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In today's time, the advance of digital technology has been

so rapid that out of 66 percent of the population, they are using

the internet. We can't deny that the advancement of technology

today is very useful in our daily lives; old, young, and adults are

using the internet. The advancement of digital technology did

not help us to be entertained, to shop, to gain profits, to sell, and

to share information with one another, but it also transformed

the educational system of the youth. Through the advancement

of digital technology, the availability and access to get

information can now be had with just the use of their fingertips.

The core of how individuals organize their lives,

communicate, and consume information is digital technology.

These changes undoubtedly affect how learning occurs, how

knowledge is produced, and how people anticipate being taught.

However, the administration and functioning of contemporary

institutions depend heavily on digital networks and technologies.

For educational institutions such as schools and universities, this

has clear consequences. Anyone engaged in contemporary

education must therefore be aware of the complex relationships

that have emerged between technology and education (Neil

Selwyn, 2022).

One of the global concerns in today's age of digital

technologies is that the youth have more access to networks.

Youth are increasingly immersed in digital technology that

affects their behavior, and one of them is seen addiction that

leads to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. With regards to

education, it affects their cognitive development, physical health,

and social skills. These changes are contributing to a generation

of youth who are more digitally connected but less socially and

emotionally engaged with their immediate communities, thus

raising concerns about the long-term effects on interpersonal

skills and overall well-being.

Although technology is developing at a rapid pace, many

regions and nations still lack access to it, both locally and

nationally. In order to keep their student from falling behind,

local schools are still finding it difficult to keep up with the quick

speed of the digital transition and are attempting to integrate

technology into their lessons. Still, many young people would

rather communicate online than in person, which can lead to

social anxiety issues, attention span problems, and an increase

in academic cheating.

From my own personal experience, I have witnessed

firsthand the behavioral shift in the youth, even myself, since the

time I got my first smart phone, where I can now have access to

educational resources, research materials, and learning

platforms and it really did help my studies and academic

performances. However, over time, as I began spending more

time on social media platforms, that led me to a decrease my

social interactions and made me easily frustrated or anxious

when disconnected from the devices and noticed a gradual shift

in my behavior and priorities.

Though it is still unexplored, many young people today

may be going through the transition from a technology-enhanced

academic experience to a more anxiety-driven, socially isolated

pattern. Developing interventions that support young people in

navigating these changes in healthy ways requires an

understanding of how digital devices affect not only academic

achievement but also mental health, social skills, and coping

mechanisms. This study can contribute to a greater

understanding of how digital technology influences youth

behavior, both positively and negatively. The development of

methods to promote good digital behaviors, preserve in-person

social ties, and handle the emotional difficulties of growing up in

a hyper-connected environment is the pressing goal of this

Purpose of the Study

(Sample only) Please do some research: The

purpose of this _______________________ (phenomenological,

grounded theory, ethnographic, biographical, case) study

is (was? Will be? To ________________________ (understand?

Describe? Develop? Discover?)

the________________________________ (central focus for the

study) for_____________________ (the unit of analysis: a

person? Processes? Group? Site?). At this stage in the

research, __________________ (central focus beingStudied)

will be generally defined as _________________________

(provide a general definition of the central concept).

The increasing and undeniable influence of digital

technology on modern education, particularly for young people

who have grown up in a hyper-connected society, is the basis of

this qualitative study. The evolution of technology in education,

students’ growing reliance on digital tools, and the possible

effects—both positive and negative—that this technological shift

may have on their learning experiences, academic performance,

and general development are some of the main reasons that

support this research.

Research Questions

Please align your questions to your purpose of the study:

 What types of digital tools do tech-savvy young people

utilize to learn in an engaging and dynamic way?

 What methods do tech-savvy young people employ to

properly control their technology use and stay away from

online distractions?

 What is the academic performance of tech-savvy young

people who use digital tools in comparison to their

classmates who use traditional methods?

Significance of the Study

 One or two paragraphs that presents the beneficiaries

of the study from macro to micro level (Example for

Education: From DepEd Officials, school heads,

teachers, students, parents (if applicable), community

residents(if applicable), and future researchers.

This study aims to understand the behavior of the youth

towards the use of digital technology in today's age and to

understand more about how technology influences learning and

academic performance. Understanding Youth Behavior: This

study gives insights into how digital technology shapes the

behavior and experience of young people, understanding the

complexities of their tech-driven world. Academic Performance

Insights: Compare the academic performance of tech-savvy

youth using digital resources with those relying on traditional

methods. In this, it may support the integration of digital tools in

classrooms, promoting a more blended learning environment.

(Transitional Devices) Parents, Guardians, and Educators:

This study will give insights to the parents, guardians, and

teachers to help them understand the landscape of the digital

technology their children and students navigate. In this, it can

help them to stay ahead of the curve in adapting to changes in

learning environments. Future Research: This qualitative

research lays a foundation for future studies on Behavioral

Adaptation in the Age of Digital Technology. By highlighting key

themes and issues related to learning and academic


Scope and Limitation of the Study

 Introduce the subjects/ participants of the study, the

organizations/companies they belong and the place

where the study is to be conducted. How the data are to

be gathered (Number of IDI and FGD).

 State the limitations of the study

 Finally, state the generalizability of the study

The scope of this study will focus solely on the tech-savvy

youth, specifically those aged 13–24 who are active in using the

digital resources. It will also explore the digital tools, such as

online platforms and educational apps, that are actively used by

the tech-savvy youth for their learning preference and compare

them to the traditional educational methods, such as textbooks

and in-person instruction, to assess differences in academic

outcomes. The delimitation of this study does not include those

who are not considered tech-savvy youth or who lack access to

digital resources, and this study will not compare the digital tools

but focus on the impact of using different digital resources

preferred by the learner and their learning outcome.

Definition of Terms

Define not-too-familiar terms used in the study including

the key terms in the title.

In the context of this study, the following terms were

defined operationally and theoretically:

Digital resources. These include a variety of online and

offline materials that libraries use to support teaching, learning,

and research.

Digital tools. These refers to a wide variety of

applications, website and learning platforms that facilitate

learning by connecting students and teacher.

Hyper-Connected. These refers to a widespread or

habitual use of devices that have internet connectivity.

Tech-savvy youth. These refers to those actively using

digital technology, knowing a lot about modern technology,

especially computers, specifically those aged 13–24.


Please do some research: Visit library



  Extensive literature on the different topics related to

the study.

  To ensure continuity of the ideas presented, use the

needed transitional devices.

  It is recommended that references or sources be

cited after the sentence or paragraph.

  Use the 5 domains of RRL in order to have depth and

breadth of the study.

The rapid expansion of digital connectivity has provided

youth with wide-ranging access to digital platforms for

communication, entertainment, and education. (M. Claire

Buchan, 2024) The impact which technology has on mental

health is not a new issue. It has been there since long. Only

difference it was not a major concern until recently. Previously, it

was on topics such as excess television viewing and spending

more time talking on phone. The concerns during that time were
decreasing school/college grades, change in food habits,

decreased socialization, obesity, difficulty in controlling the time

spent, etc. Now, the problems have only increased and become

more noticeable, which can be attributed directly or indirectly to

the advances in the technology. (Pasam, Ravi Shankar, 2019)

This research presents literature findings to understand the

effectiveness of using technology in learning, identify key

challenges, and explore emerging opportunities. The results

show that technology adaptation in learning is a critical focus in

improving the quality of education in the digital era. Aspects

such as student learning outcomes, teaching quality, and student

engagement levels are key assessments of technology's

effectiveness in education. Numerous studies have shown that

the integration of technology can improve the quality of learning

and student motivation, provide wider access to educational

resources, and enable personalized learning. However,

challenges such as access gaps, low digital literacy, and policy

barriers are obstacles in the implementation of learning

technology. Emerging opportunities include increased teacher

creativity, differentiated learning, global collaboration, increased

student engagement, and deep learning analytics. This research

makes a positive contribution to global educational thinking and

practice by providing an in-depth understanding of the role of

technology in addressing global challenges. In conclusion, good

coordination between innovative learning design, comprehensive

teacher training, and strong infrastructure support is required to

create an optimal learning environment in the digital age.




Research Design

 What type of qualitative research you are adopting?

(Phenomenology, ethnography,etc.).

 Why you are going to use that type of qualitative

research design?

 This presentation is followed by a thick/ long/

extensive RRL on this type of qualitative research

design (4 t0 5 pages).

Locale and Period of the Study

The locale of the study will be in the community of Aplaya,

Digos City where there are Tech-Savvy youth. The period of this

study will begin from the month of November until December of

the year 2024.

Research Participant and Instruments

 What are your criteria in the selection of participants?

Cite reference/sources as bases for selection.

 How many IDIs, Number of participants in FGD? Cite

reference that you are within the recommended

number by experts.

 How did you select the participants (IDI, FGD)? Cite


 (How many times will you verify the participants’

responses to reach data saturation? Cite references).

The instruments for this research are an interview guide

and an audio/video recorder or a camera. The participants of this

study are the ten (10) Tech-Savvy youth from Aplaya, Digos City.

Data Collection Procedures

  What is the process you followed in data gathering

(Before interview, during interview, and after

interview)? Cite references.

 Before conducting the interview, Give justifications

with support of the following:

a) The need to observe ethical issues,

b) Conduct of the preliminary meeting with

participants to establish rapport and trust.

 Importance of triangulation of data and how should it

be done.

 Ensuring accuracy and confidentiality. Cite reference.

 Things to be done to ensure validity and reliability

(Removing bias or misconception). Cite sources.

 Justify the number of participants in the IDI and FGD.

Cite support.

The following are the steps perform in acquiring the data

need for the research:

1. Find the ten (10) Tech-Savvy youth participants to be

interview by the researcher.

2. As permission or consent to the participants that this

interview will be audio and video recorded for analysis and

transcription purposes.
3. After the interview of each participants, the researches will

take documentation and collect all data that was gather using

the audio and video recordings.

Data Analysis

 Analysis of data in a research study involves

summarizing the mass of data collected and

presenting the results in a way that communicates the

most important features (Hancock et al, 2007).

 Make justifications why Data are to be analyzed using

a method which include data reduction, data display,

conclusion drawing and verification (Zhang and

Wildemuth, 2007). Expound further each method. Cite


 Process in the derivation of the Conceptual


Role of the Researcher

 Why did you choose this topic? What is the relation

of this study with your profession or role in the

community? Why is this research meaningful to you?

 Aside from the main researcher, who will be involved

in the conduct of the study (IDI, FGD, etc.)

The researcher will act as an active role as both data

collector and interpreter, leading the way of study in order to

fulfill the purpose of the study. The researcher engages with

Tech-Savvy youth participants to collect data thoroughly through

interviews, observations, and using audio or video recordings.

The researcher will be responsible in presenting a clear and

relevant study.

Trustworthiness of the Study

 Explain the importance of trustworthiness in the

research and the how it should be established.

 Discuss the components of trustworthiness, namely:

credibility, confirmability, transferability and

dependability. Cite references.

To ensure the credibility of this study the research will make sure

and check with the participants to review the footage or the

audio the researcher use on their interview to confirm that the

views were accurately represented. Confirmability, it is important

that the collected responses are accurate and precise based on

participant’s answers and not on the researchers’ point of view.

Finally, the research will ensure that this study will have

sufficient proof the data applies to other participants.

Ethical Considerations

 How to ensure that the study was guided by ethical

principles as described by (Mack et al, 2005), namely:

respect for persons, beneficence, justice, consent and


 Describe each with references/ support.

The research permission or consent to the participants that this

interview will be audio and video recorded for analysis and

transcription purposes. The researcher will acknowledge and

honor the participants for play the part for the study and the

researcher will give honest report truthfully and without biases or

conflict of interest.
Selwyn, N. (2021). Education and technology: Key issues and
debates. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Buchan, M. C., Bhawra, J., & Katapally, T. R. (2024). Navigating

the digital world: development of an evidence-based digital
literacy program and assessment tool for youth. Smart
Learning Environments, 11(1), 8.

Pasam, R. S. (2019). Advances in digital technology: Effect on

child and adolescent behavior. Archives of Mental Health,
20(2), 37-40.


Scientia, 12(04), 2026-2031.

Lovallo, D., & Sibony, O. (2010). The case for behavioral strategy.
McKinsey Quarterly, 2(1), 30-43.

Singer-Califano, A. (2008). The Use of Technology in Enhancing

Social Skills. Journal on Educational Psychology, 1(4), 1-8.

Timotheou, S., Miliou, O., Dimitriadis, Y., Sobrino, S. V.,

Giannoutsou, N., Cachia, R., Monés, A. M., & Ioannou, A.
(2023). Impacts of digital technologies on education and
factors influencing schools' digital capacity and
transformation: A literature review. Education and
information technologies, 28(6), 6695–6726.

Laura Ascione. (2023). What is one negative effect technology

has had on education?

T. Piliouras et al., (2004). "A deeper understanding of technology

is needed for workforce readiness — Playing games,
texting, and tweets aren't enough to make students Tech-
Savvy," Proceedings of the 2014 Zone 1 Conference of the
American Society for Engineering Education, Bridgeport,
CT, USA, 2014, pp. 1-8, doi:
10.1109/ASEEZone1.2014.6820656. keywords:
;Computers in K-12 education;technology skills and
proficiency;college and workforce readiness},
Murniarti, E., Simbolon, B. R., Purwoko, R. Y., Fatmawati, E., &
Hariyanto, H. (2023). Empowering Tech-Savvy Youth
Education in Society 5.0: Transforming Learning for the
Digital Future. ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures
Studies, 6(3), 303-316.

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