Chapter One OHS Lect F.Y (3)
Chapter One OHS Lect F.Y (3)
Chapter One OHS Lect F.Y (3)
Unit One
Preparing for work
Lecturer : Mr F.Y
December 2,2024
Job Requirements
Definition of a Job
A piece of work done as part of one's occupation or for a specific price
A full-time or part-time employment position
Duties and responsibilities that an individual is expected to fulfill
An event, matter, or situation that requires attention
The project or assignment being worked on
The process or details of working
The execution or performance of a task
• Work Ethic
Vital for success in any job
Shapes an individual's identity as a worker and their role in production
An essential aspect of being an economic being
Basic Requirements for a Job
• Same regardless of job nature, location, or professional/educational
qualifications Must cultivate a strong work ethic Include:
① Good communication skills
② Time management skills
③ Ability to work well with others
④ Adaptability and flexibility
⑤ Problem-solving and critical thinking skills
⑥ Attention to detail
⑦ Willingness to learn and take on new challenges
Job Qualifications
• Qualifications are tangible indicators of a candidate's capability to
perform specific job functions.
• They are typically represented through degrees and certificates.
• Qualifications fulfill the material and tactile requirements for
• Qualifications are often viewed as essential credentials required for
job applications.
• Degrees and certificates validate skills and knowledge in a
professional context.
• Continuous learning and self-education play a crucial role in
professional development.