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7. Radioactive Pollution

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By Ar. K Suwatha

• Industrial development and population increase led various pollutions on earth. Mong these
radioactive pollution is very dangerous. The vast and wonderful diversity of plant and animal kingdom
that largely sustains the planet’s ecological equilibrium is seriously endangered due to chronic
radiation pollution.
• The main radiation hazard comes from ultraviolet, visible, cosmic rays and microwave radiation which
produce genetic mutation in man. Further exposure to X-rays pose major health hazard. Finally the
discovery of nuclear weapons, created the major radioactive pollution.
• The menace of radioactive pollution spreading into the environment has gone up extensively as a
result of the discovery of artificial radioactivity, particularly due to development of atom bomb,
hydrogen bomb and of techniques of harnessing nuclear energy.
• From all these processes the radioactive materials enters into the environment in waste streams and
stack gases from operations of power processing plants. Once these radio-elements find access into
the environment, they enter the eco cycling process and ultimately into food chain and metabolic
Living organisms are continuously exposed to a variety
of radiation sources which are categorized as
1. Natural sources – humans have not much control on
• Solar rays
• Radionuclides in earth’s crust
• Internal radiation
• Environmental radiation

Sources of radioactive pollution

2. Anthropogenic sources – recently man- • Radioactive fallout
made sources have begum to add • Radioactive ore processing
large doses of radiation to the existing • Nuclear reactors
natural radioactive pollution to which
• Industrial, medical and research use
our bodies have got accustomed with
of radioactive material
several ill-effects.
• Radiations from nuclear power
• Medical X-rays
• Radioisotopes
• Atom bomb
• Nuclear tests
• Fission products
• Nuclear installations

Sources of radioactive pollution

Medical X rays
These constitute 18% of
artificial radiations used in radio
therapy for diagnostic
purposes. These rays are highly
penetrating like the gamma
rays. X rays exposure is
cumulative in the body and
creates chronic defects in the
internal organs.
It can be both beneficial and
Radioisotopes administered to
patients during radiation therapy
are now proven to be a hazardous
source of nuclear pollution. The
ability of radiations to kill diseased
cells leaving mainly the normal
ones unaffected had made them
indispensable tools in the
diagnosis and cure some of lethal
diseases like cancer. However,
indiscriminate use of radio
nuclides, their overdoses has
resulted un dangerous nuclear
Radiation dose
as Medical cure
Radioactive fallout
Fallout causes pollution of two types
1. Early fallout – occurs at low
Nuclear explosions not only altitude, it sucks up large
produce the local ionizing quantities of soil and water
radiations but also the affecting all living organisms.
radioactive isotopes, which 2. Delayed fallout – occurs at high
enter atmosphere and continue altitude, it sucks up little dirt and
to fall gradually over the water. But it pollutes the
geographical area for a very tropospheric region, as pollutants
long time. This is known as travel several km and causes
radioactive fallout. various damage for long time.
Radioactive fallout
Fallout causes pollution of two types
1. Early fallout – occurs at low
Nuclear explosions not only altitude, it sucks up large
produce the local ionizing quantities of soil and water
radiations but also the affecting all living organisms.
radioactive isotopes, which 2. Delayed fallout – occurs at high
enter atmosphere and continue altitude, it sucks up little dirt and
to fall gradually over the water. But it pollutes the
geographical area for a very tropospheric region, as pollutants
long time. This is known as travel several km and causes
radioactive fallout. various damage for long time.
Nuclear tests
• Nuclear explosion tests have threatened the entire
globe due to the fact that natural background radiation
in the environment has increased enormously because
of these tests. During test, large quantities of long-lived
radio nuclides are released to the atmosphere which
gets distributed all over.
• Tests include fission process with uranium and
plutonium as materials and fusion process with
hydrogen, lithium or beryllium as elements..
• These radio nuclides settle down with rain and get
mixed with soil, water and vegetation, transferred to
plants and enter the food chain. Once deposited in
human body through food, they are sure to radiate
internally for almost whole life span.
Fission products

• Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of the atom. The resulting energy can be used for a
variety of purposes. The first controlled fission of an atom was carried out in Germany in 1938.
However, USA was the first to develop an atomic bomb which was dropped on the Japanese
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
• The radioactive materials formed by nuclear explosions are absorbed by the atmospheric dust
as well as rain water and gradually settle to the earth surface at distant places from the explosion
site for a long time after the explosion or blast. Most dangerous fission products released in the
atmosphere are strontium (90Sr) and Cesium (137Cs)
Atom bomb

• The towns Hiroshima and Nagasaki

were not popular until 1945. But on
Aug 6th 1945, the fatal day of human
history, the atom bombs were dropped
on these beautiful towns. This explosion caused millions to die, while
thousands became unable to breathe, see
• 1st bomb was exploded about 580
meters in atmosphere over Hiroshima, and eat. People suffered from anorexia, brain
used Uranium (U235) with a half-life damage and increased risk of sterility. Birth
period of 8.5 x 108 years and congenital deformities among pregnant
• 2nd bomb was detonated 507 meters women was also reported.
high in air over Nagasaki, had
Plutonium (Pu239) with half life period of
24,000 years. Apart from this unaccountable damage
happened to the overall environment.
Hydrogen bomb

• The first hydrogen bomb was exploded

in 1954, on the Bikini Islands, in the
Pacific. The radioactive fallout from this
explosion surely affected the crew of a
Japanese fishing boat, the lucky dragon
about 150 km away from the site of
• Several hospitalized, killed and
disappeared, while in Island the
explosion caused extensive damage.
Nuclear installations

• Many developed countries have established several nuclear power plants. In India, nuclear
developments are in good progress from past two decades.
• The advanced scientific and technological developments of nuclear power plants, nuclear
reactors and testing have recklessly exploited the delicate balance existing for millions of years
among aquatic flora, fauna, animals and human beings.
• The result is that hazardous radiations from these energy sources have deteriorated the natural
balance in the environment. Now pure air, water and food have become precious commodities.
Nuclear power plant

• Approximately 17% of the electrical energy generated in the world comes from nuclear power
plants. The world’s first electricity generating reactor was constructed in the US in 1951 and
Soviet Union 1954. In December 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his ‘Atoms for Peace’
speech made the following prediction. “Nuclear reactors will produce electricity so cheaply that
it will not be necessary to meter it. The users will pay a fee and use as much electricity as they
want. Atom will provide a safe, clean and dependable source of electricity”
• Today however though nuclear power is being used as a reliable source of electricity the above
statement sound highly optimistic.
• Nuclear power plants are more convenient to run once fuelled, they can operate for longer
periods. The fuel is radioactive and thus both raw material and wastes are dangerous. No plant
is perfectly contamination proof, leakage make occur from several points.
Nuclear power plant
Sad instances of power plant accidents.
• Three mile island power plant leakage in 1979 in USA.
• Melt down of reactor case of Chernobyl power plant in USSR in 1986.
Radio waste generated by nuclear power plants,
• Low-level radioactive liquid wastes – contaminate aquatic life, in turn humans.
• Release of tritium from heavy water – emit beta radiations
• Fission fragments – Sr, I, etc., induce radionuclides such as P, Fe, Zn and release into aquatic
• Heat release – nuclear fuel produce enormous heat. 1g of fissionable material release 23000k watt
hours of heat causing thermal pollution in air and water bodies.
• Gaseous and particulate radio wastes – stake effluents from atomic power plant contain 3H, 14C, 129I
which effect living organisms
• The fire became uncontrollable so the

Chernobyl disaster Soviet authorities sought help from West

Germany and other nuclear nations to
tackle the situation. Nut by the time the
core of the reactor had melted and
explosion occurred.
• Chernobyl was the first officially • Neutrons went out of control and
acknowledged nuclear accident in enormous steam built up in pipes. In 4.5
USSR and first reported to the world. seconds the energy level of the reactor
increased 2000 times. The fuel rods
April 25the 1986, this major accident
ruptured the cooling water turned into
occurred at 1.23 am in the nuclear steam and a steam explosion occurred.
reactor, in Ukraine area of the Soviet
• The lack of cooling water allowed the
reactor to explode. The explosion blew
• It resulted in clouds of radioactive the 1000 metric ton concrete roof from
smoke over a large area in the reactor and reactor caught fire
spreading radioactive material around the
Scandinavian countries which are
200km away in Russian region itself.
• 20% of plant’s radioactive iodine, 15-20%
of radioactive cesium, plutonium and
mixture of isotopes.
Chernobyl disaster
• There were of course immediate fatalities, but the long-term consequences were devastating.
116,000 people were evacuated of which 24,000 had received high doses of radiation. Even today
many people suffer from illnesses they feel are related to their exposure to the fallout from
• In 1996 ten years after the accident it was clear that one of the long term effects was the increased
frequency of thyroid cancer in children.
• The degree and the kind of damage from nuclear accidents vary with the kind of radiation, the
amount of radiation, the duration of exposure and the types of cells irradiated.
• Radiation can also cause mutations which are changes in the genetic makeup of the cells. Mutations
can occur in the ovaries or the testes leading to the formation of mutated eggs or sperms which in
turn can lead to abnormal offspring. Mutations can also occur in the tissues of the body and may
manifest themselves as abnormal tissue growths known as cancer. Two common cancers that are
linked to increased radiation exposure are leukemia and breast cancer.
Disposal of radioactive waste
Control from radiation
Preventive measures from radiation
• Nuclear devices should never be exploded in air.
• Production of radioisotopes should be minimized
• Number of nuclear installation may be concentrated in a particular region with maximum safety
• Dispersal methods may be adopted to distribute radio-pollutants
• Nuclear medicines and radiation therapy should be applied only in case of absolute necessity.
• Fission reactions should be minimized.
• In nuclear and chemical industries, the use of radioisotopes may be carried under a jet of soil or
water instead of powder or gaseous forms
• In nuclear reactors, closed cycle coolant systems with gaseous coolant of very high purity may be
used to prevent extraneous activation products.
Thank you

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