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Credits Special Thanks
Written By: Zachery Naldrett Washington Irving who without writing The Legend
of Sleepy Hollow this book would not exist.
Developed By: Zachery Naldrett
The Sleepy Hollow Cemetery Historic Fund for be-
Cover Art By: Rachael Lindman ing an excellent resource. If you’re interested in learn-
Interior Art By: White Wolf Art Pack, National ing more head to https://visitsleepyhollow.com/
Park Service, Ferdinand Schevill, Edward Hull,
Edvard Munch, Chis Barbalis

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages,

Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild
West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The
Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The
Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Ex-
alted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The For-
saken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil,
Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The
Primordial, Promethean: The Created, White Wolf, Storyteller System™, Sto-
rytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons
and symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertain-
ment AB. All rights reserved.
This work contains material that is copyright of White Wolf Enter-
tainment. Such material is used with permission under the Commu-
nity Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.
©2020 White Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27
Stockholm, Sweden.
Additional artwork used under public domain
Introduction 5
Chapter One: The Kindred of Sleepy Hollow XX
Chapter Two: The Legend of the Camarilla 5
Chapter Three: The Legend of the Sabbat XX
Chapter Four: The Legend Rises Again XX
Appendix: The Legend Behind the Legend XX
Introduction to
Sleepy Hollow
The chief part of the stories, however, turned upon the favorite spectre of Sleepy Hollow, the Headless
Horseman, who had been heard several times of late, patrolling the country; and, it was said, tethered his
horse nightly among the graves in the churchyard.
Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

A Brief Background As a storyteller it is fine to narratively describe what

happens before the characters arrive in the city if you
In the year 1820 Washington Irving published The do not want to deal with a road trip to start the game.
Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The story you are about to read If you prefer, you can role-play the characters travel ex-
for Vampire: The Masquerade was written in part to perience and make it as eventful or uneventful as you
celebrate the 200-year anniversary. It’ can be run as a choose.
one shot or included as part of an ongoing campaign. Alternatively, this story about Sleepy Hollow and the
Camarilla and Sabbat versions of the story have been Headless Horseman does not have to take place in
presented to fit your game. Sleepy Hollow. The story was designed to take place in
a small suburb that vampires would normally overlook
Setting and is relatively close to a major city. As long as the vil-
The setting for this story is intended to be Sleepy Hol- lage or town it takes place in has a few bars or restau-
low, NY. Sleepy Hollow is a small village roughly 20-30 rants close enough together to be considered a rack, a
minutes north of New York City by car. It is a small church with a graveyard, a place suitable to host a
quiet suburb where vampire activity is almost non-exist- haunted house, a place to act as a museum or art gallery,
ent. This story is set in the Fall, more specifically Octo- and a wilderness area nearby, this story will work in that
ber of the year 2020. Due to the time of year, between setting.
12-14 sunless hours a night means that it is accessible While The Legend of Sleepy Hollow may be one of the
in one nights drive from as far west as Chicago and as most well-known tales of the Headless Horseman, it cer-
far south as Atlanta without taking stops and using the tainly is not the only one. Headless horse riders ap-
speed limit as a suggestion. peared in folklore going back more than 300 years
before Irving wrote his short story. The Horseman’s leg- 2020 the world is amid a global pandemic. In the same
end did not originate in America, so there is no reason spirit, COVID-19 is not mentioned in these pages.
it cannot appear again somewhere else. The World of Darkness is not the same one that we
Helpful Vampire References live in. It gets to be an escape from some of the horrible
things that are going on in someone’s life, even if it
This story was written for Vampire: The Masquerade means dealing with different horrible things happening
20th Anniversary Edition (V20). It was not designed to to fictional characters. If as the Storyteller you want to
be compatible with older editions, but for the most part bring horrible things from our world into the World of
it can be adapted with some minor tweaks made to the Darkness, check with your players before hand and
suggested rolls and the stats for non-player characters make sure it is a subject that they feel comfortable deal-
(NPCs). The most likely to be encountered in play is ing with.
Awareness, which the Storyteller can decide if Alert-
ness, Empathy, or Occult works as a suitable replace-
ment. Dodge rolls are made using Athletics in V20, so
About Sleepy Hollow
the simplest solution is to use Athletics when making Washington Irving’s Legend
any roll that would call for Dodge. In 1820 Washington Irving published what would be-
Dark Thaumaturgy, specifically the path Flames of come one of the most well-known ghost stories of a
the Inferno, does not appear in the V20 core book. It young United States of America. The Legend of Sleepy
was included in Rites of the Blood for V20 and can be Hollow was originally released as a short story in The
found in the Revised Edition Guide to the Sabbat as Sketchbook of Geoffery Crayon, Gent.
well. If neither book is accessible, changing the color of
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is the tale of Ichabod
the fire created by Lure of the Flame to an unnatural
Crane, a Connecticut schoolteacher living in New York
green is a sufficient substitute.
in 1790. Crane begins courting Katrina Van Tassel, the
NPCs from New York by Night are referenced in this daughter of wealthy farmer Balthus Van Tassel, but he
story. These NPCs are not given stats as they do not is not alone in having interest in her. His main rival for
have a direct impact. As the Storyteller if you feel that her affection is Abraham “Brom Bones” Van Brunt.
stats are needed or you just want more background on Despite Abraham’s constant attempts to goad Ichabod
them, using New York by Night as a guide is recom- into a physical confrontation, the scholarly Crane re-
mended. fuses to take the bait.
The love triangle reaches its peak at a harvest party
hosted by the Van Tassel family. After a night of drink-
ing, dancing, and ghost stories, Ichabod professes his
love for Katrina and ask for her hand in marriage. She
rejects him and he hastily takes off into the night on his
horse Gunpowder. On his way home he encounters a
large and intimidating figure late in the night. Crane is
terrified to discover the rider’s head does not rest on
his shoulders but is being held in his hand.
Ichabod takes off into the night and the Headless
Horseman gives chase. Seeking safety on holy ground,
the schoolteacher rides to the church seeking sanctuary.
After crossing the bridge leading to the church he turns
The Reality of Halloween to see if he is still being pursued. Crane can only watch
in horror as the horse rears up on its hind legs and the
2020 rider throws his own severed head at him. Unable to
New York by Night was written and published in react in time, the severed head knocks him from Gun-
2001. The attacks on September 11th were not in- powder and Ichabod falls to the ground.
cluded out of respect for those affected by tragedy. In
The next morning there is no sign of Ichabod. His of it has been transformed into Rockefeller State Park
hat and Gunpowder’s saddle are found near a smashed Preserve. Other historical points of interest in the vil-
pumpkin in the cemetery next to the church. lage include the Philipsburg Manor, The Sleepy Hollow
Lighthouse, and the former Rockefeller Estate Kykuit,
Modern Nights which has been turned into a museum.
Two-hundred years have passed since Irving’s short While autumn in upstate New York brings in visitors
story was first published. The village in New York State as the leaves change color, the village of Sleepy Hollow
that serves as the setting officially changed its name to and the surrounding area embraces the legend. The two
Sleepy Hollow in 1997. Located on the eastern bank of months leading up to Halloween brings over 100,000
the Hudson River, just over 10,000 people call the vil- tourists to the area. During the day guided tours of the
lage home. While the original bridge Crane crossed no village, the cemetery, and hayrides entertain visitors.
longer stands, The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hol- When the sun goes down there are numerous events
low that he sought for sanctuary stands in the same lo- such as Horseman’s Hollow at the Philipsburg Manor,
cation it was built in 1699. Washington Irving himself reenactments of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at the Old
his buried in the adjoining cemetery. Dutch Church, and various theme nights and costume
Over the years members of the Rockefeller family contest at the bars along Beekman Avenue are just
bought up much of the area to the north west of the some of the nocturnal attractions
village. As part of the family’s conservation efforts most
The Kindred of
Sleepy Hollow
In the dead hush of midnight, he could even hear the barking of the watchdog from the opposite shore of the
Hudson; but it was so vague and faint as only to give an idea of his distance from this faithful companion of
Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

In a quiet village upstate with instructions to watch for Sabbat activity.

She settled into the town of Mount Pleasant, which en-
Sleepy Hollow is of little value to kindred in terms of compasses several smaller villages, Valhalla, Scar-
territory and domain. The area is mostly suburbs mak- borough, and most pertinent to this story, Sleepy Hol-
ing feeding difficult and the presence of Lupine in low.
Rockefeller State Park Preserve is enough to keep all
but the bravest (or dumbest) vampires from entering.
The Caitiff “Prince”
The village is close to multiple larger cities, with more Sinclair Herron, with the assistance of Prince
than half a dozen cities of reasonable size to support Michaela, established herself as prince of Mount Pleas-
unlife for kindred within a two-hour drive means few ant. In recent decades it is not uncommon for a Caitiff
stop for more than just a night. to claim praxis over an unclaimed area outside of the
domain of the prince of a larger city. The kindred of
The New York Connection New York City had thought nothing of the arrange-
In the years leading up to the battle of New York, ment. When Michaela met final death, Prince Herron
Prince Michaela had concentrated Camarilla forces in made a deal with Prince Calebros to report any signs of
the city on to Manhattan. To reenforce she began em- Sabbat activity, Anarchs driving upstate to cause trou-
bracing at what some would consider and alarming rate. ble, or any kindred to skirt around the strict rules about
One of her last childer, Sinclair Herron, did not show siring by doing so outside of the city limits.
the feeding preference that is common among the When Calebros stepped down, Sinclair’s brood mate
Ventrue. Concerned that she would be view by others Hellene Panhard took the title of Prince of New York.
as weak for siring a Caitiff, Michaela sent Sinclair Neither are aware that they share a sire. Michaela never
told her other childer about Sinclair and warned her polite manner that is often betrayed by the coldness in
that she would become a target, to both others she had her blue eyes. She switches from business to evening
sired and to her own enemies, if Sinclair spoke of who wear gracefully to suit her needs.
her sire was. Hellene accepts that her sire met final Role-playing Tips: Prince Herron knows she is in a
death in the lead of up to the battle for New York and precarious position. She will attempt to convey author-
honors the deal Calebros has made. ity when speaking but will be polite and friendly about
Over the past few decades, Sinclair has managed to it. She rarely loses her composure when challenged or
build up a fair amount of influence in the area. With threatened and is frequently accompanied by at least
no other kindred around to compete with, Prince Her- one ghoul bodyguard. Much of it is an act, but she has
ron has easily gained control over the relatively small always been skilled at putting on a show.
police departments and the one weekly newspaper that Stats: Generation 8th, Nature Survivor, Demeanor
serves the area. She has even managed to come to what Loner
can be considered and agreement with the Lupine of
Rockefeller State Park Preserve. In exchange for restrict- Attributes: Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina
ing development in the area, they agree not to attack 2, Social: Charisma 4 (Smooth Talker), Manipulation 4
visiting kindred without provocation. Sinclair makes (Seductive), Appearance 3, Mental: Perception 3, Intel-
sure any who she grants hospitality is aware they see ligence 2, Wits 3
kindred entering the preserve as provocation. Abilities: Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Awareness
2, Brawl 1, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Intimidation 4
Beyond the Big Apple (Blackmail), Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 4 (Feigned Inno-
New York City is not the only domain that Prince cence), Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 2, Larceny
Herron feeds information to. Sinclair fears that if it gets 2, Melee 2, Performance 4 (Acting), Survival 2,
out who her sire is, not only with other childer of Knowledge: Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 3, In-
Michaela will come after her, but that she will be seen vestigation 1, Law 3, Politics 4 (Camarilla), Technology
as an easy target due to her young age, low generation, 2
and clanless status. To this effort, she trades infor- Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 1, Ob-
mation on the comings and goings of kindred in her fuscate 1
domain with Nosferatu up the Hudson river to Albany
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 4, Influence 2, Re-
as well as the half a dozen other cities in one nights
tainers 4, Resources 4
driving distance.
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
Other Kindred in Town Morality Humanity 6, Willpower 8
The Tremere of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
have a vested interest in several historic organizations
in the area, including the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery His-
toric Fund. Some of the money brought in from the
more than two dozen tourist events the organization go
towards some of the operating expenses the chantry in-
curs. Each year an apprentice is sent to monitor the
events. To some it is a welcome respite form chantry life
while others view it as a distraction from their studies.
This year Geoffrey C Gent, an apprentice of the fourth
circle, has the dubious honor of overseeing the events.

NPCs of Sleepy Hollow

Prince Sinclair Herron
Description: Sinclair is an attractive woman who ap-
pears to be in her late twenties. Her voice has a soft and
Geoffrey C Gent Stats: Generation 11th, Nature Traditionalist, De-
meanor Perfectionist
Description: Geoffrey does not stick out in the sub- Attributes: Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina
urbs. His brown hair is brushed to one side, in part to 2, Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2,
cover the fact that he began balding shortly before be- Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4 (Book Knowledge),
ing embraced. He stands just below six feet tall and in Wits 4 (Changes in Strategy)
his polo shirt and dockers looks like most middle-aged
men coming to or going from martinis at the country Abilities: Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Awareness
club. 2, Empathy 3, Expression 4 (Conversation), Intimida-
tion 1, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 2, Skills: Crafts 3,
Role-playing Tips: He has better things to do than Drive 2, Etiquette 3 ,Knowledges: Academics 4 (Revo-
spend his time up in the boonies watching tourists get lutionary War History), Computers 2, Finance 1, Inves-
spooked by a fake ghost and drunk off cheap beer. He tigation 2, Medicine 1, Occult 4 (Rituals), Politics 1,
has research to conduct, experiments to perform, he is Science 1, Technology 1
not some damn babysitter. He is also smart enough to
not question this assignment from the Regent. He will Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 1, Thaumaturgy 3
make an appearance at the required locations, record (Path of Blood 3, Path of Spirit Manipulation 2)
the tedious events he attends, but other than the bare Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Resources 3
minimum he has his own agenda to attend to. He is
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
only here because he must be. No one said he needed
to be happy about it. Morality: Humanity 7, Willpower 6
The Legend of the

All the stories of ghosts and goblins that he had heard in the afternoon now came crowding upon his recol-
lection. The night grew darker and darker; the stars seemed to sink deeper in the sky, and driving clouds occa-
sionally hid them from his sight.
Washington Irving The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

A Missing Messenger Arriving to the Village

A courier arrived in the city to deliver a message to The coterie has been provided little information
the prince. The problem is they never met. The courier, about Sleepy Hollow other than where to meet with the
Derrick Hardy of clan Brujah, arrived at Elysium and prince. They can do research ahead of time but there is
was met by a curious Harpy. While the details of the not much more available other than what is on the vil-
conversation are unknown, things apparently got lage website. Upon arrival, the coterie can find the
heated and Derrick fled before he could deliver his mes- prince at an upscale wine bar overlooking the Hudson.
sage. The Nosferatu received word that the Brujah’s car Sinclair can be found sitting alone on the patio, posi-
was found in Sleepy Hollow, NY but there was no evi- tioned with a view of the lighthouse and the Tappan
dence of what happened to him. Zee Bridge.
Who actually sends the coterie to find the courier is Prince Herron is quite accommodating if the coterie
up to the Storyteller. Several kindred have reasons to is respectful of her position. She has arranged a tempo-
want the courier found. The prince wants to know what rary haven for them in the basement of a bed and break-
message Derrick had to deliver. The harpy has heard fast she owns, warns them to avoid the Lupine in Rock-
rumors that the Sheriff plans to present evidence that efeller State Park Preserve, and provides a contact at a
she had the courier killed and dumped the car to hide local tow yard where Derrick’s car was impounded un-
her involvement. The Nosferatu Primogen wants to der her orders. Sinclair will also inform them she had
know what it was that drove the courier away or really investigated but has not seen any sign of him around
any other secrets the courier may be willing to part with. the village and that there was no evidence of a struggle
at the lighthouse where the car was found. Should any
of the characters be demanding in their request for in- storage container has had its lock cut off, there is an
formation or rude just in general, she will be less forth empty spot inside it, and there is similar dirt that was
coming with aide. Outright rudeness or hostility will be found at the lighthouse and Philipsburg Manor on the
met with a “go fuck off and find him your damn self” floor.
Dominate command with a handful of ghouls available Visiting the Old Dutch Church and Sleepy Hollow
at the snap of her fingers should force be needed. Cemetery early in the evening the coterie will find a lo-

Searching for Derrick cal actor doing a solo performance of The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow and several guided tours of the cemetery.
The Rack Searching the cemetery can uncover what appears to be
spots in the shape of a foot where the grass appears to
What passes for a Rack in Sleepy Hollow is really just be dead and slightly scorched. Should anyone inspect
a few restaurants that have converted to nightclubs for the dirt in the cemetery it matches with dirt found in
the tourists. Located along Beekman Avenue, each one other locations. Any attempt to go too far off the path
is hosting a Halloween event of some type. There are at this point will be discovered by a tour guide who will
enough people out that the coterie can slip through the ask the coterie to stay with the group and wait for them
crowds without being noticed, but not packed to the to take part in the tour.
point that they cannot lure someone off into a dark cor-
ner to feed.

Locations of Note
The Sleepy Hollow Lighthouse where the car was
found is a close walk from the wine bar the coterie met
Prince Herron in. A successful Perception + Awareness
roll will uncover dirt that just seems out of place. Out-
side of that, there is nothing new to uncover at that lo-
If the meeting with Prince Herron went well, the co-
terie can head to the tow yard where they will find Law-
rence Hickman waiting for them. Looking over the car
there is nothing that seems out of place or that anything
was removed from the car, other than a flyer for the
Horseman’s Hollow haunted house at Philipsburg
Manor that was left under the windshield.
Geoffrey C Gent is doing his rounds at the Philips-
burg Manor House when the coterie arrives. He is pleas-
ant but not outright friendly and will excuse himself
shortly after making introductions stating he has other
locations he needs to check in on. Should the coterie
Rockefeller State Park Pre-
decide to stay and go through the haunted house, a Per- serve
ception + Investigation roll in the library will uncover a
couple books are missing and dirt that appears to be Gates are shut on the road leading to the Rockefeller
similar to the out of place dirt found at the lighthouse State Park Preserve and it will need to be approached
is on the floor by the shelf. by foot. After walking roughly 50 yards they will be
stopped by a park ranger who informs them the area is
The coterie will find Kykuit closed should they head closed for the evening and they can come back in the
there. Getting inside will require avoiding security morning. A long howl is heard if the coterie does not
guards and by passing the alarm system. The museum turn back or if any action is taken against the ranger.
appears to be preparing for an upcoming event or it has An Auspex user with heightened senses active will be
recently hosted one. In the basement there are signs to able to hear additional howls in the distance.
indicate that someone else has recently broken in. A
Should the coterie continue into the preserve with- If stats are needed during for the NPCs, use Govern-
out harm coming a wolf will be easily spotted watching ment Agent for the park ranger (v20 pg. 375) with ad-
them with a successful Wits + Survival roll. If all mem- ditional dots in Survival. For the Lupine, use a three to
bers of the coterie have a Humanity rating of 7 or one ratio of Adolescent Werewolf to Veteran Lupine
higher if will follow and watch but not interact other- (v20 pg. 379
wise. Should any member of the coterie have less than
7 Humanity, the wolf will be heard growling and more In the Midnight Hour
will begin to show up circling the coterie. The coterie By midnight, the tourist events in and around Sleepy
will be followed until they either leave the preserve or Hollow have closed for the evening. Returning to the
enough wolves arrive to equal them in numbers. Once Manor will make the missing books more evident if
the ratio of wolves to player characters is equal, one of they did not find them earlier in the evening. The bars
the wolves will step forward, shifting into a werewolf are the only businesses still open, while many of the
form, and barking to the coterie to flee or die. tourist have left, employees from the various attractions
Combat with the park ranger will prompt increased can be found here letting off steam.
howling and Lupine will begin to come to the ranger’s If the idea of returning to the Old Dutch Church
rescue. Two will arrive in human form during the sec- doesn’t come to them on their own, the coterie can
ond round, with one additional arriving every other hear the soft sound of horse steps walking along the
round until they outnumber the coterie. If it gets to that road or get the slight scent of sulfur coming from the
point, the Lupine will shift into their werewolf form. direction of the Route 9 bridge leading to the church.
Regardless of how the interactions with the Lupine Otherwise the streets are eerily quiet.
of the preserve play out, surviving characters will get a
sense of being watched for the remainder of the night.
The Legend of the
Just then the shadowy object of alarm put itself in motion, and with a scramble and a bound stood at once
in the middle of the road. Though the night was dark and dismal, yet the form of the unknown might now in
some degree be ascertained.
Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Striking a Dead Foe through Halloween. The village has few if any suitable
abandoned or otherwise unused buildings to squat it.
For Cardinal Francisco Domingo de Polonia, losing
New York to the Camarilla has been a black mark on
Rack ‘em up
his otherwise impressive career within the Sabbat. What passes for a rack in Sleepy Hollow provides al-
When rumors reached him that a childe of his slain ri- most no information about Sinclair. Most of the pa-
val Michaela is on her own in Sleepy Hollow, he tasked trons are tourist and just there for a good time. The bar
the characters’ pack to investigate. The cardinal wants staff is too busy to talk.
to feature this childe at the upcoming Palla Grande tak-
At the end of the rack, the is an upscale wine bar
ing place in the coming nights. Little details are given
overlooking Horan’s Landing Park and the Hudson
as not much is known about the target. The pack is pro-
River. It is the only establishment on Beekman Avenue
vided a small manilla envelope with a description of
where people are not dressed in costume, and if they
Prince Sinclair Herron and a few details about Sleepy
are like most Sabbat packs at least one of the pack mem-
bers will stick out like a sore thumb. Any of the staff if

Small Town Hunt asked about Sinclair will point out that the description
they provide would apply to roughly half of the women
When the pack arrives, if they search for a place to in attendance.
use as a temporary haven, due to the tourists the motels If anyone is looking for it, a Perception + Alertness
and hotels in the immediate area are all booked up roll will discover a large muscular man dressed in a suit
watching the pack. If confronted, he will claim to be
security and comment that he is watching them because on. He does not have much in the way of information
they look like trouble. He will not let on that he knows on the prince, only that when she fed on him it was
what they are. Without the use of Aura Perception or after he got off his shift at a local restaurant.
another power to detect his connection to the supernat- In the file provided, it states that Kykuit is closed at
ural the pack will have no way of knowing he is a ghoul. this time of night normally and that the prince may
When the pack leaves, unless they have found a way to own much of the art in the museum. If the pack goes
take him out without the rest of the wine bar noticing there, they will discover a private event is being held
and calling the police, a black SUV will begin tailing and the parking lot is full of high-end luxury cars. The
them throughout the night. entrance has a few visible security guards who will turn
the pack away, and any side or back entrances found
will have at least two guards stationed there as well.
They can get in through mental manipulation or phys-
ical force, but they quickly find themselves confronted
by a dozen or so guards. Sneaking in is possible through
a basement window. There are multiple paintings and
other pieces of art related to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
that appear to be prepared to go up for auction. An In-
telligence + Occult roll will indicate that several pieces
seem to have a connecting infernal theme. Heading up-
stairs without tuxedos or gowns they will discover them-
selves in the middle of a masquerade ball, and quickly
found and outnumbered by security.
The Horseman’s Hollow event has transformed
Philipsburg Manor into a haunted house. Prince Her-
ron is not here, nor is there anything to indicate where
she is, but the pack will find themselves being followed
by a ghoul. He is loyal and will not give up the prince’s
location if he is caught, and it is simple enough to deal
with him. If anyone finds his corpse, they will think it
is part of the haunted house experience, at least until
he is found by staff the next day.
Checking out the Old Dutch Church and Cemetery
before the other locations, they will find a performer
doing a solo re-enactment of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
and various groups being led by tour guides through the
Pack on the loose cemetery. Any attempt to investigate while the tours are
running will be interrupted by a nosey tour guide.
Despite being closed for the evening, Horan’s Land-
ing Park and the Lighthouse provide no physical barri- Howls in the Night
ers to entry. Signs of activity inside the lighthouse be- Before the pack can even step foot onto the Rockefel-
come quite apparent to anyone who gets close enough. ler State Park Preserve, the sound of wolves howling
Inside there are a group of teenagers sitting around should be quite evident. Like the Camarilla story a park
drinking stolen beer and telling ghost stories. After a ranger will be there to stop them from entering, One of
few tales, one of the teens, Jeremy, will tell the others Prince Herron’s ghouls have tipped off the ranger that
that he has seen a real vampire. In his story he describes they are in the village. Sabbat characters are more likely
the prince in detail, recalling how she seduced him to than Camarilla to have low Humanity or be on a Path
drink his blood. When the pack reveals themselves, the of Enlightenment and the Lupine are more likely to de-
other teens will run away scared when confronted with tect their unnatural state.
the pack’s vampire nature. Jeremy will want to be fed
Wolves will begin to show up shortly after the park
ranger stops them. If paying attention, the pack will no-
It’s After Midnight
tice the wolves getting closer the longer they talk with Sleepy Hollow seems to shut down after midnight.
the ranger. The Storyteller should feel free to indicate Businesses are closed, with exception of the bars on
that the pack can hear increasing howls, growling, and Beekman Avenue. A fog begins to roll in off the Hud-
even panting should they focus on the ranger and not son limiting visibility, though there is hardly anything
what is going on around them. The Lupine will come left to see anyways. If the pack returns to the Rack to
to the aid of the ranger if combat is initiated, shifting feed, they should be able to find Sinclair in the area.
into werewolf form as they attack. The prince will spot them and leave the establishment
As with the Camarilla story, if stats are needed for the heading towards the Sleepy Hollow Bridge. Prince Her-
NPCs, use Government Agent for the park ranger (v20 ron begins running should the pack follow her out of
pg. 375) with additional dots in Survival. For the Lu- the bar and towards the Old Dutch Church.
pine, use a three to one ratio of Adolescent Werewolf
to Veteran Lupine (v20 pg. 379
The Legend Rides
they had diligently considered them all, and compared them with the symptoms of the present case, they
shook their heads, and came to the conclusion that Ichabod had been carried off by the Galloping Hessian.
Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Crossing the Bridge coterie may not have a direct responsibility to prevent
the final death of this prince, but if they have political
As the characters near the Old Dutch Church a aspirations it doesn’t hurt to have a prince owe you,
scream can be heard coming from behind it. Rushing even if she’s a Caitiff. For the Sabbat story, the cardinal
to the sight they will find the Headless Horseman pre- sent the pack there to bring Michaela’s childe to be on
paring to throw an Inferno Jack at Prince Herron. The display for Palla Grande. He will be less than pleased if
Horseman will be startled by their arrival and toss it at they show up empty handed.
the first player to arrive. Allow the players to role-play
out who arrives first but if it is inconclusive have them
The Headless Horseman
roll Dexterity + Athletics. Alternatively, if they take a Description: The Horseman is dressed similarly to
cautious and stealthy approach, they will arrive as an the Hessian Soldier he was in life. His coat is a midnight
Inferno Jack hits Sinclair and falls to the ground at- blue with a blood-red collar, cuffs, and lapel. His boots
tempting to extinguish the balefire from it. Unless they are semi-pointed to make getting into and out of stir-
do something to pull the Horseman’s attention, they rups easier. The only noticeable difference is the dark
will have the opportunity to roll for an Ambush attack black pants he wears. If he still had his head, the Horse-
(V20 pg. 274). A description of the Headless Horseman man would likely stand over seven feet tall. Unholy en-
and Inferno Jacks can be found later in this chapter. ergy radiates from him, and when on holy ground
Attacking the Horseman will give the prince the op- plants wither and die where he walks. Aura Perception
portunity to flee. If the characters do not intervene, the shows a baleful green flame. Unless a character has a
Horseman will kill Sinclair in short order and then turn background in dealing with the infernal, a successful
to attack the characters. In the Camarilla story, the Intelligence + Occult roll at difficulty 8 is needed to de-
termine the unholy connection with 3 successes needed
to confirm a direct infernal connection. If any charac- The Fires of the Inferno, and the tainted aura that
ters have Demonology as an expert knowledge the dif- comes with Dark Thaumaturgy.
ficulty is reduced to 7. **The Headless Horseman is a soulless killing ma-
Role-playing tips: Kill the target, and all others. chine and has no Humanity nor a Beast to speak of. It
Attributes: Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina exists to bring souls to hell. It has no willpower or blood
3, Social: Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, pool that can be drained. The Horseman’s willpower
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 and blood pool equivalents exist only for the purpose
of powering equivalent discipline powers. He is unable
Abilities: Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Awareness to spend blood to heal or increase attributes, nor can
4, Brawl 3, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1, willpower be spent for automatic successes. Each night
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Firearms 3, Larceny 3, Melee 4, the Horseman recovers 2 blood points while killing a
Ride 4, Stealth 3, Survival 3, Knowledges: Investigation mortal or vampire replenishes its willpower and blood
4, Occult 3 pool.
Equivalent Disciplines: Auspex 2*, Celerity 1*, For-
titude 3, Obfuscate 2, Quietus 1, Thaumaturgy 3* (Path The Night Is Not Over
of Blood 3*, Path of Spirit Manipulation 3*, Path of
While the Horseman may have been defeated, the
Conjuring 1) Dark Thaumaturgy 3 (The Fires of the In-
characters have not yet found what they have come for.
ferno 3, Path of Phobos 2, Taking the Spirit 1)
The courier has yet to be found and Prince Herron has
Humanity 0**, Willpower 7**, Blood Pool 15** fled if she was not killed by the Horseman. Tracking
The Horseman has the standard number of health Sinclair should be easy enough if she survived, but if
boxes but does not take wound penalties. Once it takes not, it should be clear at this point that wherever it
enough damage that would torpor or kill a vampire, the stepped, the grass under the Horseman’s feet withered
body becomes engulfed in green and orange flames, and died. A trail of footprints should lead the charac-
burning away any evidence of its existence other than ters to the entrance of a mausoleum which has signs of
the scorched earth. the door being pried open.
Equipment: Hessian Sword, Inferno Jack Inside Prince Herron appears to be frantically search-
ing for something. Her voice is panicked, and she
Inferno Jack: When the Horseman took out Ichabod claims that she knows there is a cavern underneath the
Crane, it was his own head that he threw knocking him mausoleum and that someone down there summoned
off the horse. Using its infernal powers, flames ignited the Horseman. Sinclair will not take her attention away
over Crane’s body consuming him. When the Horse- from her search for a lever or switch unless attacked di-
man learned to conjure items, it became a repeatable rectly. Once the door to the mausoleum is closed, there
attack. Every third turn, the Horseman conjures and is a crude click and the sound of rusty gears grinding
throws a jack-o-lantern lit with Fires of the Inferno. near the back wall. Applying pressure to that wall causes
One success is needed to conjure the jack-o-lantern with it to swing open to reveal a stone stairwell leading below
every success after determining the size and severity of the tomb.
balefire (Rites of the Blood pgs. 168-169). The fire is
contained within the jack-o-lantern until it hits its tar- The stairway leading underneath the mausoleum is
get, at which point the jack-o-lantern explodes covering narrow and unlit. The only light comes from an open-
whatever was hit in balefire. ing at the bottom. There the room opens into a small
dark cavern. In the middle lies the body of the courier
*The Headless Horseman borrows disciplines from Derrick with a stake through his heart. There is a circle
the vampire being channeled and from the caster, ex- of blood around him and five candles spaced along the
cept for disciplines such as Dominate that require ver- edge of it. There is a drained or nearly drained mortal
bal commands or eye contact. When the summoning is crumpled in a dark corner. Geoffrey is furiously reading
broken the Horseman retains half of these powers for through an old handwritten journal, his trance like fo-
the next time the ritual is cast coming back stronger cus prevents him from noticing that he has company.
each time. The vampire who summoned the Horseman Anyone using Aura Perception and gaining even one
and the vampire channeled, should they survive the en- success will see a baleful green flame around him, simi-
counter, come out of the experiences with one dot of lar to the one the Headless Horseman had.
If given a chance to explain his actions, Geoffrey will Horseman will draw two blood points from the courier
attempt to explain it away as if he has done nothing each night until there is none left to drain. If awoken
wrong. He has been unknowingly corrupted by the Derrick will not be forthcoming with details about the
summoning ritual and does not realize the true nature message he was sent to deliver and has difficulty remem-
of what has happened and what he has done. After bering why he left before relaying the information.
monologuing about why she was not deserving and Given time his memory will return and gradually the
needed to meet final death, if Sinclair is with the char- clues point to the harpy dominating him to “Go back
acters in any fashion (standing, in torpor, or staked) he to where you came from” for not telling her what he
will attempt to finish what the Horseman started. was sent to tell the prince. If asked why he came to
Sleepy Hollow he will reluctantly reveal that he was one
Aftermath of the first children born at the hospital in the north of
the village and that his parents are buried in the ceme-
How the characters react to Geoffrey will greatly de- tery. Hardy will offer boons to the Camarilla Coterie to
termine the outcome and what happens next. If he is escort him back to deliver the message, to the Sabbat
left to his own devices and they leave without stopping pack he will provide details on the location of the
him, the next night the Horseman will rise again he will Harpy’s haven in exchange for letting him live.
send it after the characters so they cannot tell others
what he has done. Even if they disrupt the original sum- Derrick Hardy
moning by removing Derrick, the Tremere will just find
someone else to channel for the ritual. Should the char- Description: Derrick is thing and lanky, and just
acters decide to take him and turn him over to someone slightly shorter than average. His face is clean shaven
else to deal with, he will start a fire and escape if not with almost a hit of acne and his hair is brown and
staked. Diablerie will pass along the infernal taint (as curly. When discovered, if he lives, Derrick will happily
well as the first dot in Flames of the Inferno) and that wear anything offered to replace his blood-stained light
character will gain baleful green flames that are much blue buttoned up shirt, although he would prefer some-
easier to see than the black veins they just added to their thing in that style.
aura. The journal he was reading from when the char- Role-playing hints: Hardy will do anything he can at
acters found gives off an unsettling feeling and if looked this point to survive the night and will take any assis-
at with Aura Perception it also has the baleful green tance available and offer anything he reasonable to do
flame aura. It is advised that the Storyteller emphasizes so. Derrick’s short-term memory alludes him as an after
that books should not have an aura at all and that his effect of being channeled but as time goes by and he
is not normal. Details of what is contained within the remembers more, his anger towards the harpy who sent
book are provided in the appendix. him there and at Geoffrey become evident.
It is rare that the survival of the prince in a Vampire Stats: Generation 13th, Nature Loner, Demeanor
story is more important to the Sabbat pack than it is to Capitalist
the Camarilla coterie. The Ivory Tower sees her as re-
Attributes: Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina
placeable and she has no one who has a vested interest
3, Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2,
in her fate. Sinclair will reward the Camarilla coterie
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
with boons. The Sabbat pack however will be rewarded
handsomely if they deliver Prince Herron to the cardi- Abilities: Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Awareness
nal in any condition that is not a jar of ashes. He will 2, Brawl 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 2,
dominate her to play the part of the Crone in reenact- Skills: Crafts 4 (Auto Repair), Drive 4 (Long-Haul), Et-
ments from the Book of Nod before being strung up iquette 2, Firearms 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2, Knowledges:
for a private Blood Feast. As part of their reward, the Computers 2, Law 2, Politics 1, Technology 1
pack will be invited to join by Cardinal de Polonia. Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 1, Presence 3
The Horseman will continue to rise each night for as Backgrounds: Allies 3, Mentor 4, Resources 3
long as Derrick Hardy remains staked, regardless of
Geoffrey’s fate. If not unstaked or killed, the Storyteller Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
should roll a d10 to determine his current blood pool. Morality: Humanity 7, Willpower 6
As long as he remains staked in the circle, the
Legend Behind
the Legend
The old country wives, however, who are the best judges of these matters, maintain to this day that Ichabod
was spirited away by supernatural means; and it is a favorite story often told about the neighborhood round
the winter evening fire.
Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Journal of the Unholy the journal is opened to when found includes the ritual
titled Calling the Dullahan. There should be sufficient
Geoffrey discovered a few journals in his time spent evidence in the cavern where the characters find it that
in Sleepy Hollow. When he was discovered below the it is the ritual Geoffrey used to raise the Headless Hors-
mausoleum, one handwritten journal sticks out titled man. In addition to observations noted by Geoffrey,
“The Grimoire of Brom Bones”. The beginning dates there are also notes in more than one style of handwrit-
go back hundreds of years and are written in Gaelic, ing explaining the history of the ritual.
French, Dutch, German, with the most recent entries
being in English. Pages appear to be out of order but Raising the Hessian
from what the reader can gather it is a collection of The Headless Horseman was a Hessian Soldier, hired
ghost stories, hedge magic spells, and it includes a hand- by the British during the revolutionary war. If the leg-
ful of Thaumaturgy rituals and the method of connect- ends are to be believed, he was killed in the Battle of
ing with the infernal to learn Dark Thaumaturgy Paths. White Plains on October 28th, 1776 when a colonist
This should not be immediately known by the char- cannon took his head clean off. The nameless soldier
acters and should require appropriate research to trans- has become an urban legend in Westchester County
late into a language known to them. They would need throughout the years, but none are as well-known as The
to pass an Intelligence + Occult roll difficulty 8 to real- Legend of Sleepy Hollow. As with many urban legends in
ize this is dark magic and three successes to be certain the World of Darkness, there is a horrible truth behind
of its infernal nature. After all, Infernalist rarely refer it.
to the power they gain as Dark Thaumaturgy. The page
In 1790 Abraham “Brom Bones” Van Brunt was ea- scroll and used it to create a Thaumaturgy ritual that
ger to get rid of the pesky Ichabod Crane. The school- would spare the caster the horrific after-effects of sum-
teacher was forever getting in the way of his courting of moning the Horseman. However, summoning the Dul-
Katarina Van Tassel. Crane was a lanky and cowardly lahan is a corrupting experience and causes the caster
man who refused to settle the matter through a proper to display signs of the Infernal. The process opens the
physical conflict nor was he enough of a gentleman to door to learning Dark Thaumaturgy from the sum-
engage in a duel. Having heard of Ichabod’s interest in moned. Shortly afterward, the Warlock had a chance
the supernatural, Brom bribed the head of Crane’s encounter with Alfred Benezri who almost immediately
boarding house to allow him entry to his room. His in- noticed the signs of Infernalism. The Sabbat Inquisitor
tentions were to embarrass Crane with his collection of quickly tried, sentence, and executed the Tremere An-
superstitious nonsense and old wife’s tales about titribu for Heresy.
witches and ghost. When reading through what he stole The scroll’s location was unknown until it was discov-
from Cranes room, he was lured into a plan that was ered in Kykuit, hidden in plain sight. Prince Herron
much darker. was giving Geoffrey C Gent a tour of the historic build-
Among the items stolen was a Gaelic scroll with in- ing when he sensed the power of the scroll. The follow-
structions on how to summon a Dullahan, a demonic ing night he snuck inside and stole it. When Derrick
headless entity that hunts its victims from a black horse. Hardy arrived in the city, Gent captured him and used
Once the target has been caught, they a dragged into him to power the ritual summoning the Horseman.
hell never to be seen from again. Abraham gather the
required elements to cast the spell and performed it just
after sunset the night of the harvest party at the Van
Calling the Dullahan
Tassel farm. After being rejected by Katarina, Ichabod Thaumaturgy Ritual Level 4
took off into the night fleeing from embarrassment. The original magic required to summon a Dullahan
Near a swamp called Sleepy Hollow, he came across the may be unknown, but the Thaumaturgy Ritual that was
Dullahan in the body of the unknown hessian soldier. adapted from it has been intrinsically tied to Irving’s
When Crane realize what he faced, he rushed off to- tale. The Horseman’s role is to kill a target provided by
wards the Sleepy Hollow Church, falsely believing the the caster and it will spend its time stalking its prey.
demon could not enter holy ground. After crossing the
Sleepy Hollow bridge, he did not hear the rider and System: The ritual requires either a human sacrifice
turned to confirm he escaped his pursuer. Crane was or staked vampire to summon and channel the Horse-
frozen in fear when the Horseman threw his own head man. A circle of blood is drawn in a location associated
at Ichabod. with death (cemeteries, battlefields, hospitals, etc.) and
the channeled source is laid inside. The caster slits the
Van Brunt and Van Tassel later married and put all throat of the channeled before cutting themself. The
thoughts of Ichabod and that night out of their head. caster bleeds into the wound of the channeled spending
After ten years of marriage tragedy after tragedy struck five blood points in the process. Every success after the
the family. The oldest Van Brunt child died from a mys- first on the ritual roll lowers the amount of blood
terious illness, the youngest was savagely attacked by points spent to a minimum of one.
wolves, and Katrina suffered a stroke which caused the
left side of her face to droop. Abraham found the items Even if killed, if the Horseman is able to draw two
taken from Crane all those years earlier, sealed them in blood points from the caster or the channeled, it will
a box, and buried them deep in the woods behind the rise each night. The caster does not need to concentrate
Old Dutch Church. Six days later he returned home or stay with the channeled once the Horseman has
from a town meeting to find the box sitting on the risen, but they are connected. As a result, while the
kitchen table. That night an unexplained fire engulfed Horseman is active, its actions and location is known
the residence. There were no survivors. Somehow, the to the caster causing them to lose one dice on all per-
scroll survived. ception rolls. If the vampire being channeled is killed,
falls into torpor, or is removed from the circle in any
Nearly every town in the county has a similar story. way, the Horseman disappears at the next sunrise.
Every attempt to destroy the scroll over the centuries
has failed. In 1927, a Tremere Antitribu discovered the

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