Homsby (2018) RT volume load w:out exercise displacement
Homsby (2018) RT volume load w:out exercise displacement
Homsby (2018) RT volume load w:out exercise displacement
Resistance Training Volume Load with and without
Exercise Displacement
W. Guy Hornsby 1, * , Jeremy A. Gentles 2 , Paul Comfort 3 , Timothy J. Suchomel 4 ,
Satoshi Mizuguchi 2 and Michael H. Stone 2
1 Athletic Coaching Education, College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV 26505, USA
2 Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education, Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation and
Kinesiology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614, USA;
GENTLESJ@mail.etsu.edu (J.A.G.); harahara10@hotmail.com (S.M.); STONEM@mail.etsu.edu (M.H.S.)
3 Directorate of Sport, Exercise and Physiotherapy, University of Salford, Salford,
Greater Manchester M5 4WT, UK; p.comfort@salford.ac.uk
4 Department of Human Movement Sciences, Carroll University, Waukesha, WI 53186, USA;
* Correspondence: william.hornsby@mail.wvu.edu; Tel.: +1-304-293-0851
Received: 10 September 2018; Accepted: 31 October 2018; Published: 3 November 2018
Abstract: Monitoring the resistance training volume load (VL) (sets × reps × load) is essential
to managing resistance training and the recovery–adaptation process. Subjects: Eight trained
weightlifters, seven of which were at national level, participated in the study. Methods: VL was
measured both with (VLwD) and without (VL) the inclusion of barbell displacement, across twenty
weeks of training, in order to allow for comparisons to be made of these VL calculating methods.
This consisted of recording the load, repetition count, and barbell displacement for every set executed.
Comparisons were made between VL and VLwD for individual blocks of training, select training
weeks, and select training days. Results: Strong, statistically significant correlations (r ≥ 0.78,
p < 0.001) were observed between VL and VLwD between all training periods analyzed. t-tests
revealed statistically significant (p ≤ 0.018) differences between VL and VLwD in four of the seven
training periods analyzed. Conclusion: The very strong relationship between VL and VLwD suggest
that a coach with time constraints and a large number of athletes can potentially spare the addition of
displacement. However, differences in percent change indicate that coaches with ample time should
include displacement in VL calculations, in an effort to acquire more precise workload totals.
1. Introduction
Appropriate quantification of resistance training volume is believed to be a necessary step in
understanding the link between training and the associated adaptations. Detailed resistance training
studies report estimates of work from all resistance training sessions, allowing their studies to be
reproducible [1–4], and coaches commonly track the volume of their exercise prescriptions. Acute and
prolonged physiological responses to stress derived from resistance training can include hormonal
alterations [5,6], increased energy expenditure [7], and neuromuscular fatigue [8]. Häkkinen [8]
demonstrated that the greater the amount of resistance training work performed during a single
training session, the greater the physiological disturbance [8]. Thus, more accurate estimations of
work (training volume) could be beneficial in associating training volume with potential fatigue and
recovery resulting from the disturbance of homeostasis. Monitoring resistance training volume can be
critical for several reasons:
1. It allows coaches to monitor whether or not the pre-planned training volume closely matches the
volume actually performed in training;
2. It allows coaches to better achieve targeted volume ranges for specific phases of training that
involve a targeted objective (e.g., a strength endurance phase requires a greater training volume
than a power phase);
3. It allows superior management of training volume from one phase (e.g., block) of training to the
next (e.g., a desired drop in training volume);
4. It allows long term monitoring (e.g., when an athlete returns to a similar block of training, are
they performing more work?).
Exercise displacement is calculated by the distance covered for a given movement task, and for
free weight barbell exercises, displacement can be assessed as the distance the barbell travels during the
concentric (vertical) portion of a resistance exercise for a single repetition. In a review on quantifying
workloads in resistance training, Haff [9] explains that the mechanical work performed by an athlete
can be quantified by multiplying the athlete’s force times displacement for each repetition. From a
study by McBride et al. [10], in which four different volume assessment protocols were compared
using force plate assessments, the authors stated that “total work” (TW) (force (N) × displacement
(m)) was the “most valid” of the four resistance training quantification protocols examined. This was
based upon TW being a direct measure of mechanical work and the other three volume estimations
(reps × load, time under tension, and repetitions × (body mass − shank mass + external load)) each
having specific limitations, as noted by the investigators [10].
Volume load (VL) (repetitions × load) has been reported in long-term resistance training studies
for the past several decades. Haff [9] explains that displacement can be added to VL, the most common
resistance training volume calculation, thus resulting in VLwD (repetitions × load × displacement).
This may be warranted, because, for a practitioner, measuring the forces generated for every repetition
is impractical. In 1987, Stone et al. [11] published a descriptive study on high repetitions (sets of 10) of
back squats and an individual’s physiological response. To the authors knowledge this study was the
first to include displacement in VL calculations. Over the last several years, Stone and colleagues have
begun to use VLwD as an estimate of work in resistance training studies, for example, Bazyler et al.
2017 [4], Bayzler et al. 2018 [12], Caroll et al. [13], and Hornsby et al. [14].
Over the course of a macrocycle, exercises can change based on the overall goals of a specific
block of training. Thus, the tracking of training volume from one phase of training to the next is
a common consideration for the management of resistance volume. Block periodization models
commonly involve a transition across the macrocycle from periods of higher volume to periods of
lower volume. Though changes in the number of overall repetitions plays a major role in resultant
volume alterations (e.g., decreasing across a macrocycle), so too does the manipulation of training load,
as well barbell displacement alterations, via changes in exercises. Exercises commonly change from
one phase (block) to the next due to changes in the coaches’ adaption objective(s). For example, during
the accumulation block, training may consist of a greater amount of large range of motion exercises,
whereas during a realization block, with a taper, a greater amount of partial range of motion exercises
may be included in the training program. Exercise intensity (i.e., external load for a given resistance
exercise) is commonly factored into volume estimations (e.g., VL), and its impact on an individual’s
acute physiological response (e.g., heavier or lighter loads) has been well examined [5].
McBride et al.’s [10] study demonstrated that exercise displacement provides a more accurate
assessment of resistance training volume. However, McBride et al. [10] calculated exercise displacement
along with force output and did not compare displacement to VL. Previously, no longitudinal study
has been performed comparing changes in VL with and without exercise displacement. Practitioners
are likely less interested in the accuracy of their resistance training volume assessment compared to
how well changes in their volume calculation reflect changes in an athlete’s overall workload. Based on
Haff [9] and McBride et al. [10], the inclusion of exercise displacement into VL provides a more accurate
estimation of training volume. The authors of the present study were interested in how worthwhile it
Sports 2018, 6, 137 3 of 10
would be, for the coach or strength and conditioning specialist, to include displacement measures along
with VL calculations; specifically, is it worth the additional time to collect? If differences exist between
VL and VLwD it can be surmised that VLwD is a more accurate estimation of work performed. Thus,
the aim of this study was to compare the VL and VLwD during individual blocks of training, select
training weeks, and select training days to determine if there are meaningful differences between these
methods. For example, if differences exist between VL and VLwD when changing from one specific
training period to another, this would suggest that VLwD is worth the additional time. The authors
hypothesized that the inclusion of barbell displacement would, for certain periods of training (e.g.,
when greater changes in volume occur), result in differences in reported workloads performed by the
weightlifters. The authors considered it advantageous to observe training in athletes in an ecologically
valid environment (i.e., normal training and coaching conditions) over a prolonged period, as this
better mirrors real-world training situations.
2.1.1. Athletes
Data from eight well-trained weightlifters (Table 1) were utilized in the study, across five months
of training. Of the eight, seven were national level weightlifters (three U.S. National Championship
qualifiers, one American Open qualifier, three National Collegiate Championship qualifiers) and one
was a regional level weightlifter. Most likely due to the lifters being experienced, little variation existed
in displacement within a particular exercise for the same weightlifter (SD < 0.05 m). The variability in
body size (height = 174 ± 8.4 cm, body mass = 88.4 ± 22.7 kg) were of important consideration as this
heavily influences the exercise displacements.
2.1.2. Procedures
The monitoring of VL across six phases consisted of recording the load and repetition count,
whilst factoring in barbell displacement, during the concentric portion of the exercise. Displacement
for each exercise was measured using the V-scope 120 (Lipman Electronic Engineering Ltd., Ramat
Hahayal, Israel). Created for real time bar path analysis for weightlifters, the V-scope involves placing
a cap on the end of a weightlifting barbell that contains an ultrasound emitting device. Three infra-red
Sports 2018, 6, 137 4 of 10
emitting towers, interfaced with a computer, detect the ultrasound beam. Through a triangulation
method, accurate measurements of displacement and barbell path can be made [14,15].
V-scope methods utilized were based on Stone et al. [15]. Displacement measurements took
place before the five months of training began, and the mean was taken from three trials for each
exercise for each weightlifter. High intra-class correlations coefficients (ICCs > 0.9) were displayed
for displacement during each exercise. Reliability and validity of the V-scope (frequency: 66 Hz) was
assessed by moving the V-scope cap by hand, vertically, along a straight edge, across a pre-determined
distance (50 cm). The total displacement difference between trials was less than 1 cm (<1%), and high
ICCs were obtained (>0.99). Exercises involving two concentric portions involved measuring segments
of the full movement and adding the segments together (e.g., clean = clean pull into the catch position
+ front squat out of the catch).
Mathematically, calculating VL times displacement (VLwD) entailed multiplying the displacement
for the given exercise by the number of repetitions and the given load for each repetition (sets ×
repetitions × load × displacement).
Figure 1. Sets and repetitions with corresponding training foci across the 20 weeks.
Table 3 displays all of the exercises the weightlifters performed during the 20 weeks, and Table 4
displays the average displacements for each exercise, ordered from largest to smallest displacement.
These exercises are commonly used in training prescriptions for weightlifters [14], and have been used
successfully for athletes of other sports as well [4,12]. Though barbell displacements are certainly
specific to an individual athlete, this order of displacements is likely to be found for other athletes due
to the common demands of a given exercise. For example, a snatch requires moving the bar farther
than a snatch pull from the floor, regardless of the height and limb lengths of the athlete.
Sports 2018, 6, 137 5 of 10
Block 1: Weeks 3–6 Block 2: Weeks 7–11 Block 3: Weeks 14–17 Block 4: Weeks 18–20
Monday/Thursday Monday/Thursday Monday/Thursday Monday/Thursday
Squats Squats (drop after 2nd week) Squats Squats
Front squats Push press Push press Push jerks (front squat 1st rep)
Standing press Change to push jerks on week 3 Jerk recoveries Jerk recoveries
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
CGMTP CG pulls—floor CG pulls—floor CG pulls—floor
CGSS (20% less) CGSS (20% less) CGSS (20% less) CGSS (20% less)
CG pulls—knee CG pulls—knee CG pulls—knee CG pulls—knee
Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday
Undulating snatch 10 × 1 Undulating snatch 5 × 1 Undulating snatch 5 × 1 Undulating snatch 5 × 1
(up to 85% of best on week 4) (up to 90% of best on week 4) (up to 85% of best on week 4) (up to 90% of best on week 2)
SG–SLDL Undulating clean and jerk 5 × 1 Undulating clean and jerk 5 × 1 Undulating clean and jerk 5 × 1
Lateral raises (up to 90% of best on week 3) (up to 80% of best on week 3) (up to 90% on week 1)
SG: Snatch grip; CG: Clean grip; CGSS: Clean grip shoulder shrugs; CGMTP: Clean grip mid-thigh pull; SLDL:
Stiff-legged deadlifts; SGSS: snatch grip shoulder shrugs.
determine the magnitude of any observed differences, and classified as trivial (< 0.20), small (0.20–0.59),
moderate (0.60–1.19), large (1.20–1.99). and very large (≥2.0) [19].
Table 4. The exercises executed during the weightlifters’ 20 weeks of training and the corresponding displacements.
3. Results
3.1. Relationships
Volume load (VL) correlated strongly with VLwD for all training phases, weeks, and days
analyzed (Table 5). All of the correlations were large and significant (r > 0.78, p < 0.001).
Table 5. Comparison between volume load (VL) and volume load with displacement (VLwD) for
various portions of the training prescription.
4. Discussion
Good fatigue management is paramount. Importantly, the percent changes for four of the seven
time periods investigated demonstrated statistically significant differences. These differences were
displayed when a comparison was made between high(er) and low(er) volume training blocks, in
which there was a large contrast in training volume. Similar results were noted for heavy and light
days. Thus, if a coach wants to be assured that changes in training volume are best represented it is
worth including displacement (VLwD).
In addition to disparities in volume as a result of changes in the number of prescribed repetitions,
another important consideration for changes in VLwD, and not necessarily VL, is changes in range
of motion (displacement) due to changes in exercise selection from one training block to the next.
For example, full movements may eventually switch to partial movements later in the macrocycle.
Sports 2018, 6, 137 8 of 10
A switch from a full movement exercise to a partial movement exercise (e.g., full squat replaced with
a quarter squat) is common when a coach implements either a taper or an in-season maintenance
program. Heavier loading is typically used with partial movements (but less displacement) and thus,
when comparing a quarter squat (see Figure 3 below) to a full squat, the load for the quarter squat will
be much higher for the same relative training intensity. However, when taking into account barbell
displacement, the VL is less than when compared to executing the full movement. Table 7 illustrates
this difference. Additionally, based on the data generated from the current study, differences in relative
work when switching from block to block can be underestimated using only VL (Table 7).
Figure 3. Exercise displacement comparison. (A) Weightlifter executing a full squat; and (B) weightlifter
executing a quarter squat.
Table 7. Example: Volume load and training intensity (average load) comparison of the full squat and
quarter squat.
Although the use of VLwD requires some additional effort, its use provides a more accurate
characterization of loading. Based on the data in the present study, a coach may mischaracterize the
changes between loading periods by using VL. Factors influencing a potential difference between a
change in VL and VLwD likely include the changes in the number of partial versus full movements,
and the relative alterations between loading periods (e.g., heavy and light days, high volume block to
low volume block).
Sports 2018, 6, 137 9 of 10
5. Conclusions
The direct measurement of weight training volume can involve measuring forces, displacement
of the external load, and the energy expenditure. Thus, researchers can examine various methods of
estimating weight training volume by comparing it to direct measurements. Volume load has been
shown to be a reasonable estimate of work when compared to the direct measurements of forces and
barbell displacement (i.e., mechanical work) in the back squat; however, is not as accurate as when
including exercise displacement (one of the two variables for quantifying mechanical work) [10].
The process of calculating VLwD is certainly more time consuming than for VL; however, sound
planning and structure can minimize the burden and provide a rather efficient system. This can
include: (1) Measuring exercise displacements before implementing several blocks of training (e.g., the
first day of team training for a given year or season); and (2) inserting the displacements for the given
exercises into excel, allowing VLwD to be “auto-calculated”, following data imputation (e.g., loads and
repetitions). Based on the present study findings and previous research [10], despite the calculation
VLwD being more time-consuming compared to VL (i.e., load x repetitions), coaches and sports
scientists are recommended to use VLwD to provide estimates of work in a more meaningful fashion.
Author Contributions: W.G.H., data analyses and manuscript preparation; J.A.G., data analyses and manuscript
preparation; P.C., manuscript preparation; T.S., manuscript preparation; S.M., collection of data, data analyses,
and manuscript preparation; M.H.S., collection of data, data analyses, and manuscript preparation. All Authors
have read and approved the final version of the manuscript, and agree with the order of the presentation of
the authors.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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