Geometric Harmonic Analysis III Integral Representations Calderón Zygmund Theory Fatou Theorems and Applications to Scattering 1st Edition Dorina Mitrea all chapter instant download
Geometric Harmonic Analysis III Integral Representations Calderón Zygmund Theory Fatou Theorems and Applications to Scattering 1st Edition Dorina Mitrea all chapter instant download
Geometric Harmonic Analysis III Integral Representations Calderón Zygmund Theory Fatou Theorems and Applications to Scattering 1st Edition Dorina Mitrea all chapter instant download
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Developments in Mathematics
Dorina Mitrea
Irina Mitrea
Marius Mitrea
Analysis III
Integral Representations, Calderón-
Zygmund Theory, Fatou Theorems,
and Applications to Scattering
Developments in Mathematics
Volume 74
Series Editors
Krishnaswami Alladi, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Pham Huu Tiep, Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
Loring W. Tu, Department of Mathematics, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA
Geometric Harmonic
Analysis III
Integral Representations, Calderón-Zygmund
Theory, Fatou Theorems, and Applications to
Dorina Mitrea Irina Mitrea
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Baylor University Temple University
Waco, TX, USA Philadelphia, PA, USA
Marius Mitrea
Department of Mathematics
Baylor University
Waco, TX, USA
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Dedicated with love to our parents
Prefacing the Full Series
The current work is part of a series, comprised of five volumes, [112], [113], [114],
[115], [116]. In broad terms, the principal aim is to develop tools in Real and
Harmonic Analysis, of geometric measure theoretic flavor, capable of treating a
broad spectrum of boundary value problems formulated in rather general geometric
and analytic settings.
In Volume I ([112]), we establish a sharp version of Divergence Theorem (aka
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) which allows for an inclusive class of vector
fields whose boundary trace is only assumed to exist in a nontangential pointwise
Volume II ([113]) is concerned with function spaces measuring size and/or
smoothness, such as Hardy spaces, Besov spaces, Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Sobolev
spaces, Morrey spaces, Morrey-Campanato spaces, spaces of functions of Bounded
Mean Oscillations, etc., in general, geometric settings. Work here also highlights
the close interplay between the differentiability properties of functions and singular
integral operators.
The topic of singular integral operators is properly considered in Volume III
([114]), where we develop a versatile Calderón-Zygmund theory for singular integral
operators of convolution type (and with variable coefficient kernels) on uniformly
rectifiable sets in the Euclidean ambient, and the setting of Riemannian manifolds.
Applications to scattering by rough obstacles are also discussed in this volume.
In Volume IV ([115]), we focus on singular integral operators of boundary layer
type which enjoy more specialized properties (compared with generic, garden variety
singular integral operators treated earlier in Volume III). Applications to Complex
Analysis in several variables are subsequently presented, starting from the real-
izations that many natural integral operators in this setting, such as the Bochner-
Martinelli operator, are actual particular cases of double layer potential operators
associated with the complex Laplacian.
In Volume V ([116]), where everything comes together, finer estimates for a
certain class of singular integral operators (of chord-dot-normal type) are produced
in a manner which indicates how their size is affected by the (infinitesimal and global)
flatness of the “surfaces” on which they are defined. Among the library of double
viii Prefacing the Full Series
layer potential operators associated with a given second-order system, we then iden-
tify those double layers which fall under this category of singular integral operators.
It is precisely for this subclass of double layer potentials that Fredholm theory may
then be implemented assuming the underlying domain has a compact boundary,
which is sufficiently flat at infinitesimal scales. For domains with unbounded bound-
aries, this very category of double layer potentials may be outright inverted, using
a Neumann series argument, assuming the “surface” in question is sufficiently flat
globally. In turn, this opens the door for solving a large variety of boundary value
problems for second-order systems (involving boundary data from Muckenhoupt
weighted Lebesgue spaces, Lorentz spaces, Hardy spaces, Sobolev spaces, BMO,
VMO, Morrey spaces, Hölder spaces, etc.) in a large class of domains which, for
example, are allowed to have spiral singularities (hence more general than domains
locally described as upper-graphs of functions). In the opposite direction, we show
that the boundary value problems formulated for systems lacking such special layer
potentials may fail to be Fredholm solvable even for really tame domains, like the
upper half-space, or the unit disk. Save for the announcement [111], all principal
results appear here in print for the first time.
We close with a short epilogue, attempting to place the work undertaken in this
series into a broader picture. The main goal is to develop machinery of geometric
harmonic analysis flavor capable of ultimately dealing with boundary value problems
of a very general nature. One of the principal tools (indeed, the piecè de résistance)
in this regard is a new and powerful version of the Divergence Theorem, devised in
Volume I, whose very formulation has been motivated and shaped from the outset
by its eventual applications to Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations,
Potential Theory, and Complex Analysis. The fact that its footprints may be clearly
recognized in the makeup of such a diverse body of results, as presented in Volumes
II-V, serves as a testament to the versatility and potency of our brand of Divergence
Theorem. Alas, our enterprise is multifaceted, so its success is crucially dependent
on many other factors. For one thing, it is necessary to develop a robust Calderón-
Zygmund theory for singular integrals of boundary layer type (as we do in Volumes
III-IV), associated with generic weakly elliptic systems, capable of accommodating
a large variety of function spaces of interest considered in rather inclusive geometric
settings (of the sort discussed in Volume II). This renders these (boundary-to-domain)
layer potentials useful mechanisms for generating lots of null-solutions for the given
system of partial differential operators, whose format is compatible with the demands
in the very formulation of the boundary value problem we seek to solve. Next, in
order to be able to solve the boundary integral equation to which matters are reduced
in this fashion, the success of employing Fredholm theory hinges on the ability to
suitably estimate the essential norms of the (boundary-to-boundary) layer potentials.
In this vein, we succeed in relating the distance from such layer potentials to the
space of compact operators to the flatness of the boundary of the domain in question
(measured in terms of infinitesimal mean oscillations of the unit normal) in a desirable
manner which shows that, in a precise quantitative fashion, the flatter the domain the
smaller the proximity to compact operators. This subtle and powerful result, bridging
Prefacing the Full Series ix
1 In the last section of [15], simply titled “Problems,” Calderón singles two directions for further
study. The first one is the famous question whether the smallness condition on a L ∞ (the Lipschitz
constant of the curve {(x, a(x)) : x ∈ R} on which he proved the L 2 -boundedness of the Cauchy
operator) may be removed (as is well known, this has been solved in the affirmative by Coifman,
McIntosh, and Meyer in [20]). We are referring here to the second (and final) problem formulated
by Calderón on [15, p. 95].
Description of Volume III
From the outset, the very formulation of our versions of the Divergence Theorem
from Volume I (cf. [112, §1.2–§1.12]) has been motivated and shaped by potential
applications to Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Function Space
Theory, and Complex Analysis. We have envisioned these versions of the Divergence
Theorem not as end-products, in and of themselves, but as effective tools to further
progress in these areas of mathematics. This has already become apparent in Volume
II ([113]), when dealing with function spaces measuring smoothness of Sobolev type
on the geometric measure theoretic boundaries of sets of locally finite perimeter.
In the opening chapter of the present volume (Chapter 1, titled “Integral Repre-
sentations and Integral Identities”), we further elaborate on this vision. We begin
in §1.1 by revisiting the classical Cauchy-Pompeiu integral representation formula
in open sets ⊆ C with a lower Ahlfors regular boundary and whose arc-length
σ := H1 ∂ is a doubling measure. Our Divergence Theorem specialized to this
setting then permits us to identify a very general class of functions for which the
Cauchy-Pompeiu integral representation formula is valid. By means of counterexam-
ples, we show that the analytic conditions imposed are in the nature of best possible.
A very general version of the Cauchy integral representation formula, allowing one
to recover a holomorphic function from its (nontangential) boundary trace via the
(boundary-to-domain) Cauchy integral operator, is then obtained as a corollary. In the
same spirit, generalizations of the classical Morera Theorem and Residue Theorem
are established. Variants with no explicit lower Ahlfors regularity assumptions made
on the topological boundary are also discussed.
This line of work continues in §1.2 where higher-dimensional versions of some
of the main results from §1.1 are extended to open subsets of Rn with n ∈ N, n ≥ 2
arbitrary, now involving the Clifford algebra Cn (cf. the discussion in [112, §6.4]) in
place of the field of complex numbers C, and the Dirac operator D (from (A.0.37))
in lieu of the Cauchy-Riemann operator ∂. Once again, all integral representation
formulas in Clifford Analysis derived here make essential use of our brand of the
Divergence Theorem from Volume I ([112]). A more general point of view is adopted
in §1.6 where integral representation formulas are derived, under rather inclusive
geometric and analytic assumptions, for injectively elliptic first-order systems.
xii Description of Volume III
xvi Contents
Working in the complex plane, in §1.1 we prove versions of the classical Cauchy-
Pompeiu integral representation formula, Morera’s Theorem, the Residue Theorem,
and the Schwarz-Pompeiu formula under minimal smoothness assumptions. This
line of work continues in §1.2 where higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces are con-
sidered, now working in the context of Clifford algebras. Integral representation
formulas are then derived in domains of a very general geometric nature, first involv-
ing boundary layer potentials associated with weakly elliptic second-order systems
in §1.5, then in relation to injectively elliptic first-order systems in §1.6. Next, Green-
type formulas for second-order systems under optimal assumptions are presented in
§1.7, while the last section in this chapter (§1.8) concerns Rellich-type identities in
a rather inclusive setting.
Throughout, we seek to work in geometric and analytic settings which are fairly
optimal, in light of the conclusions we have in mind. Indeed, the background hy-
potheses we typically adopt are not too far off from the kind of assumptions one
would have to impose to simply have a meaningfully formulated conclusion. In this
sense, our results are an almost accurate embodiment of the slogan if it makes sense
to write it, then it’s true.
We begin with a brief historical survey of the Cauchy integral operator and relat-
ed topics, designed to highlight a number of major landmarks and breakthroughs.
Cauchy’s integral reproducing formula for holomorphic functions apparently first ap-
peared in 1831 (cf. [17]). Subsequently, in his 1873 dissertation [163], Y.V. Sokhotski
studied the boundary behavior of the Cauchy integral operator and derived jump-
formulas under Hölder regularity assumptions on the density function. Another
significant achievement of Sokhotski’s work was pursuing the study of the Cauchy
integral operator as a topic of independent interest. In 1885, A. Harnack re-derived
Sokhotski’s jump-formulas in [57] by decomposing the Cauchy integral operator
A.H. A.D.
Beginning of the reign of Ayúma 391 1000-1
Beginning of the reign of Humé, the first 479 1086
Moslim king
Reign of Dúnama Díbalámi, the warlike and 618- 1221-
daring king who spoiled the talisman of 658 1259-
Bórnu 60
Beginning of the reign of Ibrahím Nikálemi 707 1307
Beginning of the reign of Edrís ben Ibrahím 754 1353
End of the reign of Dáúd, who succumbed 789 1387
to the Bulála
End of the reign of ʿOthmán ben Edrís 795 1392-3
The reign of ʿOmʿar, who abandoned his 796- 1393-
residence in Kánem altogether, ceding it 799 1396
to the Bulála
Beginning of the reign of ʿAlí Dúnamámi 877 1472
Beginning of the reign of Edrís Katarkamábi 911 1505
Beginning of the reign of Edrís Alawóma 980 1572
Beginning of the reign of Háj ʿOmár 1036 1626-7
Beginning of the reign of ʿAli ben Háj 1055 1645