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Utilization of Clinker Brick Used for No-Fines Concrete

Article in International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology · January 2023
DOI: 10.18517/ijaseit.13.1.16348


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2 authors, including:

Wesli Wesli
Malikussaleh University


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Vol.13 (2023) No. 1
ISSN: 2088-5334

Utilization of Clinker Brick Used for No-Fines Concrete

Wesli a,*, Muhammad Kabir Ihsan a
Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Malikussaleh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 24351, Indonesia
Corresponding author: *wesli@unimal.ac.id

Abstract—Clinker bricks go into excessive temperatures during the process, are waste in brick making, and tend to be unusable, but it
can be used as an alternative material to coarse aggregate in concrete mixtures. This research is about clinker brick waste which is used
as coarse aggregate in no-fines concrete with a water-cement ratio is 0.45 with a volume ratio of 1:3 for 4 sample variations at different
concrete ages where a mixture of four variations 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100% will be tested at concrete age 7 days, 14 days, 28 days. The
results have shown that the greatest concrete compressive strength at age 7 days, 25% mix is 19.22 MPa, and the lowest 50% mix is
13.99 MPa. For 14 days, the greatest compressive strength at variation 1 without clinker bricks (0%) compressive strength 16.78 MPa,
and that the lowest at variation 3 with 50% at 11.71 MPa. For 28 days, concrete ages are the normal age commonly used, the most
significant concrete compressive strength at 25% mix with compressive strength of 6.59 MPa and the lowest at 50% mix 10.27 MPa.
The best compressive strength at 25% mix variation 2 with compressive strength of 16.59 MPa but still smaller than the reference
design f'c ≤20 Mpa. Based on the weight of No-fine Concrete 70% lighter, that concrete without fines using clinker bricks, although
lighter, cannot be for structural concrete because compressive strength tends to decrease, but it can still be for nonstructural concrete.

Keywords— Compressive strength; clinker brick; coarse aggregate; substitute; no-fines concrete.

Manuscript received 25 Nov. 2021; revised 5 Sep. 2022; accepted 11 Dec. 2022. Date of publication 28 Feb. 2023.
IJASEIT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Traditional brick factories are widely available in North
Aceh, especially in Reuleut village North Aceh district, and
the community carries out the production process as their
livelihood. Each brick factory produces many clinker bricks
that are when overheated, so they are black and are often not
shaped or split and cannot be used as building materials
because they tend to become waste. A traditional brick factory
in North Aceh, as shown in Figure 1.
The bricks produced in Aceh province average 15,000 -
25,000 PCs in every manufactory, especially in the North
Aceh district [1]. The bricks manufactured are still traditional,
as shown in figure 1, so when burning, many of the bricks
produced or burned into clinkers cannot be used in buildings
and eventually become waste. This study intends to use brick Fig. 1 Traditional brick factories in North Aceh
waste for no-fines concrete as coarse aggregates classified as
Clinker bricks are obtained from polymineral material,
lightweight concrete made from coarse aggregate, cement,
low-melting clay, and refractory. The optimal temperature
and water, by removing sand or fine aggregate from standard
burning time is determined at -1150 ± 5°C with 4 hours of
concrete. Based on the diagram of the cavity ratio in the
burning at an optimal temperature [3]. No fines Concrete is
concrete, it needs a fine aggregate to fill it related to the
lightweight concrete with a density of 25-30% lower than
density of the concrete [2].
normal concrete and is concrete with no fine aggregate so that
the structure weight is smaller. The dry shrinkage is smaller

than normal concrete. Because it lacks fine aggregate, the exceeds its temperature will become clinker bricks [16]. It
surface area needed for the cement layer is significantly was making bricks that are overheating, causing the bricks to
reduced. So, the amount of cement per cubic meter needed is be black and hard and cannot be decomposed naturally with
reduced compared to normal concrete [4], which is low in the environment and is called clinker bricks. This stone cannot
cost. be used to make construction because it can damage the
Recycled materials are sometimes less desirable for use in environment. The handling of this waste can be recycled and
concrete infrastructure. However, sometimes they need to be used in concrete and is expected to be of financial benefit and
used when needing consistent characteristics higher in reduce pollution's environmental impact.
absorption than natural aggregates. There is potential for Utilization on a large scale can be done if known
recycled aggregates to provide benefits such as internal compressive strength and quality. In this case, clinker bricks
treatment pads when adequately prepared before being put are made into concrete and given a coarse aggregate material
into concrete [5]. without using a fine aggregate or no-fines concrete as
Recycled concrete aggregate quality is lower than normal lightweight concrete. According to Park and Tucker [17],
concrete, so it uses limited up to 30% to replace natural protecting the environment from waste materials can utilizing
aggregate [6]. Utilization of construction materials, wherever recycled waste used in the construction industry, which is
possible, is environmentally friendly material, and its use does effective and can minimize construction costs.
not become a nuisance to the environment, which is not As an innovation in this study, the novelty is lightweight
always significant at a low cost. Reusing existing waste concrete that does not use fine aggregate with the waste
potential is recommended in using construction materials and clinker bricks utilized as coarse aggregate. Technological
clinker brick waste so that this recycling will be beneficial as developments in building materials' use largely determine the
long as its use remains under control. Aggregate material construction quality. Among these technological
produced by recycling is considered an environmentally developments, there are concrete building materials made
friendly material [7]. from cement, water, and gravel (coarse aggregate), not using
In general, materials used in construction are iron or steel, sand (fine aggregate) called no-fines concrete [19]. In this
which can be used as pillars or beams in construction after study, coarse aggregate used clinker bricks.
iron or steel is formed into profile steel. The wood material This study aims to determine whether the clinker brick,
can also be used for poles and beams. However, wood which is a waste from brick production, can be used as a
material is still difficult to use for multi-story construction [8]. coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture when viewed from
Its use will cut down trees in the forest, damaging the the compressive strength of the concrete made with a mixture
environment, and the price is prohibitive. So, it is less of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100% variations. The 0% composition
effective and efficient. Other materials are reinforced concrete means that the concrete does not use clinker bricks but uses
made of cement, sand, gravel, mixed with water, and then gravel as coarse aggregate. 25% variation means that the
reinforced iron to be easy to shape and use. The optimal concrete is made with 25% clinker brick and 75% gravel of
amount of clinker usage of 30% increases brick strength the amount of coarse aggregate.
thanks to the pozzolan effect of fine clinker [9] The 50% variation means that the concrete is made with
Many construction materials exist, but the most widely 50% clinker brick and 50% gravel of the amount of coarse
used is concrete. Its enormous popularity is due to the many aggregate, and the composition of the coarse aggregate
benefits gained, such as general availability, low cost, and mixture of 100% means that the coarse aggregate uses clinker
easy application [10]. Materials to make concrete are cement stone. The percentage of concrete by weight, both of which
fragments as aggregate binding media, granular, such as are compared to other compositions, and wants to know
crushed stone or gravel as rough aggregates, sand as fine whether clinker bricks can be used as a substitute for coarse
aggregates, and water. When sand is mixed with cement aggregate for building materials. The percentage of use of
media, it is called hydraulic cement or mortar concrete [11]. clinker bricks is made in such a way and is a mixed variation
After all materials (cement, sand, gravel, and water) are mixed in this study.
and become concrete can be called composite material.
Coarse aggregate that passes through 4.75 mm or no. 4 II. MATERIAL AND METHODS
sieves, and aggregates that pass through 4.75 mm smaller
fineness are called fine aggregates but do not pass through A. Utilization of Waste Materials
sieve no. 200 or 0.075 mm [12]. Concrete that does not use Industrial waste is a consequence of urbanization, which is
fine aggregate only uses coarse aggregate bound with cement, identified as a significant problem in the construction industry
given water is no-fines concrete [13]. Bricks clinker are because it directly impacts the environment. An estimated
residues from bricks that burn with excessive heat, which 35% of industrial waste is stockpiled globally, and efforts are
burns very hard and is distorted or bloated because the needed to manage the pile of waste to minimize the impact of
verification is almost complete [14]. Contemporary clinker losses [20]. Bricks, as products produced by the community,
bricks can be used to build exterior walls, which must have can be made environmentally friendly and produce sufficient
high durability and aesthetic quality. The desired effect strength. According to [21], lightweight clay bricks can be
depends not on the mortar used but on the clinker's nature produced by adding 5%-25% reed crumbs and relatively good
[15]. dry density and compressive strength. It can be made
Human civilization has combined clay with additives and environmentally friendly.
burned it to produce better brick building materials to meet its The excess use of the no-fines concrete can be expressed
building needs. However, an unstable combustion system that by lower density than normal concrete and other advantages

in terms of lower costs because the cement content is lower properties to determine specific gravity, sieve analysis,
than normal concrete. Besides, the thermal conductivity is absorption, moisture content, and fineness modulus. This is
lower and relatively lower in the loss of drying, and the done so that they can be analyzed carefully.
capillary movement of water tends to be absent and does not
include separation. No-fines concrete has large holes, and B. Research Method
because of the large voids, insulation characteristics will be Based on Fig. 3, the process begins with the determination
better than conventional concrete, but no-fines concrete is of the material to be used. After the material is determined,
unsuitable for reinforced concrete. the next step is to determine the Variation of Clinker Brick
Besides structural applications, lightweight concrete can value. If the Value of Variation> = 0, it is categorized as a
also be used, which has a strength equivalent to normal clinker; if Variation <0, it is categorized as Gravel. Both
concrete. Among the benefits of using lightweight aggregate Clinker Brick and Gravel will be calculated for the values of
concrete is reducing the weight of dead loads to save the Weight of Solid, Water Content, Specific Gravity, Concrete
foundation cost and its reinforcement, which can improve Mix Design, and Compressive Strength. The next step is
thermal properties and increase fire resistance. In terms of comparing the results obtained for the Gravel and Clinker
transportation and handling precast units at the site, it reduces Brick. The Research Method can be seen in Figure 3.
the use of formwork and supports it. The elastic modulus of
lightweight concrete is lower than normal strength concrete of
the same weight, but considering slab or beam deflection, this
is offset by weight loss alone.

Fig. 2 The brick clinker

The material used in this study is no-fines concrete

consisting of portland cement, gravel substituted with clinker
bricks, and water. Concrete does not use fine aggregate
because concrete without fines will be made as lightweight
concrete. Clinker brick mixture Variations are 0%, 25%, 50%;
and 100%. Specimens with a variation of 0% are specimens
that no clinker bricks used as reference testing, as well as
variations of 100%, which means coarse aggregates used are
clinker bricks entirely as a comparison reference in testing.
The grain size used is through a sieve 19.0 mm and does not
pass through the sieve 4.75 mm.
The reference for compressive strength to be compared
with the test results is the compressive strength fc'< 20 Mpa. Fig. 3 Research Method
The test object and size are a 15 cm diameter cylinder with a
height of 30 cm. The clinker bricks used are bluish-black, as C. Physical Properties of The Material
in Figure 2. To make no-fines concrete, in the sense of Physical properties are behavior or material properties that
removing fine aggregate by combining a coarse aggregate lead to structural material, not caused by external influences
bound using hydraulic cement and water, will reduce the such as loading [24]. The material's physical properties
structural weight so that it can be called lightweight concrete include the weight of solid volume, and the ratio of the weight
[22]. of the aggregate in the solid-state to the volume of liters,
For paving applications, generally, no-fines concrete is which can be formulated as eq. (1) as follow:
used. In addition, nonstructural applications can also be
considered for acoustic panels, thermal and permeability, or (1)
other nonstructural features [23]. This study tested coarse where the weight of solid volume is ɣ, the weight of aggregate
aggregate and clinker stones for their physical properties. is Ws and the volume of the container is V.
Clinker and aggregate bricks are examined for their physical

The next physical characteristic is water content, namely Where f‘as strength of the compressive of the concrete
the ratio between the air's weight in the dry state expressed in cylinder (kg/cm2); Q as Maximum crushing load of
percent. The water content is calculated using eq. (2) as compressive (kg); A as the sample cross-section area (cm2)
follows: Furthermore, the compressive stress will be calculated
using the following equation based on the load value
100% (2)
conversion and the test object's age factor coefficient. (7):
where the weight of the initial specimen is W0, and the weight %′
of oven-dry aggregate is W1 '*+,
The material under water-saturated surface conditions of Where f’ as the compressive strength (MPa); Qcl as a load of
specific gravity can be interpreted as the ratio between the conversion (N); A as cross-sectional area (mm) and Fa as a
weights of the saturated material with the total volume of factor of age at the testing time.
material [25]. In contrast, the material's specific gravity under
oven-dry conditions is the ratio between the weights of dry III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
material due to drying with the oven and the total material The material's physical properties are indicators of this
volume [26]. Water absorption is the ability of a material to material in stating whether it is strong, resilient, and others.
absorb water. After the data is obtained, the results are Each material has specific physical properties; the better the
acquired by calculation [27]. material, the more commercial value it has [29]. To find out
The specific gravity for saturated surface conditions is the material's physical properties can be done by testing where
calculated by eq. (3), while in oven-dry conditions, you want to know the material properties that are not caused
calculation of the specific gravity can be used by eq. (4). For by loading [30]. In this study, the surface's physical properties
absorption, use eq. (5) as follow: are saturation, specific gravity under oven-dry conditions, and
( ) (3) water absorption.
( )
The weight of the solid volume of gravel as coarse
( ) (4) aggregate is checked from the weight of the container and its
( )
own weight so that the weight of the solid volume is obtained.
"#$ 100% (5) The test results of the physical properties of the material on
average for the weight of the solid volume gravel as coarse
where the saturated surface conditions of the specific gravity
aggregate are 1.632 kg/liter; the complete results are as shown
are Sg(ssd). The dry oven conditions of the specific gravity are
in Table I
Sg(od). The weight of saturated surface condition is W(ssd); the
weight in the oven-dry conditions is W(od). The weight in water TABLE I
of the dry saturated is W(ssdiw). The specific gravity water at 1 THE WEIGHT OF SOLID VOLUME GRAVEL
gram/cm³ at 4° C the parameter of specific gravity is γd. Weight weight
S Container + of solid
Container Gravel Volume
D. Concrete Mix Design Gravel volume
I 4.13 9.0 4.87 3.03 1.606
Furthermore, the mixture design was prepared for 36 II 4.13 9.12 4.99 3.03 1.648
samples by sample specimen variations of 0%, 25%, 50%, and III 4.13 9.1 4.97 3.03 1.642
100%. All samples will be taken randomly for testing at 7 The average weight of solid volume (kg/liter) 1.632
days, 14 days, 28 days. The samples that have been made will
open the concrete mold after 24 hours, and then curing will be To test the physical properties of clinker brick as coarse
carried out by immersing the sample in a water bath according aggregate material to the weight of the average solid volume
to its age design, where the compressive strength test is is 1.189 kg/liter, the complete results are shown in Table II.
carried out. The compressive strength of concrete testing will TABLE II
show the trend of increasing strength of compressive every THE WEIGHT OF SOLID VOLUME CLINKER BRICK
age of concrete. The representation of concrete compressive Weight
strength will differ in each mixture variation and different S
of solid
concrete ages [28]. Samples that have been soaked in water Container + Clinker Volume
Brick volume
appropriate to the aged design are then dried and weighed. I 4.13 7.7 3.58 3.03 1.181
The design of strength of compressive concrete fc'<20 Mpa is II 4.13 7.7 3.57 3.03 1.18
a reference for sample testing the compressive strength of III 4.13 7.78 3.65 3.03 1.206
concrete. The average of weight of solid volume (kg/liter) 1.189

E. Concrete Compressive Strength Test The average of weight of solid volume of gravel and clinker
The test placed the sample vertically on the test machine, bricks as coarse aggregate in Table I and Table II shows that
and the test machine was run until the sample failed at the average volume weight of gravel material is more
constant pressure and the load button (dial) showed a crack. decadent than clinker brick material, and it can mean that the
Based on this data, the compressive strength is calculated use of clinker bricks for coarse aggregate will make the
using eq. (6): lightweight concrete [31].
& The aggregate saturated surface is a condition where dry
%′ '
(6) surface particles do not occur, so the cavity between the
particles becomes water saturated. In this condition, the

aggregate will not affect the free water content, the specific gravel with a difference of 0.438 gram/cm3. In comparison,
gravity of a saturated dry surface the ratio of the mass of the the Specific Gravity in Dry Oven Conditions of clinker bricks
aggregate to the mass of the same volume of water while the are also smaller than gravel with a difference of 0.478
absorption water content of the water content at the dry gram/cm3. In water absorption, clinker stones absorb more
saturated surface conditions differs from the dry conditions in water than gravel with a difference of 2.429%, which means
the oven [32]. that clinker bricks need more water. In accordance with
On testing physical properties, the material obtained previous studies that the compressive strength is affected the
Gravel in surface saturation; the average specific gravity was specific gravity at which the more significant the density of
2.516 grams/cm3. In conditions, dry oven Specific gravity was the aggregate, the greater the density will greater the
2.449 gram/cm3 and water absorption 2.747%, as shown in compressive strength and specific gravity concrete will large
Table III. [35], and the water absorption rate of clinker bricks is higher
than broken stone, water absorption is higher than clinker
PROPERTIES OF PHYSICAL GRAVEL bricks excluding crushed earth bricks [36].
Sgido From the test results of the material's physical properties,
S Do Dss Dssiw Sgw Sgiss Wa the composition of the concrete mixture was compiled, which
0.996 2.53 2.14 will be used to manufacture test specimens where the material
I 979.0 1,000 607 2 5 2.482 5 consists of Portland cement, Gravel or coarse aggregate
0.996 2.54 2.09 clinker brick, and water. The proportion of materials in the
II 979.5 1,000 609 2 8 2.496 3 concrete mixes’ composition is as shown in Table V.
0.966 2.46 4.00
III 961.5 1,000 608 2 5 2.370 4 TABLE V
2.51 2.74
Average 2.449 Variations
6 7 Material Total
0% 25% 50% 100%
Where is S as a sample; Do is the weight of the dry oven; 15.44 15.44 15.44 15.44 61.79
Dss is the weight of the dry surface saturated; Dssiw is the dry Portland Cement 8 8 8 8 2
saturated surface of weight in water; Sgw as water of specific Gravel 65.28 48.96 32.64 0 8
gravity at 4°C = 1 gram/cm³; Sgiss is a specific gravity in Clinker brick 0 11.89 23.78 47.56 83.23
surface saturation; Sgidoc as a dry oven of specific gravity 27.98
and Wa is the percentage of water absorption. Water 6.997 6.997 6.997 6.997 8
The use of Spent Industrial Soil produced in the aromatic
production process in the manufacture of clay bricks is mixed Based on Table V, the proportion of material in a concrete
with clay and burned in an electric furnace at 950 °C for 8 mixture is analyzed based on the mixture's variation, namely
hours to make brick samples. The use of Spent Industrial Soil 0% variation, 25% variation, 50% variation, and 100%
in clay brick construction is an effective way to manufacture variation. From this, it can be determined that the amount of
lightweight, porous bricks that meet the required standards of material used is measured proportionally in material weight
structural and environmental concerns [33]. for each mixture variation. Determination of the proportion of
The soil samples studied were known that their physical this material is essential to make the test object so that as
properties were examined against moisture content and grain planned.
size analysis of sand, silt, and clay proportions, respectively. The composition variation 1 with 0% clinker bricks means
Atterberg limit values are required to be known including the that the concrete does not use clinker bricks but uses gravel as
ratio of plastic limit, liquid limit, plasticity index and specific rough aggregate; the composition is 15.484 kg Portland
gravity range between [34]. cement, 65.28 kg gravel, and water of 6.997 kg. In the
In surface saturation conditions, a specific gravity of variation 2 were 25% clinker, 15.448 Portland cement
clinker was based on an average physical properties test of compositions, 48.96 kg gravel, 11.89 kg clinker, and 6.997 kg
2.078 gram/cm3. The average dry oven of specific gravity was water. For variations of 3 when 50% clinker bricks, the
1.971 gram/cm3, with a rate of absorption of 5.476%, as composition is 15.448 kg of Portland cement, 32.64 kg of
shown in Table IV. Gravel, 23.78 kg of clinker bricks, and water 6.997 kg. For
clinker bricks, 100% Variation 4, which means not using
PROPERTIES OF PHYSICAL CLINKER Gravel, the mixture consists of Portland cement 15.444 kg,
clinker 47.56 kg, and 6.997 kg water. Variation 4 is used as a
S Do Dss Dssiw Sgw Sgiss Wa reference in comparing its utilization.
0.996 2.09 The effect of recycled bricks' moisture conditions and
I 953.3 1,000 524 2 3 1.995 4.899 aggregate content on parameters of dynamic yield stress,
0.996 2.09
plastic viscosity, and static yield stress, was investigated in
II 945.5 1,000 525.5 2 9 1.985 5.764
0.966 2.04 detail after mixing. Recycled aggregate concrete has a greater
III 945.5 1,000 527 2 3 1.931 5.764 effect on the time variable on the characteristics of rheological
2.07 properties when compared to normal concrete [37].
Average 1.971 5.476
A volume weight check is performed to determine the
weight of the aggregate content in the mixture, which is
The test results illustrate that the Specific Gravity in defined between the weight of the dry matter and its volume.
Surface Saturation of clinker bricks is smaller than that of

Aggregate as a concrete filler in the mixture must be made The result compressive strength of testing as shown in
possible and good aggregates that cannot be chemically Figure 4, is concrete gravel coarse aggregate variation 1 mix
treated with no cement [38]. In calculating concrete mixtures 0%, the largest concrete compressive strength in the 7-day test
to regulate the solid volume of the selected parts, it is was 17.94 MPa, and the lowest in the 28-day test was 15.01
necessary to know the volume of space occupied by aggregate MPa, meaning that the plan of compressive strength 20 Mpa
particles, regardless of the presence or absence of the particle has not been reached. The mix variation 2 for 25% clinker,
inside [39]. there concrete compressive strength was increased at 7 days
The volume weight of aggregates is the aggregate weight by 19.22 MPa and 28 days by 16.59 MPa while at 14 days
ratio to the volume of aggregate. Containers are weighed, there was a decrease in strength. In variation 2, although the
inserting the aggregate carefully so as not to separate the concrete compressive strength increased at 7 days and 28
grains from the maximum height of 5 cm above the container days, it had not yet reached the concrete compressive strength
until it meets the container. The average volume weight of design. Increased concrete compressive strength in the test in
normal aggregate concrete 1.539 kg/liter. Clinker bricks of accordance with the day of testing has not been able to achieve
concrete have an average volume weight of 1.049 kg/liter. the expected compressive strength, an increase in
This is consistent with previous studies on no fines concrete; compressive strength of the concrete occurred in the second
the aggregate weight in a solid condition compared to the week and decreased in the third week, and the following week
aggregate volume in the container is the aggregate volume became stable [44].
weight [40]. For a mixture of variation 3 with 50% clinker, there was a
The aggregate material is compacted by dropping the stick very significant decrease for all concrete ages, at 7 days 13.99
from 5 cm height 25 times; the aggregate consisting of three MPa at 14 days 11.71 MPa and at 28 days it was 10.27 MPa.
layers is placed into a container. Each layer is compressed Variation 4 clinker bricks 100% means that no gravel is used,
with the same amount [41]. The results illustrate the volume at all the ages of concrete compressive strength of results
weight of dense normal concrete with gravel volume weight increases. At 7 days of the ages, the strength of concrete is
obtained 1.632 kg/liter on average. For volume weight of 14.99 Mpa, age of 14 days, the concrete strength is 15.91
clinker bricks concrete averages 1.189 kg/liter. This illustrates MPa, and at the age of 28 days, concrete's strength is 11.81
that the weight of normal concrete volume is greater than the MPa. Although there are improvements, it has not yet reached
volume weight using clinker bricks. This is in line with the 20 Mpa design. According to the American Concrete
previous research on recycled brick masonry concrete Institute (ACI), concrete is defined as concrete having a
aggregate, where the results obtained are that the weight of compressive strength of at least 17 MPa at the age of 28 days
the concrete with normal aggregate will be greater than the [45], the strength of compressive concrete for 28 days is 11.81
weight of the concrete clinker brick aggregate [42]. MPa, indicating that clinker brick waste cannot be used for
Concrete compressive strength in recycled concrete structural concrete, but its strength can be used for
inspection must pay attention to normal concrete volume so nonstructural concrete.
that the yield of the concrete's compressive strength will be in The use of nonstructural concrete with a modulus of
line with the prevailing conditions and the amount of concrete elasticity of concrete for lightweight concrete and normal-
compressive strength matches the compressive strength of weight concrete is suitable [46]. The compressive strength of
normal concrete [43]. To get tangible results, it is necessary concrete generally decreased, and the smallest decline
to have a mixture variation, in this case, is a variation of 0%, magnitude occurred at 25% variation. In line with previous
which means that this mixture does not use clinker bricks, studies, the strength of compressive concrete without clinker
25% variation, which has a mixed meaning given 25% clinker bricks is smaller than the compressive strength of gravel
bricks, mixed with 50% variation means the mixture uses 50% concrete, but the use of clinker bricks is possible to produce
clinker bricks and 100% variation which means the mixture is lightweight concrete that is environmentally friendly by
mixed with 100% clinker bricks. incorporating high volume lightweight aggregate waste as no-
The next step is to analyze the compressive strength based fines concrete.
on variations of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%, according to The results of this study discuss clinker bricks that can be
variations in the age of concrete 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days used in construction and structural concrete, which can be
as shown in Figure 4. provided for related research and used in the use of recycled
materials from waste. Recycled aggregate is one of the most
20 19.22 popular methods used to improve road sustainability, whether
Compressive Strength (MPa)

16.78 16.59 from concrete or asphalt pavement materials. When

15 13.99 14.99 evaluating the life cycle, it is possible to examine the possible
15.01 14.85 social, environmental, and economic impacts and potential
trade-offs that arise in the life cycle [47].

0% 25% 50% 100%
No-fines concrete that substitutes gravel by clinker brick
Varians of Clinker Brick (%)
has concrete compressive strength, which tends to decrease
compared to concrete that uses gravel. This happens from the
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
effect of clinker bricks that absorb more water than gravel,
Fig. 4 Compressive strength concrete
and this illustrates that clinker bricks need more water.

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