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Sports Med

DOI 10.1007/s40279-015-0304-0


Effect of Repetition Duration During Resistance Training

on Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Brad J. Schoenfeld Dan I. Ogborn
James W. Krieger

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

Background Maximizing the hypertrophic response to
resistance training (RT) is thought to be best achieved by
proper manipulation of exercise program variables
including exercise selection, exercise order, length of rest
intervals, intensity of maximal load, and training volume.
An often overlooked variable that also may impact muscle
growth is repetition duration. Duration amounts to the sum
total of the concentric, eccentric, and isometric components
of a repetition, and is predicated on the tempo at which the
repetition is performed.
Objective We conducted a systematic review and metaanalysis to determine whether alterations in repetition
duration can amplify the hypertrophic response to RT.
Methods Studies were deemed eligible for inclusion if
they met the following criteria: (1) were an experimental
trial published in an English-language refereed journal; (2)
directly compared different training tempos in dynamic
exercise using both concentric and eccentric repetitions; (3)
measured morphologic changes via biopsy, imaging, and/or
densitometry; (4) had a minimum duration of 6 weeks; (5)
carried out training to muscle failure, defined as the
inability to complete another concentric repetition while

B. J. Schoenfeld (&)
Department of Health Science, Lehman College, 250 Bedford
Park Blvd West, Bronx, NY 10468, USA
e-mail: brad@workout911.com
D. I. Ogborn
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
J. W. Krieger
Weightology, LLC, Issaquah, WA, USA

maintaining proper form; and (6) used human subjects who

did not have a chronic disease or injury. A total of eight
studies were identified that investigated repetition duration
in accordance with the criteria outlined.
Results Results indicate that hypertrophic outcomes are
similar when training with repetition durations ranging
from 0.5 to 8 s.
Conclusions From a practical standpoint it would seem
that a fairly wide range of repetition durations can be
employed if the primary goal is to maximize muscle
growth. Findings suggest that training at volitionally very
slow durations ([10s per repetition) is inferior from a
hypertrophy standpoint, although a lack of controlled
studies on the topic makes it difficult to draw definitive

Key Points
Hypertrophic outcomes appear to be similar when
training with repetition durations ranging from 0.5 to
8 s to concentric muscular failure, suggesting that a
fairly wide range of repetition durations can be
employed if the primary goal is to maximize muscle
Limited evidence suggests that training at
volitionally very slow durations ([10 s per
repetition) is inferior from a hypertrophy standpoint,
although a lack of controlled studies on the topic
makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
It is not clear whether combining different repetition
durations would enhance the hypertrophic response
to resistance training.


B. J. Schoenfeld et al.

1 Introduction
It has been well-established that regimented resistance
training (RT) is an effective means to increase skeletal
muscle mass. The regular performance of progressive RT
positively mediates intracellular anabolic signaling, shifting protein balance to favor synthesis over degradation.
Over time, the summation of these responses results in the
net accretion of contractile proteins, leading to increased
muscle thickness via sarcomeres added in parallel [1]. The
magnitude of muscular gains can be substantial even over
the short-term, with increases in cross-sectional area (CSA)
of more than 50 % reported after just 16 weeks of regimented RT [2].
Maximizing the hypertrophic response to RT is thought
to be best achieved by proper manipulation of exercise
program variables [3]. Primary RT variables that are frequently manipulated include exercise selection, exercise
order, length of rest intervals, intensity of maximal load,
and training volume [3]. However, an often overlooked
variable that also may impact muscle growth is repetition
duration. Duration amounts to the sum total of the concentric, eccentric, and isometric components of a repetition,
and is predicated on the tempo at which the repetition is
performed. Tempo is frequently expressed in a three-digit
arrangement where the first number is the time (in seconds)
to complete the concentric action, the second number is the
isometric transition phase between concentric and eccentric
actions, and the third number is the time to complete the
eccentric action [4]. For example, a tempo of 102 would
indicate a lift taking 1 s on the concentric action, no pause
at the top of the movement, and 2 s on the eccentric action.
In the preceding example the overall repetition duration
would be 3 s. It should be noted that the majority of studies
focus only on the concentric and eccentric actions,
neglecting to include an isometric component.
To an extent, repetition duration will be dependent on
the intensity of load. The use of very heavy loads [more
than *85 % of 1 repetition maximum (RM)] will necessitate an all-out effort to concentrically move the load
quickly, but the actual velocity of the lift will be relatively
slow. Moreover, concentric repetition velocity will be
reduced even further as a set approaches the point of
muscular failure due to an inability of working fibers to
maintain force output. Mookerjee and Ratamess [5] demonstrated that the first concentric repetition of a 5 RM
bench press took 1.2 s to complete while the fourth and
fifth repetitions took 2.5 and 3.3 s, respectively. These
results were seen despite subjects attempting to move the
weight as quickly as possible.
On the other hand, when lifting submaximal loads of
*80-85 % of 1 RM and lighter an individual has the


ability to vary the concentric tempo of lifting. Given that

eccentric strength is approximately 2050 % greater than
concentric strength [6], the velocity of eccentric actions
can be altered at loads in excess of concentric 1 RM. It has
been postulated that intentionally slowing repetition
cadence reduces the momentum in a lift, thereby increasing
the tension on a muscle [7]. Hypothetically, increasing
mechanical tension throughout a lift could positively
mediate intracellular anabolic signaling, promoting a
greater hypertrophic response. Despite a logical rationale,
however, it is unclear from the literature whether intentional alterations in tempo amplify the hypertrophic
response to RT. Current research on the topic has produced
mixed findings, and the methodologies of the studies have
been disparate. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to
conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis as to the
effects of repetition duration on muscle growth in an effort
to provide clarity on the topic.

2 Methods
2.1 Inclusion Criteria
Studies were deemed eligible for inclusion if they met the
following criteria: (1) were an experimental trial published
in an English-language refereed journal; (2) directly compared different training tempos in dynamic exercise using
both concentric and eccentric repetitions; (3) measured
morphologic changes via biopsy, imaging, and/or densitometry; (4) had a minimum duration of 6 weeks; (5)
carried out training to muscle failure, defined as the
inability to complete another concentric repetition while
maintaining proper form; and (6) used human subjects who
did not have a chronic disease or injury.
2.2 Search Strategy
To carry out this review, English-language literature searches of the PubMed and EBSCO databases were conducted
from all timepoints up until April 2014. Combinations of
the following keywords were used as search terms:
muscle; hypertrophy; growth; cross sectional
area; duration; tempo; cadence; velocity;
speed; resistance training; resistance exercise; and
repetitions. After conducting the initial search, the reference lists of articles retrieved were then screened for any
additional articles that had relevance to the topic, as
described by Greenhalgh and Peacock [8].
A total of 529 studies were evaluated based on search
criteria. To reduce the potential for selection bias, each of
these studies were independently perused by two of the

Records idened through

database searching
(n = 524)



Fig. 1 Flow diagram of search



Repetition Duration and Muscle Hypertrophy

Addional records idened

through other sources
(n = 5)

Total records screened

(n = 529)

Full-text arcles assessed

for eligibility
(n = 68)

Studies included in


meta-analysis (n=12)

Full-text arcles excluded

(n = 56)

Addional arcles
(n = 4)

Studies included in
meta-analysis (n=8)

investigators (B.J.S. and D.I.O.), and a mutual decision was

made as to whether or not they met basic inclusion criteria.
Any inter-reviewer disagreements were settled by consensus and/or consultation with the third investigator. Of the
studies initially reviewed, 68 were determined to be
potentially relevant to the paper based on information
contained in the abstracts. Full text of these articles was
then screened and 12 were identified for possible inclusion
in the paper. After consensus amongst the investigators,
four additional studies were excluded because either (1)
both groups did not train to failure [9, 1011], or (2)
imaging modalities were not used to measure body composition [12]. A total of eight studies were ultimately
identified for inclusion in accordance with the criteria
outlined (see Fig. 1). One of these studies [13] used previously collected data so its data was combined with that of
the original study [14] for analysis. Table 1 summarizes the
studies included for analysis.
2.3 Coding of Studies
Studies were read and individually coded by two of the
investigators (B.J.S. and D.I.O.) for the following variables: descriptive information of subjects by group

including sex, body mass index, training status (trained

subjects were defined as those with at least 1 year of regular RT experience), age, and stratified subject age [classified as either young (1829 years), middle-aged
(3049 years), or elderly (50? years)]; whether the study
was a parallel or within-subject design; the number of
subjects in each group; duration of the study; repetition
duration based on stratified repetition range [classified as
either fast/heavy (sets of 612 with a total repetition
duration of 0.54 s), fast/light (sets of 2030 with a total
repetition duration of 0.54 s), medium (sets of 612 with
a total repetition duration of 48 s), or slow (sets of 612
with a total repetition duration of [8 s)]; exercise volume
(single set, multi-set, or both); whether volume was equated between groups; speed of concentric action; speed of
eccentric action; type of morphologic measurement [magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography
(CT), ultrasound, biopsy, dual energy x-ray absorbtiomety
(DXA), and/or densitometry] and; region/muscle of body
measured (upper, lower, or both). Coding was crosschecked between coders, and any discrepancies were
resolved by mutual consensus. To assess potential coder
drift, 30 % of the studies were randomly selected for recoding as described by Cooper et al. [15]. Per case


B. J. Schoenfeld et al.
Table 1 Studies meeting inclusion criteria


Rep duration



et al.

63 young and old untrained men and women randomized to

either a high-velocity (hip 250350 d/s, knee 100160
d/s) or low-velocity (hip 3090 d/s, knee 2040 d/s),
2 9 10, 1 9 fail (515 reps) RT protocol carried out 39/
week for 14 weeks

0.50.66 vs.
12 vs. 26
vs. 48


No effect of training on type 1

fibers, 8.2 % increase in type 2
irrespective of tempo

et al.

14 healthy, sedentary women, 1945 years, randomized to

either superslow or traditional Nautilus RT protocol for
10 weeks

6 vs. 15


No significant differences in body


Neils et al.

16 healthy untrained men and women randomized to either

superslow at 50 % 1 RM or traditional RT at 80 % 1 RM
for 8 weeks

6 vs. 15


No significant differences in body


Rana et al.

34 untrained young females randomized to either a

moderate intensity (8085 % RM) at a tempo of 12 s, a
low intensity (*4060 % 1 RM) at a tempo of 12 s, or
slow-speed (*4060 % 1 RM) at a tempo of 10 s
concentric and 4 s eccentric for 6 weeks

24 vs. 14


Main effect training of FFM, no

effect by group (exclude)

et al.

34 untrained young women randomly assigned to either

moderate intensity (8085 % RM) at a tempo of 12 s, a
low intensity (*4060 % 1 RM) at a tempo of 12 s, or
slow-speed (*4060 % 1 RM) at a tempo of 10 s
concentric and 4 s eccentric for 6 weeks

24 vs. 14


Significantly greater increases in

CSA for faster vs. slower tempo

and Ishii

24 untrained young men randomly assigned to either 50 %

RM with a 6 s tempo and no relaxing phase between rep,
80 % RM with a 2 s tempo and 1 s relaxation between
reps, or 50 % RM with a 2 s tempo and 1 s relaxation
between reps for 12 weeks

2 vs. 6


No significant differences in
muscle CSA

et al.

36 untrained young men (12 served as non-exercising

controls) randomly assigned to either 5560 % 1 RM
with a 6 s tempo and no relaxing phase between reps or
8090 % RM with a 2 s tempo and 1 s relaxation between
reps. Exercise consisted of 3 sets of squat, chest press,
lateral pulldown, abdominal bend, and back extension,
performed 2 days a week for 13 weeks
18 untrained males randomized to either perform fast
concentric contractions or slow controlled movements for
7.5 weeks

2 vs. 6


No significant differences in
muscle thickness

2 vs. 46


No significant differences in
muscle thickness

Young and

CSA cross-sectional area, d/s degrees per second, DXA dual x-ray absorptiometry, FFM fat-free mass, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, rep
repetition, RM repetition maximum, RT resistance training

agreement was determined by dividing the number of

variables coded the same by the total number of variables.
Acceptance required a mean agreement of 0.90.
2.4 Calculation of Effect Size
For each hypertrophy outcome, an effect size (ES) was
calculated as the pre-testpost-test change, divided by the
pre-test standard deviation (SD) [16]. The sampling variance for each ES was estimated according to Morris and
DeShon [16]. Calculation of the sampling variance
required an estimate of the population ES and the pre-test
post-test correlation for each individual ES. The population
ES was estimated by calculating the mean ES across all


studies and treatment groups [16]. The pre-testpost-test

correlation was calculated using the following formula
(Eq. 1) [16]:

r s21 s22  s2D 2 s1 s2
where s1 and s2 are the SD for the pre- and post-test means,
respectively, and sD is the SD of the difference scores. If sD
was not reported in the paper, the P value for the pre/post
change was used to estimate it. If a threshold for
significance was given rather than a specific value (such
as P \ 0.05), then that threshold was used in the
calculation. If no P values were available for calculation,
an upper bound on sD was estimated using the following
formula (Eq. 2):

Repetition Duration and Muscle Hypertrophy


s21 n s22 n

2.5 Statistical Analyses


The mean ES and CI for each tempo category can be seen

in Fig. 3. The ES for the fast/heavy duration was
0.42 0.17 (95 % CI -0.10 to 0.95); the ES for the
medium duration was 0.37 0.17 (95 % CI -0.16 to
0.90). There was no significant difference between the fast/
heavy and medium duration categories (P = 0.73).

3 Results

4 Discussion

3.1 Study Characteristics

To the authors knowledge, this is the first systematic

review and meta-analysis to examine the effects of repetition duration on the hypertrophic response to RT. The
meta-analysis of hypertrophy outcomes showed no significant differences between any of the training tempos
evaluated. An initial analysis of all studies meeting inclusion criteria found that the fast/heavy and fast/light conditions had ESs of *0.7 to 0.8, whereas the medium and
slow conditions had ESs of *0.3. Although these results
would seem to suggest a trend for superiority in the faster
speed groups, the CIs were quite wide, thereby indicating
large variances within groups.
One potential confounding issue with studies meeting
inclusion criteria is the disparate methods used to assess
changes in muscle mass over time. These methods included
both direct (MRI, ultrasound, and muscle biopsy) and
indirect hypertrophic measures (DXA and air displacement
plethysmography). Given that indirect assessments may not

The complete analysis comprised 204 subjects and 46 ESs,

nested within 18 treatment groups and eight studies. The
weighted mean ES across all studies and groups was
0.46 0.13 (95 % CI 0.200.71). The subanalysis of
studies with direct hypertrophy measurements comprised
113 subjects and 24 ESs, nested within eight treatment
groups and four studies. The weighted mean ES across
these studies and groups was 0.40 0.15 (95 % CI
3.2 Complete Model
The mean ES and CI for each tempo category can be seen
in Fig. 2. The ES for fast/heavy duration was 0.67 0.19
(95 % CI 0.221.13); the ES for the fast/light duration was
0.79 0.37 (95 % CI 0.0951.67); the ES for the medium

Eect size

Meta-analyses were performed using hierarchical linear

mixed models, modeling the variation between studies as a
random effect, the variation between treatment groups as a
random effect nested within studies, the variation between
within-group hypertrophy measures as a random effect
nested within treatment groups, and the treatment group
classification (slow, medium, fast heavy, fast light) as a
fixed effect [17]. The within-group variances were assumed
known. Observations were weighted by the inverse of the
sampling variance [16]. Model parameters were estimated
by the method of restricted maximum likelihood (REML)
[18]. Denominator degrees of freedom (df) for statistical
tests and confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated
according to Berkey et al. [19]. One analysis was carried
out on all data, and a separate analysis was carried out on
only studies with a direct measure of hypertrophy. Due to
inadequate studies with direct measurements of hypertrophy and a slow or fast light group, these categories were
not analyzed in the subanalysis of studies with direct
measures of hypertrophy. Adjustments for post hoc multiple comparisons among treatment categories were made
using a Hochberg correction [20]. All analyses were performed using S-Plus 8.2 (Tibco Spotfire, Boston, MA,
USA). Effects were considered significant at P B 0.05, and
trends were declared at P [ 0.05 B 0.10. Data are reported
as x standard error of the mean (SEM) values and 95 %


Fast heavy

Fast light



Fig. 2 Mean effect size and 95 % confidence interval for each tempo

duration was 0.27 0.20 (95 % CI -0.22 to 0.75); the ES

for the slow duration was 0.29 0.27 (95 % CI -0.34 to
0.92). There were no significant differences between any of
the tempo categories (Hochberg-adjusted P value = 0.94).
3.3 Model of Direct Hypertrophy Measurements


B. J. Schoenfeld et al.


Eect size





Fast heavy


Fig. 3 Mean effect size and 95 % confidence interval for each tempo
category: studies with direct hypertrophy measurements only

be sensitive enough to detect subtle differences in muscle

mass over time [21], we performed a meta-regression that
analyzed only studies employing direct methods of measurement. Results showed that differences in ES between
fast/heavy and medium durations substantially narrowed
after regression (0.42 vs. 0.37, respectively), and these
differences were statistically insignificant (P = 0.73). The
fast/light and slow groups were excluded from subanalysis
since only one study investigated these conditions with
direct imaging. Collectively, the data suggest that repetition duration does not significantly impact the hypertrophic
response to RT, at least in the fast/heavy and medium
Research indicates that intentionally performing repetitions in a very slow manner does not provide an adequate
stimulus for complete activation of a muscles motor unit
pool. Employing a within-subject design, Keogh et al. [22]
recruited 12 young experienced lifters to perform one set of
the bench press using a variety of training methods
including a very slow cadence and a traditional cadence.
The slow lifting condition performed the exercise at 55 %
of 1 RM for a total duration of 10 s per repetition (5 s for
both concentric and eccentric actions); the traditional
training condition was performed at *85 % of 1 RM with
the intent to lift the weight as fast as possible. Each condition was carried out to the point of concentric muscular
failure. Compared with very slow lifting, mean concentric
electromyographic (EMG) activity of the pectoralis major
was significantly higher during traditional training by *18,
19, and 12 %, for the first, middle, and last repetition,
respectively. The disparity was even greater during
eccentric actions, with a significantly greater mean EMG
activity of 32, 36, and 36 % in the first, middle, and last
repetition, respectively, reported for traditional compared
with superslow training. Given that recruitment is


necessary to induce an adaptation in a muscle fiber, these

results suggest an impaired hypertrophic response in the
slow lifting condition. Indeed, Schuenke et al. [13] evaluated fiber-type specific changes in CSA in superslow versus
traditional RT protocols. Young, untrained female subjects
carried out multiple sets of the squat, leg press, and leg
extension exercises 23 days a week for 6 weeks. The
superslow group performed 610 RM per set (equating to
*4060 % of 1 RM) at a concentric velocity of 10 s and
an eccentric velocity of 4 s. The traditional training group
performed the same 610 RM per set (equating to
*8085 % of 1 RM) at a concentric and eccentric velocity
of 12 s. Post-study increases in hypertrophy of type IIa
and type IIx fibers were markedly higher in the traditional
training group (*33 and 37 %, respectively) than in the
superslow group (*12 and 19 %, respectively). Moreover,
a markedly greater decrease in total type IIx fiber area was
noted in the traditional than in the superslow (*39 versus
28%, respectively) group, along with a significantly greater
increase in total type IIa fiber area (*30 vs. 11 %,
respectively), indicating that very slow lifting failed to
sufficiently stimulate the highest threshold motor units. The
totality of these findings suggests that training at very slow
speeds is suboptimal for maximizing gains in muscle
hypertrophy, presumably as a result of inadequate motor
unit recruitment and stimulation. This outcome may be due
at least in part to the need to substantially reduce intensity
of load during volitionally very slow lifting to equate the
number of repetitions performed at faster tempos.
As previously mentioned, it is important to consider the
measurement instruments employed when attempting to
draw evidence-based conclusions. Five studies directly
measured local hypertrophic changes in the trained musculature. Of the five studies, three investigated changes in
muscle CSA by either MRI or ultrasound [2324, 25]. No
significant differences in hypertrophy were seen in any of
these studies. It should be noted, however, that the study by
Tanimoto et al. [23] showed *34 % greater absolute
increases in muscle thickness in the fast than in the slow
condition. The small sample size of the study suggests that
the lack of significance may be attributed to a type II error.
Moreover, the overall duration of the fast and slow conditions in the three studies varied from 23 to 46 s per
repetition, respectively. Thus, it might be concluded that
any hypertrophic differences within this fairly narrow
range, if they do in fact occur, will be subtle.
The other two studies that directly assessed hypertrophy
did so via muscle biopsy and produced contradictory
findings [13, 26]. Schuenke et al. [13] found a markedly
greater increase in total mean fiber CSA for traditional
versus superslow training (*39 vs. *11 %, respectively).
Conversely, Claflin et al. [26] showed velocity of training
had no effect on increases in fiber area. Although

Repetition Duration and Muscle Hypertrophy

speculative, these results can seemingly be attributed to

differences in total repetition duration for the slow training
conditions. With respect to Schuenke et al. [13], repetition
duration in the slow condition was 14 s while that for
Claflin et al. [26] was 28 s. It can therefore be speculated
that a threshold for velocity may exist beyond which gains
in muscle hypertrophy are impaired, and that the superslow
protocol employed by Schuenke et al. [13] exceeded this
threshold. This hypothesis warrants further study. It also
should be noted that the study by Claflin et al. [26] was
carried out under isokinetic conditions, which may induce
differences in muscular adaptations compared to traditional
dynamic exercise.
Three of the studies did not directly assess site-specific
changes in muscle growth and instead employed measures
of overall fat-free mass (FFM) (i.e., DXA and densitometry) [14, 27, 28]. Although such measures provide a general
estimate of hypertrophic gains over the course of a RT
study, they nevertheless lack the sensitivity to assess subtle
changes in muscle mass [21]. In addition to skeletal muscle, FFM also includes such components as body fluids,
bone, collagen, and other non-fatty tissues. Thus, it cannot
be concluded that changes in FFM are specific to muscle
hypertrophy. All of the studies in question compared superslow training with traditional lifting velocities; two of
these studies [27, 28] were not able to detect significant
differences in FFM from baseline to post-study in any of
the conditions investigated. Given that results of studies
directly measuring hypertrophy all showed significant
hypertrophic gains at least in the faster training velocities if
not all velocities tested [13, 232426], it seems counterintuitive that subjects in the studies by Keeler et al. [27]
and Neils et al. [28] did not experience increases in muscle
hypertrophy over the course of a supervised 8- to 10-week
RT program. The other study by Rana et al. [14] showed
significant increases in FFM from baseline to post-study in
all conditions including a non-exercising control. Curiously, the control condition experienced similar FFM gains
to the traditional and superslow training groups (1.9 vs. 2.2
and 2.0 %, respectively) despite remaining sedentary
throughout the 6-week study period. Results of these
studies therefore need to be interpreted circumspectly when
attempting to draw evidence-based conclusions on the
hypertrophic effects of training velocity.
A limitation of this review is that the included studies
did not address whether altering the time spent in specific
phases of contraction (eccentric vs. concentric) during the
repetition evoked any hypertrophic advantage. Shepstone
et al. [29] demonstrated a trend for enhanced hypertrophy
with faster isokinetic eccentric contractions (3.66 vs.
0.35 rad/s) and Farthing et al. [30] found that fast isokinetic (3.14 rad/s) eccentric actions promoted greater
overall change in muscle thickness than both slow

(0.52 rad/s) and fast concentric actions, but not slow

eccentric actions. These studies tentatively support a
hypertrophic superiority for faster eccentric tempos under
isokinetic conditions. It is important to note, however, that
such results may not be applicable to the more commonly
utilized dynamic training methods with coupled concentric
and eccentric actions. Gillies et al. [31] compared prolonged eccentric (6121) with concentric phases (21
61) using dynamic training with both conditions matched
for total time-under-load. At the conclusion of 9 weeks of
training there was comparable hypertrophy of type I fibers
between the groups, but the slower concentric group
increased hypertrophy of type II fibers to a greater extent
than the slow eccentric group despite equivalent wholemuscle growth as assessed by thigh circumferences. Further research is required to draw a firm conclusion on any
differential effects of altered eccentric or concentric tempos with respect to muscle hypertrophy.
In addition, the results of the present study must be
considered in the context of training to the point of concentric failure, and therefore may not necessarily be generalized to training when sets are terminated prior to this
point. In applying this criterion a study by Nogueira et al.
[9] was excluded from the meta-analysis. The authors
compared slow concentric phase (3030) with fast concentric phase (3010) training using matched work
outputs in elderly men. After 10 weeks, muscle thickness
was only increased in the rectus femoris with the faster
concentric tempos, while both tempo conditions resulted in
growth in the biceps brachii, statistically favoring faster
concentric training. Recent studies have demonstrated that
when taken to the point of concentric failure, muscle
growth is comparable regardless of the training intensity
utilized [32, 33]. These findings are consistent with the
premise that fatigue reduces motor unit recruitment
thresholds, thereby enhancing muscle recruitment [34]. It is
therefore possible that the utilization of concentric muscular failure in training may negate the impact of, or equate
the effect of, different repetition durations such that muscle
growth is ultimately similar between conditions. Further
research is required to clarify the role of tempo in exercise
prescriptions to promote muscle hypertrophy when training
short of concentric muscular failure.
In addition, there was substantial variation in the
methodology utilized across studies that may at least partially explain the disparity between studies and, consequently, the large CIs seen in the present dataset. While the
present study sought to minimize the impact of experimental designs by choosing studies that utilized a common
set endpoint (concentric muscular failure), there was great
variety in other experimental parameters. Whilst repetition
durations varied over a wide range across studies, the use
of differing training intensities, sexes, age groups, and


B. J. Schoenfeld et al.

measurement techniques likely contributed to the heterogeneous nature of the literature base.
Finally and importantly, the utilization of untrained
subjects limits the generalizability of our findings to trained
populations. Long-term RT has been shown to alter both
the structure and function of skeletal muscle [353839]
and impacts the acute anabolic signaling, protein synthetic
and transcriptional responses to RT [404143]. Therefore,
it may be possible that differential hypertrophic responses
may occur in trained muscle in response to varying repetition tempos.

5 Conclusion
Current evidence indicates that hypertrophic outcomes are
similar when training with repetition durations ranging
from 0.5 to 8 s to concentric muscular failure. Thus, from
a practical standpoint it would seem that a fairly wide
range of repetition durations can be employed if the primary goal is to maximize muscle growth. Results suggest
that training at volitionally very slow durations ([10 s per
repetition) is inferior from a hypertrophy standpoint,
although a lack of controlled studies on the topic makes it
difficult to draw definitive conclusions. It is not clear if
combining different repetition durations would enhance
the hypertrophic response to RT. This possibility requires
further study.
Acknowledgments This study was not funded by an outside source.
The authors report no conflicts of interest for this study.
Conflict of interest


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