Archbishops of Alexandria
These men shone as two great lights of the great city of
Alexandria in Egypt. They strove mightily to uphold the
orthodox doctrine of Christ, with standing the heresies of their
day so that the truth might be preserved for the ages to come.
Though these two men were vilified by many in their
generation, the Church has ever glorified them as great
defenders of the Faith, standards of orthodox teaching, and
true Fathers of the Church. Though separated by years in this
life (for they ruled Alexandria in different centuries), yet they
are united in the same love for Christ and share the same
reward as faithful stewards of the truth.
St. Athanasius of Alexandria
Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 297. He was ordained deacon in the year 319. His
brilliance was shown in his sermons Against the Arians, written to answer the widely spreading
heresy of Arianism which had been condemned in 318 by a local synod. According to Arius, an
elderly priest of Alexandria, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were three separate essences
or substances, which is contrary to orthodox teaching. The spread of Arianism prompted
Emperor Constantine to convene the First Ecumenical Council in Nicasea in the year 325. It was
as a deacon that Athanasius accompanied Patriarch Alexander to the First Council at Nicaea. At
the Council, Athanasius brilliantly opposed the false teaching of Arius. Unfortunately, the
controversy would last for another two centuries.
After the death of Patriarch Alexander, Athanasius was unanimously chosen as his successor and
was consecrated at the age of twenty-eight, and installed as the Archbishop of Alexandria.
Athanasius guided the Church of Alexandria for forty-seven years, and during this time he
endured persecution and grief from his antagonists. Several times he was expelled from
Alexandria and hid himself from the Arians in desolate places, since they repeatedly tried to kill
him. Athanasius spent more than twenty years in exile, returned to his flock, and then was
banished again.
There was a time when Athanasius remained as the only orthodox bishop in the area, at a
moment when all the other bishops had fallen into heresy. At a false council of Arian bishops,
Athanasius was deposed as Archbishop. Despite being persecuted for many years, the saint
continued to defend orthodox teaching, writing countless letters and tracts against the Arian
When Julian the Apostate (361-363) began a persecution against Christians, his wrath first fell
upon St. Athanasius, whom he considered a great pillar of orthodoxy. Julian intended to kill the
saint in order to strike Christianity a grievous blow, but he soon perished himself. Mortally
wounded by an arrow during a battle, he cried out with despair: “You have conquered, O
Galilean.” After Julian’s death, St. Athanasius guided the Alexandrian Church for seven more
years and died on May 2, 373, at the age of seventy-six.
Numerous works of St. Athanasius have been preserved: a treatise on the Incarnation of the Word
of God; four orations against the Arian heresy; an epistle to Epictetus, bishop of the Church in
Corinth, on the divine and human natures in Jesus Christ; four epistles to Serapion, Bishop of
Thmuis, about the Holy Spirit and His equality with the Father and the Son, directed against the
heresy of Macedonius.
Other apologetic works of the Saint in defense of the orthodox faith have been preserved, among
which is the letter to Emperor Constantius. St. Athanasius wrote commentaries on Holy
Scripture, books of moral and didactic character, as well as a biography of Saint Anthony the
Great (January 17), with whom Saint Athanasius was very close.