Non-Conformal Mesh
Introduction: This tutorial compares the effects of using a conformal mesh versus a
non-conformal mesh in a simple pin-fin heat sink problem.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
• Generate a non-conformal mesh and related parameters such as bounding box,
slacks etc.
• Understand the effects of non-conformal mesh on total mesh counts and on
• Generate and compare summary reports.
• Apply non-conformal rules and restrictions
Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the menu structure in
ANSYS Icepak and that you have solved the sample session and Tutorial 1. Some
steps in the setup and solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.
Problem Description: The model consists of a pin-fin heat sink composed of alu-
minum, which is in contact with a source dissipating 10 W, as shown in Figure 6.1.
The source-heatsink assembly sits in the middle of a wind tunnel with a wind speed
of 1.0 m/s. The ambient temperature is 20 ◦ C. The flow regime is turbulent.
The objective of this exercise is to become familiar with the non-conformal mesh-
ing methodology and its application. The solution results of conformal and non-
conformal mesh will be examined and compared.
In ANSYS Icepak, assemblies of objects can be meshed separately. A region can be
defined around a particular assembly and this region can be meshed independently
of the mesh outside this region. This allows a fine mesh to be confined in a particular
region of interest and it helps to reduce overall mesh count without sacrificing the
accuracy of the results.
• Cabinet
Enter the following start and end locations for the Cabinet.
xS 0.3m xE 0.7m
yS 0.5m yE 0.7m
zS 0.0m zE 1.0m
• Source
Create a source using the following dimensions:
Object Specification
source.1 xS = 0.48m xE = 0.52m Total heat = 30
Geometry: Rectangular yS = 0.52m yE = — Watts
Plane: X-Z zS = 0.48m zE = 0.52m
• Heat sink
Now, create a heat sink with the following geometrical and physical properties.
Geometry Settings
Plane: X-Z
Base height: 0.02m
Overall height: 0.1m
xS = 0.46m, xE = 0.54m
yS = 0.50m, yE = —
zS = 0.40m, zE = 0.6m
Properties Type: Detailed
Flow direction: Z
Detailed fin type: Cross cut extrusion
Fin geometry/Fin spec: Count/thick
Count: 8 in Z and 8 in X
Thickness: 0.01m in Z and 0.004m in X
default base and pin material
Define a monitor point by dragging the source object (source.1) into the Points folder.
This will create a monitor point for temperature of the object, which can be used to
judge convergence.
1. Define a report that will display temperature data for the source and the heat sink.
(a) In the Define summary report panel, click New.
(b) In the Objects drop-down list, select heatsink.1 and click Accept.
(c) In the Value drop-down list, select Temperature.
(d) Repeat steps (a) through (c) for source.1.
Because you are changing the current model, thereby invalidating the post processing data
that has been loaded from the previous steps, you will need to generate a mesh (a non-
conformal mesh) and calculate the solution again which is shown in steps 9 through 11.
1. Create an assembly consisting of the source and the heat sink objects.
(a) Click the Create assemblies button ( ) to create a new assembly. This will
create an assembly node in the Model manager window under the Model node.
(b) Select the source.1 item under the Model node in the Model manager window,
hold down the <Ctrl> key, and then select the heatsink.1 item.
(c) Hold down the left mouse button, drag both highlighted items into the assem-
bly.1 node of the tree, then release the left mouse button.
Figure 6.5: Slack Values and Mesh Controls in the Separately Mesh Assembly
This will create a bounding box region that is 0.05 m larger than the assembly
on four sides. Since Min Y is already at the bottom of the cabinet, no slack
value can be provided for it. A larger slack value of 0.15m has been provided
in the Max Z direction to resolve the wake region. Smaller Max X and Max
Z grid size has been specified within the assembly as compared to the global
max grid size. This helps to refine the mesh within the separately meshed
(d) Click Done to set the properties of the assembly and close the panel.
The new model is shown in Figure 6.6.
Figure 6.6: The Source and Heat Sink in a Separately Meshed Assembly
1. Define a report that will display temperature data for the assembly.
(a) Retain the same temperature report of the source and the heat sink, as used
in the version without the assembly.