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Standard Operating Procedure

Prepared by Eric Lee, 2008-2009

To familiarize a new or incumbent individual to the duties and responsibilities assigned
to the Section Secretary, a written set of documents will be assembled for reference. The
National Section of AWWA provides a binder titled the ABCs of AWWA for officers
and the particular document for Section Secretary is an excellent source of information
for the Secretary position. The binder provided by National and the Nebraska Section’s
written Standard Operating Procedures for the Secretary position should be viewed as a
source of reference for Section related duties and responsibilities.

Nebraska Section Secretary Duties and Responsibilities

An official list of duties and responsibilities in listed in the National binder. Note the time
requirements for the position and that the job description varies, and should be tailored to meet
the Sections needs accordingly.
1. Attend all Board meetings and record the minutes. If unable to attend, make
arrangements before the meeting, for someone (usually the Treasurer) to record the
2. Provide an attendance sheet for all individuals present to sign. Note any conference call
participants on this sheet.
3. Distribute the previous board meeting minutes for review. The chair will usually make a
motion to accept the minutes if no changes or corrections are noted. If changes are noted,
make the necessary corrections and have a final version posted to website.
4. Prepare the minutes in Word document format then send to Mari Matulka via e-mail for
editing. She will send a version back for your review, if the edits and corrections are
acceptable, have Mari post as draft minutes on the website.
5. Ask committee chairs, director, chair and treasurer for written reports if they have not
already been provided. Use these reports in conjunction with your meeting notes to
prepare the meeting minutes.

Pre-Conference Forms
Pre-conference forms are required to be electronically completed and submitted to National
through their website. They comprise of section awards and annual conference information.
These forms are to be completed six weeks prior to the annual Fall Conference. Print a hard copy
of the completed forms for your files and future reference.

Section Awards
The following awards or pins need to be ordered six weeks prior to the fall conference.
1. Section Chair Award (Same individual)
2. Past-Chair Pin (Same individual)
3. Fuller Award Pin
4. Operators Meritorious Service Award
Awards need to be inscribed, pins do not. Sometimes the secretary orders all awards, however
the Awards Committee chair also can do this. It is beneficial to communicate and work with the
Awards Committee to ensure all the necessary pins and awards are ordered and received, and to
avoid duplication.

Annual Conference Information

1. Describes the dates and location of the annual fall conference to National.
2. Provides detailed information to National and the official representative/dignitary. Details
such as travel arrangements, lodging, attire, speeches, entertainment, spouse, banquet,
luncheon, attendance of the annual board and business meeting are entered and submitted
through these forms. Print a hard copy of the completed forms for your files and future

Post Conference Forms

These forms are to be electronically completed and submitted to National one month after the
fall conference.

Both the future annual conference meeting information, and the Fuller Award winner usually
will not have been decided by the Section, by the time these forms are due. In the past the
Section has not made the one-month deadline to complete these forms for this reason. Once the
information is available on the next annual conference dates/location and who the Fuller Award
recipient is, the information can be supplied to the section services coordinator.

Fuller Award
Most likely the Fuller Award will not have been selected by the time this form is due. Contact
the Fuller Award Committee chair to see if someone has been selected. If a selection has been
made, the information on the individual can be submitted to National. A 40-word citation on why
the person is being honored with this award is required also. Usually it is best to solicit input on
the 40-word citation from the professional and personal friends of the selected individual. Past
Fuller award citations can be used as a template for the current year’s winner. Remember the
award is a secret, so do not solicit the selected individual for any input concerning this citation.

Insurance Forms
Use the previous year’s hard copy forms to use as a guide for submitting this information. Most
information will not change, however if anything does, the new information will need to be
entered in the form as it is being updated/submitted to National.

Miscellaneous Forms
No due date. The bookstore order form can be used to order book store materials.

If there are any questions about how to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Section
secretary not outlined in the National Binder or Section SOPs, contact board members or the
National Section Services Coordinator for assistance.

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