living in Europe and North are positive >90% Amoxicillin 500 mg TID x 28 days
knee and other large joints spirochetes by Ixodes America -or-
Waxing and waning tick NAA-based assay detects Borrelia Ceftriaxone 2g/d x 2-4 weeks
arthralgias DNA in 85% parenterally
Chronic inflammatory
Syphilis Arthritis T pallidum Congenital syphilis: Pregnant mother with latent Antibody testing Penicillin G – drug of choice for Mononuclear and
Early – periarticular swelling syphilis infection RPR – test of choice for rapid all stages of syphilis neutrophilic synovial-
and immobilization of Sexual contact serologic diagnosis fluid pleocytosis typical
involved limb (Parrot’s Blood transfusion VDRL – standard for examining cell count, 5 k – 15 k
pseudoparalysis) complicates Organ donation CSF and is superior to RPR for /microliter
osteochondritis of long bones this purpose
Secondary syphilis –
arthralgias and symmetric
arthritis of knees and ankles
Symmetric arthritis
involving the hands and
wrists may occur during
the convalescent phase
of infection with
choriomeningitis virus