Art:10.1007/s40279 015 0304 0
Art:10.1007/s40279 015 0304 0
Art:10.1007/s40279 015 0304 0
DOI 10.1007/s40279-015-0304-0
Background Maximizing the hypertrophic response to
resistance training (RT) is thought to be best achieved by
proper manipulation of exercise program variables
including exercise selection, exercise order, length of rest
intervals, intensity of maximal load, and training volume.
An often overlooked variable that also may impact muscle
growth is repetition duration. Duration amounts to the sum
total of the concentric, eccentric, and isometric components
of a repetition, and is predicated on the tempo at which the
repetition is performed.
Objective We conducted a systematic review and metaanalysis to determine whether alterations in repetition
duration can amplify the hypertrophic response to RT.
Methods Studies were deemed eligible for inclusion if
they met the following criteria: (1) were an experimental
trial published in an English-language refereed journal; (2)
directly compared different training tempos in dynamic
exercise using both concentric and eccentric repetitions; (3)
measured morphologic changes via biopsy, imaging, and/or
densitometry; (4) had a minimum duration of 6 weeks; (5)
carried out training to muscle failure, defined as the
inability to complete another concentric repetition while
B. J. Schoenfeld (&)
Department of Health Science, Lehman College, 250 Bedford
Park Blvd West, Bronx, NY 10468, USA
D. I. Ogborn
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
J. W. Krieger
Weightology, LLC, Issaquah, WA, USA
Key Points
Hypertrophic outcomes appear to be similar when
training with repetition durations ranging from 0.5 to
8 s to concentric muscular failure, suggesting that a
fairly wide range of repetition durations can be
employed if the primary goal is to maximize muscle
Limited evidence suggests that training at
volitionally very slow durations ([10 s per
repetition) is inferior from a hypertrophy standpoint,
although a lack of controlled studies on the topic
makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
It is not clear whether combining different repetition
durations would enhance the hypertrophic response
to resistance training.
B. J. Schoenfeld et al.
1 Introduction
It has been well-established that regimented resistance
training (RT) is an effective means to increase skeletal
muscle mass. The regular performance of progressive RT
positively mediates intracellular anabolic signaling, shifting protein balance to favor synthesis over degradation.
Over time, the summation of these responses results in the
net accretion of contractile proteins, leading to increased
muscle thickness via sarcomeres added in parallel [1]. The
magnitude of muscular gains can be substantial even over
the short-term, with increases in cross-sectional area (CSA)
of more than 50 % reported after just 16 weeks of regimented RT [2].
Maximizing the hypertrophic response to RT is thought
to be best achieved by proper manipulation of exercise
program variables [3]. Primary RT variables that are frequently manipulated include exercise selection, exercise
order, length of rest intervals, intensity of maximal load,
and training volume [3]. However, an often overlooked
variable that also may impact muscle growth is repetition
duration. Duration amounts to the sum total of the concentric, eccentric, and isometric components of a repetition,
and is predicated on the tempo at which the repetition is
performed. Tempo is frequently expressed in a three-digit
arrangement where the first number is the time (in seconds)
to complete the concentric action, the second number is the
isometric transition phase between concentric and eccentric
actions, and the third number is the time to complete the
eccentric action [4]. For example, a tempo of 102 would
indicate a lift taking 1 s on the concentric action, no pause
at the top of the movement, and 2 s on the eccentric action.
In the preceding example the overall repetition duration
would be 3 s. It should be noted that the majority of studies
focus only on the concentric and eccentric actions,
neglecting to include an isometric component.
To an extent, repetition duration will be dependent on
the intensity of load. The use of very heavy loads [more
than *85 % of 1 repetition maximum (RM)] will necessitate an all-out effort to concentrically move the load
quickly, but the actual velocity of the lift will be relatively
slow. Moreover, concentric repetition velocity will be
reduced even further as a set approaches the point of
muscular failure due to an inability of working fibers to
maintain force output. Mookerjee and Ratamess [5] demonstrated that the first concentric repetition of a 5 RM
bench press took 1.2 s to complete while the fourth and
fifth repetitions took 2.5 and 3.3 s, respectively. These
results were seen despite subjects attempting to move the
weight as quickly as possible.
On the other hand, when lifting submaximal loads of
*80-85 % of 1 RM and lighter an individual has the
2 Methods
2.1 Inclusion Criteria
Studies were deemed eligible for inclusion if they met the
following criteria: (1) were an experimental trial published
in an English-language refereed journal; (2) directly compared different training tempos in dynamic exercise using
both concentric and eccentric repetitions; (3) measured
morphologic changes via biopsy, imaging, and/or densitometry; (4) had a minimum duration of 6 weeks; (5)
carried out training to muscle failure, defined as the
inability to complete another concentric repetition while
maintaining proper form; and (6) used human subjects who
did not have a chronic disease or injury.
2.2 Search Strategy
To carry out this review, English-language literature searches of the PubMed and EBSCO databases were conducted
from all timepoints up until April 2014. Combinations of
the following keywords were used as search terms:
muscle; hypertrophy; growth; cross sectional
area; duration; tempo; cadence; velocity;
speed; resistance training; resistance exercise; and
repetitions. After conducting the initial search, the reference lists of articles retrieved were then screened for any
additional articles that had relevance to the topic, as
described by Greenhalgh and Peacock [8].
A total of 529 studies were evaluated based on search
criteria. To reduce the potential for selection bias, each of
these studies were independently perused by two of the
Studies included in
meta-analysis (n=12)
Addional arcles
(n = 4)
Studies included in
meta-analysis (n=8)
B. J. Schoenfeld et al.
Table 1 Studies meeting inclusion criteria
Rep duration
et al.
0.50.66 vs.
12 vs. 26
vs. 48
et al.
6 vs. 15
Neils et al.
6 vs. 15
Rana et al.
24 vs. 14
et al.
24 vs. 14
and Ishii
2 vs. 6
No significant differences in
muscle CSA
et al.
2 vs. 6
No significant differences in
muscle thickness
2 vs. 46
No significant differences in
muscle thickness
Young and
CSA cross-sectional area, d/s degrees per second, DXA dual x-ray absorptiometry, FFM fat-free mass, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, rep
repetition, RM repetition maximum, RT resistance training
s21 n s22 n
3 Results
4 Discussion
Eect size
Fast heavy
Fast light
Fig. 2 Mean effect size and 95 % confidence interval for each tempo
B. J. Schoenfeld et al.
Eect size
Fast heavy
Fig. 3 Mean effect size and 95 % confidence interval for each tempo
category: studies with direct hypertrophy measurements only
B. J. Schoenfeld et al.
measurement techniques likely contributed to the heterogeneous nature of the literature base.
Finally and importantly, the utilization of untrained
subjects limits the generalizability of our findings to trained
populations. Long-term RT has been shown to alter both
the structure and function of skeletal muscle [353839]
and impacts the acute anabolic signaling, protein synthetic
and transcriptional responses to RT [404143]. Therefore,
it may be possible that differential hypertrophic responses
may occur in trained muscle in response to varying repetition tempos.
5 Conclusion
Current evidence indicates that hypertrophic outcomes are
similar when training with repetition durations ranging
from 0.5 to 8 s to concentric muscular failure. Thus, from
a practical standpoint it would seem that a fairly wide
range of repetition durations can be employed if the primary goal is to maximize muscle growth. Results suggest
that training at volitionally very slow durations ([10 s per
repetition) is inferior from a hypertrophy standpoint,
although a lack of controlled studies on the topic makes it
difficult to draw definitive conclusions. It is not clear if
combining different repetition durations would enhance
the hypertrophic response to RT. This possibility requires
further study.
Acknowledgments This study was not funded by an outside source.
The authors report no conflicts of interest for this study.
Conflict of interest
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