All coc level II 33
All coc level II 33
All coc level II 33
Given suppose Ato Getachew is an employee of CBE /x- company/ and his/ monthly
/salary income is birr 10,000 for the month of December 2010 and for each New Year
(January 1, 2011 ) his salary increases or growth by 10%. The budgeted variable
expenditure is 30% of salary and the remaining covers fixed expenditure and saving
plan. His personal saving plan is 5% of fixed expenditure. At the end of December 31,
the actual variable expenditure is 80% of budgeted variable expenditure, no changes to
fixed expenditure and deficit or surplus is added or deducted from personal saving, for
the month of January, variable expenditure increase or growth by 10%.
Task1.1. demonstrate personal budget for the month of December and January?
December 2010
Salary Income = 10,000
Variable Expenditure (VE) = 30% of Salary income
Fixed Expenditure (FE) + Personal Saving (PS) = Remaining amount (70%)
Personal Saving (PS) = 5% of FE
Actual Variable Exepnditure (AVE) = 80% of VE
January 2011
Salary Income = Increases By 10%
VE = also Increases by 10%
No Changes to FE
No Deficit or surplus is deducted or added from PS
December 2010
VE = 10,000 x 0.3 = 3,000
FE + PS = 10,000 – 3,000 = 7,000
FE + 5% FE = 7,000 = (1 + 0.05) FE = 7,000 = 1.05 FE = 7,000
January 2011
Salary Income = 10,000 + 10,000 x 10% = 11,000
VE = 3,000 + 3,000 x 10% = 3,000 +300 = 3,300
FE & Ps = Constant
Ato Getachew
Personal Budget
December 31, 2010
Items Budgeted
Salary Income 10,000
Fixed Expenditure 6,666.67
Variable Expenditure 3,000
Total Expenditure 9,666.67
Personal Saving 333.33
Ato Getachew
Personal Budget
January 31, 2010
Items Budgeted
Salary Income 11,000
Fixed Expenditure 6,666.67
Variable Expenditure 3,300
Total Expenditure 9,966.67
Personal Saving 1,033.33
Personal Budget
For the Year ended 2012
Controlled spending
Organizational skills
Record keeping skills
Disciplined approach to money
Task1.4. demonstrate obstacle of Ato Alemu to achieve financial goal?
Being unemployment
Insufficient income to afford items
Particularly long term unemployment
Unexpected circumstances such as
Losing a job
Project 8
Ato kidane plan to open a cafe after a year. The total capital needed to open the business birr 100,000. To
achieve the goal Ato kidane deposit 1000 per month starting from January 2015 up to December 31, 2015
to Dashen bank at Hawassa. During this period Ato kidane earn interest income of birr 2008 for deposited
cash at the Dashen bank. After one year (January 2016) Ato kidane give a loan proposal for deficit capital
to Dashen bank at interest rate of 10% paid quarterly at equal installment and management fee 5% of the
loan amount equally distribute.
Task2.1. calculate the deficit capital of Ato kidane, if withdrawal all deposited amount of money?
Task2.2. calculate the total interest expense and service charge at the end of the second year (2016 and
Task2.3. if the government announce budget for the year 2009e.c. birr 200 billion, ERCA plan to generate
internal revenue of 180 billion for the year 2010 E.C. Demonstrate the instrument traded on the short
term market in order to fulfill budget deficiency?
Task 2.1
Ato kidane total saving =1000*12=12,000
Interest income=2,008
Total =14,008
Capital deficient =capital needed-deposit+interest =100,000-14,008=85,992
Task 2.2 installment =85,992/3*4=7,166
Management fee of the total loan=85,992*.05=4,299.60
Management fee for two year=4,299.60/3*2=2.866.40
First year
Interest for quarter1 85,992*.10*3/4=2,149.80
Outstanding amount =85,992-7,166=78,826
Interest for quarter 2=78,826*.10*3/4=1,970.65
Outstanding amount=78,826-7,166=71,660
Interest for quarter 3=71,160*.10*3/4=1,791.50
Outstanding amount =71,660-7,166=64,494
Interest for quarter 4=64,494*.10*3/4=1,612.35
Total direct tax for star = business profit tax + employment income tax
Direct tax for ABC
Sales (450,000/1.15)--------------------------------------------391,304.35
Cost----------------------------------------------------------------- (320,000)
Gross profit--------------------------------------------------71,304.35
Other expenses-------------------------------------------- (40,000)
Income before tax ----------------------------------------31,304.35
Business profit tax (31,304.35*.15)-1,710 ------------2,985.65
Total direct tax for star = business profit tax + employment income tax
Total direct tax for both companies=18,891.74+14,485.65=33,377.39
Task 1.2 Indirect tax for Star
Output VAT= 320,000*.15=48.000
Input VAT =250,000/1.15*.15=32,608.70
VAT liability to paid by star company =output VAT –input VAT=48,000-32,608.70=15,391.30
Indirect tax for ABC Company
Output VAT= 320,000*.15=48.000
Input VAT =450,000/1.15*.15=58,695.65
VAT liability to paid by ABC company =output VAT –input VAT=58,695.65-48,000=10,695.65 birr
Total VAT liability to be paid by star and ABC company =15,391.30+10,695.65=26,086.65
Task 1.3
Project 11
Ato Biniyam net basic salary, house and transportation allowance is 3000, 1500, and 1000
respectively. 60% of his basic salary and transportation allowance is for his variable expenditures.
On the other hand, the sum of 50%of his variable expenditure and 70% of housing allowance is his
fixed expense.
Task2.1. prepare his semiannual personal budget?
Task2.2. determine the percentage of variable Expenditure and saving amount from his total
Task2.3. determine the possible ways to reduce personal budget and personal saving?
Task2.4. list the possible guidelines that are used to open customer account?
Task 1.2:Determine the percentage of variable expenditure, fixed expenditure and saving
amount from total earning.
Variable Cost = 2400/5500*100 = 43.63%
Fixed Cost = 2250/5500*100 = 40.9%
Saving Rate = 850/5500*100 = 15.45%
Ways to reduce expenses may include:
comparing prices for essential items
using cheaper modes of transport
share accommodation
moving back home
monitoring use of utilities such as
Project 12
Ethio engineering corporation has signed road construction agreement with Ethiopian road authority to
renew the contract the main road from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa with contract amount of birr
250,000,000. 80% of the contract amount will be financed from the loan released by commercial bank of
Ethiopian at annual interest rate of 13% to be paid as per the following term of payments.
At the end of the 1styear……………………….10% of the liability
At the end of the 2ndyear……………………….20% of the principal
At the end of the 3rdyear……………………….30% of the principal
At the end of the 4thyyear…………………….20% of the principal
At the end of the 5thyear………………………15% of the principal
Yea Principal % of Payment Interest of Remainin Total
r Payme amount 13% g Payment
nt from
1 200,000,00 10% 20,000,000 26,000,000 180,000,00 46,000,000
0 0
2 200,000,00 20% 40,000,000 23,400,000 140,000,00 63,400,000
0 0
3 200,000,00 30% 60,000,000 18,200,000 80,000,000 78,200,000
4 200,000,00 20% 40,000,000 10,400,000 40,000,000 50,400,000
5 200,000,00 15% 30,000,000 5,200,000 100,000,00 35,200,000
0 0
6 200,000,00 5% 10,000,000 1,300,000 0 11,300,000
200,000,00 84,500,00 284,500,00
0 0 0
Task3.1. calculate amount of loan received from commercial bank of Ethiopian?
Loan amount = 250,000,000 x 80 = 200,000,000
Task3.2. calculate the amount of principal and interest payment for the second year?
Loan repayment = 200,000,000 x 20% = 40,000,000
Interest = Prt = 180,000,000 x 0.13 x 1 = 23,400,000
Total Payment = 40,000,0000 + 23,400,000 = 63,400,000
Task3.3. calculate the outstanding balance at the end of 5 thyear including interest rate?
Project 13
Belgium plc. Paid 3000 on November 2014 for vat liability. The purchase is made before
vat. The company sales is birr 1,541,000 vats inclusive the company also paid 6000 as an
employment income tax for the month. The administrative expenses of place birr 15,000.
Task3.1. calculate direct tax liability of the company as of November?
Task3.2. calculate vat input and output?
A. Amount of Loan
= Capital – Personal saving
= 80,520 – 31,920
= 48,600
= 48,600 x 8.5% x1
= 4,131
Maturity Value of 1st Year
MV = P + I
= 16,200 + 4,131
Interest =PRT=100,000*.13*1=13,000
Interest expense----------13,000
Interest payable--------------------------------13,000
Project 17
Alem company purchased office equipment for birr 115,000 before vat. The company has five
employees to provide services. The employment income tax is birr 12,000 per month. During the
year 2012 the company earned birr 446,500 inclusive vat by providing service business. Profit taxis
birr 30,000.
Task2.1. calculate both direct and indirect tax liability for the year of 2012?
Indirect taxes
Input VAT=150,000*.15=22,500
Output VAT=540,500/1.15*.15=70,500
VAT liability=70,500-22,500=48,000
Project 21
The following data was given for ATO TAMERATE and perform the following data: -
D e s c r i p t i o Estimated income and expenditures for the month of October, Actual income and expenditures for the month of October,
n 2014 2014
Food and 2 0 0 2 1 0
related 0 0
C l o t h i n 9 5 0 7 0 0
S a l a r y ( n e t 4 4 0 4 4 0
) 0 0
H o u s e 1 0 0 1 0 0
r e n t 0 0
P a r t 1 5 0 1 2 0
t i m e 0 0
S c h o o l 6 5 0 6 5 0
f e e s
Utility 5 0 5 0
Task1.1. prepare personal budget report for the month of October, 2014?
Task1.2. prepare budget performance report for the month of October, 2014?
Task1.3. calculate percentage of estimated and actual saving?
Task1.4. by his annual saving ato tamerat is proposed to start new business. How do you advice and
contact feasibility study to the business?
Project 22
Brother PLC has opened and maintained current account and checking account on nib international bank
s.c. the PLC has borrowed a loan amount of birr 200,000 paid lump sum after one years at interest rate of
12% per annual.
Task1.1. calculate total amount of cash collected by NIB from brother plc. after one years?
Task1.2. Brother PLC wants to change his business and wants to cloth his account with your bank. As a
bank clerk what do you perform to cloth current account?
Task1.3. Writes the intermediately role of bank?
Tash1.4. what is the advantage of credit?
Project 23
dawit the owner of dawit general trading engaged in the sales of spare parts of bajage vehicle with
two employees. The business is not litigable registered of vat. Therefore, it is eligible to register to
pay turn over tax during the month, the business has sold the spare parts for birr 35,000. The
following data related to his employee’s earnings for the month.
Name of Basic Over time Taxable
employees salary earnings allowance
Bethlehemabe 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0
be 0
Yodit 5 0 0 1 0
ayele 0
Task3.1. calculate direct tax liability of the business for the month?
Task3.2. calculate Indirect tax liability of the business for the month
Project 24
yosef company books of accounts show the following balances as of august 30, 1998
1. Net salary increase by 15% on the month January 2016
2. All expenditures increase by on January 5%, February by 10% and march 15%
3. Par time of each month January 200, February 300, march 100
Task1.1. prepare personal budget for the month of January, February and march?
Task1.1. calculate percentage of saving for each month?
Project 26
Task 2.2 and 2.3 compute the amount of actual income and expenditure on March 32, 2015
Actual income and expenditures Estimated income and
March 31,2015 expenditures March 31,2015
Income 0.9*2100=1890 Birr 2100
Clothing 1*700=700 Birr 700
Task 1.2 determine the amount of indirect tax liability for this month
Output VAT= 115000-(115000/1.15=BIRR 15,000.00
INPUT vat= 86250.00
Task 1.3 explain direct tax and indirect taxes
Direct taxes- a tax collected directly from the tax payers
EXAMPLE - personal income
-business profit tax
-Tax on rental building
Task 2.3
Amount of Initial Deposit
Valid and Renewed License
Account holders signature
Contact Address detail
TIN Certificate
Valid and Renewed ID Card of Authorized Person
Memorandum and Articles of Association