Article Mini Research
Article Mini Research
Article Mini Research
Nadira Fadilla
Language and Arts Department, Teaching Training and Education Faculty
Universitas Samudra Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning process of English as Foreign
Language (EFL) learners has become popular in recent years along with the rapid advancement of Technology. The use
of AI tool has support teaching and learning process with studies that showing AI can support language specific-skill,
Numerous of AI learning tools that developed to support teaching and learning, including Grammarly, Quillbot,
ProWritingAid, and Wordtune. Hence reviewing systematicly the exsisting research about the effectiveness of using
Artificial Intelligence to enhancing student’s writing skill is crucial in order to identifying key factors influencing the
adoption of AI to help improving students’ writing skills, and to analyze its strengths and limitations. The result shows
that the integration of AI tools is can significantly enhance students' writing skills through immediate feedback,
improvement in grammatical accuracy, and the building up of better vocabulary. However, several limitations have
been identified: over-dependence on AI, inability to understand context, and potentially negative effects on creativity.
Therefore, the study underlines the need for balanced integration, such as integrating AI tools into traditional teaching
methodology for maximum effectiveness in improving students' writing skills.
Writing is one of crucial skill in English language
learning, however many students or EFL learners often By integrating the technology AI in education field
face challenge and having struggle in writing gives potential to offer possibilities for enhancing
effectively in English. Developing strong writing skills students’ writing achievement. Study conducted by
can be a challenging task for many of them due to Gasevic, Hwang, Wah and Xie (2020), highlight that
factors such as limited vocabulary, grammatical errors, with the help of generative artificial intelligence which
and difficulties in organizing ideas effectively. can create human intelligence to make predictions,
Educators are exploring the innovative ways and judgments, or decisions, AI can provide personalized
methods to improve students’ writing skill, one of the support, direction, and feedback to students as well as
ways is by the utilization of technology, including help educators or policymakers in making decision.
using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Writing instruction and learning went through an
The use of AI-based technology in the research significant change with the introduction of AI-powered
process and writing has received considerable attention writing assistants like ProWritingAid. AI tools are
in the world of education (Alordiah, 2023). Many highly useful resources for writers because they can
researchers have study about AI as powered learning analyze large amounts of data to find patterns and offer
tools and it proves to be effective for helping students customized recommendations.
enhance their English proficiency skill, for example Such tools are more effective when they can adjust
study conduct by Fatchiatuzahro, Hartanto, and Zaimah to different writing preferences and styles because they
(2024) Proves that the use of AI in learning and offer tailored feedback that speaks to the user's distinct
teaching process has significant positive impact in voice. Moreover, Chellapandian and Vijayakumar
improving students’ English proficiency achievement. (2024) add that one of the most important aspects of AI
Moreover, by using AI tool can help to create learning applied to language applications is monitoring the user’s
process more efficient, effective and responsive to the progress such as grammar exercises is modified and
need of teachers and students (Asbara et al, 2024). repeated until the user follows certain rules. Generative
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Al provides viable solutions by facilitating adaptive
teaching and learning process of English as Foreign learning systems that customize instructional materials
Language (EFL) learners has become popular in recent and experiences based on the interests and skills of each
years along with the rapid advancement of Technology. learner while conventional teaching methods frequently
The use of AI tool has support teaching and learning find it difficult to meet each student’s unique demands
process with studies that showing AI can support and learning preferences (Akram & Sharma, 2024).
language specific-skill (Admett, Burke, Crompton, &
Ichaporia, 2024). Numerous of AI learning tools that
developed to support teaching and learning, including
Grammarly, Quillbot, ProWritingAid, and Wordtune.
Research Process
METHODOLOGY This study process involves systematically searching
This study conducted by using Systematic to organizing relevant academic papers that related to
Literature Review (SLR) method, to identify, the study, namely:
evaluate, interpret and analyse available study to
1. Initial Search:
address specific research questions on the
effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence to support Use tools like Windows Desktop for managing
teaching and learning process, particularly on sources.
improving students' writing achievement. Employ keywords like "the effectiveness of AI
Systematic Literature Review is aims to finds, to improve writing skill" or "the integration of
assesses, interprets, and analyzes the research AI tools in teaching and learning process"
findings that are currently available in relation to the
2. Refined Search:
phenomenon, topic area, or research questions that
have been formulated based on the provious Focus on prominent databases: Google Scolar,
researches conducted. Developing a broad ScienceDirect, Academia Edu, Reserachgate
perspective, obtaining data to support particular 3. Record Results:
inquiries, and providing an overview of the literature Documenting all of the research findings.
are the primary goals of a systematic review.
4. Classification:
Research Questions (RQs): Categorize studies by type (e.g., journals,
The research questions (RQs) are aim to guide this conference papers, article) to understand the
study by focusing on essential aspects of Artificial research structures
Intelligence to improving students’ writing
achievement. Each RQ addresses a specific element,
namely including:
RQ1: What are important key factors that influence The discussion will be based on the SLR research
the effectiveness of using Artificial Intelligence to questions as in the following subsections:
improving students’ writing achievement?
RQ2: How the comparison and differences of various Research Question 1
AI tools used to improve writing skill of students? What are important key factors that influence the
RQ3: What are the strengths and limitations of the effectiveness of using Artificial Intelligence to
existing studies of the effectiveness using AI to improving students’ writing achievement?
improve students’ writing? Based on the journal analysis it can be interpreted
that there is several factors influencing the effectiveness
Based on the research question above, this study of using artificial intelligence to improve students’
considered some scopes and criteria in conducting the writing skill, including, Social influence; Motivaton; AI
SLR method, these scopes and criteria namely Feature and Functionality; and Teachers’ and students’
including: population, comparison, and outcomes. As readiness and perceptions.
to bee seen in Table I. As can be seen in the table II
- Freemium models of - Premium versions of
tools like Grammarly and tools are cost- [A1]. Veri Hardinansyah Dja’far, & Fitria Nur Hamidah. (2024). The
Accessibility ProWritingAid provide prohibitive, limiting Effectiveness of AI Technology in Improving Academic
basic functionality to all access for underserved English Writing Skills in Higher Education. Journal of
users [A1] [A5] communities [A5]
Language and Literature Studies, 4(3), 579–593.
From the the table above, it can be seen that Existing studies
effectively demonstrate the benefits of AI tools for improving student [A2]. Delfia Herwanis, R. Z. (2024). Human vs Machine: A
writing, particularly in grammar, fluency, and engagement. However, Comparative Effectiveness of A Particular . Ta'Dib
their limitations lie in sample size, focus on short-term results, and Journal, 137-148
lack of comprehensive evaluations of higher-order writing skills.
Future research should explore long-term impacts, diverse learning [A3]. Amyatun, R. L., & Kholis, A. (2023). Can Artificial Intelligence
contexts, and more holistic measures of writing quality. (AI) like QuillBot AI Assist Students’ Writing Skills?
Assisting Learning to Write Texts using AI. ELE
Reviews: English Language Education Reviews, 3(2),
As for conclusion, the Journal data analysis reveals that AI [A4]. Pratama, R. M. D., & Hastuti, D. P. (2024). The use of artificial
tools like QuillBot, Grammarly, ChatGPT, Gencraft, and intelligence to improve EFL students’ writing skill.
ProWritingAid enhance students' writing skills greatly, although English Learning Innovation, 5(1), 13–25.
this again depends on the context. Many of these have
demonstrated strengths across studies in grammar, sentence
structure, and clarity of writing. For example, QuillBot and [A5]. Ariyanto, Meilisa & Mukminatien, Nur & Hidajat, Sintha.
ProWritingAid both demonstrated measurable post-test score (2019). Students’ and Teacher’s Perceptions towards the
improvements, while ProWritingAid received 98% positive Implementation of ProWritingAid and Teacher
feedback from students regarding its usability and grammatical Feedback. Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan
corrections in detail. While Grammarly and ChatGPT provided full Pengembangan. 4. 1353.
support in grammar, fluency, and tone, Gencraft added creative
dimensions toward improving descriptive writing with the help of
visual aids.
Regarding to the engagement and motivation, the AI tool Alordiah, C. (2023). Appreciating the AI Revolution:
proved highly effective. Real-time feedback from Grammarly and Empowering Educational Researchers Through AI Tools
ChatGPT or creative visualizations from Gencraft helped to sustain for Writing Research Articles. ResearchGate, 2. 178-
students' interest and reduced writing anxiety. They turned out to 195. 10.36349/zamijoh.2023.v02i01.013.
be effective in returning mechanisms of feedback; more
specifically, ProWritingAid considerably reduced the burden that Nurkhalik Wahdanial Asbara, A. F. (2024). Penerapan AI sebagai
each teacher had to carry with grammatical and sentence-level Alat Bantu Proses Pembelajaran di Tingkat Pendidikan
corrections. Another important characteristic of adaptive grammar Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri (JMM), 8.
correctors and further developed writing tools like Grammarly and 831-841. 10.31764/jmm.v8i1.20083.
ChatGPT served both academic and professional practices of
writing business letters and other such papers best. Yet, their Nely Rahmawati Zaimah, F. E. (2024). Enhancing Writing
strengths are limited by the weaknesses of said tools. Another Comprehensiom In L2 Arabic Learners Through AI-
related problem cutting across most of the studies is the superficial Based Translanguaging Chatbots. Al-Mubin: Islamic
nature of research in targeting grammar and mechanics features in Scientific Journal, 7. 21-34. 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.753
writing, yet with very little capability for higher-order writing
skills such as critical thinking, argumentative structure, and even Rohit Sharma, F. A. (2024). Future Learning Frontiers: Strategies
cultural sensitivity. For example, Gencraft worked well only for for Generative AI Implementation. ResearchGate,
descriptive writing, while ProWritingAid struggled with poorly 10.13140/RG.2.2.30095.80803.
structured sentences and idiomatic language. This then points to
the dependence on teacher feedback as a necessary addition to AI Gwo-Jen Hwang, H. X. (2020). Vision, challenges, roles and
tools to catch more of the nuanced errors. research issues of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
While the combination of teacher feedback and AI has shown Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 1.
to be beneficial-synergistic, such as those in the ProWritingAid 10.1016/j.caeai.2020.100001.
study, where 61% of students cited the combo as essential, this
reliance underlines an inability of the tools to independently Helen Cromptom, A. E. (Crompton, Helen & Edmett, Adam &
provide full support. Furthermore, many of the studies had small or Ichaporia, Neenaz & Burke, Diane. (2024). AI and
highly specialized samples, which again limited the generalization English language teaching: Affordances and challenges.
of results. QuillBot and Gencraft were tested on less than 30 British Journal of Educational Technology,
students; this means that their generalization to a bigger 10.1111/bjet.13460.
educational setting is very low. Another issue was accessibility.
While the freemium model makes basic features free, the premium M.Vijayakumar, G. C. (2024). Language Learning Through AI
versions of tools such as Grammarly and ProWritingAid remain Technology - LLA (Language Learning Apps).
inaccessible to many students, especially in under-resourced International Research Journla on Advance Engineering
communities. and Management (IRJAEM), 2. 957-962.
Therefore, AI tools offer a transformative potential in 10.47392/IRJAEM.2024.0127.
improving foundational writing skills, enhancing student
engagement, and reducing teacher workload. However, their
limitations in addressing complex and higher-order writing
challenges necessitate their use in combination with teacher
feedback. Future research should focus on scaling studies to larger,
diverse populations, investigating long-term impacts, and
exploring how AI tools can better support critical thinking and
argumentation. By addressing these gaps, AI tools can become an
even more integral part of education, empowering students to