Middle Indo-Gangetic Plains
Year : 2016
Published by:
The Director
ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region
ICAR Parisar, Patna- 800014, Bihar, India
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Production and Technological Gaps in
Middle Indo-Gangetic Plains
J.S. Sandhu
Deputy Director General (Crop Science) ICAR, New Delhi
Nodal Officer
B.P. Bhatt
Director, ICAR-RCER, Patna
Organized at
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Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu
(Crop Sience)
19 .08.2016
The Middle Indo-Gangetic Plains (MIGP) covering eastern Uttar Pradesh
and Bihar is characterized by rich natural resources but poor productivity and
low income. The region has favourable climate and an abundant supply of
water, however, frequent occurrence of flood; water logging and even drought
or drought like situation adversely affects the agricultural productivity and
livelihood security. The small and scattered land holdings, less ground water
utilization, poor mechanization, unavailability of quality seeds and planting
material, imbalance use of fertilizer, deterioration of soil health, problem of
heavy metals like arsenic in water, lack of stress-tolerant crop varieties, crop
damage by wild animals, poor extension mechanism and marketing of the
agricultural products are some of the major bottlenecks to improve upon the
productivity and thereby profitability of the farmers. Nevertheless, the region
has great potential for crop production, besides livestock and fishery develop-
In order to critically analyze the production and technological gaps in the
country, agro-climatic region wise workshops have been organized by ICAR
in reference to the PMO ID No. 100/29/C/1/2015-ES.2 dated 11-08-2015. For
identifying the production and technological gaps in MIGP, covering the states
of Bihar and Eastern UP, the Workshop was organized at the ICAR-Research
Complex for Eastern Region, Patna on 7th October, 2015 wherein 80 participents
provided their inputs.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Gopalji Trivedi, Ex-
Vice Chancellor, RAU, Pusa, Directors of various ICAR institutes, SAUs, of-
ficers from CG Centres, KVKs, NGOs, State Government officials and farmers
of the region for their participation and deliberations. Dr. B.P. Bhatt, Director,
ICAR-RCER, Patna and his team deserves special thanks for successfully orga-
nizing the workshop and bringing out this document for agricultural develop-
ment in the Middle Indo-Gangetic Plains.
(J.S. Sandhu)
The Middle IGP at a Glance
The Middle IGP (Eastern UP and Bihar) has a total geographical
area of 18.07 m ha and population of 183.54 million (2011 census) with
a population density of 1075 persons/km2. The region is generally char-
acterized by fertile soils, favourable climate and an abundant supply
of water. Soils of the Middle IGP are deep (150.75 cm), silt loam (sand
31.05%, silt 41.46%, clay 27.93%) and low in organic carbon content
(0.26%).The average annual rainfall is 1193 mm with rainy season from
June to September. Marginal farmers accounts for 88% in the region
as against 67% of the national average (Table 1). The operational land
holding size in the region is very small and fragmented. The size de-
creased from 0.58 ha in 2000-01 to 0.39 ha in 2010-11 in Bihar and 0.65
ha to 0.60 ha in eastern UP due to increase in number of land holders
(Table 2). The region has the maximum human population (39.3%) liv-
ing below poverty line as against 30.3% in LGP, 27.7% in UGP and only
8.3% in TGP. Fragmentation of land is a major constraint in Middle IGP.
Hence, Land Ceiling Act must be reviewed to allow migration within
the categories below middle level for viable agriculture. Marginal and
small farmers in these regions can be encouraged to grow vegetables
for absorbing them in employment generation. Utilization of water re-
source remains poor as indicated by the poor water use efficiency (40-
60%) observed across all major and medium irrigation projects.
The major crops grown are rice, wheat, maize, chickpea, lentil,
mustard, potato, sugarcane and vegetables. But the productivity of ma-
jor crops of the region is lower than that of the national average (Tables
4-8), suggesting scope for technological interventions and dissemina-
tions in the region. The productivity of vegetables and fruit crops in the
region is however, higher than the national average (Tables 9&10), indi-
cating the great potential of these crops in the region. The major areas
of the region are occupied by rice-wheat cropping system. The fertilizer
consumption in middle IGP is very high and it varies from 148.86 kg/
ha in eastern UP to 164.87 kg/ha in Bihar as against the national aver-
age of 125.39 kg NPK/ha (Table 11). But the proportion of nitrogenous
fertilizer (urea) use is very high as compared to phosphorus and pot-
ash, leading to imbalance nutrient use and deficiency of micro-nutrients
in soil-plant system. The net annual ground water availability in the
region is 52.33 BCM and the annual ground water draft is 29.63 BCM
(Table 12). The food grain productivity of MIGP (2.16 t/ha) is slightly
higher than that of national average (2.10 t/ha) (Table 13).
Bihar 38 15 10 38
Eastern U.P. 27 13 22 27
Table 5. Area, production and productivity of wheat
Region Area (m ha) Production Productivity
(m tonnes) (t/ha)
Table 9. Area, production and productivity of vegetables
Region Area Production Productivity
(m ha) (m tonnes) (t/ha)
Table 13. Area, production and productivity of food grains
Region Area (m ha) Production Productivity
(m tonnes) (t/ha)
Rice Wheat Maize (Hybrid)
Rate (%)
50 40.85 40.42
31.61 30.48 32.55
Bihar Eastern UP All India
24 22.16
20.24 20.80
Rate (%)
15.76 16.59
Bihar Eastern UP All India
Bihar Eastern UP Eastern All India
Policy Workshop for MIGP
One-day workshop was organized under the Chairmanship of J.
S. Sandhu, DDG (Crop Science) for identifying the production and
technological gaps in middle IGP regions. The meeting was attended
by large number of participants from various ICAR institutes, SAUs,
KVKs, NGOs, Policy makers, State Government officials and farmers
of the region. At the outset Director, ICAR-RCER, Patna welcomed the
participants of the Workshop. The Chairman briefed participants the
very purpose of organizing this workshop. He urged the participants
to flag the technological, educational, marketing and policy gaps of the
region so that a road map could be prepared to bridge these identified
gaps. Dr. Bhatt Director ICAR-RCER, Patna gave a detailed presentation
on the present status of agriculture in middle Gangetic plains and set
the stage for further discussion.
so that they could cater the need of farmers more effectively. The major
common issues with KVKs were:
Recommendations/actionable Points
• There is a need to ensure timely availability of assured quality
agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizers and pesticides) and to de-
velop marketing intelligence system and procurement of farm-
ers produce on MSP. (Action: State Deptt. of Agriculture of
Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, SAUs and ICAR institutes of the
• Since, 75% farmers of the region are small and marginal, small
farm mechanization implements, like power tiller, weeder, small
scale planters, mechanical transplanter for rice, seed drills, maize
sheller, wheel hoe, sprayers, reaper etc. should be made avail-
able preferably through custom hiring and agri- service centers
at subsidized rates. (Action: ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal/ State Deptt.
of Agriculture).
• Availability of quality water for drinking (for human and ani-
mals) due to increasing problems of heavy metals like arsenic
in some parts of the region is a major concern. For the storage
of excess water during rainy season, de-silting of old water stor-
age structures, water harvesting, reducing conveyance losses
through lining of channels and promoting micro-irrigation sys-
tems is required to increase the water-use efficiency (Action:
ICAR Institutes/SAUs/State Deptt. of Agriculture).
• Alternate sources of energy, particularly solar energy, should
be harnessed for agriculture, agro-processing and rural living
since the region is blessed with 250-300 bright sunshine days/
year. There is a need to promote solar pumps for irrigation
as availability of electricity is a major problem in the region.
Subsidy should be given on purchase of solar energy-based ma-
chineries. (Action: State Deptt. of Agriculture/GOI).
• Deterioration of soil health (depletion of soil organic carbon) in
the IGP is a major concern. Soil organic carbon need to be im-
proved through conservation agriculture (zero-tillage), stopping
residue burning, crop diversification with inclusion of legumes
in the cropping system. Development of soil fertility maps at
micro level is needed. (Action: ICAR Institutes/SAUs/State
Deptt. of Agriculture).
• Sizeable area in middle IGP is under low land ecology. There
is a need to diversify the aquatic crops like makhana, chestnut,
etc. with fish, water lily, sweet fleg and kewra. More research
and demonstration is needed on this aspect (Action: ICAR In-
• Non availability of quality seeds of pulses at appropriate time
to the farmers is the major cause of lower productivity. The
KVKs should also take seed production of new varieties at
small scale level. For seed processing, mobile processing plants
need to make available to KVKs. Hybrid seed production sys-
tem, particularly in rice and maize, need to be developed and
popularized on large scale. (Action: NSC/ICAR Institutes/
SAUs/KVKs/State Deptt. of Agriculture).
• Damage of crops by wild animals like blue bulls, wild boars,
deers, monkeys, etc. is also a major problem with farmers. Ap-
propriate policy steps need to be taken by the Government to
stop such losses. (Action: GOI/State Govts/Forest Deptt.).
The workshop ended with the vote of thanks proposed by the Dr.
J. S. Mishra, Head, Division of Crop research, ICAR-RCER, Patna and
convener of the workshop.
Photo Gallery
Women farmer expressing her views Progressive farmer, Shri K.N. Sharma,
during the session expressing his views
List of Participants
S.N. Name and Designation Address
S.N. Name and Designation Address
S.N. Name and Designation Address